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Pakistan can make Russia Queen of Asia


Feb 2, 2007
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The relations between the U.S. and Pakistan, despite the numerous attempts to revive them, are falling apart. Therefore, establishing close cooperation with Pakistan will give Russia a real chance to gain a foothold in Central and South Asia. In addition, Russia will be able to access the Indian Ocean, and make the U.S. troops in Afghanistan directly dependent on its logistics.

The constant and rude attempts of the United States to interfere in the internal affairs of a nuclear power raise overt anger in this country at all levels. An opinion poll conducted by Pew Research Center (USA) in the beginning of this year showed that 74 percent of Pakistanis view the U.S. as an "enemy." Not that long ago, the whole country was discussing the scandal connected with the resignation of the Pakistani ambassador to the United States. Husain Haqqani wrote a secret letter, in which he asked for help in preventing a military coup, which was allegedly plotted in Pakistan, and promised certain concessions in return.

But even this pro-American official said last week that the goals and priorities of the two countries would not be the same in near future. That is why, he said, the USA and Pakistan should give up their attempts to build a partnership and pay attention to their own interests instead. "If in 65 years we haven't been able to find sufficient common reasons to live together ... It may be better to find friendship outside the family ties," Haqqani told Reuters.

The brazen drone bombings of the Pakistani territory, the uncoordinated military operation to destroy Osama bin Laden, the accusations of supplying materials for Iran's nuclear program have prompted Pakistan to seek cooperation with Russia. A special envoy of the President of Russia visited Pakistan in May 2012. Putin himself accepted the invitation to come to Pakistan for a bilateral meeting in Islamabad, prior to the IV quadrilateral meeting on Afghanistan. The meeting is to be held in Islamabad on 26-27 September 2012 with the participation of Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan and Russia. A new strategic partnership is brewing in the region.

Pakistan was one of three countries that officially recognized the power of Taliban movement in Afghanistan. There is no logic in the decision of the USA to make Pakistan its ally after 9/11. Indeed, Afghanistan and Pakistan are two brotherly nations. Ten billion dollars that the States invested in Pakistan's economy during ten years are not enough to make the country "sell and destroy itself," as Minister of Science and Technology Azam Khan Swati said.

In case of partnership with Pakistan, Russia could take control of the logistics of the U.S. military bases in Afghanistan. Russia already controls the Northern Distribution Network in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan that border on Afghanistan. If we add the southern routes from Karachi to Chaman and Torkham, then all deliveries will have to be coordinated through the Russian-Pakistani alliance.

If this scenario becomes reality, Russia will obtain enormous leverage over the United States. In one fell swoop, it will remove the Mideastern loop, which can not be tightened today just because of Iran. What is more, Russia will receive access to the Indian Ocean through the Arabian Sea and the ports of Gwadar or Karachi and then to the Strait of Hormuz, bypassing the alliance with Iran, which is not beneficial for Russia now.

In addition, Pakistan has been an observer at the SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organization - a regional international organization, founded in 2001 by the leaders of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan) since 2005. One could go further on the geopolitical level, and make the country a permanent member of the SCO. Given that Afghanistan, India and Iran also look for partnerships in the bloc, one should welcome them as members too. The U.S. would thus face a dilemma: either give away South Asia for the SCO (to Russia and China that is) or try to retain the region at all costs.

With Pakistan's help, Russia would be able to control terrorist activities in Central Asia. The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) is the largest Islamist political organization in Central Asia. It is present in Afghanistan on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistan border, and Pakistan's role could be crucial in the fight against this menace.

The Commander of Pakistan Air Force, Air Marshal Tahir Rafique Butt, visited Russia in August. He told Thenews.com.pk portal that "it was a great visit with a positive result, and we can expect closer cooperation with Russia in the field of defense, particularly air defense." According to experts, Pakistan is interested in buying Mi-35 attack helicopters, Mi-17 transport helicopters, engines for JF-17 program, missile defense systems, submarines and so on.

