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Multiple Terrorist groups claim Wagah Border attack, 55 people killed.

What made you come to that conclusion abou we celebrating in glee ??

No he's right bro,some indeed are................in facebook and other social medias,have seen that with my own eyes and when protested,well,you know the outcome already,pretty predictable stuffs. :(
There is a lot of merit in this. While the al Saud are seen as fundamentalists by the West, they have, in fact, been very carful reformers. They've kept their country together by keep the fanatics in check while taking slow, carful steps towards modernity. A case in point is forming the Majlis-e-Shoura and even agreeing to accommodate women members. So, despite all their internal corruption, the family has managed a very complicated situation with a fair deal of success.

I agree, very few people seem to notice this carefully contructed and delicate change that Al-Sauds have brought to KSA, by regulating the religion.

Careful reformers?

Depends on how you look these changes. To me, they are nothing but hollow changes that are made to appease the west or keep their own hold on power. The Al-Saud family aids global Islamic militancy and is the reason why militancy and Islam are so intertwined. Here is an excerpt from an Interview with Bernard Lewis, a prominent Muslim historian of the Jewish faith.

The development of oil made a tremendous difference in every respect, one of which I think is important and has not been generally mentioned. The kind of Islam that is represented by Osama bin Laden, this radical, extreme kind of Islam, did originate in Arabia and--as far back as the 18th century--and it would have remained in Arabia, had it not been for oil.

Let me explain what I mean. Imagine that some such group as the Ku Klux Klan or the Aryan Nation or one of th--one of those were suddenly to come into the possession of unlimited wealth and use that money to set up schools and colleges all over the world, promoting their particular version of Christianity. Then you get an idea of what has happened to Islam as a result of the enormous wealth that oil has brought to some people in Saudi Arabia. It has enabled them to set up schools and colleges all over the Muslim world, teaching their brand of Islam, this kind of fanatical, extremist version of Islam which has thus acquired a--a scope, an expanse--an expansion which it could never otherwise have had. Without oil money, this kind of Islam would have remained a fringe group in a marginal country.
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If you can't address the root causes, its not worth doing much else.
you guess wrong. you must be one of those Indians who does care about what I said about earlier about your internet infestation.
Saudis knew OBL was residing in Afghanistan for years since his attack on US fleet. and they knew Taliban were hosting him but that didnt bother them since Taliban, as I said earlier were a joint project with the same Saudi religious ideology. you cant keep them out

Saudis as well as United Arab Emirates kept diplomatic ties with Taliban until 2001. Pakistan kept the diplomatic link until they were dislodged to get any last minute deal to get OBL.

in 2001 Pakistani ISI chief and Saudi Intelligence chief Prince Turki Al Faisal went personally to meet Mullah Omar, advising him to hand over Osama due to the 911 atrocity I am sure you know rest of the story.

next time, do some homework before trolling ok?

Oh !! Really ??
Even if KSA was there it doesn't absolves Pakistan from it's share of sins.
Another utter humiliation for our coward enemies.

Undeterred by attack, even bigger crowd turn up at Wagah today

Posted: November 03, 2014 - 1645 PkT

LAHORE: Undeterred by one of the worst suicide bomb attacks in Pakistan’s history on Sunday which left 60 people dead and over 100 injured, a large number of people attended a parade at Wagah border today and filled the air with resounding slogans of ‘Pakistan Zindabad’.

Sunday’s cowardly attack failed to mar the spirits of Pakistani nation, as Today’s parade proved that Pakistani people love their motherland more than anything else and they are ready to sacrifice their lives when it comes to their country’s honour and defence.

Core Commander Lt Gen Naveed Zaman, DG Rangers and high-ranking police officers were also present on the occasion.

The high-spirited crowd, including women and children, chanted vociferous slogans of ‘Pakistan Zindabad’ (long live Pakistan) and ‘Dehshat Gardi Murdabad’ (down with terrorism).

“We equally share the grief of family members who lost their loved ones in the yesterday’s attack at Wagah border,” said Core Commander Lt Gen Naveed Zaman while addressing the crowd.

He said today’s ceremony is a testimony to the fact that no one can dampen the nation’s spirit by perpetrating dastardly attacks. “My sympathies go out to the bereaved families,” he said.

He admired the ‘big-hearted’ Lahoriites who turned up at today’s ceremony out of ‘national spirit’.

