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U.S. Starts Shipping Out, via Risky Pakistan Route

A smaller footprint means they can manage via air/other routes if needed. Not saying they will begin to fight but your leverage will go down significantly.

The reason i invited you to use your imagination was to figure out how further you could think which obviously would be based on your knowledge.

Cheers for reply.

It is ours to lose if we allow them to. If we let our own "enmity" to overshadow our interests.

We can use USA (or other entities) to get ourselves out of the morass, develop ourselves faster, improve the lot of our poor and disadvantaged people, use their technical and management expertize to leapfrog and catch up with the best out there.

The choice is ours to make.

And you think that a superpower fighting for its crown hasn't thought and prepared for that?
And you think that a superpower fighting for its crown hasn't thought and prepared for that?

I don't think the Superpower is inherently evil. It has its interests no doubt which it will protect.

There are several example of what I mentioned. Europe, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and now China have used US technology, investments and management techniques to advance rapidly. Of course it was not the only factor but it acted as a great accelerator.

I daresay, even we in India have done that to a smaller degree and hope to do it to a larger degree in the near future.

There is no reason Pakistan can't do it and our whole region can't do it.
I don't think the Superpower is inherently evil. It has its interests no doubt which it will protect.

There are several example of what I mentioned. Europe, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and now China have used US technology, investments and management techniques to advance rapidly. Of course it was not the only factor but it acted as a great accelerator.

I daresay, even we in India have done that to a smaller degree and hope to do it to a larger degree in the near future.

There is no reason Pakistan can't do it and our whole region can't do it.

What if the greatest interest of that not so evil superpower is the economic/strategic demise of our continent. What if we collectively represent the biggest threat to the crown in the next 2 decades?

Is it all about technology? - Can Japan,Germany,Australia etc be regarded as free nations?...and mother of all questions...does the Asian story has to be the same as them?
What if the greatest interest of that not so evil superpower is the economic/strategic demise of our continent. What if we collectively represent the biggest threat to the crown in the next 2 decades?

Who is "we"? Asia or just the subcontinent?

I see that most of Asia is rising. USA benefits from the rise of Asia economically as it has a bigger market for its goods and more targets for its investments.

The only regions that are lagging behind are the ones that are tying themselves in knots of regional rivalries and allowing it to overshadow everything else.

Is it all about technology? - Can Japan,Germany,Australia etc be regarded as free nations?...and mother of all questions...does the Asian story has to be the same as them?

Not sure what you mean by a free nation?

It may be a bit provocative but do you consider Pakistan to be a free country?

Saudi? India?
With all the current goings-on, Iran is going to be the elephant in the Afghan room now.

Seems like it. The recent opening up of Iran-West relations will probably help.
But there are other interested parties (anti-Iran) who are not metioned as much; KSA and UAE.
Seems like it. The recent opening up of Iran-West relations will probably help.
But there are other interested parties (anti-Iran) who are not metioned as much; KSA and UAE.

Its just a matter of time before US-Iran relations improve. When this current regime changes, things will start changing.
Seems like it. The recent opening up of Iran-West relations will probably help.
But there are other interested parties (anti-Iran) who are not metioned as much; KSA and UAE.

You are right. The bottom line is Iran is an important player in the region, like it or hate it. Everybody will have to come to terms with that. Of course some elements of the Iranian leadership with their antipathy towards the west have not made it easier, just as the extremely myopic views of USA regarding ME have like wise added fuel to fire.

KSA and UAE will remain as 'spoilers'. After all they have a "turf to defend" !
The route through Karachi may, however, prove problematic. In recent months, several large neighborhoods in the city have fallen under the sway of the Taliban.

WHAT?????? If this was a report coming from Press TV, it would have been ridiculed. I think the Americans are no less incredible when it comes to news making. Where in Karachi has any neighborhood fallen to Taliban? Ridiculous reporting.
Does any one knows.. how much Najam Sethi is being paid for continuing transit aid.
US defeat and withdrawl from afghanistan signals the begining of the end india's afghan adventure , the billions that india invested in afghanistan have gone down the toilet
The US Pakistan relationship will remain stable till they are out of Afghanistan. The tone will change once they are out, its not something I am wishing but predicting based on History.

We don’t deny that fact that our relationship has seen its fair share of ups and down. At the same time, some of our past debacles have provided us with great lessons. We’ve learned the importance of working together to achieve our shared objectives. We do not want the past mistakes to recur, and that’s one of the main reasons you see our officials meet on the regular basis to address our shared concerns. We’ve made a lot of sacrifices in the region along with Pakistan. In order to prevent those sacrifices from going to waste, it is important for us to maintain a healthy partnership with Pakistan in the future. We’ve always emphasized Pakistan’s importance in the WOT, and the bottom line is that we need to continue to cooperate and coordinate for the sake of preventing our common enemies from succeeding. We restate what General Joseph F. Dunford, commander, International Security Assistance Force, said during a meeting with Chief of Army Staff, General Ashfaq Pervez Kayani: "The Pakistanis, the Afghans and the international community all desire peace and security in the region. These meetings are important to achieving that goal as we continue to explore ways to expand our relationship.”

Ali Khan
DET, United States Central Command
U.S. Central Command
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