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Israel is more barbaric than Hitler | Erdogan


May 3, 2009
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Erdogan says Israel more barbaric than Hitler
Published: Today

ANKARA, Turkey (AP) - Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused Israel of "barbarism that surpasses Hitler" during its ground invasion of Gaza.

Erdogan made the comment during a campaign speech Saturday in the Black Sea port city of Ordu. He is running for the presidency in elections next month.

He has been speaking out strongly against Israel during its offensive against Hamas militants in Gaza, which has killed more than 300 Palestinians. He accuses Israel of using disproportionate force and has said the operation there has derailed efforts to normalize Turkish-Israeli ties. Those soured after Israel's 2010 raid on an aid ship which killed eight Turks and a Turkish-American. Hundreds have also staged protests in recent days outside Israeli diplomatic mission in Ankara and Istanbul.

AP News : Erdogan says Israel more barbaric than Hitler
Turkish PM Erdogan says Israel 'surpasses Hitler in barbarism'| Reuters
Erdogan Says Israel More Barbaric Than Hitler - ABC News
Erdogan calls Israel more barbaric than Hitler | The Times of Israel
Erdogan for the past years has been on a decline, his rhetoric increasingly erroneous. Whenever small minded people want to make an extreme political point you always bring in Hitler and make comparisons.
not more barbaric than the Pissi thugs or the ISIS khawarij or the asshead nusayria
dont you ever get tired of saying these words why dont you find something more useful to say
Than what ? Egypt has sent back trucks from border... Shame on Egypt closing down border is even worse thing to do than what Israelis are doing.
our country our rules
Usual bull shit from a Middle Eastern Muslim leader.

Their words aren't even good enough to be written on toilet paper. Just useless populist noise designed for the ears of the most useless of the demographics in the region: usually unemployed, male, super religious, dogmatic, misogynist, racist and generally useless. Unfortunately there's a lot of them in the region.
Erdogan for the past years has been on a decline, his rhetoric increasingly erroneous. Whenever small minded people want to make an extreme political point you always bring in Hitler and make comparisons.
Erdogan has been on a decline, but still his party..inexplicably..his party won the last local elections. I dont know how he does it!
Erdogan has been on a decline, but still his party..inexplicably..his party won the last local elections. I dont know how he does it!

Wins big in central and eastern Turkiye. AKP mayors and governors throughout Turkiye really do deliver good governance and have implemented good economic policies, not to mention his center-right party appeals to masses in those regions.
I'm sorry but isn't everyone going out of topic, like what happens in every topic about Erdogan? He's talking about the Israeli aggression, suddenly everyone turns it to " How the hell is that guy still in charge blah blah blah ? ". Before anyone says anything, I'm completely neutral about the guy and I'm not an expert on what's happening in Turkey. Why don't we just stick to the topic?
Egyptians are coward no doubt and filthy history that refuse to help Palestines in the past.

Israel could flatten the whole middle-east in matter of seconds if it wanted; last time Arabs tried to mess with Israel they got their assess handed to them. Kiss the hand that you cannot bite and that is what exactly the Arabs leaders are doing, but you religious nuts seem unable to grasp the fact that you can't fight Israel, you are not nearly intellectually competent enough to whiten a Jew's shoes let alone to destroy Israel, you Islamofacists and the rest of the leftist scums who have wet dreams about Israel's destruction will take your dreams to your graves. Live and let fucking live. Stop poking Israel with your needles so you won't get crushed with its paws.

Usual bull shit from a Middle Eastern Muslim leader.

Their words aren't even good enough to be written on toilet paper. Just useless populist noise designed for the ears of the most useless of the demographics in the region: usually unemployed, male, super religious, dogmatic, misogynist, racist and generally useless. Unfortunately there's a lot of them in the region.

Erdogan seems to be following Mullahs. Makhmod Ahimadinutjob in particular.

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