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China's Top Ten Videos

Thanks for nice videos.....

but what do you mean by 'Top Ten'

After years of watching videos on YouTube, in my view, these are the top ten videos regarding China in terms of action, visual quality, overall professionalism, and entertainment value.

Think of them as the top ten interesting videos for collegial armchair generals or keyboard warriors like us.
thx for the videoes, some videoes are new to me.
First two videos are awesome. Massive fire power and good insight into Chinese firepower capability.
After years of watching videos on YouTube, in my view, these are the top ten videos regarding China in terms of action, visual quality, overall professionalism, and entertainment value.

Think of them as the top ten interesting videos for collegial armchair generals or keyboard warriors like us.

Yeah...Internet is serious business.. :lol:
The following video shows President Hu Jintao's motorcade during his visit to Seattle. Count the number of vehicles in his entourage.

In the next video, try counting the number of bodyguards surrounding President Hu Jintao after his press conference in Hong Kong.

Here, President Hu Jintao is being escorted by the Royal Guards in Stockholm, Sweden.

Unbelievably, President Hu Jintao had even more vehicles in his retinue when he visited Lahore, Pakistan than he did in Seattle.

By the way, a few years ago, I was driving into Boston on Mass. Pike when Premier Wen's motorcade passed on its way to a suburban farm (e.g. in Milford or Worcester(?); memory is foggy). I was amazed to see that the motorcade extended for about a mile. Out of curiosity, I checked the nightly news to see who was the "big cheese" (i.e. important person).
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I have watched and listened to this video many times. It features beautiful traditional Han artistry and a wonderful blend of erhu and flute music.

In case you missed it, here is the popular English-subtitled song "Beijing Welcomes You" that has been watched by 753,795 people.

This video is very impressive.

If you don't recognize this music then I know that you're not a Taiwan compatriot. Alishan is a beautiful blend of flute and drums. Once you hear it, it is unforgettable.

Taiwan will Touch Your Heart

Taiwan in HD. Must See!

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What an Irony.. You tube is blocked in CHINA :china:..:undecided:

Ha ha ha. I just noticed that you have "laowai" in your moniker. :woot:

Laowai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Laowai (simplified Chinese: 老外; traditional Chinese: 老外; pinyin: lǎowài) is one of several Chinese words for foreigner. Laowai literally translates as "old" (lao 老) "foreigner" (wai 外). It is an informal word that appears in both spoken and written Chinese. While some people consider laowai a casual and neutral word, others view it as a pejorative term."

If you're stuck behind the Great Firewall, let me help you to see the cool videos in this thread. You have to click on the actual newslink (right below this sentence) to access the hotlinks.


"June 2, 2009

How To Bypass The Great Firewall of China

...there are still plenty of ways to get around the great firewall. Here are options which should provide you with unfiltered access (continually updated):

* Anonymous proxy (free) – many free services provide web-based proxies [1, 2, 3].
* PaperBus (free) – surprisingly good free proxy service with easy installation (download here).
* Witopia (paid) – VPN service which provides relatively fast service. My review here.
* 12vpn (paid) – similar to Witopia with optimized configurations for selected regions. My review here.
* Freedur (paid) – plug-n-play proxy service with simple software for all platforms (register here).
* StrongVPN (paid) – VPN service with large number of servers worldwide and great support (register here).
* Tor (free) – slow but very secure and reliable p2p onion routing network. My guide here.
* Hotspot Shield (free) – another VPN service which provides free service but slow.
* Freegate (free) – proxy service created by the Global Internet Freedom Consortium (download here).
* UltraSurf (free) – encrypted proxy service similar to Freegate (download here).
* SSH tunnel (requires server) – for more technical people see this guide here (if you don’t have a server try this one).
* Skydur (paid) – service is a clone of Freedur by a disgruntled former employee. Avoid.
* Other services (not tested): Alonweb, UltraVPN, blackVPN, ItsHidden.

If you’re using an old fashioned proxy server you may find Firefox plugins like FoxyProxy or Gladder useful for switching connections across multiple proxy servers based on URL patterns. For Chinese speakers (and savvy non-speakers) you may find this site very useful.

If you know any other good ways around the GFW please leave a comment below.