Russia made another thoughtful decision as it offered Pakistan help in solving the country's energy crisis. Gazprom is ready to invest in Iran-Pakistan-India (IPI) gas pipeline, rather than in the risky TAPI (Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India), which has the support of the United States. In addition, Russia's Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Factory (MMK), with 75 percent of shares, will help expand the capabilities of Pakistan Steel Mills from 1 million to 3 million tons of production a year. Pakistan, in turn, can provide access to mineral resources in Balochistan and the Thar coal deposit.

It is important to remember that Pakistan sits on the crossroads of east to west and north to south trade corridors, including the new Silk Road Project in South Asia, which the Americans cherish. Russia needs to firmly define its economic priorities and defend them strongly. If the resources are not needed, then one should keep the transportation routes of those resources under control. A mega breakthrough is possible in the future: the "Persian Gulf - Bering Strait" railroad. The road will cross the Trans-Siberian Railway, the Turksib and the Trans-Asian Railway from China to Europe.

Pakistan can make Russia Queen of Asia - English pravda.ru
Bullsh!t.. Queen of Asia is China...

Pakistan can try making Russia queen of Europe ..
Well Gen. Musharraf went there in his time & told the Russian President they are welcome to use our warm waters through Gawadar port, the Russians were interested & they were slowly progressing but then Gen. Musharraf had to leave because of the amount of pressure from the corrupt & our country went in the hands of one of the most corrupt person ever so as a result everything went on complete hold & even the projects which had to be developed were also stopped by Mr. 10%.

Nothing good will happen in Mr.10% time & even Nawaz Sharif will do the same nothing good is expected from him at all.

What’s required for Pakistan right from the beginning is & was to stay close to China & Russia but these corrupt politicians always went & sat in the lap of US for the sake of Dollars. Only Pak Army can take Pakistan forward & we don’t need anything from US & Europe.

Yes Pakistan can claim to do many things, most never happens.

Hindis always claim to be manything which in reality they are not & they never will be. What you hindis can do best is go & shine your blur India.
Pakistan should just think about making itself something rather than wasting energies on making Russia, Palestine etc something.

What do you think India does, the same thing as it attempts to overcome its geopolitical weaknesses.

I answered one of your emotional diatribes in another thread - probably, you have not been able to read it. I will post it again for perusal please.

sometimes i really think that you are really asleep or pretend to sleep while typing all these....Keeping country together is always the topmost priority for any country in the world.And for poverty Jumla i 'll say i would have my poverty and freedom then prostituting myself for money. Thats what india did and did rightly so_Otherwise with easy money its like chaar din ki chandani fir andheri raat.Going to russia had nothing to do with indian economic policies.India always kept its distance from superpowers and still doing so.Cold war days it was necessary to keep distance from west..looking at pakistan today i must appreciate nehru did made right choice in 1947-1963.Russia was last resort to balance USA threats in 1971 hence USSR-indian friendship treaty was inked and worked well for india.but India never fought any super powers's war.Nationalization and licence raj i wonder who learnt from who was it bhutto first to implement it or Indira.Poverty sure india has but those many crores india pulled out of poverty since 47 is sure commendable job.I worked in this field so i know how much india has done in poverty elevation and no my information dont come from economist or bbc my information is compiled right on ground by us..
Stairs india built is not rickety its as strong and getting stronger haan its old but there are some termite but hay we have termite spray for that. And yes when i say i say with confidence that india dont have habit of dancing to usa tunes in strategic fields.Right Now NAM-2 is shaping shape in iran.And its your dreams that usa can pull india in its games like it pulled pakistan.India always keeps strategic independence.

with time chotay haathi avoid baday haati but jab woh bady ho jate hain to thokar bhi maar dete hain purane haathi ko.
Original Post By ajtr

I wish I could sleep through the trying moments of a nation. And I wish, I could call myself free and remain free while living under poverty. The emotions, exuberance of rhetoric and cold realism are all different notions and present different and varying environment.

India and Pakistan followed different paths after independence. India having established systems, needed to maintain itself and grow as a country to the vision of its leaders. Contrarily, Pakistan being a new country on the horizon had not only to survive but also needed to sustain and build its systems to grow out of India’s shadow.

