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Shameful Acts of Ministers in Newyork -- May 2009

Yes why not lets Kill all evil , this is the Taliban approach one we need to remove, the MNA's need to resign be fired and they need to be publicly shamed only then will we start to bring change.
Publicly shamed? It wont matter to these guys as they have no shame after looting and plundering the resources of the nation for more than 6 decades.
It will matter if they are turned down at places discredited by the media and it will certainly hurt their chances if their constituencies are shown the action of their elected candidates do you reckon they would vote for the man again.
& how can u be so sure of that by the way if u r such a hardcore supporter of democracy what r u doing in KSA well i guess the riyals aren't fake or is it ? it is easeir said then done sitting in the air conditioner drawing rooms of saudi,europe,north america and comment on pakistan it can taste better then lipton tea but when reality knocks in pakistan with almost 2 million helpless refugees ,loads of load sheddings, scarcity of jobs, Crime rate rising , cost of living jumping up the roof believe me it sounds very annoying .

my previous post does suggest that m taking my words back, doesn' t it??wots that :blah: for?:azn:
Could be and most likely you're right. However, I still believe it's morally wrong. How can one justify joyous dancing whilst Pakistan is in doldrums? Don't these people have any shame left? It just isn't right. It's horribly wrong and questions need to be asked. We need to see some heads roll.

True, no shame is left ... every Tom, Dick and Harry tried to impress the ministers so that he can get some benfits in Pakistan ... If you ask Qaira sahib about the joyous dance he will proudly tell you that energy crisis will be over by the end of this year and PA is very close to crush the Taliban so there is no harm in dancining.

To top it off, he will tell you that Zardari's begging got Pakistan another billion in loans!
that's the face of curruption.
i guess most of the aid pakistan recieve from USA also goes into wrong hands.
limousine....i also heard about some "MUJRA PARTY" that Mr.QAIRA went to got pi*s drunk and had a fight....

the whole system needs to be changed from the grass root level...all the perks and benefits these politicans enjoy need to be taken away because we are a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY....we are like CHRYSLER & GM....our country is bankcrupt and our leaders fly in personal planes......

we need to stop this PROTOCOL CULTURE in our country where traffic is stopped for any offical or his family...indian PM travels in a PADMINI while ours have the worlds high-tech MERCEDEZ...that is maybe only second compared to the pope...

a new youth party needs to emerge from this mess and should have all youth representation.....after all youth represent 60% of our population.....the youth should ensure that a check and balance is maintained on every member!!! there is so much that can be done...but for that we need a revolution a BLOODY REVOLUTION!!!! because these "SOFT" revolutions or bloodless coups are just a change in face not a change in the IDEOLOGY of a nation!!!
limousine....i also heard about some "MUJRA PARTY" that Mr.QAIRA went to got pi*s drunk and had a fight....

the whole system needs to be changed from the grass root level...all the perks and benefits these politicans enjoy need to be taken away because we are a THIRD WORLD COUNTRY....we are like CHRYSLER & GM....our country is bankcrupt and our leaders fly in personal planes......

we need to stop this PROTOCOL CULTURE in our country where traffic is stopped for any offical or his family...indian PM travels in a PADMINI while ours have the worlds high-tech MERCEDEZ...that is maybe only second compared to the pope...

a new youth party needs to emerge from this mess and should have all youth representation.....after all youth represent 60% of our population.....the youth should ensure that a check and balance is maintained on every member!!! there is so much that can be done...but for that we need a revolution a BLOODY REVOLUTION!!!! because these "SOFT" revolutions or bloodless coups are just a change in face not a change in the IDEOLOGY of a nation!!!