Other possibly related posts you might enjoy:

1. How The Great Firewall of China Works
2. Observing the Great Firewall
3. Ode To The Great Firewall
4. Witopia Personal VPN
5. Tunnel Through the GFW with 12vpn"
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Much appreciative of the wonderful Taiwan youtube vidoes. Haven't been back since 11. 12 years of separation have made my memories hazy. It is a very populous island and the government should do more to preserve the beautiful scenary.

"In 1544, a Portuguese ship sighted the main island of Taiwan and named it Ilha Formosa, which means "Beautiful Island."" and we should preserve it.

People who talk about nuking others should get out of their bounkers and see more of this world. How narrow is it when we spend all our times talking about war and not understanding the place. This world is alot more than just the people who live on it.
Taiwan scenary has a different feel to mainland and I encourage people from there to visit. The east coast is very beautiful where the mountain seems to directly rise out from the sea. The pacific is beautiful and peaceful, quite a view if you drive along .

Scenary from china have a more respectful and historical feel to it but scenes from taiwan seems timeless.
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IMHO we should have a sticky thread about beautiful scenary from China and Taiwan. Nothing comes close to the beauty of nature.
Ha ha ha. I just noticed that you have "laowai" in your moniker. :woot:

Laowai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Laowai (simplified Chinese: 老外; traditional Chinese: 老外; pinyin: lǎowài) is one of several Chinese words for foreigner. Laowai literally translates as "old" (lao 老) "foreigner" (wai 外). It is an informal word that appears in both spoken and written Chinese. While some people consider laowai a casual and neutral word, others view it as a pejorative term."

If you're stuck behind the Great Firewall, let me help you to see the cool videos in this thread. You have to click on the actual newslink (right below this sentence) to access the hotlinks.

How To Bypass The Great Firewall of China - China Blocks Popular Sites Ahead of Tiananmen Anniversary

"June 2, 2009

How To Bypass The Great Firewall of China

...there are still plenty of ways to get around the great firewall. Here are options which should provide you with unfiltered access (continually updated):

* Anonymous proxy (free) – many free services provide web-based proxies [1, 2, 3].
* PaperBus (free) – surprisingly good free proxy service with easy installation (download here).
* Witopia (paid) – VPN service which provides relatively fast service. My review here.
* 12vpn (paid) – similar to Witopia with optimized configurations for selected regions. My review here.
* Freedur (paid) – plug-n-play proxy service with simple software for all platforms (register here).
* StrongVPN (paid) – VPN service with large number of servers worldwide and great support (register here).
* Tor (free) – slow but very secure and reliable p2p onion routing network. My guide here.
* Hotspot Shield (free) – another VPN service which provides free service but slow.
* Freegate (free) – proxy service created by the Global Internet Freedom Consortium (download here).
* UltraSurf (free) – encrypted proxy service similar to Freegate (download here).
* SSH tunnel (requires server) – for more technical people see this guide here (if you don’t have a server try this one).
* Skydur (paid) – service is a clone of Freedur by a disgruntled former employee. Avoid.
* Other services (not tested): Alonweb, UltraVPN, blackVPN, ItsHidden.

If you’re using an old fashioned proxy server you may find Firefox plugins like FoxyProxy or Gladder useful for switching connections across multiple proxy servers based on URL patterns. For Chinese speakers (and savvy non-speakers) you may find this site very useful.

If you know any other good ways around the GFW please leave a comment below.

Other possibly related posts you might enjoy:

1. How The Great Firewall of China Works
2. Observing the Great Firewall
3. Ode To The Great Firewall
4. Witopia Personal VPN
5. Tunnel Through the GFW with 12vpn"

Thanks buddy.
I have tried several proxies before. they work for sometime, then GFW wins :hitwall:
so its :cry: for us behind the GFW..

"Song dedicated to Yue Fei and his patriotism to China.

The song is titled 精忠报国, which translates to 'dedication and loyalty to the country' or 'serve the country with the utmost loyalty.' The phrase originates from the story of Yue Fei, 'a famous Chinese patriot and military general who fought for the Southern Song Dynasty against the Jurchen armies of the Jin Dynasty. Since his political execution by the traitor Qin Hui, Yue Fei has evolved into the standard model of loyalty in Chinese culture.' According to legend, his mother tattooed these four characters across his back before he left home to join the army in 1122."

[Note: Thank you to Maxx for the video link.]
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