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A discussion of the current political situation of Pakistan ....Which party do you support and why?

Which party do you support and why?

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I don't support any party and I would never vote along party lines.

There are certain individuals whom I respect (Imran Khan, Maliha Lodhi, etc.) and the list spans multiple parties.

I think it would be better if Pakistanis started demanding a resume from each candidate instead of giving them preference based on their party.
@HRK I think I found this:

As I fall under the category of "Silent Majority" I do not support any party ........

I voted to PTI in last elections just because I wanted to have a third political option at Federal level and second option in Urban Sindh, but as an observer I believe now IK have 'adopted' so many traditional politicians so sooner or later PTI will be another Traditional Political party.

I don't support any party and I would never vote along party lines.

There are certain individuals whom I respect (Imran Khan, Maliha Lodhi, etc.) and the list spans multiple parties.

I think it would be better if Pakistanis started demanding a resume from each candidate instead of giving them preference based on their party.
I agree with that :agree: Man I love picking people's brains ...get lots of nice ideas ;)

@aaa34pr who on earth are you? you dont even have an intro thread :unsure:
My friend,I do not support any political party.It is due to the fact that I do not find any sincere ones for Pakistani nation.
All parties and their party leaders play nationality/ethnicity card with us.They do not miss a single chance to loot us.I consider all of them as leeches sucking our blood-all of them are equally harmful.
I am waiting for that day when we will rediscovered ourselves. Trust me-you don't need to ask this question that day as the political business which they are doing on our dead bodies will be abolished for once and for all.
Last time voted PTI but very dissapointed with their performance
The only party which is still living in 11 may 2013 :lol: PTI supporters my apologies :D
Thatswhy my vote is to MQM b/c during the Altaf bhai arrest matter people were cursing MQM as they are responsible for all things that is happening to Pakistan so you can say its a vote of sympathy :rolleyes:
wese bhi agar vote na bhi duun tab bhi inhi ko jaega samajh to gaye honge aap :sarcastic:
But in reality no one desrves a single vote all are bunch of idiots , looters and selfish:mad:
I am waiting for that day when we will rediscovered ourselves
This might be my next thread...

Last time voted PTI but very dissapointed with their performance
The only party which is still living in 11 may 2013 :lol: PTI supporters my apologies :D
Thatswhy my vote is to MQM b/c during the Altaf bhai arrest matter people were cursing MQM as they are responsible for all things that is happening to Pakistan so you can say its a vote of sympathy :rolleyes:
wese bhi agar vote na bhi duun tab bhi inhi ko jaega samajh to gaye honge aap :sarcastic:
I am not asking which party you voted for or not...I am more interested in discussing ideas of how an everyday Pakistani sees progress in each party and due to these progress they are attracted and support that party!

Same to you @Slav Defence

@lutfishah please provide your reasoning :enjoy:

@W.11 reasoning please :)
This might be my next thread...

I am not asking which party you voted for or not...I am more interested in discussing ideas of how an everyday Pakistani sees progress in each party and due to theseprogress they are attracted and support that party!

Same to you @Slav Defence
Errrr....I haven't seen progress my friend.Instead I have seen decline in these parties day by day.I myself am astonished to see people getting attracted towards these bunch of losers who pee every night-with a fear of getting killed.
Sorry,if I offended anyone. That is why I try to keep my mouth shut,especially in political threads as I do not intend to hurt anyone.
Last time,I saw improvement in MQM,when Mustafa Kamal was introduced as city mayor. I liked his hard work and dedication. I knew past allegations/accusations being faced by MQM,but seeing MQM promoting such people, I began to like it.
Mr.Khan was attractive as he is man of upright character. However, his policy in case of Taliban has seriously disappointed me.
PPP- Never! No way man!
Errrr....I haven't seen progress my friend.Instead I have seen decline in these parties day by day.I myself am astonished to see people getting attracted towards these bunch of losers who pee every night-with a fear of getting killed.
Sorry,if I offended anyone. That is why I try to keep my mouth shut,especially in political threads as I do not intend to hurt anyone.
Last time,I saw improvement in MQM,when Mustafa Kamal was introduced as city mayor. I liked his hard work and dedication. I knew past allegations/accusations being faced by MQM,but seeing MQM promoting such people, I began to like it.
Mr.Khan was attractive as he is man of upright character. However, his policy in case of Taliban has seriously disappointed me.
PPP- Never! No way man!
thank you for your input :)
i support MQM because

