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Israel demolishes the homes of 77 Palestinians, over half of them children. No real reason.


Jun 1, 2012
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JERUSALEM (AFP) -- The United Nations has accused Israel of illegally demolishing the homes of 77 Palestinians, mostly children, this week in occupied East Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank.

"In the past three days, 77 Palestinians, over half of them children, have been made homeless," the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said in a statement issued Friday evening.

"Some of the demolished structures were provided by the international community to support vulnerable families.

"Demolitions that result in forced evictions and displacement run counter to Israel's obligations under international law and create unnecessary suffering and tension. They must stop immediately," said OCHA.

The demolitions took place in East Jerusalem and the districts of Ramallah, Jericho, and Hebron, it added.

OCHA said that during 2014 Israel carried out a record number of demolitions in east Jerusalem and a zone of the West Bank under full Israeli control known as Area C.

"In 2014, according to OCHA figures, the Israeli authorities destroyed 590 Palestinian-owned structures in Area C and east Jerusalem, displacing 1,177 people -- the highest level of displacement in the West Bank since OCHA began systematically monitoring the issue in 2008."

It did not specify how many of the structures were homes.

Israel says such demolitions are carried out because the structures have been built without the required construction permits. Palestinians and rights groups say such authorization is routinely denied, forcing unlicensed building.

"The planning policies applied by Israel in Area C and east Jerusalem discriminate against Palestinians, making it extremely difficult for them to obtain building permits," said OCHA.

"As a result, many Palestinians build without permits to meet their housing needs and risk having their structures demolished.

"Palestinians must have the opportunity to participate in a fair and equitable planning system that ensures their needs are met," it said.

UN accuses Israel of illegally razing homes of 77 Palestinians | Maan News Agency
@RFS_Br what do you think their crime is?

It said in a report on the arrest of minors by Israel that “Around 500 - 700 Palestinian children, some as young as 12, are arrested, detained and prosecuted in the Israeli military detention system each year. The majority of Palestinian child detainees are charged with throwing stones.'

Fourteen-year-old Palestinian girl jailed by Israeli courts | Al Bawaba
"In the past three days, 77 Palestinians, over half of them children, have been made homeless," the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said in a statement issued Friday evening.
But no human rights issues here lets give them subs says Germany. And in this fair world with its freedoms I wonder who will speak against the destroying of homes and take notice of the UN statements now.... Where is solidarity movements now oh great protector of rights in France and Germany....
Israel demolishes the homes of 77 Palestinians, over half of them children.

children are homeowners in Palestine ?
Again false flager uses Palestinian propaganda sites and changes topic against forum rules, because Palestinian sites are not enough anti Israeli for him.

Are there any homeless Arabs in streets? Show me them, Whats happening here is simple attempt to capture lands illegally. They build some shed and see how the authorities react. If authorities remove that shed they cry that Israel destroyed their house. If not they build house illegally.

Meanwhile Palestinian children are exploited by Hamas to build terror tunnels and are dying there. Of course propagandist does not care about it.

‫الشهيد .. حسن السري 16 عامآ توفي ظهرا... - نافذة شمال قطاع غزة | Facebook‬

Another funny thing that Syrian Lion, who supports bulldozing the entire neighborhoods in Homs and Dariya and starving and indiscriminate shelling of Palestinians in Yarmouk camp sheds crocodile tears here.
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I support Palestine and will go to protest on the streets for them; because they always supported us at the time of our need. I haven't forgotten their massive protest against TTP after Peshawar School Attack. I haven't forgotten their massive protest against terrorists after the attack on Indian Parliament or a Temple in Gujarat. I haven't forgotten their peace march to show solidarity to the Bangladeshi victims when the building fell down in Dhaka. South Asia should stand shoulder to shoulder with our Palestinian bothers now.
I support Palestine and will go to protest on the streets for them; because they always supported us at the time of our need. I haven't forgotten their massive protest against TTP after Peshawar School Attack. I haven't forgotten their massive protest against terrorists after the attack on Indian Parliament or a Temple in Gujarat. I haven't forgotten their peace march to show solidarity to the Bangladeshi victims when the building fell down in Dhaka. South Asia should stand shoulder to shoulder with our Palestinian bothers now.
Try to live in the conditions they are living in, all those things you just mentioned, Palestinians are suffering them for 365 days a year.

Also why would there be protest for the building collapse in Bangladesh, it was purely due to our government's failure into monitoring of maintaining work-place safety standards.

That's what patriotism does to you, try to level it down a bit, otherwise arrogance and ignorance will rule your judgement and reasoning.
I support Palestine and will go to protest on the streets for them; because they always supported us at the time of our need. I haven't forgotten their massive protest against TTP after Peshawar School Attack. I haven't forgotten their massive protest against terrorists after the attack on Indian Parliament or a Temple in Gujarat. I haven't forgotten their peace march to show solidarity to the Bangladeshi victims when the building fell down in Dhaka. South Asia should stand shoulder to shoulder with our Palestinian bothers now.
But on the other hand Israel always protests against terrorism activities in India. They take the protest to the streets with placards and condemn every terrorist action in India. They also regularly send food for the hungry and homeless Indians on a regular basis. Not just that they have been kind enough to send portable toilets just incase any of their beloved Indian brother has to take a dump on the street. Indians must blindly support Israel for this over whelming support. No matter what Israel does its always right and Indians must always come up with excuses for their acts.
Again false flager uses Palestinian propaganda sites and changes topic against forum rules, because Palestinian sites are not enough anti Israeli for him.

