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China Dispute Threatens Philippine Industries


Mar 24, 2007
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The Philippines' dispute with China over territorial claims in the South China Sea is threatening to exact an economic toll on key Philippine industries, including its vital tourism and agricultural sectors.

Chinese tour groups have canceled trips, while Philippine fruit exports to China are coming under increasing scrutiny, although Chinese officials have said this has nothing to do with the tensions. Philippine budget carrier Cebu Pacific is suspending its twice-a-week charter flights from Shanghai on the request of its China-based charterer. China's state-run Xinhua news agency reported that China Southern Airlines ZNH +0.33%plans to reduce flights to the Philippines until June 30 as travel agencies cancel trips.

The tensions began on April 8 when Filipino sailors attempted to arrest Chinese fisherman that Philippine authorities said were poaching protected species such as sharks and giant clams at Scarborough Shoal, an area just inside the Philippines' United Nations-defined exclusive economic zone. China also claims the reef and lagoon area, and sent coast guard vessels there, triggering a weekslong standoff.

Two of China's largest travel agencies, CYTS Tours Holding Co. and Ctrip.com International Ltd., CTRP -1.82%blamed political uncertainty for their decisions to call off tours to the Philippines.

Philippine hoteliers are now racing to attract visitors from places such as Taiwan, Japan and South Korea to help make up the shortfall.

Henry Chusuey, chairman of Boracay Foundation Inc., a group of business operators on the Philippine resort island, said cancellations from Chinese visitors comprised around 15% to 20% of expected foreign tourist arrivals, and that some hotels and resorts rely on Chinese visitors for as much as 60% of their bookings.

"It will mean less revenue for us, but we cannot blame our government. We just have to work harder to attract tourists from other countries," said Mr. Chusuey, who owns the Regency group of hotels.

Other operators paint a similarly grim picture. Mark Saba, sales officer at transport operator Southwest Tours Boracay Inc. said that normally they would expect 300 to 500 Chinese customers a week, but since May 11 they haven't seen any Chinese visitors because of the mass cancellations.

China is the fourth-largest source of tourists to the Philippines. According to the Philippines Department of Tourism, more than 96,000 Chinese visited the country in the first three months of the year, up 78% from the year-earlier period.

Other industries worry that worsening tensions with China could spill over into their sectors as well. Ramon Ang, president and chief operating officer of conglomerate San Miguel Corp., SMC.PH -1.75%said in a recent interview that the standoff at Scarborough Shoal could hurt the Philippines' progress in building business ties with China, which is now the country's third-largest trading partner.

Government leaders including President Benigno Aquino III and Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima say the Philippine and Chinese governments are working to contain their territorial disputes to prevent more collateral damage.

One other potentially vulnerable sector is the Philippines' large fruit industry. Xinhua reported last week that China's General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine ordered tougher inspection and in some cases quarantine of fruit imports from the Philippines.

Philippine fruit exporters have incurred losses of around 1.44 billion pesos ($33.6 million) since then, after a batch of bananas was discovered to be infested with mealy-bug insects. Stephen Antig, executive director of the Pilipino Banana Growers and Exporters Association, said 43 companies have been informed that their exports wouldn't be accepted, even though Philippine banana exporters aren't encountering similar problems in other markets with stricter requirements, such as Japan.

In addition, Mr. Antig said pineapple and papaya exports are being impounded. He said local fruit exporters are working to rectify any possible problem, adding that mealy bugs don't affect bananas.

The Philippine government is sending a team of experts from the Bureau of Plant Industry to China next week to check on the bananas, and to reiterate the Philippine government's view that its bananas passed rigid inspections before being exported.

The Chinese quarantine authorities couldn't immediately be reached for further comment.

China Dispute Threatens Philippine Industries - WSJ.com


Funny thing is: Aquino the president of imbecile fails to manage his economy at home, rather pays huge attention to a piece of rock in the ocean, leading the Philippines fast into failed state.

China is the Philippines' 3rd largest trading partner, the Philippines is almost nothing in trading to China. Make the calculation of the degree of "collateral damage" to each side, fool.
Filipinos should use their mind before emotions but no problem they they replace all that lost tourism by inviting more american gay tourists!
The lame president had ruined the phiipines economy and he is using the SCs to save his own asss, philipine economy used to be the second fastest in asia but now they are only rank only 6 among the lesser developed asean countries like vietnam thailand malaysia, indonesia and cambodia:lol: inflation and unemployment are among the highest compare to those asean .
Well, China business men will suffered first and China's can't even feed for its own people "Han[g]" by anyway. That's why Chinese people lived around the World due to that real matter.

