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And just for the record seleucus was no dirt general,he is called the greatest of the diadochi or succesors of alexander and was founder of the seleucid empire the largest of the succesor states.He defeated the other alexander's generals at ipsus.Incidentally with the help of 500 war elephants he got as a part of the deal with chandragupta in return for 4 provinces and possibly a matrimonial alliance.
Reputations on this forum are formed over months and years, over hundreds if not thousands of posts. We know exactly which way most of the old timers lean and, a couple of posts here and there are not going to make a difference. The leopard shows his spots sooner or later.

Someone has been doing some long overdue introspection while I've been away.

I am glad.
That is ignorant, I am sorry to point out. When civilians, by which I presume you mean those who have chosen the Civil Marriage Act under which to get married, seek redress, they have no choice but to go to constituted courts of the land.

Now I have some interesting news for you. Prepare for a shock.

When anybody seeks redress under his or her personal code, they have no choice but to go to the constituted courts of the land.

Do you understand? Secular judges administer these personal codes, not priests and mullahs.

I strongly suspect, from your language in your post, that you were not aware of this. Otherwise you would not say something so silly as their needing special courts, or choosing honour killings, or wives choosing monetary compensation. None of this is applicable; none of this is permissible.

Obviously you are an ignorant idiot. Muslims have to come to civil courts to administer their personal codes. Get your facts straight.


Again jump off your idealistic horse,do you know how many Jamaats are there which give advice to their people totally contradictory from the rule of the law,the moment you make a concession to people to deviate away from the common law,you open a pandora's box.

The only time someone like Shah Bano went to the court and asked for a redressal of the law,we had doing an amendement and over ruling the courts.

If these are the precedents,then what do you expect?

There are so many muslims who dont and they do so at their own convenience,thats the whole point.

And what is that supposed to mean? What is the JNU, and why does it appear in the argument? How does it apply to me, or my point of view? What, for that matter, is nihilist idealism? Do you understand either term, or does it just sound nice? If you don't understand what something means, why use it? Why not stick to things you do understand?

The same goes for your views. Those are your views. I have my views, which I have expressed. If the electorate wants reform, nobody and nothing stops it from seeking reform. There is a political process and that is under the Constitution that someone quoted at me, as the Directive Principle seeking a Uniform Civil Code. So if you think that the matter is so important, why not get voters to say so, to elect a government that brings it in? If the voters don't say so, if they aren't convinced, if a government that wants to bring it in isn't elected, then, your point of view remains just that. A point of view. Don't expect anybody to stand up and salute your own perfect round thing with glass on the outers and crystal ball on the inside (your wording, btw, I don't write things like 'on the inside'). And remember, now and for always, a very wise thing: You are just another atomic particle in the whole piece and whether you like it or not, you have to co-exist within. So stop complaining and maintain the rule of law.

Meaningless gibberish. The topic is "Turning Point in the History of Indian Sub-continent". What argument validates this topic? The drift towards bigotry that some readers detected? How does a drift towards bigotry in the discussion validate the topic?


Dont use random jargon,talk from your heart and mean what you say.

People understood what i meant when i said that,u r the one still hunting for surface level adhesives because thats the plane you and your arguments dwell upon.
seriously,am tired of the JNU Nihilists.

we are talking about the present here and all care about is the right path to take as of today.
For me turning point was British who brought this divide and rule concept. It was coz of them we went from World no 1 and 2 economy till Mughal era end to a destroyed poor country.

Even under Muslim rule, just like before that, we were prosperous and rich.
The invasion of Sindh created Pakistan?:rofl:

Yes and Qasim was first Pakistani.

If Obama invades Pakistan in the future and converts Pakistanis, then Obama will become first Pakistani and future generations of pakistanis will consider their ancestors terrorist jahils who were civilized by Obama and his ilk.
Muhammad bin qasim invasion laid foundation of creation of Pakistan. It's a solid fact, either you guys are ignoring it intentionally or you have not been taught about this in your curriculum
Lol, keep living in your wonderland.

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