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Controversial anti-Islam adverts to run on New York buses

Saifullah Sani

Apr 15, 2011
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Buses and subway stations to carry anti-Islamic adverts bearing picture of James Foley shortly before he was murdered by Isil extremists
Anti-Islamic adverts are to appear on New York buses next week, funded by a pro-Israel group with a history of provocative campaigns.
One features an image of James Foley, the American journalist, flanked by an Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant extremist taken from the video of his murder and the slogan: “Yesterday's moderate is today's headline.”
Alongside is a photograph of the London rapper suspected by some of being “Jihadi John”, the masked man in the video.
The American Freedom Defense Initiative has run similar advertisements before, heading off criticism that they enflame public feelings towards Muslims by citing the first amendment's guarantee of free speech.
Its president, Pam Geller, defended the ads saying they were designed to put pressure on Muslim communities to root out extremists in the midst.
She added that a previous campaign – condemned for depicting a war between civilised men and “savages” - was vindicated by the rapid rise of Isil in Iraq and Syria this year.
“Controversial during its first run for calling jihadis “savages,” now this ad has been abundantly vindicated by the savagery of the Islamic State,” she said. “As numerous political leaders, including Barack Obama, call the Isis jihadis “savages” or “barbarians.”
The ads are due to appear on 100 buses and two subway entrances.

The group has even launched a crowd funding appeal to raise $20,000 (£12,000) to extend the campaign.

However, the ads have been condemned by Bill de Blasio, New York mayor, who described them as “outrageous, inflammatory and wrong”.

"These hateful messages serve only to divide and stigmatise when we should be coming together as one city," he told The New York Daily News on Friday.

One advert featured a photograph of Adolf Hitler, meeting a Muslim leader.

However, one was rejected by New York's transport authority, for fear it would be seen as a call to violence against Jews.

It included the quote: “Killing Jews is Worship that draws us close to Allah,” with an attribution to Hamas MTV, beside a masked figure before featuring the tag line: “That’s his jihad. What’s yours?”

Last year Ms Geller was barred from entering the UK to join a far-right English Defence League rally in Woolwich. The decision was taken personally by Theresa May, the Home Secretary, on the grounds that her statements may foster hatred and provoke violence.

Controversial anti-Islam adverts to run on New York buses - Telegraph
Awesome .... peoples like those are in sight of Opportunities like such....
Hater gonna hate.

Sure, Muslims will do what they can against extremists (it's not only a military issue). There is not such thing as permanent friends, only permanent interests.
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The title of the thread is wrong, likely intentionally.

The adverts are anti-ISIL, and are not anti-Islam. Please do not confuse the two, which are very different from each other.
The title of the thread is wrong, likely intentionally.

The adverts are anti-ISIL, and are not anti-Islam. Please do not confuse the two, which are very different from each other.

One advert featured a photograph of Adolf Hitler, meeting a Muslim leader.
atleast don't try to sugar coat these right wing goons what has that 70 yr old pic anything to do with ISIL...
If you just visit her site once you will know this has everything to do with Islam and Muslims
Why all Muslims show all intensity against anything which points to them but if the same is done by their Rogue religious members then they simply move on stating that it is Not in Islam. This hypocrisy only makes other religions against Islam in general. Go ahead, Protest on streets for ISIL, Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, TTP etc. Except for one or 2 small protests, Muslims never say anything against their rogue religious members.
But try putting any anti israel ads and see what will happen. They don't call it jew york for nothing.
Why all Muslims show all intensity against anything which points to them but if the same is done by their Rogue religious members then they simply move on stating that it is Not in Islam. This hypocrisy only makes other religions against Islam in general. Go ahead, Protest on streets for ISIL, Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, TTP etc. Except for one or 2 small protests, Muslims never say anything against their rogue religious members.

your deduction is based on hatred for Muslims, I can give you many examples about Muslims standing against, starting from Al qaida, to Isil all Muslim have condemned it but like of you who control media keep it from comming to the main steam so that they can pick on some one, they did not show dude, that many Arabs had supported war in Afghanistan by letting western ships and soldiers coming on holidays in their countries

dude now as per American defense dept and US president five Arab nations have joined in to fight isil, so you are so anti Islam and anti Muslims that you do not see the facts even if they are sowed near to your eyes.

