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Alert! UFO War: Chinese and US Navy off San Francisco!


May 28, 2011
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Chinese Naval forces off California said to be on Joint UFO Suppression Mission

At the outset, I would like to mention that what you're about to read may look like science fiction written by some guy who's high on weed. Here's something about the author of this extraordinary report:

Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran, a combat infantryman, and Senior Editor at Veterans Today. His career has included extensive experience in international banking along with such diverse areas as consulting on counter insurgency, surveillance technologies, intelligence analysis,defense technologies or acting as a UN diplomat and "special consultant." Duff currently serves on the boards of the Adamus Group, one of the world's largest energy technology firms and of a private financial institution participating in the Federal Reserve Banking group. His most recent project adapts advanced military technologies to wildlife and land management in cooperation with the UN, USAID and International Wildlife Federation. Gordon Duff has traveled to over 80 nations. His articles are published around the world and translated into a number of languages. Duff, military affairs analyst for Press TV, is regularly on TV and radio, a popular and sometimes controversial guest.

Having mentioned that, let's have a look at the report...

Joint Fleets Fend Off UFO Threat

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

This last week, reports of Chinese naval vessels off the US coast, Northern Californian in particular, have been reported but denied.

Now an Asian intelligence agencies reports that a combined fleet operation between the US and China has been going on, a full combat operation against what we are told is a “highly unfriendly extra-terrestrial threat.”

Kerry Cassidy was an early source on this and should be credited. Here initial suspicions were inaccurate but her information has been confirmed.

The verifications of the fleet operations have been many, there have been no confirmation from the US side though the ships have been seen by every vessel that makes it offshore. The true nature of both the threat and the extent of the multinational military force used is beyond any imaginable classification level.


Extraterrestrial craft are operating from underwater bases.

Advanced US sub-orbital weapons platforms represented as “tested” have actually been deployed from Vandenburg Air Force Base. These are armed with energy weapons.

UFO tracking has been moved from conventional to nano-technology with microscopic sensors being used to detect behaviors such as dimensional rifts and distortions in time, things only discussed in TV shows like Fringe and X Files.

The actual classified memo on very short distribution mentions only the following:

Opposition is extrterrestrial and extremely aggressive and unfriendly.
The threat represents a “clear and present danger” and is isolated to the Pacific Basin.
China is forced to carry US responsibility because our own naval capability is sitting in the Persian Gulf when America is under a very real alien threat.
Attempts to seek confirmations or to directly verify these operations will lead to fatal consequences.

Our confirmations limit us to this response which I have chosen to represent in a highly deniable form out of personal interest. Others in the US have better information and sources and have been silenced with warnings only.

As to this being a total “hose job,” I don’t see any advantage in it.

For several months earlier this year, there had been disclosures tied to the UFO issue. One real sighting had been made over South Korea.


There are more things going on behind the scene than we'll ever know! Why did Clinton mention the other day that they would not interfere in the latest spat between China and Japan over a small group of islands? Is it a quid pro quo for Chinese help to the US in the Pacific as much of US naval forces are operating presently in the Gulf?

The million dollar question is that if this report is untrue, then what is the Chinese Naval fleet doing off the coast of California? There are no joint Naval exercises scheduled. If this was so, then why the secrecy over the joint exercises?

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.


UFO War: Chinese and US Navy off San Francisco | Veterans Today

Chinese Naval forces off California said to be on Joint UFO Suppression Mission

At the outset, I would like to mention that what you're about to read may look like science fiction written by some guy who's high on weed. Here's something about the author of this extraordinary report:

Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran, a combat infantryman, and Senior Editor at Veterans Today. His career has included extensive experience in international banking along with such diverse areas as consulting on counter insurgency, surveillance technologies, intelligence analysis,defense technologies or acting as a UN diplomat and "special consultant." Duff currently serves on the boards of the Adamus Group, one of the world's largest energy technology firms and of a private financial institution participating in the Federal Reserve Banking group. His most recent project adapts advanced military technologies to wildlife and land management in cooperation with the UN, USAID and International Wildlife Federation. Gordon Duff has traveled to over 80 nations. His articles are published around the world and translated into a number of languages. Duff, military affairs analyst for Press TV, is regularly on TV and radio, a popular and sometimes controversial guest.

Having mentioned that, let's have a look at the report...

Joint Fleets Fend Off UFO Threat

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

This last week, reports of Chinese naval vessels off the US coast, Northern Californian in particular, have been reported but denied.

Now an Asian intelligence agencies reports that a combined fleet operation between the US and China has been going on, a full combat operation against what we are told is a “highly unfriendly extra-terrestrial threat.”

Kerry Cassidy was an early source on this and should be credited. Here initial suspicions were inaccurate but her information has been confirmed.

