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Syrian Civil War (Graphic Photos/Vid Not Allowed)

Glorious 100 million strong SAA have tactically withdrawn from Palmyra because 100 ISIS/FSA/JAN/Israel/Turkey/Qatar/Saudi Arabia/everyone else attacked and took the entire city.
In all seriousness, SAA has withdrawn COMPLETELY from Palmyra, including from the airbase and prison. They left it completely to ISIS, didn't even put up much of a fight. SyAAF is now bombing Palmyra, and will blame any structural damage on ISIS as usual.

It took nearly 2 years from the time I joined the Canadian Forces until I stepped off on my first combat patrol in Afghanistan but less than 10 days from the time I volunteered in the YPG to reach the front line facing ISIS. In that time we bounced back and forth -

...we liberated 7 villages with minimum resistance. On a YPG assault you load up in the back of a pick up truck and you and 7 or 8 others wrap yourselves around the 12.7 or 25 mm Dhska mounted in the box. 4 fit in the back seat and 3 in the front, for a total personnel capacity of -

...ISIS put up a fight in only one position, where they were destroyed after a 5 hour Dhska battle while the dismounts enjoyed the show with cigarettes and seeds a few kilometres away. In the rest of the villages we found nothing but bodies and ISIS propaganda still taped to the walls, most of it dictating how women were to dress under hard line Sharia law. The YPJ commander was this attractive, mid thirties woman with a masters degree in genetic biology that spoke four languages and was widely respected by the YPG men, the YPJ woman and the western volunteers alike. We showed her one of the Sharia law posters and she laughed and tossed it aside and carried on commanding her troops...

Brandon's Blog

What busniess do these foreign terrorists have in Syria and Iraq?
@Saif al-Arab @Alienoz_TR @others

Turkey and Saudi Arabia should be prepare for all scenarios. Like the one where Syrian opposition will be targeted heavily and Syria/Iraq will be given back to Iran. If that does happen, Shia's/West coordinate, then expect Shia's to start boasting about their empire and at same time accuse Sunni nations like Turkey and Saudi Arabia of 'treason' and being 'dogs of USA'(all while they are biggest collaborators with USA) in order to continue their anti-sunni agenda in the region.

If they get big support in Iraq, their militias will flood Syria in order to target Sunni's there.

Paris to host international anti-IS meeting in June | The Times of Israel

France will host a high-level meeting of the international community on combating the threat posed by the Islamic State group next month in Paris, authorities said on Wednesday.

“Along with [US Secretary of State] John Kerry and [Iraqi Prime Minister Haider] al-Abadi, I will be welcoming in Paris on June 2 the members of the international coalition to talk about Iraq,” Fabius said in a speech in the French capital.

The “central” theme of the meeting will be the crisis in Iraq although it was “not impossible” that Syria would also be discussed, the minister added.

“We have to take stock of how the coalition wants to proceed. And the Iraqi prime minister will tell us what the situation is” on the ground, added Fabius

@Saif al-Arab @Alienoz_TR @others

Turkey and Saudi Arabia should be prepare for all scenarios. Like the one where Syrian opposition will be targeted heavily and Syria/Iraq will be given back to Iran. If that does happen, Shia's/West coordinate, then expect Shia's to start boasting about their empire and at same time accuse Sunni nations like Turkey and Saudi Arabia of 'treason' and being 'dogs of USA'(all while they are biggest collaborators with USA) in order to continue their anti-sunni agenda in the region.

If they get big support in Iraq, their militias will flood Syria in order to target Sunni's there.

Paris to host international anti-IS meeting in June | The Times of Israel

France will host a high-level meeting of the international community on combating the threat posed by the Islamic State group next month in Paris, authorities said on Wednesday.

“Along with [US Secretary of State] John Kerry and [Iraqi Prime Minister Haider] al-Abadi, I will be welcoming in Paris on June 2 the members of the international coalition to talk about Iraq,” Fabius said in a speech in the French capital.

The “central” theme of the meeting will be the crisis in Iraq although it was “not impossible” that Syria would also be discussed, the minister added.

“We have to take stock of how the coalition wants to proceed. And the Iraqi prime minister will tell us what the situation is” on the ground, added Fabius


Iran and Israel both know how to manipulate and use the firepower of the US for achieving their own ends, sadly us Sunni's are the biggest morons, we only know how to lose and die miserable death. We always pick the wrong enemy.

