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Indian General Elections - 2014

Whom will you Vote for in 2014 General Elections??

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Thanks @kurup wonder how do we do that???

@Abingdonboy @sancho mates, why didn't you voted in the Poll??

Your Opinion is the MOST BALANCED & MOST RATIONAL among all Indians here, would have been better if we can know your Political Stand.

Thanks In Advance :)

Because I simply know way too less about Indian politics and politicans, so all I say in these kind of threads are mainly general statements that works for every elections all over the world. Something like not to be blinded by a single person, but to take a deeper look into the policies of the party he or she stands for, because that is what really matters! Politicians can and will say anything to be elected, but it's always the party that controls things not individuals. Be it Obama, MMS, Modi, or others (I think Merkel and Putin are exceptions, because they kick competitors early), they all are limited to what their parties and in most cases even their coalition partners want.

However, but I do try to follow these threads too, since I want to understand the real differences and what changes might come for India, if a new government would be elected. I think that's the minimum what we should do, keep ourselfs informed, even if we can't really contribute to discussions on this matter.
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Thirdly, I am not an Indian citizen and as such I cannot and will not be voting in the general elections come 2014 so my opinion and beliefs are entirely irrelevant.

@Abingdonboy In this Poll people across the border VOTED so that they can some how INFLUENCE the real elections.

They look more worried about who will Indians elect than the Indians themselves.

Even when they will have NO SAY in the real elections.

I am sure that considering this, I reserve the right to ask the OPINIONS of People of Indian Origin (as they are more Indian than people across the borders).

As is the case, this poll & this thread will have minimal effect on the real elections, but what we want here is a Healthy discussion/debate/Opinions, so that Indians can make up there mind as to whom they want to elect.

I don't want to counter you on your Preferences as this is your Democratic CHOICE, i just wanted to know the opinions of more Mature Indian members here, which i think i got, Thanks for that.
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@Abingdonboy In this Poll people across the border VOTED so that they can some how INFLUENCE the real elections.

They look more worried about who will Indians elect than the Indians themselves.

Even when they will have NO SAY in the real elections.

I am sure that considering this, I reserve the right to ask the OPINIONS of People of Indian Origin (as they are more Indian than people across the borders).

As is the case, this poll & this thread will have minimal effect on the real elections, but what we want here is a Healthy discussion/debate/Opinions, so that Indians can make up there mind as to whom they want to elect.

I don't want to counter you on your Preferences as this is your Democratic CHOICE, i just wanted to know the opinions of more Mature Indian members here, which i think i got, Thanks for that.

Fair enough @arp2041. But even if I wanted to vote on the poll, I couldn't. Like I said- I'm still complelty on the fence about the whole thing and would like certain things to become clearer before I make up my mind one way or another.
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The real world is a different place. How is one expected to vote in Karnataka? Vote for Modi? How? By voting for the most corrupt bunch of people that Karnataka has ever seen? No matter what Modi's personal popularity is, the BJP has committed suicide in Karnataka and considering that they gave the BJP 19 seats in the last elections, that is nothing short of a major disaster for the BJP & Mr. Modi if he wishes to be PM.
Fair enough @arp2041. But even if I wanted to vote on the poll, I couldn't. Like I said- I'm still complelty on the fence about the whole thing and would like certain things to become clearer before I make up my mind one way or another.
@Abingdonboy I understand your dilemma, but all i wanted to say is that every one deserves a SECOND CHANCE, one can't accuse a person of something for lifelong (this when no Court have found him guilty), even Congress Got Second (even third, fourth, etc.) chances after 1984, this when the PM of India at that time openly said that "Earth Shakes when a Huge tree falls". We may never know exactly what happened in 2002, but we can't take it's burden for all time. Modi (if elected) will have to be many times more careful in his dealings than any other party leader since not just Indian eyes but even the World eyes would be closely monitoring his each & every move, believe me, He would have to act more SECULAR than the so called SECULARISTS themselves, b'coz he knows very well that one mistake & his Political career would be FINISHED. Not just that, he will make all chances of a BJP comeback NIL for atleast a decade & half. (this is just my opinion)
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MUST READ, even for Pakistanis.

Ruminations.......: Dear Mr Javed Akhtar,

The real world is a different place. How is one expected to vote in Karnataka? Vote for Modi? How? By voting for the most corrupt bunch of people that Karnataka has ever seen? No matter what Modi's personal popularity is, the BJP has committed suicide in Karnataka and considering that they gave the BJP 19 seats in the last elections, that is nothing short of a major disaster for the BJP & Mr. Modi if he wishes to be PM.

As an Indian citizen, not wanting to vote for BJP in Karnataka, who would you vote for, if not BJP?
As an Indian citizen, not wanting to vote for BJP in Karnataka, who would you vote for, if not BJP?

In Karnataka? Certainly for the Congress. No other option. I was speaking about the later LS elections where even if one wanted to vote for Modi, there is way too much baggage of the state BJP for it to work.
Is Congress clean in Karnataka?

Everything is relative. Never this bad, never this irresponsible. I voted for the BJP, they certainly can't expect to be rewarded for their "performance". The Congress (or the JD(S)) gets the default vote, it is the BJP that loses the election more than anyone else winning it .
@Abingdonboy I understand your dilemma, but all i wanted to say is that every one deserves a SECOND CHANCE, one can't accuse a person of something for lifelong (this when no Court have found him guilty), even Congress Got Second (even third, fourth, etc.) chances after 1984, this when the PM of India at that time openly said that "Earth Shakes when a Huge tree falls". We may never know exactly what happened in 2002, but we can't take it's burden for all time. Modi (if elected) will have to be many times more careful in his dealings than any other party leader since not just Indian eyes but even the World eyes would be closely monitoring his each & every move, believe me, He would have to act more SECULAR than the so called SECULARISTS themselves, b'coz he knows very well that one mistake & his Political career would be FINISHED. Not just that, he will make all chances of a BJP comeback NIL for atleast a decade & half. (this is just my opinion)

I get all this @arp2041 and I think we've had similar conversations in the past. I am not just referring to 2002 when I talk about clarifications. I am really referencing his more general stance on religious tolerance and the like. I have little idea how he feels on the minorities of India or even in a general idea if he sees himself as a Hindu-nationalist (I won't use the Hindutva term as that is abused) or purely an Indian above all else. I know he has said he believes in "India-first" and this is what I believe too, but I want to feel that this is his genuine stance and not just political showboating.

To be the leader of India you cannot be anything but a secularist anymore, this shouldn't even be question, you just have to be.

Additionally I have my reservations on him by the fact that under him Gujarat is under prohibition. I don't want him to come into office and then embark upon a moral-policing drive across India. This is not what 21st century India needs.

Also I would be really interested in seeing his specific economic and development plans ie what he expects to do, what he will focus on etc. I'd like to know if it is the economy and development where he'd focus his attention on, which is all I'd really want any future PM of India to do.

Like I say, I'm not necessarily anti-Modi I'd just like the picture of him as a PM to become clearer.

In fact, if anyone was to look back over my posts that relate to Modi, they'd see I have massively toned down my feelings to Modi and would infact be open to his election if I get a few specific clarifications.

The 2002 issue is at the back of my mind now as I think time has shown he wasn't criminally implicated. The question of him escaping punishment doesn't really exisit in my mind anymore as I have seen the Police were given a free hand in going after the animals who were really to blame and incredibly high officials are now in prison for their part in the 2002 events and this is unprecedented in Indian history.

I am almost certain that if Modi had been culpable that he'd be rotting in a cell right now especially with a Congress federal govt in power.
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