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Respect internet freedom, US tells India

Paan Singh

Sep 8, 2010
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Voicing its support for full freedom of the internet, US has urged India to maintain respect for fundamental freedoms, while probing rumours that have caused an exodus of northeastern Indians from southern cities.

The US "have seen these reports that northeastern Indians are returning to the northeast from cities in southern India, and these media reports that the returns are due to concerns about personal safety", State Department spokesperson Victoria Nuland told reporters Tuesday when asked about India blocking some websites for allegedly orchestrating a campaign of hatred.

"On the larger question of internet freedom, you know where we are on that issue, and we are always on the side of full freedom of the internet," she said

"But as the Indian government continues to investigate these instances and preserve security, we also always urge the government to maintain its own commitment to human rights, fundamental freedoms, rule of law..

Asked to explain its stand on WikiLeaks in view of its professed support of full freedom of the internet, Nuland said: "WikiLeaks didn't have to do with freedom of the internet. It had to do with the compromise of US government classified information.

The US had not asked for any investigation by the Indian government nor was it part of the investigation, Nuland said, noting that India itself has "called an investigation of some of the sources of the rumours that have caused people to start to move"

"And so we are going to obviously watch and see how that process goes forward," she said.

Asked if the US had or would ask US-based companies, including Google, Facebook, and Twitter to comply with Indian government's directive to go after the sources of erroneous information, Nuland said she could not speak "of the conversation that those companies may or may not be having with the Indian government"

"We maintain open lines to our own companies in India, as we do around the world, and we are obviously open to consultation with them if they need it from us," she said.

Respect internet freedom, US tells India - World - DNA
hehe...Yesterday, US directed us to get rid of blasephamy law.
USA has, for decades, practised a barbaric anit-misignation laws which prohibited any marriage between balck and white...Even UK suffered lots this cruel law, when many of their white women were not accepted by USA along with their little borns babies after the 2nd war. how these babies got grown in care centre,. There are documentaries, and I watch a bit of those ladies and those people who grown in orphanages.. it was so painful to see the documentary how a genration suffered this, how ladies were and their was a famous song....Now USA would dictate others...Though I don't like that India would blame us and we would blame them for the very single problem...

It is dictation, We will next time lodge the same when something happen to us and we don't agree on that...But oh we are told we are powerless .:( YES SIr, you are right. carry on drone attacks and your mission in syria, egypt, Afghanistan, Iran. Afterall Might is always right
hehe...Yesterday, US directed us to get rid of blasephamy law.
USA has, for decades, practised a barbaric anit-misignation laws which prohibited any marriage between balck and white...Even UK suffered lots this cruel law, when many of their white women were not accepted by USA along with their little borns babies after the 2nd war. how these babies got grown in care centre,. There are documentaries, and I watch a bit of those ladies and those people who grown in orphanages.. it was so painful to see the documentary how a genration suffered this, how ladies were and their was a famous song....Now USA would dictate others...Though I don't like that India would blame us and we would blame them for the very single problem...

It is dictation, We will next time lodge the same when something happen to us and we don't agree on that...But oh we are told we are powerless .:( YES SIr, you are right. carry on drone attacks and your mission in syria, egypt, Afghanistan, Iran. Afterall Might is always right
Don't forget what US citizens upload on youtube, their society having problem of more homicides, teenage pregnancy, child molestation etc. etc.

Internet freedom lead to rumor spreading too, which needs to be controlled.
Rumours are far more dangerous in developing countries (e.g. China/Pakistan/India), due to the lower level of education and literacy, and the much lower police enforcement to population ratio.

It's all very well and nice for the West to lecture developing countries on this, since they were already developed many decades ago. Long before internet/sms rumours were a problem.
I agree with pro-Freedom arguments, India has recently been very pro-censorship (especially of ideas). There is one woman that has started screaming "Maoist! Naxalist! Terrorist!" whenever someone says anything critical of her governance, then there is removal of content requests to sites like google/youtube/facebook and now this.
I agree with pro-Freedom arguments, India has recently been very pro-censorship (especially of ideas). There is one woman that has started screaming "Maoist! Naxalist! Terrorist!" whenever someone says anything critical of her governance, then there is removal of content requests to sites like google/youtube/facebook and now this.

Your last avatar was a picture of this Chinese phrase:


Were you giving us any subtle hints there, Asim? :P
I agree with pro-Freedom arguments, India has recently been very pro-censorship (especially of ideas). There is one woman that has started screaming "Maoist! Naxalist! Terrorist!" whenever someone says anything critical of her governance, then there is removal of content requests to sites like google/youtube/facebook and now this.

Mamata is anti-democrat everyone hates.
I agree with pro-Freedom arguments, India has recently been very pro-censorship (especially of ideas). There is one woman that has started screaming "Maoist! Naxalist! Terrorist!" whenever someone says anything critical of her governance, then there is removal of content requests to sites like google/youtube/facebook and now this.
Should we risk riots and mass exodus....As CD said, rumors challenge our countries more.

I won't risk any civilian's life especially a minority as it will deepen the problem at hand. Censorship by an independent body will be better than complete freedom.

Its from sociology, psychology and neuro-science. Try to understand the decision making ability of an individual and demographic distribution affect the popular and rational decision made by majority. Social scientist have already in depth about rumor transmission.
I agree with pro-Freedom arguments, India has recently been very pro-censorship (especially of ideas). There is one woman that has started screaming "Maoist! Naxalist! Terrorist!" whenever someone says anything critical of her governance, then there is removal of content requests to sites like google/youtube/facebook and now this.

Dont include india here.WE people love what we are ..either good or bad.
Actually,This govt is involved in too much corruption and they are doing every thing to hide it since elections are near and daily we see scams of multi billion dollars are popping out.India is changed and now the top issue is corruption here and major source of information is internet these days and which is getting difficult to control by govt.All the social n/wing sites are filled with anti govt articles mostly.
So controlling or banning sites are an excuse to hide the failures of govt rather than anything positive intentions.
This country is going towards a revolution which will bring change for certain in coming years coz every limit is crossed of looting country.
their is lot of difference in restricting the true facts to the common ppl and censoring websites aimed at creating communal tensions. freedom lectures are not needed to us.everything comes with limitations attached.
Dear, read CD's comment.

Its not about India v/s Pakistan. Its about social tolerance which both countries lack in one form or another, and I won't compare who are more tolerant as the news paste equality between our nations regarding tolerance and effects of rumor.
Rumours are far more dangerous in developing countries (e.g. China/Pakistan/India), due to the lower level of education and literacy, and the much lower police enforcement to population ratio.

It's all very well and nice for the West to lecture developing countries on this, since they were already developed many decades ago. Long before internet/sms rumours were a problem.

Internet/media rumors are still problem around the world, but at least you will not be caught in the West from pointing out the "truth" (well maybe some exception).
Anyway I support what the CCP do to the internet, but sometimes I think they're going too far.

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