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F-35 Program Compromised By Discovery Of Iranian Spy?


Aug 5, 2012
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F-35 Program Compromised By Discovery Of Iranian Spy?

The entire F-35 program may have been compromised by the discovery that an employee of one of Lockheed’s suppliers planned to ship secret plans of their F-35 Joint Strike Fighter to Iran, according to a report in the Fiscal Times.

Mozaffar Khazaee, who holds dual U.S.and Iranian citizenship worked for defense contractor Pratt & Whitney. He was arrested in New Jersey on his way to Iran last week. He was allegedly trying to smuggle boxes of documents connected to the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, probably the Pentagon’s next generation fighter jet.

Whether Khazaee took the documents on his own, or was working as a spy for Iran, isn’t known. But it appears very unlikely that he would take such a risk unless someone would be waiting to receive them.

An Agent of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations, declared in an affidavit that Khazaee had shipped boxes of documents labeled “household goods” to Iran in November. He claimed that the boxes contained only personal items.

But when Customs stopped the truck enroute from Connecticut to California, they found that the boxes contained “thousands of pages contained in dozens of manuals/binders relating to the JSF [F-35 Joint Strike Fighter] program.”

Khazaee traveled to Iran five times in the last seven years. He is being accused of interstate transportation of stolen property valued at $5,000 or more. The maximum punishment, if he is found guilty, is 10 years in prison.

Apart from the direct effect on the F-35 program, this discovery could trigger an international incident which could then complicate the already controversial nuclear deal the U.S. and 5 other countries have brokered with Iran.

But Iran isn’t the only country that has tried to find out details about the plane. In a cyber attack last year, Chinese hackers targeted a number of other companies working on the F-35 program.

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Jewish spies are well known in America, they have a history of stealing American technology and transferring it to Israel. Who later sells it to china or Russia. There was a famous Jew spy named jonathon pollard who stole enough secrets from America to fill a walk in closet. His spying on America resulted in many American deaths because of this JEW.
F-35 Program Compromised By Discovery Of Iranian Spy?

The entire F-35 program may have been compromised by the discovery that an employee of one of Lockheed’s suppliers planned to ship secret plans of their F-35 Joint Strike Fighter to Iran, according to a report in the Fiscal Times.

Mozaffar Khazaee, who holds dual U.S.and Iranian citizenship worked for defense contractor Pratt & Whitney. He was arrested in New Jersey on his way to Iran last week. He was allegedly trying to smuggle boxes of documents connected to the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, probably the Pentagon’s next generation fighter jet.

Whether Khazaee took the documents on his own, or was working as a spy for Iran, isn’t known. But it appears very unlikely that he would take such a risk unless someone would be waiting to receive them.

An Agent of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s Homeland Security Investigations, declared in an affidavit that Khazaee had shipped boxes of documents labeled “household goods” to Iran in November. He claimed that the boxes contained only personal items.

But when Customs stopped the truck enroute from Connecticut to California, they found that the boxes contained “thousands of pages contained in dozens of manuals/binders relating to the JSF [F-35 Joint Strike Fighter] program.”

Khazaee traveled to Iran five times in the last seven years. He is being accused of interstate transportation of stolen property valued at $5,000 or more. The maximum punishment, if he is found guilty, is 10 years in prison.

Apart from the direct effect on the F-35 program, this discovery could trigger an international incident which could then complicate the already controversial nuclear deal the U.S. and 5 other countries have brokered with Iran.

But Iran isn’t the only country that has tried to find out details about the plane. In a cyber attack last year, Chinese hackers targeted a number of other companies working on the F-35 program.

Read more at F-35 Program Compromised By Discovery Of Iranian Spy?

you can give complete plans of burj khalifah to a monkey,


But don't expect him to build one

This is some $tupid guy who was not supposed to keep the documents.
Jewish spies are well known in America, they have a history of stealing American technology and transferring it to Israel. Who later sells it to china or Russia. There was a famous Jew spy named jonathon pollard who stole enough secrets from America to fill a walk in closet. His spying on America resulted in many American deaths because of this JEW.

Agreed, where's the OP's outrage about those secrets taken by Israel and given to our enemies? Like the Lavi for example....
Iranian spies are inside the White House and the pentagon
Thats stupid lie.

No it isn't a lie, Pollard had given Israel a list of names of American spy's in the Soviet Union and this allowed them to infiltrate the Mossad and Israeli intelligence in which they got the information they needed and took out American human assets in the Soviet Union thanks to Pollard giving classified information to Israel which was seized by Soviet Union double agents from Israel.
But Iran isn’t the only country that has tried to find out details about the plane. In a cyber attack last year, Chinese hackers targeted a number of other companies working on the F-35 program.
Ah! Here we go again! The Chinese seem to pop in whenever there is an issue pertaining to stealing of secrets!!

They've become the convenient whipping boys nowadays. Lose documents - always blame the Chinese! :fie: There are dozens of counties indulging in this hobby, but no one mentions them? How about the Americans themselves involved in the biggest scandal of all by eavesdropping on most governments of the world by the NSA?
you can give complete plans of burj khalifah to a monkey,


But don't expect him to build one

This is some $tupid guy who was not supposed to keep the documents.

i didnt expect this from you, so now iranians r monkeys? i could understand ur lack of faith in the regime, but to question the intellect of iranians is something unacceptable. i dont see the need to share contribution of iranians to science throughout the history its all well-documented.
No it isn't a lie, Pollard had given Israel a list of names of American spy's in the Soviet Union and this allowed them to infiltrate the Mossad and Israeli intelligence in which they got the information they needed and took out American human assets in the Soviet Union thanks to Pollard giving classified information to Israel which was seized by Soviet Union double agents from Israel.
It is a lie and bunch of bollocks.
They've become the convenient whipping boys nowadays. Lose documents - always blame the Chinese! There are dozens of counties indulging in this hobby, but no one mentions them? How about the Americans themselves involved in the biggest scandal of all by eavesdropping on most governments of the world by the NSA?

Exactly! Everyone who has the resources to spy, does it. The only time names are called out is when it's politically convenient to do so.
yes yes please change the course of program, this will lead more program cost which will result more expensive F-35 :sarcastic:
i didnt expect this from you, so now iranians r monkeys? i could understand ur lack of faith in the regime, but to question the intellect of iranians is something unacceptable. i dont see the need to share contribution of iranians to science throughout the history its all well-documented.

This guy is a troll brother, he does the same thing against Palestinians and most Arabs unless you completely suck up to him and his ideology.
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