On Sunday, a suicide bomb attack ripped through the crowd as they returned after attending a parade at the Wagah border, leaving 60 people dead and over 100 others injured.

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Then you get an idea of what has happened to Islam as a result of the enormous wealth that oil has brought to some people in Saudi Arabia. It has enabled them to set up schools and colleges all over the Muslim world, teaching their brand of Islam, this kind of fanatical, extremist version of Islam which has thus acquired a--a scope, an expanse--an expansion which it could never otherwise have had. Without oil money, this kind of Islam would have remained a fringe group in a marginal country.
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If you can't address the root causes, its not worth doing much else.
I am afraid as long as the fossil fuel reserves are not exhausted, the world will continue to suffer this petro dollar funded ideology.
No Pakistani would set a bomb to explode on Wagah border. Anywhere but at a high profile border crossing with India. This has been done to dent the pride of nationalism.

This is the work of Afghans.

I have been ranting on here like a f**king lunatic for 2 years. Bomb KUNAR AND NOORISTAN. Afghanistan must be attacked. This is an act of war regardless of if Afghan govt is involved or not. They are not cooperating with Pak army so they are clearly hiding something.

Declare war on Afghanistan and kill every single family members of these terrorists.

you are very smart. its a proud day for your parents.

Now you better keep out parents out of it, if you don't want your parents to be dragged in.

You can rebutt it without getting personYou can rebutt it without getting personYou can rebutt it without getting personY
it started with Ahmedis, then Shias and Christians and now ordinary Sunnis
no one is safe if he is not a Deobandi in Pakistan. this is the sectarian aspect of all this.

state is responsible for the safety of the people whether the terrorism is domestic or international.
mindset I dont think will change. I have seen ordinary Sunni members of the community changing into violent and extremist "something else". right in front of me in a matter of years.
Careful reformers?

Depends on how you look these changes. To me, they are nothing but hollow changes that are made to appease the west or keep their own hold on power. The Al-Saud family aids global Islamic militancy and is the reason why militancy and Islam are so intertwined. Here is an excerpt from an Interview with Bernard Lewis, a prominent Muslim historian of the Jewish faith.

The development of oil made a tremendous difference in every respect, one of which I think is important and has not been generally mentioned. The kind of Islam that is represented by Osama bin Laden, this radical, extreme kind of Islam, did originate in Arabia and--as far back as the 18th century--and it would have remained in Arabia, had it not been for oil.

Let me explain what I mean. Imagine that some such group as the Ku Klux Klan or the Aryan Nation or one of th--one of those were suddenly to come into the possession of unlimited wealth and use that money to set up schools and colleges all over the world, promoting their particular version of Christianity. Then you get an idea of what has happened to Islam as a result of the enormous wealth that oil has brought to some people in Saudi Arabia. It has enabled them to set up schools and colleges all over the Muslim world, teaching their brand of Islam, this kind of fanatical, extremist version of Islam which has thus acquired a--a scope, an expanse--an expansion which it could never otherwise have had. Without oil money, this kind of Islam would have remained a fringe group in a marginal country.

If you can't address the root causes, its not worth doing much else.

I agree with you to a limited extent. Yes, they haven't addressed the root cause and they are much more lenient towards the fundamentalists who attempt to spread their tentacles outside Saudi Arabia. The strict control applies only to those within.

However, the situation is complex. After all, Ibn Saud came to power largely based on endorsements from Salafist leaders. Those endorsements, to this day, form the basis of the tribal alliances that hold the KSA together.

I'm not claiming the Al Saud are a great force of global progress. However, in the context in which they operate, they have kept the fundamentalists at bay and tried to change things slowly. This is probably why the fanatics spend so much time, money and effort in spreading their version of Islam abroad. Their deal with the al Saud probably doesn't allow them to carry out those activities within the KSA.
How you got to the conclusion India is supporting BLA or TTP guys like you disown India.

Don't be so naive,we don't live in an Utopian lala land son.Every nation does thiese sort of things,so does ours.Welcome back to reality.
I am afraid as long as the fossil fuel reserves are not exhausted, the world will continue to suffer this petro dollar funded ideology.

This ideology, which was foreign to many Muslim countries, is now fully localised. One thing I must commend the Saudi's on is that they have changed a religion to their particular version with great success. Religions have always been changed to differing types, but this might be the most successful example of all times.
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