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Indian troops fathered congo babies, gold trafficking, child abuses & rapes

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Jan 1, 2010
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NEW DELHI, June 7: The Indian Army is probing allegations that its troops committed sexual offences on Congolese women and fathered their children during a UN deployment in the African country, local reports said on Tuesday.

“An entire battalion of the Indian Army is in the dock after allegations in Congo that Indian peacekeepers fathered around a dozen children while posted there on a United Nations peacekeeping mission in 2008,” The Indian Express said.

Based on the allegations, the army ordered a Court of Inquiry last month against the 6th Sikh Battalion, which comprises 12 officers and 39 jawans. A UN probe into the matter had been inconclusive. The inquiry is being conducted at Meerut, where the 9th Infantry Division is based.

The allegations surfaced after DNA tests commissioned by the UN in Durla, Congo, showed that the children were born with “distinctive Indian features”. The UN wrote to Army Headquarters, requesting further investigation. The latest reminder for action was sent in August 2010.

Following the UN letters, Army Headquarters wrote to Western Command in January this year asking it to inquire into the matter.

The Express quoted an army official at HQ as confirming that an inquiry has been ordered. “There are some allegations and we are investigating into the issue,” the official said. “We have received a report from UN. Their inquiry into the allegations was inconclusive, that is why we are investigating the matter here.”

Earlier, in March 2008, allegations surfaced that three Indian officers posted at the UN Mission in Congo had sexually exploited a local woman while holidaying in South Africa. Before that, in 2007, there were allegations that Indian blue berets had exchanged food and information for gold with Rwandan rebels in Congo’s North Kivu. There were separate allegations that Indian soldiers had paid minor Congolese girls in North Kivu for sex. In most of these cases, the army has given a clean chit to its personnel, the Express said.

The Mail Today said the accused troops are currently located near Chandigarh. The inquiry was ordered on May 24 by the Western Command, headquartered at Chandimandir, near Chandigarh.

In 2008, following allegations that over several years Indian peacekeepers had indulged in gold trafficking and sexual abuse, the Congo government had requested the United Nations not to send any more Indian troops for the peace-keeping contingent. The troops have also come in for praise for their valour and had the largest contribution to the UN contingent.

NEW DELHI, June 7: The Indian Army is probing allegations that its troops committed sexual offences on Congolese women and fathered their children during a UN deployment in the African country, local reports said on Tuesday.

“An entire battalion of the Indian Army is in the dock after allegations in Congo that Indian peacekeepers fathered around a dozen children while posted there on a United Nations peacekeeping mission in 2008,” The Indian Express said.

Based on the allegations, the army ordered a Court of Inquiry last month against the 6th Sikh Battalion, which comprises 12 officers and 39 jawans. A UN probe into the matter had been inconclusive. The inquiry is being conducted at Meerut, where the 9th Infantry Division is based.

The allegations surfaced after DNA tests commissioned by the UN in Durla, Congo, showed that the children were born with “distinctive Indian features”. The UN wrote to Army Headquarters, requesting further investigation. The latest reminder for action was sent in August 2010.

Following the UN letters, Army Headquarters wrote to Western Command in January this year asking it to inquire into the matter.

The Express quoted an army official at HQ as confirming that an inquiry has been ordered. “There are some allegations and we are investigating into the issue,” the official said. “We have received a report from UN. Their inquiry into the allegations was inconclusive, that is why we are investigating the matter here.”

Earlier, in March 2008, allegations surfaced that three Indian officers posted at the UN Mission in Congo had sexually exploited a local woman while holidaying in South Africa. Before that, in 2007, there were allegations that Indian blue berets had exchanged food and information for gold with Rwandan rebels in Congo’s North Kivu. There were separate allegations that Indian soldiers had paid minor Congolese girls in North Kivu for sex. In most of these cases, the army has given a clean chit to its personnel, the Express said.

The Mail Today said the accused troops are currently located near Chandigarh. The inquiry was ordered on May 24 by the Western Command, headquartered at Chandimandir, near Chandigarh.

In 2008, following allegations that over several years Indian peacekeepers had indulged in gold trafficking and sexual abuse, the Congo government had requested the United Nations not to send any more Indian troops for the peace-keeping contingent. The troops have also come in for praise for their valour and had the largest contribution to the UN contingent.


Any solid evidence to start this thread, else mods please close this thread.
The allegations surfaced after DNA tests commissioned by the UN in Durla, Congo, showed that the children were born with “distinctive Indian features”

Couldn't it be because one upon a time several millenniums ago, India and Africa were joined?? So said Manmohan Singh!
I am started to feel that most of the sardarjee jokes could be correct :P :P
The congolese president asking UN to withdraw indian peace keepers?

Its not the first time...... heck even nat geo showed documentry on it.

And close this thread for what? cant face the facts?