You like other Indians thrive on spinning the matters specially about Islam and Muslims. I have said it before and will say it again, Indians are spin masters.

Pakistani on the other hand are very benevolent as they save your people in Iraq just now, saved yous dudes on board hijacked by Somalis and in many instances, but you on the other hand spread hatred and lies.
Israeli lobby is strong in US, its pretty easy for them to sponsor such adverts. Their country, their rule, just don't be surprised when Muslims hate the US.
This is full of lies by the way:
Hamas, unlike ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram etc, has a legitimate reason to fight and resist Israeli oppression. The Quran has, on multiple occasions, said good things about the Jews, them being people of the book and all. And the Quran also clearly forbids fighting anyone who hasn't threatened or harmed you, doesn't matter if they are Jews or hindus or whatever.

Jihad is a struggle, it is not a synonym for 'mass murder'.

Hate-speech is one thing, blatant lies is another, Hate speech full of blatant lies is even worse.
Why all Muslims show all intensity against anything which points to them but if the same is done by their Rogue religious members then they simply move on stating that it is Not in Islam. This hypocrisy only makes other religions against Islam in general. Go ahead, Protest on streets for ISIL, Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, TTP etc. Except for one or 2 small protests, Muslims never say anything against their rogue religious members.

Muslims do say a lot about their rogue religious members. Thing is, these people are criminals. Protest can affect countries like the US and Israel which claim to be democratic but criminals don't care who says what,they will continue being criminals.

Criminals like ISIS, Al Qaeda, TTP etc make it pretty clear that they don't care who says what, they will continue to do bad shit until someone takes military action against them.

The people of Pakistan do express their hatred towards TTP by supporting our armed forces who are fighting TTP.

There are also a good amount of anti-ISIS protests here and there.
British Muslim scholars tell Isis that holding hostage goes against Qur'an | World news | The Guardian
Muslims Launch Powerful Social Media Campaign Against ISIS With #NotInMyName
British Muslim leaders issue fatwa against ISIS — RT UK
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your deduction is based on hatred for Muslims, I can give you many examples about Muslims standing against, starting from Al qaida, to Isil all Muslim have condemned it but like of you who control media keep it from comming to the main steam so that they can pick on some one, they did not show dude, that many Arabs had supported war in Afghanistan by letting western ships and soldiers coming on holidays in their countries

dude now as per American defense dept and US president five Arab nations have joined in to fight isil, so you are so anti Islam and anti Muslims that you do not see the facts even if they are sowed near to your eyes.

You like other Indians thrive on spinning the matters specially about Islam and Muslims. I have said it before and will say it again, Indians are spin masters.

Pakistani on the other hand are very benevolent as they save your people in Iraq just now, saved yous dudes on board hijacked by Somalis and in many instances, but you on the other hand spread hatred and lies.
First thing first, I grew up in an area where Muslims are in majority so I know many in and out. If I can quote you hundreds of good deeds by Muslims then Thousands of Ill-deeds not only against my country but against all regions. Now, second thing hypocrisy is evident by Muslims everywhere and let me say specially in "South Asia".
Now, I am quoting few examples before you jump to conclude me as Islamophobic. When there were riots in Burma(or Myanmar), It was articles with propaganda and sympathy which were spread across in South Asia. Forget about who control Press. There were so hellbent Muslims those protest days in each and every city. How many do we have when ISIL started or against Al Qaeda? In fact, Many consider OBL and Saddam as hero who are the reasons of dead people. You come and protest only when Islam is victim but sit and relax when it is other community. All force of Pakistan could not remove Blasphemy Law so don't tell me Muslims do protest for others. When One Babri Maosque gets demolished then you break thousands of temples across Pakistan/BD but when the same happens in Pak/BD, How many of you come to save?

Just to quote another example, In Saharanpur, India, Muslims lost case against Sikh's Gurudwara and when Sikhs started building wall, Muslims started riots. Still this was not highlighted, Godhra is done by Muslims not protested but Gujrat riots comes in every second line of Muslims. Come out of Hypocrisy then we will talk.

At the end, This whole two nation theory was some Muslim's hypocrisy? isn't it? When Religious organization protested and told it as against Islam but then it was designed by Mr Jinnah, who himself was not righteous Muslim, and then declare Pakistan as "Secular". Look rationally. Things will change for Muslims (Islam has nothing to do here).
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