I really love the way you make it sound so simple and so possible you know I wish change was that simple, unfortunately it isn't a certain general by the name of Musharraf in one small and effective step completely broke down our patriotism and level of country before self by leaving an uneducated Pakistan to the hands of Indian media and not that I have anything against it but the fact that our media wasn't competetive and soon ur culture took a giant leap into whatever came out of India we followed it blindly our culture was infused into bollywoods and then you remember how you and I argued about how kids have a lack of true patriotism and unfortunately in the eyes of many children Pakistan became nothing more than their country and just to keep people happy some dates and the national anthem was taught to our children amongst which 90% of us wouldn't even know the translation or even the language it is in. The biggest gap is the lack of belongingness, Urban Pakistan can be categorised in to four major classes, We have the eternally poor class who have had their entire life put infront of them and they know that the maximum they can get to is a comfortable days wage and probably a little saving for a good dress for eid, the second tier is the one that is our workin lower middle class I can safely say that this is the one that believes lets get a get a job and then whatever we can earn if god is with them then they would probably move to a handfull of foreign countries they set out as their dream destination, we then have a upper middle class this is the one I feel I know best they have an education followed by a degree or diploma in whatever they please and then they get work they even have a good life and a little pension and they get a comfatrable living they even aspire to go foreign but they also have other aspirations like building a bunglow or sending their kid out to a foreign university so that he can get out of this hole called Pakistan, this is also the class that loves to debate politics and keep condemning things with their mouths they also have this lovely hope and prayer like yours my friend which is what I love. Then comes the rich who have what people need and hence are already given a favored treatment they don't want change because they are happy in their current conditions and can't be bothered.

I know the papragraph above is steriotyping alot of people of Pakistan but I am afraid that amongst these basic divisions I can't find one person who has the will or the time to bring change for Pakistan.
Besides, you're confusing two things here. Democracy not being given a fair chance has nothing to do with such useless politicians enjoying their trips abroad lavishly.

This response is supremely late however I sincerely hope you do read it, today when people observe this and the information is wide spread these people won't be given a chance be voted into power or their hold will be reduced the same was the case with the PML(Q) leadership unfortunately though if some imbecile of a general decides to come to power then he wastes another few generations of change bringers and the people will vote for these type of people again however if this process is to continue soon people will stop voting for these people they will change their tact do more and the process will keep coming on track it will take time but it will come.

Brother, democracy isn't a thing for Pakistan, and especially this type of. If our military doesn't interfere in politics, I'm afraid that our government might collapse. All I pray with regard to this is, MAY Allah guide us to the right path. May PAkistan prosper always.........

Why is democracy not a thing for Pakistan do you call us animals that are meant to be led and you don't want your freedom please go work for Zardari on his farm because as you can so wonderfully see what is going on in Burma that is what will become of us if genrals are allowed to lead us, already I just learned on another thread how the COAS is like a mafia boss who gets a 3% cut off on every deal that is made by the army he is a mini version of Zardari anyways, god knows what other money the army gets away with, however one must admit they cover their steps really well.

@ Rumail I hope this is what you are roughly trying to say.
that's the face of curruption.
i guess most of the aid pakistan recieve from USA also goes into wrong hands.

Yep i think that General Musharraf is one to be blamed and he should certainly be tried for this matter because he got the money with begging too it is something both him and the PPP resorted too and both of them should answer after alll general Musharraf has been given $9 billion or more for this effort, and within this amount I feel he should have covered alot of the WoT which he so seemingly failed to.
@ Rumail I hope this is what you are roughly trying to say.

yep, ty

u guys might have heard about "Worst Democracy is Better than Dictatorship"
Musharraf was gonna privatise Pakistan Steel Mills and PSO, before CJP took action.
he spent huge sums of money to provide subsidies, and left the treasury almost empty to be handled by the next government!
Pakistan never got benefitted from dictators.
Ayyub Khan sold our rivers to India!
US and Zia-ul-Haq were mainly involved in the creation of Taliban, n then these guys(mostly Afghans) were given "Pakistani" nationality(US left Pakistan isolated to deal with the Mujahedeen, after the war)
its the result of past mistakes committed by dictators that we are facing such crisis...
India is cutting down our water supplies(got loads of dams on rivers sold by Ayyub)
Everyone here knows well about Taliban, which were presented to us by Zia/US!
How can we even think about supporting these dictators!
"Worst Democracy is Better than Dictatorship"...its true
hold on, please be patient.
the job of media is to report things objectively and fairly.
our duty is to remember these.
when the elections come use our vote sensibly.
unless we allow the governments to complete their terms they will always have an excuse that they were not given a chance.
we must be patient and follow democratic procedures. we may seem to lose in short term but it is a long term gain as long as we remember the past mistakes and don't repeat.
may allah guide us and give us patients. Our rulers can only be as good as us (our choice). we cannot blame others.
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