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Indias hindu fanatics ready for backlash against Muslim Minority

True story about Hindus and muslims regarding backlash. I was in India at a time of godaraj incedent, where all the riots started to take place. I was stuck in Ahemdabad and my passport was in Baroda. At the time regular people where afraid to travel because the rioters where targeting the highways and stopping cars and trucks. First there were Hindu rioters destroying and killing, but after few days when things started to subside, there where rumors that the muslims where going to riot. I remember that night, the whole community did not go to sleep and everyone was just waiting outside to see if there where going to be any riots from the muslims. I don't even know why we where all standing outside at 10 oclock at night for, either they where scared or they thought more people displaying was form of might, but i know inside they where all afraid.

When i finally get back to my house, the muslims family that was living next to us for generations where not there. Within hours I got a call from Lally (one of the daughters from the family), my first reactions was, is anybody hurt and if everthing is alright. Luckly they where all fine, and I went to meet them. I really felt the sorrow and the pain. My first question was who started the riots and forced you out the house in our community? That person everybody in the community knew, and he was this hindu religious fanatic making money by telling people there future. Keep in mind there have been riots in Gujarat, but it has never affected our community.

So the jist of this story is that, it starts with one religous fanatic person affecting a peaceful community where hindus and muslims leaving next to each other for generations get affected.

Well that is my true story of this godaruj (i hope i spelled it right) incedent.
yes continue killing them if it keeps you happy

It is not a state policy to kill them. They are rightful citizens and they have equal rights as mandated by constitution. So, please don't worry. I guess you have enough problems on hand for you back home, you should worry about them.
very very good point made
but one small mistake; kashmir is disputed territory not part of india

I was specifically reffering to Indian Occupied Kashmir. Kashmir was and will never be part of India. Sorry if I made it appear that I said something else.
True story about Hindus and muslims regarding backlash. I was in India at a time of godaraj incedent, where all the riots started to take place. I was stuck in Ahemdabad and my passport was in Baroda. At the time regular people where afraid to travel because the rioters where targeting the highways and stopping cars and trucks. First there were Hindu rioters destroying and killing, but after few days when things started to subside, there where rumors that the muslims where going to riot. I remember that night, the whole community did not go to sleep and everyone was just waiting outside to see if there where going to be any riots from the muslims. I don't even know why we where all standing outside at 10 oclock at night for, either they where scared or they thought more people displaying was form of might, but i know inside they where all afraid.

When i finally get back to my house, the muslims family that was living next to us for generations where not there. Within hours I got a call from Lally (one of the daughters from the family), my first reactions was, is anybody hurt and if everthing is alright. Luckly they where all fine, and I went to meet them. I really felt the sorrow and the pain. My first question was who started the riots and forced you out the house in our community? That person everybody in the community knew, and he was this hindu religious fanatic making money by telling people there future. Keep in mind there have been riots in Gujarat, but it has never affected our community.

So the jist of this story is that, it starts with one religous fanatic person affecting a peaceful community where hindus and muslims leaving next to each other for generations get affected.

Well that is my true story of this godaruj (i hope i spelled it right) incedent.

We have to deal with them. Be it hindu or muslim fanatic they are the same thing. Why Indian govt is leaving them alone is my issue. Why our family members in India can be made fair game by them? This happens and our family has suffered worst only and only because of these same hindu fanatics.

The issue is not any religion but it is certain members of these communities. We should not even treat it as religious issue.
It is not a state policy to kill them. They are rightful citizens and they have equal rights as mandated by constitution. So, please don't worry. I guess you have enough problems on hand for you back home, you should worry about them.

It is state policy to kill them. Gujrat suggested it was... wheres da report about how the state government gang raped killed tortured and pillaged muslims and tier properties... etc.

Here... its just for ya:

Human Rights Watch says Gujarat riots 'orchestrated'

Dharam Shourie (Press Trust of India)
Posted online: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 at 2141 hours IST

New York, April 30: Charging Gujarat government with complicity in the attacks in which "hundreds" of Muslims were killed, a US-based human rights group has asked international community to put "pressure" on the Indian government to end violence against minorities.

The Human Rights Watch said the government should "comply with international human rights and Indian constitutional law" to end the "orchestrated violence".

In a report released on Tuesday, it also urged the Indian government to "actively seek the assistance of international agencies and to invite UN human rights experts to investigate state and police participation in the violence in Gujarat."

In the highly critical report, the human rights watch alleged that state officials in Gujarat were directly involved in the killings of "hundreds of Muslims" since February 27 and were engineering a massive cover-up.

What happened, it says, was not a "spontaneous uprising." It was a "carefully orchestrated" attack against Muslims planned in advance and organised with "extensive participation of police and state officials."

The 75-page report directly implicates police officials in all the incidents it documents. It alleges police personnel as telling Muslims that they have no order to save them and in many incidents even leading "murderous mobs", aiming and firing at Muslims.

"Under the guise of offering assistance," the report alleges, "some police officers led the victims directly into the hands of their killers."

