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Delhi Police arrests 26/11 accused at IGI Airport

Let's come the BJP in centre in 2014 and Modi will show the blade of fury to these ba$tard, because kongress is doing nothing just sitting and licking the balls.
There is nothing corrupt in treating accused in a fair and equal manner- this is justice, this s how open societies work. Your kind ofignorant attitude does India no favours and really distorts the truth.

Lol open society...which one..who shot OBL in his house or the ones who shot down one terrorist in france ...his kind of ignorant attitude is now can only save india...not like the present one...and what truth ur talking about...is int true that our major Unnikrishnan got saheed in that carnage...it might b possible for u to act in such a indignified manner bit not every1 can do that. SORRY MATE
Lol open society...which one..who shot OBL in his house or the ones who shot down one terrorist in france ...his kind of ignorant attitude is now can only save india...not like the present one...and what truth ur talking about...is int true that our major Unnikrishnan got saheed in that carnage...it might b possible for u to act in such a indignified manner bit not every1 can do that. SORRY MATE

There is a difference- OBL is one thing but in the case of the French guy- he was barricaded with an entire armoury inside his flat ready to blow away any unfortunate copper coming through the door- he'd already shot soldiers off duty and school children. In this case the guy was unarmed at an airport you can't arrest him then take him round a corner and out a bullet in his head, it is for judiciary to decide what should happen to him now, now that he is in custody. Anything like what you speak of would be cold-bloodied murder and comparible to what some of the worse dictators have done to their people- where do you cross the line if you get into this vigilante mentality?
NEW DELHI: Saudi Arabia has helped India with a major breakthrough in the probe into the 26/11 attacks by facilitating the arrest of Syed Zabiuddin Ansari alias Abu Jundal, one of the key plotters of the Mumbai raid.

Jundal, who directed Ajmal Kasab and other 26/11 attackers from the Lashkar control room, was picked up by the Saudi police, who put him on a New Delhi-bound flight after alerting the authorities here about their prize catch.

The Lashkar terrorist , an Indian national wanted in many terror cases who was arrested on June 21, has since made the stunning claim that LeT chief Hafiz Saeed was present in the control room when the 26/11 masterminds choreographed the Mumbai attacks. He has also said that ISI and Pakistani army officials were involved in planning 26/11 and attended the meetings.

After Kasab and David Headley, the arrest of Jundal is seen as the third major success in India's effort to unravel the 26/ 11 plot.

Kasab's arrest was important since his Pakistani nationality exposed Islamabad's initial stubborn denial about involvement in the strike, and put paid to the plan to pin the blame on homegrown terrorists; even Hindu radicals.

Taught 26/11 attackers Hindi

Abu Jundal's significance lies in the key role he played in preparations and during the 26/11 attack on Mumbai. Being from Beed in Maharashtra, he taught the basics of Hindi usage to the Pakistani Laskhar squad. On the fateful day, he was in the control room firing instructions to killers, and also coached the killers to wrong-foot the Indian investigators and global community by posing as members of a fictional Indian outfit: Deccan Mujahideen.

In the tapes of the conversation between the terrorists and those in the control room, one of the handlers is heard saying "Lo Jundal Bhai se baat karo", in what is seen as reflecting his familiarity with the plotters and executioners. Sources said, he was present when Lashkar commander Zaki-ur Rahman Lakvhvi trained the attackers in a 12-day training camp organized at Muzaffarabad in ****************** Kashmir. Jundal himself tutored the terrorists for three days on how to get by in Mumbai.

His statement to the Delhi Police about Saeed's presence in the LeT control room directly incriminates the LeT chief who has strenuously denied his complicity in the terror strikes.

Sources in the Delhi Police said Jundal, who figures in India's list of "most wanted" fugitives sheltered in Pakistan, has said that Lakhvi, Azam Cheema, Muzammil and one more handler were also in the control room.

Indian authorities expect him to provide more clarity on the participation of two serving officers of Pakistan army — Major Sameer and Major Iqbal. The 26/11 tapes have a reference to one "Major General Saheb". Indian authorities hope Jundal would help them ascertain the identity of this person and his connection with the ISI.

Jundal is a vital part of the conspiracy. Tutored by him, the attackers claimed they were motivated by Indian government's atrocities against Muslims and the plight of Kashmiri Muslims. The ploy that fitted well with Pakistan's claim that terrorism in India was an indigenous affair; although the use of typical Hindi expressions like "prashashan" for authorities and recommendations for Sachar Commission immediately led Indian investigators to smell a rat.

"He knows a lot. He claims that they prepared for years for the 26/11 attack and every person was assigned a separate task. Being a Maharashtrian, he was given the task to familiarize the killers with local dialect as well as Mumbai's topography. He instructed the gang on how to ask for directions and what to say if checked and quizzed," said a senior officer familiar with the details of his interrogation.

