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PHOTOS: Indian, US troops set Thar desert on fire!

A training should include all the possible scenarios of the outcome- so that even of a single soldiers life is not put in danger-
By international standards- There is a mistake- and you should admit it-
The guy standing almost in front of the terrorist can easily be grabbed as hostage and taken back inside the room- The sniper could do sh!t in that scenario-

Or- If the terrorists really wants its promised virgins- like i said- split seconds and fatal wounds can be inflicted to the soldiers standing at either side-

Kindly accept the mistake- No one is perfect-

the point was- there is also hollywood- i dont see amrikans- using sensationalism that much- as much as you do-

Oh no they do for sure! That 'whatshisname' CIA operative who shot up a street in Karachi I believe and got away with it? While the widow of the victim attempted suicide in protest, the guy got away with it clean. Media did come in handy over there, especially when they swayed public opinion by calling him a Jason Bourne. Even I don't remember his real name but remember him as the 'Bourne in Pakistan'. Who says America doesn't sensationalize things? Infact the world's been fed with so much Hollywood propoganda as to how American troops are world saviors that their atrocities gain at the most, minor protest for a few days and we forget about them - all those Hollywood movies u watched where the US army saves the world - Independence Day, Saving Private Ryan, Transformers....need I keep going on?
Lol, you are either highly ignorant or adamant. Urdu is second language of India. Urdu is second language in Bihar, UP and many other state.
Urdu and Islam is not copyright of Pakistan. Please understand it.

Let me tell you why only 4% of Muslims are in Indian Army.
1. Each muslim has 4-n number of kids. (ISI statistics (Indian statistic institute))
2. Most of them are malnourished and ill-treated in their childhood due to huge family. (Angan-wadi report)
3. 90% of Muslim don't reach till class 10th (Sachar committee :- Justice Rajendra sachar)
4. 90% of Indian muslim start working before 16 year of age in low income and high rick job (Like garage, mill and shops)

A malnourished ill-educated person can not enter defense forces. Hope you like my answer.

I am sorry dear that's not the reason why so few muslim's in armed forces . It's more to do with British recruitment policy .British historically use recruit from so called martial tribe that is Sikh's, Rajput's, Maratha's, Pashtun's .

Thats why even though sikh's are only 2% of population they are representation is 12% in army , same with Gurkha's there may be close 40,000 gurkhas in IA.

Now i am not a great supporter of martial race theory, but this set up has worked for as quiet well. The quality of recruits coming from these community are quite good.It is considered as pride to join the army serve the country in these community's.

Same with Pakistan they have good majority of Pashtun's in their ranks, 90% of their officer cadre are Punjabi's. So low representation of Muslims in IA is more may be due to british legacy than anything else
I think some people here at PDF have magnetic abilities. The moment they see something like terrorists, desert, Urdu, Indian, American soldiers, they associate them with Pakistan.
A training should include all the possible scenarios of the outcome- so that even of a single soldiers life is not put in danger-
By international standards- There is a mistake- and you should admit it-
The guy standing almost in front of the terrorist can easily be grabbed as hostage and taken back inside the room- The sniper could do sh!t in that scenario-

Or- If the terrorists really wants its promised virgins- like i said- split seconds and fatal wounds can be inflicted to the soldiers standing at either side-

Kindly accept the mistake- No one is perfect-

No one is perfect and the line is accepted. But with a picture you came to conclusion that the person is not seeing the terrorists is an absurd claim to make , because the camera angle can also redefine the battle field image as pertinent to this scenario. And every soldier is trained to untie himself of the enemy's clutches if found in a scenario as stated by you.

Well you and I have a debate to make. But have we ever freed our minds to doubt another angle of this photo. Are they terrorists or Hostages. Hands up is not necessarily a Terrorist. It can even be to state that he is innocent and free for a body check.
Oh no they do for sure! That 'whatshisname' CIA operative who shot up a street in Karachi I believe and got away with it? While the widow of the victim attempted suicide in protest, the guy got away with it clean. Media did come in handy over there, especially when they swayed public opinion by calling him a Jason Bourne. Even I don't remember his real name but remember him as the 'Bourne in Pakistan'. Who says America doesn't sensationalize things? Infact the world's been fed with so much Hollywood propoganda as to how American troops are world saviors that their atrocities gain at the most, minor protest for a few days and we forget about them - all those Hollywood movies u watched where the US army saves the world - Independence Day, Saving Private Ryan, Transformers....need I keep going on?

Dont know how your rant relates to my post-
Plase highlights the parts which you think do-

I think some people here at PDF have magnetic abilities. The moment they see something like terrorists, desert, Urdu, Indian, American soldiers, they associate them with Pakistan.

hv you moved the thar desert towards china?- or am i missing some thing here?-
Well you and I have a debate to make. But have we ever freed our minds to doubt another angle of this photo. Are they terrorists or Hostages. Hands up is not necessarily a Terrorist. It can even be to state that he is innocent and free for a body check.

well according to my logic and understanding- and modern standard- an hostage is treated as a potential terrorist- until his identity is not verified- He could be a sleeper-
Thats a valid scenario i believe-
well according to my logic and understanding- an hostage is treated as a potential terrorist- until his identity is not verified-

A small example will solve the doubt. Lets imagine if there is a hijack , have you ever wondered how the commandos worldwide differentiate between a potential hijacker and an innocent being? Well crack it and you have the answer.
A small example will solve the doubt. Lets imagine if there is a hijack , have you ever wondered how the commandos worldwide differentiate between a potential hijacker and an innocent being? Well crack it and you have the answer.

Simple logic dictates-
1. The one with the gun is the hijacker-
2. The one without the gun is a potential- undercover- hijacker- or a hostage-
There are cautions taken in second point-
Simple logic dictates-
1. The one with the gun is the hijacker-
2. The one without the gun is a potential- undercover- hijacker- or a hostage-
There are cautions taken in second point-

Well that was a very innocent logic. But I am afraid Armies worldwide dont operate risking there Phsycological redyness in a futile situation wherein beliveing the person with the gun is a terrorist and a person without one is innocent especially in a century where human rights commission is stronger than the Army.

An Answer which I cannot give, but if you can crack it well and good..
Simple logic dictates-
1. The one with the gun is the hijacker-
2. The one without the gun is a potential- undercover- hijacker- or a hostage-
There are cautions taken in second point-

Don't you remember the scene from batman 2 ?

The terrorist dressed up the hostages as themselves and mingled in
Why is the complete Urdu alphabet painted on the mud walls?

Are they hinting that the terrorists have also started an adult literacy program for their recruits ?

In the 2nd pic. Is that a tree or a nuclear mushroom cloud ?


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