1) MQM has brilliant decision makers, most of their decisions are correct and the right stance for the national interest

2) MQM rectifies its mistakes if it commits one, they don't have ego problems, they learn from their mistakes

3) MQM makes all leaders on merits, who ever represents MQM has some quality in him, majority of MQM leaders come from APMSO, the student wing, so they are educated, MQM leaders work like common MQM workers

4) MQM has a big charity wing KKF, it has done some nice charity work all over pakistan

5) altaf never ran for even counsellor election which means the founder of MQM is not power hungry, he pushes bright minds forward instead of pushing himself for becoming PM, this is one of the most important qualities of MQM

6) they are well organised party, they are disciplined

7) they don't do politics of electables

8) they appreciate multiculturalism, if you visit MQM website, they have a news section for sindhi language

9) they have a firm stance that women of pakistan must be brought to equal levels of pakistai men, women are more than 50% of population, ignoring women will not make pakistan progress further

10) MQM stance on religious extremism and fanatism and religious bigotry, they promote religious harmony, they are trying to solve sectarian problem of pakistan, and they are bringing out moderate religious leadership, MQM's mutehda ulema forum is practical example and MQM has even elected a deobandi scholar as its senator

11) i am inspired by MQM's philosophy of realism and practicalism and their election slogan of empowering common people makes a lot of sense then other party's fantasy slogans of naya pakistan, roshan pakistan etc

12) MQM is the only party who have proved their governance in local government (3rd tier of government), i believe if they are given chance in provincial govt or federal they will prove a lot, i believe beyond a common man's expectations and thats why i support MQM because they are only party which has a lot of potential
i support MQM because

1) MQM has brilliant decision makers, most of their decisions are correct and the right stance for the national interest

2) MQM rectifies its mistakes if it commits one, they don't have ego problems, they learn from their mistakes

3) MQM makes all leaders on merits, who ever represents MQM has some quality in him, majority of MQM leaders come from APMSO, the student wing, so they are educated, MQM leaders work like common MQM workers

4) MQM has a big charity wing KKF, it has done some nice charity work all over pakistan

5) altaf never ran for even counsellor election which means the founder of MQM is not power hungry, he pushes bright minds forward instead of pushing himself for becoming PM, this is one of the most important qualities of MQM

6) they are well organised party, they are disciplined

7) they don't do politics of electables

8) they appreciate multiculturalism, if you visit MQM website, they have a news section for sindhi language

9) they have a firm stance that women of pakistan must be brought to equal levels of pakistai men, women are more than 50% of population, ignoring women will not make pakistan progress further

10) MQM stance on religious extremism and fanatism and religious bigotry, they promote religious harmony, they are trying to solve sectarian problem of pakistan, and they are bringing out moderate religious leadership, MQM's mutehda ulema forum is practical example and MQM has even elected a deobandi scholar as its senator

11) i am inspired by MQM's philosophy of realism and practicalism and their election slogan of empowering common people makes a lot of sense then other party's fantasy slogans of naya pakistan, roshan pakistan etc
Thank you for your input :enjoy:
No body else interested in discussing? :(

Why are people voting but not giving reasons? :(
Last edited:
No body else interested in discussing? :(

Why are people voting but not giving reasons? :(

Voting was easy, just a click of a button...
Reasoning : please give little time bro.. Pelay hi rosa laga hooa hai and got lots of work in the office.. :-) will post later
PTI obviously.. as its the only party clean from corruption and other filthy diseases, plus its ideology to change and bring justice !
@Akheilos you forgot me? :cray:

Anyways, I support PTI because:

1) Imran Khan, he's the most honest and straight forward guy among our national political leadership. He gets bashed on his taliban policy because he speaks his heart out in public, regardless of right or wrong. He don't have dual faces for public and for behind the scene. There are a lot of national leaders who heavily criticize Talibans in public, but behind the scene they are either scared from TTP or are in bed with them.

2) Clean, patriot and educated leadership with no corruption charges and all assets in country.

3) PTI is first and only democratic party in this country. Yes, there are flaws in party elections, and lot of things still need to be fixed, but still its way better than dictatorship within party like MQM, dynasty rule like PPP / PMLN, ethnic crap like ANP / BNP etc, and religious blind following like JI, JUI, PAT etc..

