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Terrorist who later became a Prime Minister.

May be our beloved PM is a terrorist for Pakistanis but not for us.

you are safe if you are not a Muslim.....
Its like making Hafeez or Lakvi as PM

Thanks for admitting that those two Pakistanis are terrorists. Modi must be ur nightmare.

A the same people who dishonoured an Ahmedi Nobel prize recepient Dr. Abdus are lecturing us on minority oppression. Kya yahoo din dekhne k liye pakistan bana tha jaha Mohajiron ko aaj bhi Mohajir ka tamacha maara jaata hai?
It's not exactly unheard of. Yasser Arafat, Menachem Begin, Nelson Mandela, Robert Mugabe....
Troll unkil muslims ki itni hi parwah hai, help muslim refugees and stop crying here.
I think the thread should be locked to prevent unnecessary spamming:blah::blah:
oh really???? read newspaper Pakistan is one of the biggest shelter country for refugees Afghan and indian Muslim who came here in 1947........and stop this:blah::blah::blah:
So these videos are shown in Azad Kashmir camps day and night to brain wash those? I mean Naved, Javed, Kasab etc?
i told same as indians.

as per your formula most proud should be the usa.

ghaznavi and usa are same category.

attack, occupy and retreat.
man read the whole story and then type ok
Just a ploy to increase forum's traffic. Indians should abandon this thread.

Jinnah caused many more deaths so should he too becomes terrorist ???
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