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Tariq Mir Statement is not UK Police Document: BBC Urdu

Three words come in my mind "Carrot & Stick".

Am really frustrated as a voter of MQM.

If establishment wants to ban MQM than they should do it.

If they want to clean it from criminals than do it in some other way.

If they want to remove Altaf Hussain than they should wait for him to die his natural death and restrict his powers.

No point in humiliating a party which when given proper authority worked for the city of Karachi.
It is not just about support base. PPP has that too and so does IK.
Their are Two case under Investigation already in which their lives depend upon so considering third, Fourth Fifth Case against some media Group or Journalists would be a huge Distraction from what they already got.
I am not aware of the Saudi Leak incident but Sir from someone who knows a thing or two about UK police procedures trust me Police cannot lie to press about either content or ownership of the evidence. They can obfuscate, give half truths, misleading statements etc which they can later justify but outright denials contradicts the chain of custody and that evidence would be thrown out of court.
They've done it in the past, they can do it now. Either way, it doesn't matter, for some reason I knew nothing would come of this. No matter the overwhelming evidence, AH will continue to be a UK-intelligence asset.

Nice inshights sir !
Hope you will post mortem it with bias ?
Again, I care very little about your opinion. You are literally wasting your time replying to me.
They've done it in the past, they can do it now. Either way, it doesn't matter, for some reason I knew nothing would come of this. No matter the overwhelming evidence, AH will continue to be a UK-intelligence asset.

So you are also one of those believes social media forgeries over official denial by the police. London police lying or Dr Shahid Masood? Choose your pick.
They've done it in the past, they can do it now. Either way, it doesn't matter, for some reason I knew nothing would come of this. No matter the overwhelming evidence, AH will continue to be a UK-intelligence asset.

Again, I care very little about your opinion. You are literally wasting your time replying to me.
Never mind , but I care you much ?lolzz
& I will keep doing it ?lolzz
So you are also one of those believes social media forgeries over official denial by the police. London police lying or Dr Shahid Masood? Choose your pick.
There is a reason why it's called a leak, and not a disclosure.

Never mind , but I care you much ?lolzz
& I will keep doing it ?lolzz
Sure, go ahead. Be my guest, but you're just wasting your time.
There is a reason why it's called a leak, and not a disclosure.

Sure, go ahead. Be my guest, but you're just wasting your time.
Sir , don't take it so serious why ?lolzz
I always a secret admirer of your , but its hard to send the roses to you ?lolzz
, investigation is being carried out by Scotland Yard and London Police. Metropolitan Police have no role in any of the this.
Scotland Yard is the Metropolitan Police.

A simple Google search would have showed you this.
Scotland Yard - Metropolitan Police Service

Scotland Yard (officially New Scotland Yard) is a metonym for the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Service, the territorial police force responsible for policing most of London.
Scotland Yard - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They don't even police London (which is done by London Police)... what a joke!!
Your post is a joke.

Metropolitan Police Service, the territorial police force responsible for policing most of London.

The Metropolitan Police District (MPD) is the police area which is policed by the Metropolitan Police Service in London.
Metropolitan Police District - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It polices a good portion of the area known as London.
So anti-MQM establishment (?) took some journalists on a ride by selectively leaking forged document ? And these journalists were naive enough to not question its authenticity..? Isnt it a fundamental duty of Journalist to question each and every thing ?
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So anti-MQM establishment (?) too some journalists on a ride by selectively leaking forged document ? And these journalists were naive enough to not question its authenticity..? Isnt it a fundamental duty of Journalist to question each and every thing ?
Many did question it.
and you decided to ignore my last posts?

You showed me one --- I showed you many examples... as i explained earlier its not about the logo issue as Met Police uses various designs and motto on their print work... it is about the authenticity of the letter... few more examples of letterhead...


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