Both countries prostituted for money and security. India, while remaining under the false pretence and cover of NAM, prostituted for Soviet Union, Pakistan joined the opposing system and did the same for the US and the West. Incidentally, India’s bashful lover and provider, the Soviet Union died of ignominy and Pakistan’s, lost interest in it.

Your emotional and exuberance of rhetoric notwithstanding, after the sadness of losing the bashful lovers, both were seeking a fresh aficionado. However, this time there was only one to choose from. The US of A.

In 1960s US attempted to play what it called, a strategy of pivotal statecraft. It entailed enticing both India and Pakistan to reconcile their differences through pivotal statecraft. However, India found Soviets and Pakistan allied with China. The pimp thus lost the leverage over her prostitutes. This time around however, a similar pivotal statecraft had a chance of some success as there was only one bashful lover left to fight for. The event of 9/11 momentarily shifted the bashful lover’s gratitude to other pressing needs. Taking this advantage, a second procurer emerged on the scene known by the name of China.

Both providers of lust for gratitude are still fighting for the same bashful lover. However, India has only USA while Pakistan has USA and China both. India therefore does not have the option of changing the bashful lover, while Pakistan can opt for China if USA misbehaves.

India, in her effort to seek an alternative to bashful US of A, is attempting to find a solution in the old wine and is naming it, NAM-2. Though the cover may remain NAM-2, India would still provide the lust for gratitude to bashful US of A.

This is real-politik and your emotions and those of many others will only remain emotions which have no value within the ambiance of real-politik.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...s-7-mistakes-afghanistan-4.html#ixzz24uIjW7TX
Well Gen. Musharraf went there in his time & told the Russian President they are welcome to use our warm waters through Gawadar port, the Russians were interested & they were slowly progressing but then Gen. Musharraf had to leave because of the amount of pressure from the corrupt & our country went in the hands of one of the most corrupt person ever so as a result everything went on complete hold & even the projects which had to be developed were also stopped by Mr. 10%.

and how will Russia use the Gwadar port? there is afganistan in between...instead Russia could rather use the chabbar port of Iran....

funniest part in the article is it claims Pakistan can make Russia....lol like they were a super power and Russia is some underdog wanting Pakistans help to become a regional power.......

what i dont understand is how do you guys make such claims ? just because one general visited that country......
you are looking towards Russia because you are slowly loosing your aid donor America, you guys now hope that India moves away from Russia so that you can get some military stuff from Russia.....

What’s required for Pakistan right from the beginning is & was to stay close to China & Russia but these corrupt politicians always went & sat in the lap of US for the sake of Dollars. Only Pak Army can take Pakistan forward & we don’t need anything from US & Europe.

it was not your corrupt Politicians who sat on the lap of US.....it was your Pak Army which did that
lol..what a joke,Pakistan will make Russia---ya ya enough said..why always pakistanis dreams about giving another powerful country a foothold??and why Russia even need a secure foothold in Pakistan??they can do business with other seas.doing business via Pakistan will have a huge risk,because they have to carry cargo through Pakistan and Afganistan(security reason) and also,its a long route to carry cargo.
lol..what a joke,Pakistan will make Russia---ya ya enough said..why always pakistanis dreams about giving another powerful country a foothold??and why Russia even need a secure foothold in Pakistan??they can do business with other seas.doing business via Pakistan will have a huge risk,because they have to carry cargo through Pakistan and Afganistan(security reason) and also,its a long route to carry cargo.

Dude have you read the whole thing including the source? Its from Russia lol.
The most interesting aspect highlighted in this article is that Russo-Pakistan cooperation can control and influence entry-exit points of Central Asia.

If this happens, exercise of influence in Central Asia by other powers can be severely curtailed, and control of Eurasian hinterland would be with Russo-Pakistan alliance and nobody else.
Pakistan does not have money to afford Russia friendship.

Money based friendship can be changed anytime with discovery of new buyer for weapons whereas strategic alliances are as important as seller-buyer relation rather i believe these are the strategic policies that lead to creation of room for selling more weapons to buyers like India

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