Jundal was produced before chief metropolitan magistrate Vinod Yadav by a Delhi Police team, led by ACP Ashok Chand and DCP Sanjeev Yadav. The Delhi Police have been given his custody for 15 days after which he may have long sessions with the police from Maharashtra and Gujarat as well as the NIA. He may also be brought face-to-face with Kasab.

Indian authorities expect Abu Jundal to provide more clarity on the participation of two Pak army officers — Major Sameer and Major Iqbal— in the 26/11 attack.

Great work by Saudis... :cheers: thank you for your help in nabbing terrorist... :enjoy:
the latest event puts great pressure on the world comunity to stand united against violance against civilian population.
Pakistan has a great obligation to root out terror leaders who are still planning out attacks in and out of Pakistan
the latest event puts great pressure on the world comunity to stand united against violance against civilian population.
Pakistan has a great obligation to root out terror leaders who are still planning out attacks in and out of Pakistan

We are killing al-Qaeda rats and TTP rats, we have also banned LeT, what else do you want??
the indians also arrested whom they claim was the "handler" of the militants....he was in their federal capital, New Delhi. Not in Pakistan.

militants that india claimed were in Pakistan were actually in india the whole time, as previous instances show

so you have your own people to talk to as well......Pakistan has done more than its fair share to combat terrorism and we dont need some bharti 'stamp of approval' to corroborate that.
We are killing al-Qaeda rats and TTP rats, we have also banned LeT, what else do you want??
we really appriciate Pakistans effort, in its anti- terrorist actions. No doub't about it that Pakistan itself became a victim of its inteligence wings screwed policy and its army and police have to loose their life in battling these terror cells.
I was just reffering to the instance where radical people who spill venom in the streets in jalsas(meetings) against INDIA, if Pakistan can act against these war mongers, sure i hope peace will return to both the nations
Yara lets stop the blame game on agencies and stuff. Want to live in peace. Launch a salvo of nukes towards where this hatred was born. Want the co-ordinates? Once you launch the attack, we'll match you with a salvo of our own. After the dust has settled, we can all sit down and enjoy 'Lassi'? What do you say?

we really appriciate Pakistans effort, in its anti- terrorist actions. No doub't about it that Pakistan itself became a victim of its inteligence wings screwed policy and its army and police have to loose their life in battling these terror cells.
I was just reffering to the instance where radical people who spill venom in the streets in jalsas(meetings) against INDIA, if Pakistan can act against these war mongers, sure i hope peace will return to both the nations
we really appriciate Pakistans effort, in its anti- terrorist actions. No doub't about it that Pakistan itself became a victim of its inteligence wings screwed policy and its army and police have to loose their life in battling these terror cells.
I was just reffering to the instance where radical people who spill venom in the streets in jalsas(meetings) against INDIA, if Pakistan can act against these war mongers, sure i hope peace will return to both the nations

Dude those JeD and JeI fools, no one even really listens to them... I have noticed only those Mullah types go there, even people who are Islamic don't listento those guys because they act like immature idiots.
the indians also arrested whom they claim was the "handler" of the militants....he was in their federal capital, New Delhi. Not in Pakistan.

militants that india claimed were in Pakistan were actually in india the whole time, as previous instances show

so you have your own people to talk to as well......Pakistan has done more than its fair share to combat terrorism and we dont need some bharti 'stamp of approval' to corroborate that.
sorry mate, you got it all wrong.
the man was a local but a well known LeT operative who is reffered in this thread.
Police arrest suspected handler of 26/11 attacks Abu Hamza | NDTV.com
I thought Pakistanis here were Super Anti-Terrorists people. And they say time and again that they hate Saudi Arabia because it "Funds" terrorists....

So why is this a bad thing can I get calcification from the Pakistani members here??

who said its a bad thing?

Pakistanis are indeed anti-terrorist people as our country is one of the largest victims of terrorism. Numbers speak for themselves. I believe your country has also seen a few incidents of terrorism as well. It's a global issue that is not Pakistan-centric. Look at Yemen (your troubled neighbour to the south). Al Qaeda in the Maghreb and Al Qaeda in Eastern Africa (where they are apparently setting up shop) are what should be the main concerns.

I have nothing against Saudia personally, they are an ally of ours for quite some time. I do hope the Saudis (and the GCC in general) do more to ensure that private donors/sympathizers to these groups are arrested and their activities halted. For this reason, the ISI and Saudis GID (mukhabarat) continue to work together on this issue.

as for this guy who was arrested -- if he committed a crime then of course it's welcome that he face the music. We also hope india will do more to bring to justice those who have committed vicious acts of terrorism against Pakistan as well as Pakistani citizens - including those who were killed aboard the Saumjhota Express. The indians have conceded that hindu extremist group RSS as well as a Lt. Col were involved - yet the case remains unsolved.

We all want there to be closure and we all want peace and global stability as it is in our own national interest.

keep the discussion clean, guys

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