Are there any homeless Arabs in streets? Show me them, Whats happening here is simple attempt to capture lands illegally. They build some shed and see how the authorities react. If authorities remove that shed they cry that Israel destroyed their house. If not they build house illegally.

Meanwhile Palestinian children are exploited by Hamas to build terror tunnels and are dying there. Of course propagandist does not care about it.

‫الشهيد .. حسن السري 16 عامآ توفي ظهرا... - نافذة شمال قطاع غزة | Facebook‬

Another funny thing that Syrian Lion, who supports bulldozing the entire neighborhoods in Homs and Dariya and starving and indiscriminate shelling of Palestinians in Yarmouk camp sheds crocodile tears here.
"Terror tunnels" are mainly used to smuggle foods into Gaza, thanks to puppet Sisi and Israel's illegal occupation of the Gaza sea, Gaza Strip has been put under a siege even at a time when there are no rockets fired from Gaza.

Here's what Israel did and how they are making Gaza civilians homeless. Look at the level of destruction committed by Israel during the 2014 Gaza offensive.

It is a well known fact that Israel is stealing Palestinian lands from West Bank.

Israel seizes most West Bank land in 30 years - Al Jazeera English
Israel Steals Palestinian Resources. Gaza without Water and Electricity | Global Research
West Bank settlers stealing tons of soil from Palestinian land - Israel News | Haaretz
Israel to appropriate 400 hectares in West Bank for ‘state use’ - Middle East - World - The Independent

Also, here's how Israel steals Palestinian tax revenue, they collect it themselves and don't allow Palestinians to do so. They do it and say the world that those funds were given by Israel.


But on the other hand Israel always protests against terrorism activities in India. They take the protest to the streets with placards and condemn every terrorist action in India. They also regularly send food for the hungry and homeless Indians on a regular basis. Not just that they have been kind enough to send portable toilets just incase any of their beloved Indian brother has to take a dump on the street. Indians must blindly support Israel for this over whelming support. No matter what Israel does its always right and Indians must always come up with excuses for their acts.
An excellent reply.
Are there any homeless Arabs in streets? Show me them

@500, I never thought you sounded like a normal, let alone intelligent person.

However, asking from me that I give you proof about a fact because you think the United Nations has nothing better to do but lie about Jerusalem Palestinians, is out of the town craziness even for a crazy fucktard like you. *Slow clapping*

Nice vid with Israelis dressed as Palestinians, by the way. Your kind does that for propaganda, we know that.

Oh hey, and speaking of Shuhada Street, beautiful segregation you have there...





  • Hebron_shuhada.jpg
    71.2 KB · Views: 10
But on the other hand Israel always protests against terrorism activities in India. They take the protest to the streets with placards and condemn every terrorist action in India. They also regularly send food for the hungry and homeless Indians on a regular basis. Not just that they have been kind enough to send portable toilets just incase any of their beloved Indian brother has to take a dump on the street. Indians must blindly support Israel for this over whelming support. No matter what Israel does its always right and Indians must always come up with excuses for their acts.
I agree. India should never support Israel. It just doesn't make sense to support the Zionists even after the fact that they had helped India during the Kargil War. Only insane Indians can do this kind of stupid thing.
"Terror tunnels" are mainly used to smuggle foods into Gaza, thanks to puppet Sisi and Israel's illegal occupation of the Gaza sea,
This story can buy only retarded idiots.

@500, I never thought you sounded like a normal, let alone intelligent person.
You are a pathological liar, who thinks that even Palestinian propaganda sites are not enough anti Israeli for u.

However, asking from me that I give you proof about a fact because you think the United Nations has nothing better to do but lie about Jerusalem Palestinians, is out of the town craziness even for a crazy fucktard like you. *Slow clapping*
UN are nothing but bunch of parasitic bureaucrats, the more Palestinian "suffering" they report the more financing they will get. Many of UN workers are Palestinians and Hamas members.

Nice vid with Israelis dressed as Palestinians, by the way.
Why foreign journos are picturing them? Clown.



Your kind does that for propaganda, we know that.
The only propagandist here is u. These units are called Mistaravim and they are not for propaganda but to arrest leaders of Palestinian stone violent demonstrations. Thats how it works: each stone thrower group has a leaders who initiates and guides it. So if u arrest them stone violence stops.

Oh hey, and speaking of Shuhada Street, beautiful segregation you have there...



Another lame propaganda. Thats not "segregation" but border between Palestinian and Israeli parts of Hebron. Over 1.7 million Arabs live in Israeli side and there is no whatsoever segregation.


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Another lame propaganda. Thats not "segregation" but border between Palestinian and Israeli parts of Hebron. Over 1.7 million Arabs live in Israeli side and there is no whatsoever segregation.

Yeah, it's because Israel illegally stole their lands.

This story can buy only retarded idiots.

Palestine has to build tunnels to smuggle foods and other necessities thanks to the siege it has been put under by Israel (blocking off the Gaza sea) and Sisi. Keep your Hasbara crap in pro-Israel sites.

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