The verifications of the fleet operations have been many, there have been no confirmation from the US side though the ships have been seen by every vessel that makes it offshore. The true nature of both the threat and the extent of the multinational military force used is beyond any imaginable classification level.


Extraterrestrial craft are operating from underwater bases.

Advanced US sub-orbital weapons platforms represented as “tested” have actually been deployed from Vandenburg Air Force Base. These are armed with energy weapons.

UFO tracking has been moved from conventional to nano-technology with microscopic sensors being used to detect behaviors such as dimensional rifts and distortions in time, things only discussed in TV shows like Fringe and X Files.

The actual classified memo on very short distribution mentions only the following:

Opposition is extrterrestrial and extremely aggressive and unfriendly.
The threat represents a “clear and present danger” and is isolated to the Pacific Basin.
China is forced to carry US responsibility because our own naval capability is sitting in the Persian Gulf when America is under a very real alien threat.
Attempts to seek confirmations or to directly verify these operations will lead to fatal consequences.

Our confirmations limit us to this response which I have chosen to represent in a highly deniable form out of personal interest. Others in the US have better information and sources and have been silenced with warnings only.

As to this being a total “hose job,” I don’t see any advantage in it.

For several months earlier this year, there had been disclosures tied to the UFO issue. One real sighting had been made over South Korea.


There are more things going on behind the scene than we'll ever know! Why did Clinton mention the other day that they would not interfere in the latest spat between China and Japan over a small group of islands? Is it a quid pro quo for Chinese help to the US in the Pacific as much of US naval forces are operating presently in the Gulf?

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.


UFO War: Chinese and US Navy off San Francisco | Veterans Today

This could be deliberate disinformation/cointelpro report put out.Even former naval intelligence officer Bill Cooper who predicted the 9/11 on basis of govt contacts stated that govts put out such disinformation involving ETs on a periodic basis to put off investigators.(for this he was murdered by the american police in a setup encounter)

ET's have no interest in earth and might/might not exist .
Intriguing. Do you also happen to have a source where the U.S. government specifically stated or mentioned we are engaging in conflict with extraterrestrials?
This could be deliberate disinformation/cointelpro report put out.Even former naval intelligence officer Bill Cooper who predicted the 9/11 on basis of govt contacts stated that govts put out such disinformation involving ETs on a periodic basis to put off investigators.(for this he was murdered by the american police in a setup encounter)
Really? That may be the American govt that could be involved in disinformation. But why are the Chinese there? Are they in cahoots with the Americans for this so called 'disinformation' campaign? Most unlikely.

ET's have no interest in earth and might/might not exist .
And how do you know that? Did the ETs tell you?

And how can you categorically state that ETs do not exist? Remember, there are trillions of galaxies out there, each with billions of star systems, and you think we could be the only 'intelligent' species in this entire universe?
Intriguing. Do you also happen to have a source where the U.S. government specifically stated or mentioned we are fighting extraterrestrials?

I believe there were docs on FBI related to the nature of ET encounters on the unclassified realm.But none about fighting.
Really? That may be the American govt that could be involved in disinformation. But why are the Chinese there? Are they in cahoots with the Americans for this so called 'disinformation' campaign? Most unlikely.

And how do you know that? Did the ETs tell you?

And how can you categorically state that ETs do not exist? Remember, there are trillions of galaxies out there, each with billions of star systems, and you think we could be the only 'intelligent' species in this entire universe?

First,it is politically unintelligent to admit anything about ET's as it can be a big black mark on your career.If you are interested on the ET angle,then Billy Meier is good.He has provided good bit of evidence in his case.Second is the wife of a russian cosmonaut (Pavel Popovich) Marina Popovich who showed the photo of 20 km cylindrical ship near Mars Moon Phobos.

Really? That may be the American govt that could be involved in disinformation. But why are the Chinese there? Are they in cahoots with the Americans for this so called 'disinformation' campaign? Most unlikely.

Yes and no.
Intriguing. Do you also happen to have a source where the U.S. government specifically stated or mentioned we are engaging in conflict with extraterrestrials?
Have you heard of the American Secret Shadow Government? Here are the details of the Intel Branch that has a lot to do with UFOs!


National Security Agency (NSA)

Monitors and screens all telephone, telegraph, computer modem, radio, television, cellular, microwave, and satellite communications, and electromagnetic fields "of interest" around the world, and orchestrates information-control and cover-up activities related to UFO secrecy and surveillance of extra-terrestrial operations, Fort Meade, MD.

National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)

Controls and collects information from global spy satellites, monitors UFO traffic entering and leaving Earth's atmosphere, coordinates firing of energy beam weapons from orbiting Star Wars satellites at selected human ground and airborne targets and selectively at extra-terrestrial craft, Pentagon basement and Dulles Airport area, VA.

