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De-hyphenating India-Pakistan!!

would cutting off diplomatic and economic relations bring peace between India & Pakistan???

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@levina what, according to you will be achieved by severing diplomatic ties ?
1. Peace
2. When India and Pakistan stop concentrating on each other then the defence budget would come down, giving an oppurtunity to divert money towards infrastructure building.
3. From India's POV, once diplomatic relations with Pakistan are severed, it's easier to bring 'em to table to discuss Kasmir, water and terrorism.
Frankly when you asked me this question the first thing that crossed my mind was, the guy did not read my OP. Lol
And then I saw your name. :)
I voted "Yes".

Yes Modi should have balls to implement the following
No contact whatsoever with Pakistan. Total ban of imports and exports. No diplomatic relations. No cricket matches. No movies and dramas .

this is what @levina the OP wanted. and I'm happy to oblige.

Now let's see if Bahrati nationalists can actually put their mouths where their money is,

We shalt see.
1. This is NOT Modi's idea but mine, so saying this doesn't make sense...
FaujHistorian said:
Yes Modi should have balls to implement the following

2. I'm not MODI's cabinet secretary but am assuming by indulging in such discussions sooner or later someone will take notice of it.

3. Peace talks are one way of achieving regional stability while the other way is severing diplomatic relations,interestingly in India and Pakistan's case both ways lead to peace, albeit something on my lines will achieve it sooner.

4. If you noticed I have not tagged anyone who gave likes to my originally nal post, instead only those who posted on this thread. If I wanted to gather more YES votes then I might have tagged a lot of other members who I'm sure would support the idea of severing ties with Pakistan. So stop jumping into conclusions.

Only thing more pathetic than peaceniks
Peacenik ostriches.
1. Peace
2. When India and Pakistan stop concentrating on each other then the defence budget would come down, giving an oppurtunity to divert money towards infrastructure building.
3. From India's POV, once diplomatic relations with Pakistan are severed, it's easier to bring 'em to table to discuss Kasmir, water and terrorism.
Frankly when you asked me this question the first thing that crossed my mind was, the guy did not read my OP. Lol
And then I saw your name. :)

1. This is NOT Modi's idea but mine, so saying this doesn't make sense...

2. I'm not MODI's cabinet secretary but am assuming by indulging in such discussions sooner or later someone will take notice of it.

3. Peace talks are one way of achieving regional stability while the other way is severing diplomatic relations,interestingly in India and Pakistan's case both ways lead to peace, albeit something on my lines will achieve it sooner.

4. If you noticed I have not tagged anyone who gave likes to my originally nal post, instead only those who posted on this thread. If I wanted to gather more YES votes then I might have tagged a lot of other members who I'm sure would support the idea of severing ties with Pakistan. So stop jumping into conclusions.

OK then. If Modi is unaware of these golden suggestions. then he is more powerless than I thought.

I mean who can ignore these high and mighty intellectualism on PDF and still be the leader of the biggest democrazy in the world.

Who the heck could?


Only thing more pathetic than peaceniks
Peacenik ostriches.

Actually there is one more pathetic than this.

Chicken $hit hawks. (CSHs)


Most of the 56 in chest beaters are indeed CSHs.
OK then. If Modi is unaware of these golden suggestions. then he is more powerless than I thought.

I mean who can ignore these high and mighty intellectualism on PDF and still be the leader of the biggest democrazy in the world .
Let me guess...you are not aware of how social networking sites work or you would not have made such a dilettante post.
Actually there is one more pathetic than this.

Chicken $hit hawks. (CSHs)


Most of the 56 in chest beaters are indeed CSHs.

The only people I can see looking for a solution are those who got less than what they wanted.

Gaur farmaen is baat par ....

There can be no solution when only one side thinks it has a problem.
Let me guess...you are not aware of how social networking sites work or you would not have made such a dilettante post.

good to know Modi reads PDF in between sipping or selling tea

The only people I can see looking for a solution are those who got less than what they wanted.

Gaur farmaen is baat par ....

There can be no solution when only one side thinks it has a problem.

so who are those PNOs or CSHs?

good to know Modi reads PDF in between sipping or selling tea

so who are those PNOs or CSHs?

im quoting ur hole post coz am on mi fone

ull have to fight us.