Ahmed Chalabi, the Iranian agent, engineered the US invasion of Iraq. What Iran could not do by itself, they were able to do by manipulating the US govt. From Sunni extremists to Sunni govt's, most are only reacting to the results of these manipulations. Note while using the US at the same time Iran have other powers like Russia, China and India in their pocket.

Stupidity is a decease that cannot be cured.
Iran and Israel both know how to manipulate and use the firepower of the US for achieving their own ends, sadly us Sunni's are the biggest morons, we only know how to lose and die miserable death. We always pick the wrong enemy.

Ahmed Chalabi, the Iranian agent, engineered the US invasion of Iraq. What Iran could not do by itself, they were able to do by manipulating the US govt. From Sunni extremists to Sunni govt's, most are only reacting to the results of these manipulations. Note while using the US at the same time Iran have other powers like Russia, China and India in their pocket.

Stupidity is a decease that cannot be cured.

They can use them as they wish, we will never resort to that and shouldn't. Syria/Iraq are not Afghanistan, if Iran loses these two countries and West decides to invade, first they would need Turkey or Jordan's approval or directly invade from Iran. Even if they do embark on an adventure, there's no way they can win. Arabs have millions of very angry Islamists ready to fight if needed. It would be biggest mistake of West's history.
They can use them as they wish, we will never resort to that and shouldn't. Syria/Iraq are not Afghanistan, if Iran loses these two countries and West decides to invade, first they would need Turkey or Jordan's approval or directly invade from Iran. Even if they do embark on an adventure, there's no way they can win. Arabs have millions of very angry Islamists ready to fight if needed. It would be biggest mistake of West's history.

The West has a simple formula that is working for them now, use the Shia as ground troops and they provide close air support, so it does not cost them too many lives:
Close air support - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shia are smart, they never threaten the West directly (no Shia Jihadi's cutting throats of westerners) and in this fight against anti-West Sunni's, the West has already started using the best tool that is available to them, Shia's as ground troops. Like you said, if West+Iran win in Iraq, the winning team will roll down in Syria and Assad may just survive and become allied with the West. Israel will come to terms with this team, as Sunni's are a threat for them, Iran never was or ever will be a threat like the Sunni's can become.
Syria/Iraq are not Afghanistan, if Iran loses these two countries and West decides to invade, first they would need Turkey or Jordan's approval or directly invade from Iran. Even if they do embark on an adventure, there's no way they can win. Arabs have millions of very angry Islamists ready to fight if needed. It would be biggest mistake of West's history.

''Syria/Iraq are not Afghanistan''

You're right Syria/Iraq are not Afganistan. Afghanistan is known as the grave yard of superpowers. Defeated the British, USSR and now after 14 years of fighting the USA. The country is under 75% of Taliban control; all the rural areas.

Iraq = 1st Gulf War, known as the 100 hour War.
2nd Gulf War, defeated and split-up in 3 parts (Shia, Sunni, Kurdistan)
ISIS ran over them in a few days. Iraqi Army ran away.

Syria - lost all Wars against the Zionist illegal regime.
Broken-up and can't even defend itself.

Americans are going into the M.E. Wait for the next US Administration.
The US will need Jordan's permission? LOL! Jordanian armed forces are only capable of keeping the corrupt ruler in power.

''Arabs have millions of very angry Islamists ready to fight if needed. It would be biggest mistake of West's history''

It has been 4 years of slaughter of Arabs and they're still waiting to get angry? Allah help the Arabs if another terrorist attacks takes place and this is how the US will go into the M.E. You will see a different way the US will fight with gloves off!

The US is not Houthi rebels. How many countries are against the rag-tag Houthis? And they can defeat them and you're talking about Arabs taking on a Superpower.

The West has a simple formula that is working for them now, use the Shia as ground troops and they provide close air support, so it does not cost them too many lives:
Close air support - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Shia are smart, they never threaten the West directly (no Shia Jihadi's cutting throats of westerners) and in this fight against anti-West Sunni's, the West has already started using the best tool that is available to them, Shia's as ground troops. Like you said, if West+Iran win in Iraq, the winning team will roll down in Syria and Assad may just survive and become allied with the West. Israel will come to terms with this team, as Sunni's are a threat for them, Iran never was or ever will be a threat like the Sunni's can become.

I don't believe Bashar will stay! He has lost legitamacy and even the West knows that. They will find a sunni puppet to replace him as Syria is a sunni country. I think the best case scenario of Syria will be like Libya. It works well for the Zionist illegal regime to have it broken and never be a threat.
''Syria/Iraq are not Afghanistan''

You're right Syria/Iraq are not Afganistan. Afghanistan is known as the grave yard of superpowers. Defeated the British, USSR and now after 14 years of fighting the USA. The country is under 75% of Taliban control; all the rural areas.