National Reconnaissance Organization (NRO) (aka MJ-TF)

The military/intelligence operations arm of the PI-40 Subcommittee, conducts surveillance, interdiction, capture and confiscation of UFOs and their extra-terrestrial occupants for intelligence and "International Security" purposes; "Interacts" with close encounter experiences, headquarters unknown, probably compartmentalized and dispersed among various elite Delta Force Special Operations units, such as the USAF Blue Light at Hurlburt Field, Mary Esther, FL and Beale Air Force Base, Marysville, CA.

Central Intelligence Agency

Cooperates with NSA's UFO cover-up operations, Langley, VA.

Federal Bureau of Investigation

The Counter Intelligence Division investigates and neutralizes foreign Intelligence agents operating within the U.S., and cooperates with the National Reconnaissance Organization in the surveillance of those involved in close encounters with UFOs and extra-terrestrials.

U.S. Navy Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI)

Gathers intelligence affecting naval operations, and has a compartmentalized unit involved in UFO and USO [Unidentified Submerged Objects] information gathering.

U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI)

Gathers intelligence affecting aerospace operations, and has a compartmentalized unit involved in investigating UFO sightings, extra-terrestrial contact reports, as well as IAC [Identified Alien Craft] surveillance, and coordination with NRO interdiction operations, Bolling Air Force Base, MD.

NASA Intelligence

Gathers intelligence data relating to space flights, sabotage threats, astronaut and reconnaissance satellite encounters with UFOs and ETs, and coordinates the transfer of alien technology to U.S. and allies' aerospace operations.

Unbelievable? There's more but that for later!
Have you heard of the American Secret Shadow Government? Here are the details of the Intel Branch that has a lot to do with UFOs!


National Security Agency (NSA)

Monitors and screens all telephone, telegraph, computer modem, radio, television, cellular, microwave, and satellite communications, and electromagnetic fields "of interest" around the world, and orchestrates information-control and cover-up activities related to UFO secrecy and surveillance of extra-terrestrial operations, Fort Meade, MD.

National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)

Controls and collects information from global spy satellites, monitors UFO traffic entering and leaving Earth's atmosphere, coordinates firing of energy beam weapons from orbiting Star Wars satellites at selected human ground and airborne targets and selectively at extra-terrestrial craft, Pentagon basement and Dulles Airport area, VA.

National Reconnaissance Organization (NRO) (aka MJ-TF)

The military/intelligence operations arm of the PI-40 Subcommittee, conducts surveillance, interdiction, capture and confiscation of UFOs and their extra-terrestrial occupants for intelligence and "International Security" purposes; "Interacts" with close encounter experiences, headquarters unknown, probably compartmentalized and dispersed among various elite Delta Force Special Operations units, such as the USAF Blue Light at Hurlburt Field, Mary Esther, FL and Beale Air Force Base, Marysville, CA.

Central Intelligence Agency

Cooperates with NSA's UFO cover-up operations, Langley, VA.

Federal Bureau of Investigation

The Counter Intelligence Division investigates and neutralizes foreign Intelligence agents operating within the U.S., and cooperates with the National Reconnaissance Organization in the surveillance of those involved in close encounters with UFOs and extra-terrestrials.

U.S. Navy Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI)

Gathers intelligence affecting naval operations, and has a compartmentalized unit involved in UFO and USO [Unidentified Submerged Objects] information gathering.

U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI)

Gathers intelligence affecting aerospace operations, and has a compartmentalized unit involved in investigating UFO sightings, extra-terrestrial contact reports, as well as IAC [Identified Alien Craft] surveillance, and coordination with NRO interdiction operations, Bolling Air Force Base, MD.

NASA Intelligence

Gathers intelligence data relating to space flights, sabotage threats, astronaut and reconnaissance satellite encounters with UFOs and ETs, and coordinates the transfer of alien technology to U.S. and allies' aerospace operations.

Unbelievable? There's more but that for later!

These are close earth surveillance agencies. If you want more knowledge about deep space surveillance then you should analyse Remote viewing data.
Hey bro, are you advertising Battleship 2 the Movie?

The story's pretty cool if it was true :laugh:
But only if we win. I don't want to be enslaved yet.
And I don't wanna be abducted and a probe shoved into my rear as the aliens apparently do!!! :undecided: :lol:

You really are not doing yourself any good talking on mainstream forums.You should join the occult hypothesis group on facebook.A lot of discussion on occult,military tech and aliens there.A good bit of analysis.
ET's have no interest in earth and might/might not exist .
Have a look here...

UFOs or CGI? You decide! Check out the comments of the astronauts and photographs taken from various Shuttle missions too. Still don't believe it? ...........Deny ignorance! The truth may be out there!
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Russian subs were reported seen off US west coast too. So this is not something completely a hoax.
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