5) Young leadership and new faces, yes 70% of the people who contested last elections on PTI tickets were new faces with more than 40% tickets assigned to people under 35 years of age.

6) The only party that has given the political insight to our youth. Before 2011, I myself never had given a damn about Pakistan politics, I was all willing to find a dream job ourside country and disappear. The reason I am still in Pakistan is because of my love for this country, and IK's motivational speeches during post election campaign have a major part in it.

7) Performance in KPK. Lot of people will raise finges at this but since I am the one probably following KP govt's performance and updating a lot of stuff about PTI here, I know what is being done in KPK during just one year of PTI rule. I have reasons to believe (with facts) that PTI's one year government in KPK is far better in a lot of sectors than PML-N / PPP's decades long governance in federal / provinces.

Having said that, I have strong differences with IK / PTI over their policy on war on terror, but still they are far better than rest of the political parties we currently have.

you sir have summarized the almost every thing one would blame for the failiue of the state, you have done a fine job, Thank you for doing so and giving us an opportunity to discuss it with relevant knowledge summarized in hands :cheers:

IMO, not only the information you have provided but on other happenings I would say that politics is not a bad choice if this "politics" is played on an international level rather on the national level, but with people like us it's the worst

my reason to it, well politics (for more that 80% of its population) gives shelter to those who are cunning, arrogant, illiterate, and the incapable.....it only provides access to the blood sucking people to get more out of nothing !!!!!

BHUTTO nailed it.....but it does not mean that ppp would do good every time.....it does not mean that I support ppp....in the modern pakistan there is no rival to him yet.

in the case of the army, ZIA's tenure was the worst Pakistan had ever faced.......we still bleed thanks to his big and vast burger fueled heart

politics came in....every one cuts themselves a nice slice

then came the time of Musharraf....

the country saw enormous success in all fields at all times
corruption was at a low....education was at a high.....economy was at a high.....law and order was good....development was good....he had the balls to face anyone and answer one in the eyes.....
this did not mean that he was perfect but he did well......he is also a human and would have made mistakes too.....they may be severe...but in a country where terrorists roam around freely, its hard to look for a balance.....its pretty obvious that musharraf is better than the terrorists

we had politics for 5 years with ppp.....and even now we are having it....

ppp destroyed every thing one could have....pml(n) is just working on the cosmetics of the country..like the metro bus,motorway etc.....they should realize that law and order is the number 1 priority

I want law and order...I want a safe country.....I want an educated society.....is that too much to ask for ???

(in the current situation)
I would go with the ARMY.....if there would have been some one more visionary than BHUTTO or equivalent I could have had second thoughts
@Akheilos you forgot me? :cray:

Anyways, I support PTI because:

1) Imran Khan, he's the most honest and straight forward guy among our national political leadership. He gets bashed on his taliban policy because he speaks his heart out in public, regardless of right or wrong. He don't have dual faces for public and for behind the scene. There are a lot of national leaders who heavily criticize Talibans in public, but behind the scene they are either scared from TTP or are in bed with them.

2) Clean, patriot and educated leadership with no corruption charges and all assets in country.

3) PTI is first and only democratic party in this country. Yes, there are flaws in party elections, and lot of things still need to be fixed, but still its way better than dictatorship within party like MQM, dynasty rule like PPP / PMLN, ethnic crap like ANP / BNP etc, and religious blind following like JI, JUI, PAT etc..

5) Young leadership and new faces, yes 70% of the people who contested last elections on PTI tickets were new faces with more than 40% tickets assigned to people under 35 years of age.

6) The only party that has given the political insight to our youth. Before 2011, I myself never had given a damn about Pakistan politics, I was all willing to find a dream job ourside country and disappear. The reason I am still in Pakistan is because of my love for this country, and IK's motivational speeches during post election campaign have a major part in it.

7) Performance in KPK. Lot of people will raise finges at this but since I am the one probably following KP govt's performance and updating a lot of stuff about PTI here, I know what is being done in KPK during just one year of PTI rule. I have reasons to believe (with facts) that PTI's one year government in KPK is far better in a lot of sectors than PML-N / PPP's decades long governance in federal / provinces.

Having said that, I have strong differences with IK / PTI over their policy on war on terror, but still they are far better than rest of the political parties we currently have.
Sorry bro...I added you the min you liked my post :ashamed:

Thank you for your time and points :D

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