And we both know who that does not end well for. Fauji historian.
I've added a poll now.
@Syed.Ali.Haider @Atanz @FaujHistorian @ranjeet @nair @Gufi @Arsalan @utraash @DESERT FIGHTER @third eye @Bang Galore @AgNoStiC MuSliM @scorpionx @WAJsal @Solomon2 @Imran Khan @Leader @Kaniska @nForce @ito @Jango @MilSpec @Color_Less_Sky @Srinivas @VelocuR and others who 've posted on this thread...
Do me a favor guys...pls vote.
That will give an idea about the % of ppl who favor this idea.
Sorry for the incovenience caused.

Thanks sister, I don't think we should be cutting off diplomatic and relations with each other. I basically don't want to see both countries become very stressful, tensions, isolations, fighting, and high blood pressure. Sharing and growing with other nation is better option.

good to know Modi reads PDF in between sipping or selling tea
You proved it once more.
I was talking about social networking sites and not forums. :)
Start using FB and Twitter and you will know what you're missing. Social networking sites are a good way of getting heard.

Sharing and growing with other nation is better option.
I respect that.
But since nothing could be achieved in last 68yrs, so I wanted our countries to try a tougher route to peace. :)
You proved it once more.
I was talking about social networking sites and not forums. :)
Start using FB and Twitter and you will know what you're missing. Social networking sites are a good way of getting heard.

you think I have time left for FB after wasting it all on PDF. Naaah.

Bi Billi chooha landora hi bhala. :-)


But since nothing could be achieved in last 68yrs, so I wanted our countries to try a tougher route to peace. :)

Very patronizing comment similar to the OP.

Thanks sister, I don't think we should be cutting off diplomatic and relations with each other. I basically don't want to see both countries become very stressful, tensions, isolations, fighting, and high blood pressure. Sharing and growing with other nation is better option.

Bhai jaan

I have said something very similar on page 1. However, Bharati nationalists will not listen to you,

Even if you are saying a sane thing, they consider it your and our weakness if we look for sane and peaceful solutions.

This is precisely why I voted yes in the $tupid poll. Let Modi be the pied piper who takes these pseudo nationalists straight into Indian ocean (not unlike that jim jones of guyana).

Let them have their cake. Who are we to stop them.

As I said you don't knw what you're missing. In India social networking has become such a powerful tool that everyone uses it.
Really? wow!

And you all use air conditioners and fan too?
You proved it once more.
I was talking about social networking sites and not forums. :)
Start using FB and Twitter and you will know what you're missing. Social networking sites are a good way of getting heard.

I respect that.
But since nothing could be achieved in last 68yrs, so I wanted our countries to try a tougher route to peace. :)

Since the birth of our countries starting in 1947, we had been emotional and roller coaster, our relations were not mature and screaming everyday last 68 years. But I believe it takes ALOT of times to transform to get better relations with each other in very long term (probably 200 years from now I think), not overnight.

Bhai jaan

I have said something very similar on page 1. However, Bharati nationalists will not listen to you,

Even if you are saying a sane thing, they consider it your and our weakness if we look for sane and peaceful solutions.

This is precisely why I voted yes in the $tupid poll. Let Modi be the pied piper who takes these pseudo nationalists straight into Indian ocean (not unlike that jim jones of guyana).

Let them have their cake. Who are we to stop them.

Really, SIGH. Alright, I am getting out of here.
Sarcasm is another casualty in the hands of RSS and nationalist goons.

Sorry to see this.
Unfortunately common sense is a flower which doesn't grow in everyone's garden. :)
i do not see why RSS had to be brought into this thread.

My next post will be on your profile if you Continue to post off topics on my thread.
Really, SIGH. Alright, I am getting out of here.
Sadly they all think Pakistan is now a gonner, weakling everytime you and I talk peaceful policies.

Since the birth of our countries starting in 1947, we had been emotional and roller coaster, our relations were not mature and screaming everyday last 68 years. But I believe it takes ALOT of times to transform to get better relations with each other in very long term (probably 200 years from now I think), not overnight.
This is because Bharati nationalists are suffering from passive aggressive tendencies towards Pakistan.

i do not see why RSS had to be brought into this thread.

What OP says is what RSS says.

My next post will be on your profile if you Continue to post off topics on my thread.
Will be my honor

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