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Will war break out between China and Vietnam ?

But of course we dont want any war Vietnam is a growing Asian Country and i Pray it be so and become an Asian Tiger, Vietnam should get close to Asian Countries and away from this trap that want to pit us against each other while they remain the super power.
If all of us asians group together i.e Japan Korea China Vietnam India Pakistan Middle east Russia, West will be on the run to save there a**** and there precious Economies.
That's great wish, my friend.
But China has their way to get their goal, and that way is unacceptable with us.
Viets are hardcore brainwashed into thinking they are a superpower and orange is the only antidote.

It can be used against the Chinese as well, don't you think? Anything can be used against you. Hey, that's why its War right? In fact, we can use an even deadlier weapon, dare to try?
Vietnam never consider themselves a strong army, but an army never give up ... never surrender.

It should be naive to compare the quantity of militants but not care about the morale and quality of military personnel.

Even Chinese told us that, nowaday PLA troops ( child from one child policy ) dont dare to fight real bloody battles.
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Our claim is always there.
Our fishermen are always there for thousands of years.

We China does not even want to dispute with you any more.
Now you get what you deserve.
Our CLAIM is also there, that's why the water become disputed.
If yours is true, why not use legal means through the international court, but with warships and violent acts?
Your claim was not always there. It is at least after 1970s.

In addition, you have put a lot more rigs in disputed area way before China.

Our CLAIM is also there, that's why the water become disputed.
If yours is true, why not use legal means through the international court, but with warships and violent acts?
Your claim was not always there. It is at least after 1970s.

In addition, you have put a lot more rigs in disputed area way before China.
The 9 lines dash theory again? It's not enough to make the area disputed. Is there any sound logic behind the claim?
Also we put rigs there way before the map became public.
Your claim was not always there. It is at least after 1970s.

In addition, you have put a lot more rigs in disputed area way before China.

"disputed area" is in your view only. How many oil rig China has ? What if we called all of those in disputed area.
It seem that China want to call our beaches as disputed areas ...

see the approaching dots in nine dotted line, almost reaching other countries beaches.
now you want to argue nine dotted line ?? let's go for a court ... as Pinoys called your view as illegal .. and did bring you to court

If the court oke to your 9 dotted line, then you could harvest everything inside those line
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