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We are freedom fighters - Altaf Hussain


Jul 21, 2009
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Altaf Hussain's statement against army, claiming himself a "freedom fighter".

"DG Rangers and Kernal Tahir 'become children of human'. You (Army) would have to offer Qassas and Deyat and without it nothing will proceed, even if they bring entire Airforce, entire Navy or destroy every area through bombardment; we are freedom fighters."

Okay this was "quaid-e-tehree" and a leader of "political-party" in Pakistan. How much does he think he will get away after challanging state and claiming himself "freedom-fighters"? So who are they fighting against? and for what cause? Corrption? Terrorism? Target-Killing? Becoming subjects of RAW?

This baboon has seen his days. May Allah curse him and all those who follow this insane despite knowing what he is and what he is doing.
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F* toad, sitting thousands of miles away and barking on the phone and playing a telephone warrios (much like a keyboard warrior), knowing that he is away from the physical approach of thousands of families whose kids he have directly or indirectly orderterd to murder.

Here are the things govt needs to do immediately:

1) Full ban on his telephone speeches. They are mostly hate speeches and inciting violence in the society
2) Full ban of MQM on Media, none of their so-called "leaders" should be allowed to come on TV. Any TV channel breaking these rules must be fined.

MQM supporters must know that they are supporting knowingly or unknowingly someone who is on the payroll of hostile countries.
This altaf ka ball needs some serious therapy on his bum.
Altaf Hussain's statement against army, claiming himself a "freedom fighter".

"DG Rangers and Kernal Tahir 'become children of human'. You (Army) would have to offer Qassas and Deyat and without it nothing will proceed, even if they bring entire Airforce, entire Navy or destroy every area through bombardment; we are freedom fighters."

Okay this was "quaid-e-tehree" and a leader of "political-party" in Pakistan. How much does he think he will get away after challanging state and claiming himself "freedom-fighters"? So who are they fighting against? and for what cause? Corrption? Terrorism? Target-Killing? Becoming subjects of RAW?

This baboon has seen his days. May Allah curse him and all those who follow this insane despite knowing what he is and what he is doing.

Who is Altaf Hussain??? :what:

Altaf Hussain's statement against army, claiming himself a "freedom fighter".

"DG Rangers and Kernal Tahir 'become children of human'. You (Army) would have to offer Qassas and Deyat and without it nothing will proceed, even if they bring entire Airforce, entire Navy or destroy every area through bombardment; we are freedom fighters."

Okay this was "quaid-e-tehree" and a leader of "political-party" in Pakistan. How much does he think he will get away after challanging state and claiming himself "freedom-fighters"? So who are they fighting against? and for what cause? Corrption? Terrorism? Target-Killing? Becoming subjects of RAW?

This baboon has seen his days. May Allah curse him and all those who follow this insane despite knowing what he is and what he is doing.

Who is Altaf Hussain??? :what:
Good. Now after pashtuns & balochs even sindhis are asking for separate nation. Pakistan will be left with only Punjab.
hey smart ***, MQM doesnt identify itself as Sindhis but as a representative of the /Urdu speaking Mohajir community of Pakistan.

dont embarrass yourself by talking out of the arse knowing nothing about the issue.
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A leader of an ethnic political party in Karachi which ha been accused of ethnic killing of pashtun,baloch,sindhis and punjabis in karachi by rivals
sorry the accusation also includes people from Mohajir community as well.

request to all posters here
dont use this thread to mock the Mohajir community. keep the discussion strictly to the topic without breaking forum rules.
any veiled hatred towards Urdu speaking community due to dislike for Altaf Hussain is unjustified and such posts will be moderated
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