Iraq = 1st Gulf War, known as the 100 hour War.
2nd Gulf War, defeated and split-up in 3 parts (Shia, Sunni, Kurdistan)
ISIS ran over them in a few days. Iraqi Army ran away.

Syria - lost all Wars against the Zionist illegal regime.
Broken-up and can't even defend itself.

Americans are going into the M.E. Wait for the next US Administration.
The US will need Jordan's permission? LOL! Jordanian armed forces are only capable of keeping the corrupt ruler in power.

''Arabs have millions of very angry Islamists ready to fight if needed. It would be biggest mistake of West's history''

It has been 4 years of slaughter of Arabs and they're still waiting to get angry? Allah help the Arabs if another terrorist attacks takes place and this is how the US will go into the M.E. You will see a different way the US will fight with gloves off!

The US is not Houthi rebels. How many countries are against the rag-tag Houthis? And they can defeat them and you're talking about Arabs taking on a Superpower.

You won't understand if you have grudge against Arabs. Which is evident in your post. Afghani Taliban did resist invasions, however so much corruption inside Afghanistan made it very difficult for them. Much rape and drug business evolved. And then many people couldn't be trusted. This is why Abdullah Azzam was assaisinated by insiders. Which then erupted into infighting between Islamists.

This is first time in Arab world we had major sectarian conflict. Which as you said, Arab governments didn't find important. Only Saudi Arabia did, and Saudi Arabia under Abdullah had diferent priorities like preventing growth of MB. He also feared arming Syrian rebels too much due as Jordanian monarchy feared results afterwards. Now that Salman is in power, priorities have changed. Which is all that is needed, there is no need for direct support. If Syria and Iraq are controlled by Sunni Islamists, defintely expect some sort of Western action, but they can't win instantly. Because it's guerilla war but also Sunnis of region won't support the war, which means it will be prolonged but cause other problems in the region. Then other things will follow.

Anyways, I will stop here and not get into it since I'm not going to waste my time with a Shia Iranian worshipping clown who has ambition for power. That will fabricate hadith and use religion as tool to further their interests. Not to mention make completely false narratives.

I don't believe Bashar will stay! He has lost legitamacy and even the West knows that. They will find a sunni puppet to replace him as Syria is a sunni country. I think the best case scenario of Syria will be like Libya. It works well for the Zionist illegal regime to have it broken and never be a threat.

No, he will not stay because the Muslims are fighting for sake of God ad God will give them victory. Has nothing to do with the West you idiot. You are buddies with the West, if it wasn't for them Iraq would be lost by now. Yet of course demonizing sunnis as 'puppets for Israel'. Because the fantasies of your Iranian empire have put to an end. :lol:
Yeah, look at number of members cheering for ISIS here, please don't bring up conspiracy theories.
The day I would want your opinion and would really want to listen to ur crap and believe in it I will let u know. Till then u keep living in ur fantacies and I will struggle for my truth.
IS takes Palmyra, Obama bombs rebels in Idlib. What a charade.

Now Assad has three totally encircled forces:

Deir ez Zor.
Fuah and Kafria.
Hospital in Jist ash Shughur.

Is Deir Ez-Zor not controlled by ISIS mainly? Or at least the countryside? I don't understand how those small Assadist enclaves around Deir Ez-Zor have been able to withstand for this long. What's the reason?
Enclave is not so small. Why it stands?

1) IS was busy in other places (Kobane, Iraq etc).
2) CC air support.
3) As @Serpentine noted, Assad sent his best (Druze) forces there.

Now for some reason US allowed IS to capture Ramadi and Palmyra. Lets see what they are planning.
Now for some reason US allowed IS to capture Ramadi and Palmyra. Lets see what they are planning.

What do you mean in the bold? And why blame Obama? I doubt he has the influence people assign to him over the US military.
True I don't understand Arabs. It reminds me of a time when an Arab brother was bad mounthing Saddam and when America invaded Iraq, he started supporting Saddam. I reminded him, he said ''brother, you won't understand Arabs''! I heard this today.

The West loves Iran and has imposed severest sanctions? The economy is on its knees
The West hates Sunni SA and have sold $60bn military hardware?
The West hates Sunni Kuwait and sold $3bn in FA 18s?
UAE Rafel, etc

So we see the non-logic above!