Ironically, the "Han[g]" people who lived outside the Mainland still felt like "living their own home".
I'm glad that its China that has to deal with Philippine. If Taiwan has to do what China is doing, many families would lose their servants and nannies.
Sent a biggest warship to arrest Chinese fishermen in their own territorial water? Don't bully the big boy if you can't afford it. We are stationing our CMS in Huangyan and will squeeze your economies one by one. See if you dare to intimidate us again.
Well, China business men will suffered first and China's can't even feed for its own people "Han[g]" by anyway. That's why Chinese people lived around the World due to that real matter.

Ironically, the "Han[g]" people who lived outside the Mainland still felt like "living their own home".

hahhahahaha said the one from a country only had $6 pathetic billions in fx reserves:rofl:oh man why viet trolls always like to post something to slap their own face
Filipinos should use their mind before emotions but no problem they they replace all that lost tourism by inviting more american gay tourists!

Really we did sir and why should we given in to this this threat did you given to anyone? NO why should sure that trade with china is big but sir the chinese killed our industries with their fake cheap made products that made us dependent on their products so know they try economic attacks sure it would hurt us but i see this as an opportunity to get our industries back giving us more jobs at home so what if they won't come here their tourist their industries and fake cheap made products can all go to hell for all i care am just afraid for the safety of my countrymen in china i hear they are now suffering racist and discriminatory attacks for chinese citizens thanks to and by their so called media and propaganda demonizing filipinos

I'm glad that its China that has to deal with Philippine. If Taiwan has to do what China is doing, many families would lose their servants and nannies.

I told you before not all filipinos in china are maids if you continue to believe that than your really stupid.

Your racism against filipinos are inhuman i hope that OFW in china would go back home already beside salaries in china are small its only 5 pesos = 1 yuan so why put yourself endanger for cheap change
Really we did sir and why should we given in to this this threat did you given to anyone? NO why should sure that trade with china is big but sir the chinese killed our industries with their fake cheap made products that made us dependent on their products so know they try economic attacks sure it would hurt us but i see this as an opportunity to get our industries back giving us more jobs at home so what if they won't come here their tourist their industries and fake cheap made products can all go to hell for all i care am just afraid for the safety of my countrymen in china i hear they are now suffering racist and discriminatory attacks for chinese citizens thanks to and by their so called media and propaganda demonizing filipinos

yeah yeah we killed your own industries the same old craps as usual instead of trying to be more competitive you are making excuses for your useless industries. some industries is moving out of china too did we blame any one killing those industries????what a pathetic post
Sent a biggest warship to arrest Chinese fishermen in their own territorial water? Don't bully the big boy if you can't afford it. We are stationing our CMS in Huangyan and will squeeze your economies one by one. See if you dare to intimidate us again.

My country has limited ship sir the Navy and Cost Guard has to joint patrol our waters so have very limited Naval capabilities and its not yours! Your 9 dot claim is a sign of china's lack of understanding and imperialistic things that Humanity has long abandon besides who would believe that one Nation alone owns that large body of water! For its own? you people don't even have the guts to take it up with the UN you look at your Neighbors as vassal states the nerved of you people to look us that way and you have the Nerved to all us intimidating who the hell of us have an nuke weapon in hand huh? and constantly fights with all of its neighboring countries. Its not The Philippines. IT your china Imperialist China
See how the imbeciles can only utilize criminals to make noise, then step back: :lol:

Philippines stops protest trip to disputed shoal

MASINLOC, Philippines — Philippine President Benigno Aquino told protesters to abort plans to sail Friday to a disputed South China Sea shoal also claimed by China, the leader of the group said.

A group of about 20 people, led by outspoken former Philippine Marine officer Nicanor Faeldon and including television crews, was set to depart to Scarborough Shoal from the northern coastal town of Masinloc.


Faeldon has served time in prison and was discharged from the Philippine Marines for a 2003 coup attempt, but was granted amnesty last year.

He has in the past called for civil disobedience and greater accountability in the Philippine military.

AFP: Philippines stops protest trip to disputed shoal

This mafia named Faeldon seems to possess criminal blood, and is well suit to be used by politicians behind the scene to commit more crime.

What a pitiful Philippino democracy – imbecilely criminal, clownishly stupid, … an outright laughing stock. :tdown: :rofl:
yeah yeah we killed your own industries the same old craps as usual instead of trying to be more competitive you are making excuses for your useless industries. some industries is moving out of china too did we blame any one killing those industries????what a pathetic post

But its the truth i don't need your approval so the world would know unlike you who needs approval from someone and this one person who thinks he's country is above everyone this a forum sir freedom here unlike in your country does not need your or anyone else approval so deal with it! And this coming for a nation who fakes everything! majority of us are sick of Nuke threats your Army threats and your stupid opium addicted made up claims! any dare call mine a pathetic post? sir you and your country are all hot air then threatening everything Jesus! learn some humility and while your at it learn to live in peace with your neighbors learn to respect others.