Please give me some soild link, at-least the NAT GEO link, this link is just a google search link that does not even open.
and you your ignorance, you are blogging with Indians, we have the tendency to accept to real facts if proven not like my Pakistani half-brothers who find safe shelter when it comes to real allegations. Grow up mate, hope Bornvita with memory enhancers will do the job for you.
NEW DELHI, June 7: The Indian Army is probing allegations that its troops committed sexual offences on Congolese women and fathered their children during a UN deployment in the African country, local reports said on Tuesday.

“An entire battalion of the Indian Army is in the dock after allegations in Congo that Indian peacekeepers fathered around a dozen children while posted there on a United Nations peacekeeping mission in 2008,” The Indian Express said.

Based on the allegations, the army ordered a Court of Inquiry last month against the 6th Sikh Battalion, which comprises 12 officers and 39 jawans. A UN probe into the matter had been inconclusive. The inquiry is being conducted at Meerut, where the 9th Infantry Division is based.

The allegations surfaced after DNA tests commissioned by the UN in Durla, Congo, showed that the children were born with “distinctive Indian features”. The UN wrote to Army Headquarters, requesting further investigation. The latest reminder for action was sent in August 2010.

Following the UN letters, Army Headquarters wrote to Western Command in January this year asking it to inquire into the matter.

The Express quoted an army official at HQ as confirming that an inquiry has been ordered. “There are some allegations and we are investigating into the issue,” the official said. “We have received a report from UN. Their inquiry into the allegations was inconclusive, that is why we are investigating the matter here.”

Earlier, in March 2008, allegations surfaced that three Indian officers posted at the UN Mission in Congo had sexually exploited a local woman while holidaying in South Africa. Before that, in 2007, there were allegations that Indian blue berets had exchanged food and information for gold with Rwandan rebels in Congo’s North Kivu. There were separate allegations that Indian soldiers had paid minor Congolese girls in North Kivu for sex. In most of these cases, the army has given a clean chit to its personnel, the Express said.

The Mail Today said the accused troops are currently located near Chandigarh. The inquiry was ordered on May 24 by the Western Command, headquartered at Chandimandir, near Chandigarh.

In 2008, following allegations that over several years Indian peacekeepers had indulged in gold trafficking and sexual abuse, the Congo government had requested the United Nations not to send any more Indian troops for the peace-keeping contingent. The troops have also come in for praise for their valour and had the largest contribution to the UN contingent.


Alrite i agree with the rape cases and army doing its inquiry but stop your B.S Mirch masala news and tadka masala about who is whose father in Congo as you have a news article from url(.pk) which shows its origin and telling the whole story...
P.S- am not gonna to be surprised if this piece of crap comes from Rupee news or XYZ ////
Could be..there is a possibility.let the inquiry finish.If found guilty,then the perpetrators must be handled properly according to the law.
Alrite i agree with the rape cases and army doing its inquiry but stop your B.S Mirch masala news and tadka masala about who is whose father in Congo as you have a news article from url(.pk) which shows its origin and telling the whole story...
P.S- am not gonna to be surprised if this piece of crap comes from Rupee news or XYZ ////

Instead of crying like a baby should have googled urself......... its frm DAWN NEWS............. Want more links kid?
here u go:





indian n british sources............ google more for details instead of ranting n posting typical crap.
Could be..there is a possibility.let the inquiry finish.If found guilty,then the perpetrators must be handled properly according to the law.

I agree with you, but what is a point of starting a thread with out backing the post with soild news from either BBC or Russia Today kind of international channels or news agencies.
Instead of crying like a baby should have googled urself......... its frm DAWN NEWS............. Want more links kid?
here u go:

Indian Troops Accused of Fathering Babies in Congo | Wellington CRWE Newswire

Indian Troops Accused of Fathering Babies in Congo | Vijayawada CRWE Newswire

Indian Troops Accused of Fathering Babies in Congo | Jodhpur CRWE Newswire

Indian Troops Accused of Fathering Babies in Congo | Liverpool

indian n british sources............ google more for details instead of ranting n posting typical crap.

KID ,I said who is whose father can't be just determined because they said so,let the inquiry get over ,till then am saying this again B.S CRAPPY news...
KID ,I said who is whose father can't be just determined because they said so,let the inquiry get over ,till then am saying this again B.S CRAPPY news...

Good for you........ now go tell this to the UN and congolese govt who banished indian soldiers frm their country.Instead of posting ur frustrated rants.
I agree with you, but what is a point of starting a thread with out backing the post with soild news from either BBC or Russia Today kind of international channels or news agencies.

Why do you guys forget this when your countrymen post Bull$hit about Pakistan from the crappiest sources ever? :lol:
This thread is a troll magnet. The sooner its closed better for the forum.

@Topic if Indian soldiers are found guilty they should be punished.Period

I have huge respect for our soldiers but I don't worship them like some in neighbouring countries do. They are accountable for their actions. Indian Armed forces is a highly disciplined organization, but like any other organization there are black sheeps in our Armed Forces too. The top brass should make sure that they weed out these type of people regularly.
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