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Akbar Bugti Killed | Bughtis announce end of Sardari system

Excellent post Cheeta!
Thanks for sharing your pov's! :thumbsup:
By Ahmed Rashid

Guest journalist Ahmed Rashid assesses what the killing of a rebel tribal leader in Balochistan province means for the Baloch rebel movement and for the Pakistani government.
Nawab Akbar Bugti was a key figure in the Baloch movement

In his death and the manner in which it was carried out, Sardar Akbar Bugti is likely to become a martyred hero for Baloch nationalism and nationalists elsewhere in Pakistan - rather than the anti-government renegade and reactionary tribesman Islamabad would like to portray him as.

Bugti, the Sardar or chief of more than 200,000 Bugti tribesmen, was killed along with more than 35 of his followers when the Pakistan Air Force bombed his hideout in the Bambore mountain range in the Marri tribal area.

Pakistani officials say that at least 16 soldiers including four officers were killed after they went in to mop up the remnants of the Baloch guerrilla group. A fierce battle ensued which led to their deaths. Bugti, a 79-year-old invalid who could not walk due to arthritis, is reported to be buried in the rubble of the cave where he was hiding.

"The tit-for-tat proxy war between Pakistan on one side and India and Afghanistan on the other will now heat up"

For months, Pakistani politicians including members of the ruling party had been insisting that the military regime agree to hold talks with the Baloch leaders in order to stop what was becoming an ever-widening civil war in the province.

Several security agencies and advisers to President Pervez Musharraf, including the Interservices Intelligence (ISI) and Intelligence Bureau, asked Musharraf to talk to the Baloch leaders.

However, other advisers and the hawkish Military Intelligence advised him to crush the Baloch leaders, which includes three prominent Sardars, Bugti, Khair Bux Marri and Ataullah Mengal.

Senior politicians say that Mr Musharraf's lack of understanding about the Baloch issue, his underestimation of the growing sense of alienation in all the smaller provinces and the attack on his ego when his helicopter was fired upon by Baloch rebels last December, all contributed to his helping him take the decision to kill Bugti.

Permanent enmity

Bugti was not the leader of the mysterious Balochistan Liberation Army which has been banned by Pakistan and Britain, but he was certainly its most visible spokesman over the past three years, as the Baloch insurgency against Islamabad has grown.

The army has attempted to divide the Baloch by promising large aid grants to those tribal leaders who support the government, even as Islamabad claims that it is eliminating the Sardari system.
Pervez Musharraf may have underestimated Baloch nationalism
Baloch nationalists have long argued that while Islamabad exploits their massive gas and mineral deposits, they give little in return to the province.
Last year, the ruling Pakistan Muslim League agreed on a package of incentives for the Baloch that included a constitutional amendment giving greater autonomy to the province, but it was overruled by Mr Musharraf and the army who then vowed to militarily crush the rebellion.

The army argues that millions have been spent in development, but projects such as the building of the Gawadar port, the building of cantonments and even new roads do not necessarily benefit ordinary Baloch.

The projects are defined by the army and its national security needs, rather than through consultations with the Baloch or even the Balochistan provincial assembly. Then the projects are carried out by outside companies who give few jobs to the Baloch.

By killing Bugti, the president has now earned the permanent enmity of not just the Baloch rebels but the wider Baloch population who may not believe in taking up arms, but are still frustrated with Islamabad for its failure to develop the province.

He may have seriously underestimated the power of Baloch nationalism which has led to four wars with the Pakistan army in the past.
Nationalism within the smaller provinces has always been the biggest threat to military regimes just as it is to mr Musharraf.

The hanging of former Prime Minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto in 1979, who was a Sindhi, by an earlier military ruler has made Sindhis resentful of the army, while they have, by and large, always voted for the opposition Pakistan People's Party.

In the North West Frontier Province where Talebanisation is rampant, Pashtun nationalism is presently taking the form of political Islam.

Powerful signals

By killing Bugti, the army is sending a clear message to nationalists in other provinces as to how they will be dealt with if they rear their heads.

However, the smaller provinces are seething with resentment against continued military rule. Their sense of frustration and alienation is growing as they see the army representing only its own interests or that of Punjab, the largest province in the country.
Bugti was killed in a battle near his mountain hide-out

The army is also sending a powerful signal to neighbouring India and Afghanistan.

