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Smokers' Joint


Nice to see Chinese also enjoying pot. :tup: Does it grow there or do you get it from outside (golden crescent?).

I smoke up a lot. But I am worried. Not so much about the apathetic syndrome or the long term memory loss of rarely schizophrenia relate stuff. But more about performance issues.

Everything remains ok even after long term use? @yuba please also comment dude.
I am a gym addict but its not helping because after a workout a joint used to be lovely a freind told me to take some valium.

then you need to do something which makes you tired, something you dont like to do, something that bores you, so that your mind is put else where and it gets tired. dont go home thats for sure and avoid the "sale point", its a temptation...

Nice to see Chinese also enjoying pot. :tup: Does it grow there or do you get it from outside (golden crescent?).

I smoke up a lot. But I am worried. Not so much about the apathetic syndrome or the long term memory loss of rarely schizophrenia relate stuff. But more about performance issues.

Everything remains ok even after long term use? @yuba please also comment dude.[/quo

Nice to see Chinese also enjoying pot. :tup: Does it grow there or do you get it from outside (golden crescent?).

I smoke up a lot. But I am worried. Not so much about the apathetic syndrome or the long term memory loss of rarely schizophrenia relate stuff. But more about performance issues.

Everything remains ok even after long term use? @yuba please also comment dude.
I smoked it for so long it became the norm i used to have the best workouts afer a spliff.

Nice to see Chinese also enjoying pot. :tup: Does it grow there or do you get it from outside (golden crescent?).

I smoke up a lot. But I am worried. Not so much about the apathetic syndrome or the long term memory loss of rarely schizophrenia relate stuff. But more about performance issues.

Everything remains ok even after long term use? @yuba please also comment dude.

I guess it is a bit of both. Hong Kong is a lot less strict on that kind of thing.

I smoke up a lot. But I am worried. Not so much about the apathetic syndrome or the long term memory loss of rarely schizophrenia relate stuff. But more about performance issues.

Everything remains ok even after long term use? @yuba please also comment dude.

I think you meant short-term memory loss? I had a lot of that while I was smoking up, but it cleared up pretty quickly after I stopped. Same with the weed paranoia/anxiety, none of that stuff stays with you afterwards.

I think long-term weed use doesn't have any lasting negative effects. I smoked weed for about 2-3 years (not really long term, but it seemed long to me), after I quit I haven't had any problems. Though I do get cravings sometimes, especially when I hear people talking about weed, seeing people smoking weed, seeing movies about weed, lol. :P

Anyway, Yuba has been smoking weed for 20+ years, and just quit recently. So he'll probably have the best advice for you, in real time as well. :D
I guess it is a bit of both. Hong Kong is a lot less strict on that kind of thing.

I think you meant short-term memory loss? I had a lot of that while I was smoking up, but it cleared up pretty quickly after I stopped. Same with the weed paranoia/anxiety, none of that stuff stays with you afterwards.

I think long-term weed use doesn't have any lasting negative effects. I smoked weed for about 2-3 years, after I quit I haven't had any problems. Though I do get cravings sometimes, especially when I hear people talking about weed, seeing people smoking weed, seeing movies about weed, lol. :P
On the memory loss issue that is true did you ever used to walk into a room and forget what you went in there for
On the memory loss issue that is true did you ever used to walk into a room and forget what you went in there for

I used to walk into the kitchen all the time to get a snack, and then forget why I came into the kitchen. :P

I don't know why weed causes short-term memory loss. Luckily, it is doesn't cause any permanent effects. After you stop smoking weed your short-term memory gets sharper really fast.
I hope we are talking about the same workouts here.

LOL. :P For the thing you are talking about, I think that is just the aging process.

Weed use would only have a minor effect on that, I guess. Depending how much you used it and for how long, generally you shouldn't have any major lasting effects from weed use after you have stopped.

Weed doesn't cause lasting health problems by itself. If you think you're having problems, it might just be psychological, I don't think you should worry about it too much.
On the memory loss issue that is true did you ever used to walk into a room and forget what you went in there for

Dude what I get is sometimes we go to some local friends place to smoke up. Then when at night we are riding back to the hostel, on a road I must have ridden on 3 million times before, suddnly I completely lose my bearing and track of wtf I am. ZERO. No familiar point of reference. I slow down, look around. And after some time, distance, I finally get my bearing. I am only 19 man and have been smoking up for 2 years. Is this pre-senile dementia or some shit?

couldnt post it in naswarville so here is for my brothers, a clip from Citizen Khan !!


just 4 days.... :lol:

some people cannot sleep without smoking weed.

Citizen Khan.... Hahaha, the BBC should have made more episodes.
I hope we are talking about the same workouts here.
both gym and the other but on your question of long term effectsevery person is differant.I was the type of person who still run his buisness and other matters ok. But i know some smokers who became so demotivated that that is all they did was smoke no work sold it just to keep themselves smoking and went on the dole because they could not function.
Dude what I get is sometimes we go to some local friends place to smoke up. Then when at night we are riding back to the hostel, on a road I must have ridden on 3 million times before, suddnly I completely lose my bearing and track of wtf I am. ZERO. No familiar point of reference. I slow down, look around. And after some time, distance, I finally get my bearing. I am only 19 man and have been smoking up for 2 years. Is this pre-senile dementia or some shit?

Haha don't worry about it, that's perfectly natural.

You're fine, just remind yourself it's only the weed. Don't over think it too much.

Nobody in the history of the world has ever died from weed. It's far more healthy than alcohol or tobacco.

Hey, do you know what my friend told me? Chinese used hemp to invent paper, Indians used hemp to invent smoking weed. :P
Dude what I get is sometimes we go to some local friends place to smoke up. Then when at night we are riding back to the hostel, on a road I must have ridden on 3 million times before, suddnly I completely lose my bearing and track of wtf I am. ZERO. No familiar point of reference. I slow down, look around. And after some time, distance, I finally get my bearing. I am only 19 man and have been smoking up for 2 years. Is this pre-senile dementia or some shit?
Like chinese dragon said dont worry thats the norm when your stoned.
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