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The Conflict in Syria as it Relates to Turkey | Updates & Discussions

Shooting down of Russian Planes were quite unnecessary and exteremly foolish act by TAF. What I guess is that Turkey's stand point on engaging Russia is not based on common sense decision.

I wish our heartiest friend Turkey should stay safe and keep hands out of this conflict as much as possible.
I think Donkey has big balls than man :p
What's this? An anonymous keyboard warrior threatening Turkey on PDF? And I thought you people were gone for good...thank you for coming and the entertainment you bring me. On the other hand if you are serious Id like to point out that real stupidity is playing chicken with the Turkish Air Force within Turkish national airspace. You do not disrespect the Republic's borders without getting slapped.
I wrote yesteday night, that a "Thunderstorm" is coming. We can beat Russia on all conventional war fields !


Russina CSAR forced mostly captured with the Pilot

Yeah man, you're like that Russian monk who predicts the future.. what was his name, ah yes Rasputin.
Our government is in panic mode because of shouting down a Russian jet!
Our government is in panic mode because of shouting down a Russian jet!
hahahah :D re-activate your leopard 2A6s quickly mate

Ruskies were bombing Turkmens continuously...
some sort of payback was in order as you might understand
this is exactly what we should've done to Israel after mavi marmara to be honest
Why are YOU mad mate?

As a NATO member we could involved in an escalating scenario!

hahahah :D re-activate your leopard 2A6s quickly mate

Ruskies were bombing Turkmens continuously...
some sort of payback was in order as you might understand
this is exactly what we should've done to Israel after mavi marmara to be honest

It was our (western) intention that Turkey defend us not vice versa.
As a NATO member we could involved in an escalating scenario!
It seems it's impossible to please germans... we bomb pkk they get pissed and pull off their PATRIOTs, we shoot down russian jets they get pissed

Dude this is middle east... shit happens :D
It was our (western) intention that Turkey defend us not vice versa.
You've had plenty of time to get ready since the civil war in Ukraine kicked in...

And to be honest we've defended you enough through cold war. Reward was the denial of our EU membership.
Btw, what our vice chancellor said is unacceptable about that issue!
We reacted to Russian aggression against Türkmen's and violation of our airspace, that was a warning.

Germany is really in panic mode, I am monitoring their news.
But also in paranoia searching a single "terrorist", who seems already been killed.:agree:
It seems that all is a a fake, to make Germany a Police State.
Many politicians in Germany are not happy, that they trapped in French false flag information's !


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