Supporting the khawarij ISIS, AQ and there are some blind sheep on here who support these terrorist groups.

Below is a Youtube of Sh. Nabil Naim exposing AQ, ISIS. He is a former senior member. I guess those blinded will say, he's paid, threatened, IRANIAN spy, etc. Well, let them believe whatever they want, and others judge for themselves.

You won't understand if you have grudge against Arabs. Which is evident in your post. Afghani Taliban did resist invasions, however so much corruption inside Afghanistan made it very difficult for them. Much rape and drug business evolved. And then many people couldn't be trusted. This is why Abdullah Azzam was assaisinated by insiders. Which then erupted into infighting between Islamists.

This is first time in Arab world we had major sectarian conflict. Which as you said, Arab governments didn't find important. Only Saudi Arabia did, and Saudi Arabia under Abdullah had diferent priorities like preventing growth of MB. He also feared arming Syrian rebels too much due as Jordanian monarchy feared results afterwards. Now that Salman is in power, priorities have changed. Which is all that is needed, there is no need for direct support. If Syria and Iraq are controlled by Sunni Islamists, defintely expect some sort of Western action, but they can't win instantly. Because it's guerilla war but also Sunnis of region won't support the war, which means it will be prolonged but cause other problems in the region. Then other things will follow.

Anyways, I will stop here and not get into it since I'm not going to waste my time with a Shia Iranian worshipping clown who has ambition for power. That will fabricate hadith and use religion as tool to further their interests. Not to mention make completely false narratives.

No, he will not stay because the Muslims are fighting for sake of God ad God will give them victory. Has nothing to do with the West you idiot. You are buddies with the West, if it wasn't for them Iraq would be lost by now. Yet of course demonizing sunnis as 'puppets for Israel'. Because the fantasies of your Iranian empire have put to an end. :lol:

If I'm buddy with the West, what the hell are you doing there? Go and lead your Arab brothers to victory! Are you one of those who pushes others to do your dirty work? Not long ago, your Arab leaders were knocking on our door begging for ground troops for Yemen. And this is the ''great'' Arab army that's going to take on a Superpower. Sort the Houthis out first and thentake it from there...baby steps!
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Rebels yesterday captured Juma checkpoint at eastern entrance of Ariha:

Wikimapia - Let's describe the whole world!

They already control Jamayat checkpoing which overlooks eastern Ariha from above:

Wikimapia - Let's describe the whole world!

So they can take eastern Ariha anytime now.

What do you mean in the bold? And why blame Obama? I doubt he has the influence people assign to him over the US military.
US fully controls skies over eastern Syria. They saw IS convoys advancing towards Palmyra and did not do anything. So they clearly allowed IS to take it.

Why? Lets wait and see.
If I'm buddy with the West, what the hell are you doing there? Go and lead your Arab brothers to victory! Are you one of those who pushes others to do your dirty work? Not long ago, your Arab leaders were knocking on our door begging for ground troops for Yemen. And this is the ''great'' Arab army that's going to take on a Superpower. Sort the Houthis out first and thentake it from there...baby steps!

Why in the **** would I waste my life on a bunch of piece of shit, corrupt, shady, liberal, cult following, iteration of idiots in the Middle East or Muslim world? Shia's are a bunch of cult following morons who live secular lifestyle but pride themselves as being champions of 'resistance'. Which is just restoring Persian Empire, which I don't give flying **** about. Sunni' in the region are still way too liberal, full of shady traitors, full of retarded conspiracy theories, full of idiots, full of arrogant worthless clowns, they're not worth my time. Besides the Sunni Islamists in the region, I consider everybody else to be useless donkeys(including some Islamists). And cleaning up the region is their job not mine, they do it better than me. They know how to deal with their locals. I am Palestinian, don't worry about us, Hamas knows what it is doing and is doing its part. It's up on the rest of the people in the region to fix their lot. And I have no interest in that dawah process. I'm more of a Marxist-Islamist, the religious reform efforts are not my thing. Those are for people who excel in dawah. I'm just a political freak.

Rebels yesterday captured Juma checkpoint at eastern entrance of Ariha:

Wikimapia - Let's describe the whole world!

Shin Bet will come after you AQ sympathizer. :lol:

Soon 500 will be chanting ISIS slogans. :lol:

US fully controls skies over eastern Syria. They saw IS convoys advancing towards Palmyra and did not do anything. So they clearly allowed IS to take it.

Why? Lets wait and see.

Because that would be seen as aiding the regime, at least in Arab world.
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