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India asks Afghanistan to share information on detained Haqqani leaders

So how many Indians called you chinki today? :rofl:
He is an assamese.He is less likely to be called a chinki.Assam is ethnically,culturally most similar to mainland India thanrest of NE.That is not to say your supposition is not possible,just less likely.
He is an assamese.He is less likely to be called a chinki.Assam is ethnically,culturally most similar to mainland India thanrest of NE.That is not to say your supposition is not possible,just less likely.

I understand you are a North Easterner, then I should say I only tease @halupridol cause he has a punjabi fetish and I have no feeling one way or another towards your people in reality.
I understand you are a North Easterner, then I should say I only tease @halupridol cause he has a punjabi fetish and I have no feeling one way or another towards your people in reality.
neither do i,,,,its just fun poking u guys:D
All are fake dude, the truth is they are part of you Indians; except religion the rest they are Indians of another country.
they must be cussing themselves for those missile names :rofl:
All are fake dude, the truth is they are part of you Indians; except religion the rest they are Indians of another country.

There are more Pakhtuns in Pakistan than your own country and if they are Indian than so are most of you Afghans. :lol: Not to mention the Baluch who have nothing to do with Indians either, only Punjabis and Sindhis have any ethnic relation to the fairies to the east.

As for martial, Pakistanis may not be martial but we haven't needed to be to call shots in your country since the days of the soviet invasion. :popcorn:
'Haqqani Netowork' has been sold as sole cause of instability in afghnsitan , this has been done to primarily put the blame on Pakistan due to past association with Jalaludin Haqqani from soviet invasion era, reality is that the problem is arising in afghanistan due to non-inclusion of taliban , whose heart land is centered around Helmand,Kandahar and Urugzan, it is however easier to blame Pakistan and 'Haqqani Network'

These people were 'arrested' in a gulf country , and for all what we know this may not turn out to be a real 'arrest' for like detention , niether by undia or their pets in NDS but by the hands that have been rocking the cradle from washington

Dear me this is known as the INTERNATIONAL "Co-operation" against GLOBAL terrorism being manifested by pakistan.
For the sake of argument exchange it with Abdali and keep it on until a real man borns in Pakistan and you name your missiles of a Pakistani origin.
Frankly, the only real King of signifiance born in what is today's Pakistan was Ranjit Singh...and even he had a hard time with the Afghans.

Barring that Pakistan has never produced any notable Kings or Emperors or Conquerors. This is the core reason they keep trying to take credit for the abilities of Afghans and Turks.
Frankly, the only real King of signifiance born in what is today's Pakistan was Ranjit Singh...and even he had a hard time with the Afghans.

Barring that Pakistan has never produced any notable Kings or Emperors or Conquerors. This is the core reason they keep taking credit for the abilities of Afghans and Turks.
Ranjit singh a Mass murderer :mad::mad::feminist:
Ranjit singh a Mass murderer :mad::mad::feminist:
All the Kings of old were mass murderers.
This even includes the Emperor over whom entire India dotes and whose legacy we have tried to incorporate in modern India - Emperor Ashoka.

He was a mass murderer as well. He later became non-violent and a follower of Budha.

We can hardly judge them from todays standards.
All the Kings of old were mass murderers.
This even includes the Emperor over whom entire India dotes and whose legacy we have tried to incorporate in modern India - Emperor Ashoka.

He was a mass murderer as well. He later became non-violent and a follower of Budha.

We can hardly judge them from todays standards.
So you follows Ranjit singh and his style??
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