As i said all what china is doing is just more threats like we are so dependent on them only sir we have other markets we don't need china sure it would hurt us but we will live just like any other day.

See how the imbeciles can only utilize criminals to make noise, then step back: :lol:

This mafia named Faeldon seems to possess criminal blood, and is well suit to be used by politicians behind the scene to commit more crime.

What a pitiful Philippino democracy – imbecilely criminal, clownishly stupid, … an outright laughing stock. :tdown: :rofl:

Its filipino sir again so what? its democracy my country is young we only been independent for 130 years we need time to grow why is your country perfect ? u have a lot but you have poor too if you are really American ? Which i doubt
The Philippines' dispute with China over territorial claims in the South China Sea is threatening to exact an economic toll on key Philippine industries, including its vital tourism and agricultural sectors.

Chinese tour groups have canceled trips, while Philippine fruit exports to China are coming under increasing scrutiny, although Chinese officials have said this has nothing to do with the tensions. Philippine budget carrier Cebu Pacific is suspending its twice-a-week charter flights from Shanghai on the request of its China-based charterer. China's state-run Xinhua news agency reported that China Southern Airlines ZNH +0.33%plans to reduce flights to the Philippines until June 30 as travel agencies cancel trips.

The tensions began on April 8 when Filipino sailors attempted to arrest Chinese fisherman that Philippine authorities said were poaching protected species such as sharks and giant clams at Scarborough Shoal, an area just inside the Philippines' United Nations-defined exclusive economic zone. China also claims the reef and lagoon area, and sent coast guard vessels there, triggering a weekslong standoff.

Two of China's largest travel agencies, CYTS Tours Holding Co. and Ctrip.com International Ltd., CTRP -1.82%blamed political uncertainty for their decisions to call off tours to the Philippines.

Philippine hoteliers are now racing to attract visitors from places such as Taiwan, Japan and South Korea to help make up the shortfall.

Henry Chusuey, chairman of Boracay Foundation Inc., a group of business operators on the Philippine resort island, said cancellations from Chinese visitors comprised around 15% to 20% of expected foreign tourist arrivals, and that some hotels and resorts rely on Chinese visitors for as much as 60% of their bookings.

"It will mean less revenue for us, but we cannot blame our government. We just have to work harder to attract tourists from other countries," said Mr. Chusuey, who owns the Regency group of hotels.

Other operators paint a similarly grim picture. Mark Saba, sales officer at transport operator Southwest Tours Boracay Inc. said that normally they would expect 300 to 500 Chinese customers a week, but since May 11 they haven't seen any Chinese visitors because of the mass cancellations.

China is the fourth-largest source of tourists to the Philippines. According to the Philippines Department of Tourism, more than 96,000 Chinese visited the country in the first three months of the year, up 78% from the year-earlier period.

Other industries worry that worsening tensions with China could spill over into their sectors as well. Ramon Ang, president and chief operating officer of conglomerate San Miguel Corp., SMC.PH -1.75%said in a recent interview that the standoff at Scarborough Shoal could hurt the Philippines' progress in building business ties with China, which is now the country's third-largest trading partner.

Government leaders including President Benigno Aquino III and Finance Secretary Cesar Purisima say the Philippine and Chinese governments are working to contain their territorial disputes to prevent more collateral damage.

One other potentially vulnerable sector is the Philippines' large fruit industry. Xinhua reported last week that China's General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine ordered tougher inspection and in some cases quarantine of fruit imports from the Philippines.

Philippine fruit exporters have incurred losses of around 1.44 billion pesos ($33.6 million) since then, after a batch of bananas was discovered to be infested with mealy-bug insects. Stephen Antig, executive director of the Pilipino Banana Growers and Exporters Association, said 43 companies have been informed that their exports wouldn't be accepted, even though Philippine banana exporters aren't encountering similar problems in other markets with stricter requirements, such as Japan.

In addition, Mr. Antig said pineapple and papaya exports are being impounded. He said local fruit exporters are working to rectify any possible problem, adding that mealy bugs don't affect bananas.

The Philippine government is sending a team of experts from the Bureau of Plant Industry to China next week to check on the bananas, and to reiterate the Philippine government's view that its bananas passed rigid inspections before being exported.

The Chinese quarantine authorities couldn't immediately be reached for further comment.

China Dispute Threatens Philippine Industries - WSJ.com


Funny thing is: Aquino the president of imbecile fails to manage his economy at home, rather pays huge attention to a piece of rock in the ocean, leading the Philippines fast into failed state.

China is the Philippines' 3rd largest trading partner, the Philippines is almost nothing in trading to China. Make the calculation of the degree of "collateral damage" to each side, fool.

No worries. Fat American rejects will make up for Chinese tourist, given these American would be services by Filippino women.
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