The army has accused India of financing and arming the Baloch rebels, while it has accused Afghan President Hamid Karzai of allowing the Baloch to train in Afghanistan.
India and Afghanistan have denied these charges at the highest level, but Pakistani officials say there is little doubt that the Indians were involved in funding the Baloch movement because of their long-standing involvement with the Baloch and the evidence that arrested Baloch rebels have provided the Pakistani intelligence services.
The tit-for-tat proxy war between Pakistan on one side and India and Afghanistan on the other, will now heat up.

India accuses Pakistan of continuing to arm and finance Islamic extremists in Kashmir and funding anti-government and Maoist movements in other parts of the Indian sub-continent.

Afghanistan accuses Pakistan of arming and giving sanctuary to the Taleban and its leadership.
Pakistan denies both charges.

There is an ever-deepening political crisis in Pakistan which the death of Bugti will only exacerbate.

Many people say that the country is rapidly unravelling with Mr Musharraf refusing to give clear-cut guarantees about free and fair elections next year, while he insists on running again for another five-year term as president even as he remains army chief. Bugti's death will only add to the growing fears about the country's future and the danger inherent in a policy of killing political opponents rather than holding a dialogue with them.

excellent post NEO but this article only states one thing if u kill the landlords or the sardras its bad for the country.only who were closer to him or have some thing to lose will go on and creat all kinds of scenario that will make them look like the best thing out there while mr presidnt doing the job that should have been done a long time ago is bad oh yes we should not forget political parties if the election were to be held lets observe the chocies we have.
Nawaz sherif AKA ENGINE chore
Bibi AKA Mr 10% wife
Imran khan hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what is he going to do
MMA AKA mulana diesel and heavily funded by forigen countries
we also must not forget these landlords these sardars and vederas were titles given to them by BRITIsh for there loyality need i say more.nehru got rid of this garbadge in start we should have done the same.
sindh being mad about this hmmmmmmmm let me see G.A.SINDH use to get money from INdia comman knowledge in sindh till the cantonment was opened up all over sindh.i dont see any other person in sindh creating any problem any more.since BUDDY G.M. SYED is living with nehru now.
balochistan problem is solved now inshalah few remaining idiots will try there best to stay a float but they are History.as far as afghanistan is concerned MR karazai holds power by giving American money to the war lords but for how long before that runs out.
Nawab Bugti was not a target: Durrani

Federal Minister for Information, Muhammad Ali Durrani has said that no one should try to achieve political mileage from Kohlu incident adding that there is no secrecy in the whole issue and the government is ready to provide all details to the opposition if they so desire.

Addressing at a news conference here Sunday, he said all political parties must realize that it is the responsibility of the government to ensure law and order be it government of any party.

He said the bodies of those killed in the Kohlu incident including Akbar Bugti have been taken out from the cave and will be buried in the presence of his family members.

Durrani said the government has no information about the killing of the grand sons of Akbar Bugti.

He said that the bunker type cave was dug out in a mud mountain which caved in either through exchange of firing or from the explosion from inside the cave. He said there are traces of mines and explosives and it may take sometime to take out all the bodies.

He pointed out that the it was a deep bunker and not natural cave.

Replying to a question, Mr. Durrani said that the presence of Akbar Bugti in the cave was confirmed by people who were arrested from the area. He said there was no question of specially targeting Akbar Bugti.

The area was identified on the 23rd of August when a helicopter came under fire. He rejected reports that the location of Akbar Bugti was identified through his satellite telephone and described them as mare fiction stories.

He said there was high level of resistance when the Security Forces reached at the Ferrari camp.

He said the operation was carried out by the law enforcement agencies under the directive of the Balochistan government.

Durrani pointed out that the Ferraris damaged gas pipelines, railway lines and bridge, electricity polls and indulged in other numerous incidents of terrorism.

He said the government effort was that issues be resolved through dialogue and referred to several political initiatives of the government in this connection.

He however said the other side opted for armed resistance, which led to the loss of lives. He said that the development process was being hampered through the terrorist activities.

He said there is no curfew in Quetta, trains and PIA flights are operating and law and order situation is completely under control.

In reply to a question, Durrani said the government will take along every political leader, important persons and the people except those who were involved in killing of innocent people and damaged national assets.

He said it is the will and decision of the government not to allow a sense of deprivation among the smaller provinces and the people.