"Panicked phone calls made to the police, fire brigades, and even ambulance services generally proved futile."

The report says its representatives visited Ahmedabad three weeks after the initial attacks and spoke to both Hindu and Muslims survivors of the attacks.

The report also records testimony of witnesses on retaliatory attacks against Hindus, and it says that it "strongly condemned" them.

According to the report, three days of "retaliatory killing spree" by Hindus following attack on a train in Godhra left "hundreds dead and tens of thousands homeless and dispossessed."

"The looting and burning of Muslim homes, businesses, and places of worship was also widespread. Muslim girls and women were brutally raped. Mass graves have been dug throughout the state," it says.

The report quotes grave diggers as telling its representatives that bodies keep arriving, "burnt and mutilated beyond recognition."

Between February 28 and March 2, it adds, thousands of attackers "descended on Muslim neighborhoods, clad in saffron scarves and khaki shorts, the signature uniform of RSS, and armed with swords, sophisticated explosives, and gas cylinders."

They were, it alleged, guided by voter lists and printouts of addresses of Muslim-owned properties-information obtained from the local municipality.

"In the weeks following the attacks, Hindu homes and businesses were also destroyed in retaliatory attacks by Muslims," it added.

The report alleges that the groups most directly involved in the violence against Muslims include the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, the Bajrang Dal, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and the Bharatiya Janata Party that heads the Gujarat government.

The Gujarat state administration, the report charges, has been engaged in a massive cover-up of the state's role in the massacres and that of the Sangh Parivar.
RAW coordinates these riots through covert means, it has been proven I am too lazy to find all the articles but the one above points to it clearly. These crowds would never gather to pillage Muslims without fanatical hindu leadership and weapons supplied to them.
RAW coordinates these riots through covert means, it has been proven I am too lazy to find all the articles but the one above points to it clearly. These crowds would never gather to pillage Muslims without fanatical hindu leadership and weapons supplied to them.

Oh really, that is a surprise to me. Why don't you give us links to these conspiracy theories?.

BTW, RAW is an external intelligence agency, it has nothing to do with wht happens in India. For that, we have Intelligence Bureau. Don't make hollow and empty statements.
Oh really, that is a surprise to me. Why don't you give us links to these conspiracy theories?.

BTW, RAW is an external intelligence agency, it has nothing to do with wht happens in India. For that, we have Intelligence Bureau. Don't make hollow and empty statements.

External or internal, RAW is your brains and epicenter for black ops.
My heart really warms @ the thought of how much my "Muslim brothers" across the border care for the community , how much you guys care , oooooooo...........

So much religion littered in the forum , is this religion.pk | Muslim | Quran | Islam.

What is the fascination with religion , huh ?

There are so many atrocities around the world but here it seems a pack of wolves always wait for some religious article on India and then start a meaningless and "at a tangent" thread on it.

I could search around to find at least 3 more active threads on the same topic. Quit pretending behind Islam people and just admit that you hate India many times more than what you love "Indian Muslims" , stop insulting us Indian residing Muslims by pretending to be bothered about us , we do fine without your heartfelt concern.
The majority of muslims in India do say they are happy in India but it must be noted that there are many who also say they dont. We have contact with those who dont and it is our responsibility to support them. Some muslims in India are staying there out of pure necessity or no other options and som because of fear of losing everything if they go to Pakistan dont go at all rather than anything else. The regions of Kashmir, Gujrat and many localities in the cities Lucknow and Hyderabad are extremely pro pakistani but dont show it. I have people in Hyderabad and this specially applies to the muslims of hyderabad. Also remnants of the Nizam remain in Hyd'z. Also Gauwahati and eastern regions have many pro pakistani people there.

Kashmir is beacon of Pakistani support in India. Please do watch syed ali shah gillanis kashmir banega Pakistan speech and see thousands of Kashmiris raise Pakistani flags in Indian occupied Kashmir saying they want Srinagar to go to Pakistan. All these factors should not be ignored and had we developed a close relationship with the muslims of India so many of them would'nt have become Indianized.

Also we must remember that Pakistan was created as a safe-haven for all who were oppressed under indian rule and it is the responsibility of us Pakistanis to support those who are oppressed regardless of their religion. Quaid E Azam the great made this very clear to us.

Right now our efforts should be concerned on condemning the Anti-Christian genocide going on in India. I think we should at least accept all those who turn to Pakistan for acceptance and to escape oppression and discrimination in India.

I'm sorry dimension Sir , I know we had a mini discussion on this issue but I just cannot resist , the temptation is too darn strong - I apologize in advance if I'm repeating myself though.

Look at Pakistan Sir and where it is going , I don't want to point out all the problems but you would know .

"those who stay in glass houses don't throw stones at others"
personally it shouldnt be any of our concern they chose to stay in india they must live with the consequences. we should care about our own minorities and the crazies that are roaming about in the north.
personally it shouldnt be any of our concern they chose to stay in india they must live with the consequences. we should care about our own minorities and the crazies that are roaming about in the north.

Only solution to that is a plebiscite, a vote on the situation by occupied Kashmiris.
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