Now Durrani is lieing. If the helicopters were attcked on 23rd why did they not makeit public earlier. Secondly he said yesterday on GEO that Mr. bugti's telephone was tracked. he is denying such reports in todays press conference
Why dont he take his bunch of black mailers and part ways with the government of which he is an ally

But he has always been with every government and resigns just in time to gather sympathy of other parties.
You can hardly call him WITH Musharraf.
Lahori paa jee first of all when it comes to national security government dosent have to share any thing with u.or any body else for that matter.

second u are a big time fan of bugatis why dont u share the good he did for the people of his area
i will be more then happy to share with all the bad he did with his people

and what you are trying to say is he had the right to kill others at his will but if the government responded that was wrong he had the right to had the national assests attacked.
sir he was a threat to NATIONAL security i think this is the best thing happened as others like minded will get the message loud and clear.
bada bing bada BANG.
most of these happening in karachi and balochistan is more then likely RAW agents trying to creat trouble just like you Lahori paa jee:what1:
Cheetah i feel sorry for the way you think. But its not your fault as its our leaders who have been miss leading us and they have made us to believe that Bugti was the crook and had to be eliminated
do not feel sorry, try to show us the the way you are thinking. as asked earlier, what good did he ever bring?
Lahori paa jee first of all when it comes to national security government dosent have to share any thing with u.or any body else for that matter.

second u are a big time fan of bugatis why dont u share the good he did for the people of his area
i will be more then happy to share with all the bad he did with his people

and what you are trying to say is he had the right to kill others at his will but if the government responded that was wrong he had the right to had the national assests attacked.
sir he was a threat to NATIONAL security i think this is the best thing happened as others like minded will get the message loud and clear.
bada bing bada BANG.
most of these happening in karachi and balochistan is more then likely RAW agents trying to creat trouble just like you Lahori paa jee:what1:

my dear do u want another part of Pakistan separated from us like the one we had in 1971. If yes then you are on the right path and if no then stop supporting Mushy
Averröes;24301 said:
do not feel sorry, try to show us the the way you are thinking. as asked earlier, what good did he ever bring?

Good or bad i dont know but one thing is sure that he was a Pakistani. And he did not start all this in just few months.

What would you do if someone attacks your house.

He did not allow his people the liberties we Punjabis or Sindhis had and i agree

He was cruel i agree

But he was a Pakistani. Balochis were not given their rights and are being denied their rights even today. We are not paying them enough for the natural wealth that is the back bone of Pakistans economy.
We are not paying them enough? Is that what your trying to say? Why should we pay them? What have they done to get paid? What kind of rights do they want?

They have the rights! They want the money? They should earn it!
We are not paying them enough? Is that what your trying to say? Why should we pay them? What have they done to get paid? What kind of rights do they want?

They have the rights! They want the money? They should earn it!

NWFP and Baluchistan signed a treaty with Pakistan at the time of independence. They were living quite peacefully and happily in their provinces yet they decided to be a part of Pakistan.

They were expecting an equal role in Pakistani politics, economy and development. They never wanted to be ruled by Army which has majority of Punjabis in it. Military rule creats inferiority complexes and are at its peak during Martial Laws.

Why shouldnt they demand royality for the gas that is being pumped from their land. I see it as their legitimate right
my dear do u want another part of Pakistan separated from us like the one we had in 1971. If yes then you are on the right path and if no then stop supporting Mushy

See thats just it.any body thinking east and west pakistan could have stayed as same country are still in deniyal.please do explain to me how in the world was that partition done when quaide azim totally said it this isnt what we want. Lahori paa jee i have been reading up on british way of doing things east and west was created with the help of ghandhi .simplest thing was this partition will never work out .east and west will seprate which it did.pakistan was suppsoe to fall a part as 4 provinces with 4 different languages as calculated. and we were to rejoin india thats were they failed. balochistan on the other hand is a totally different thing.u cant compare apples and oranges.gawader port and cantonment is part of our economic survival.trade cause of the deep port second smugling of every thing from soaps to cars.costing our country billions of dollars in revenue and jobs wanna no why most of these so called politicians are crazy about this as they are involved in most of this smugling.they stand to lose all so please do forgive me if iam not scared of losing balochistan yes few politicians wont be able to travel in bmw or other goodies .i guess they will have to work just like the rest of us.:flag: next FATA areas;) :flag:
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