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Russia & Pakistan's Growing Engagement

lets see, then how much they can live in asia if sco goes stronger:lol:??
they will have to compromise as equal partners not bullies;)..
japs cant alone serve their purpose especially in indian ocean;)

LOL.. exactly. That's why it is essential to have a counter balance. Then again I don't think India, China, Russia etc are aggressively out of control and hellbent on conquering its neighbours. It's not in our mindset to do so. We are only interested in growth and securing our future within the region.
By the way, please don't call our Nihonjin counterparts 'japs' as it is derogatory. :cheers:
LOL.. exactly. That's why it is essential to have a counter balance. Then again I don't think India, China, Russia etc are aggressively out of control and hellbent on conquering its neighbours. It's not in our mindset to do so. We are only interested in growth and securing our future within the region.
By the way, please don't call our Nihonjin counterparts 'japs' as it is derogatory. :cheers:

i admire ur post,i also think to throw them out of asia but actually conditions are not easy as we r thinking..even russia is becoming partner of usa on many issues..so even i doubt at the success of sco in future..
and i think,indo-china problems are nothing...they can be solved in a day..but chinese are doubtful abt india and indians are clear abt chinese support to pakistan against india..so let see,where we go.
Lol. India does respect Russia a lot , the russians know it so we don't need to prove it to anyone else .I dont know what made you say that .

And yes they have the right to develop relations with all countries , however Pakistan is a different case . They can have an economic relation with Pakistan but a military relation will not be acceptable to India for obvious reasons and they know it .They have an economic and even limited military relation with even China, did us Indians ever say anything ?

About Russia's concerns regarding US let me tell you there is not much distrust between Russia and US today and neither are relations between Russia and China still that great . There will be no blocks even though some Chinese seem to be desiring that.

Defensive blocs already exist and whether the west or India like it or not, it will continue to exist.
I made the statement that India needs to accept that politics aren't something that is inscribed on to stone. It is forever changing. I know India and Pakistan aren't exactly friendly with one another. But India can't do anything if Russia wants to cooperate with Pakistan in the future, in fact it is already happening.

As for the level of distrust between Russia and the U.S. I think the history and current political affair speaks for itself.
Defensive blocs already exist and whether the west or India like it or not, it will continue to exist.
I made the statement that India needs to accept that politics aren't something that is inscribed on to stone. It is forever changing. I know India and Pakistan aren't exactly friendly with one another. But India can't do anything if Russia wants to cooperate with Pakistan in the future, in fact it is already happening.

As for the level of distrust between Russia and the U.S. I think the history and current political affair speaks for itself.

Defensive blocs to a certain extent do exist but it's not the same as it was during the cold-war era. I don't think we'll ever see the day where it will be Russia+Pakistan vs the US. If anything, I would think that Pakistan would prefer to play either sides off against each other. On the other hand, I doubt the Russians would be interested. I mean, what exactly can Pakistan offer to Russia? The only thing I can think of is a anti-US mindset and it's not exactly like the Russians are out looking for this.

And yes, it's true that India can't do anything if the Russians do choose to pursue a relationship with Pakistan but this will hardly affect India as it's highly unlikely that Russia would support anything anti-India.
Defensive blocs already exist and whether the west or India like it or not, it will continue to exist.
I made the statement that India needs to accept that politics aren't something that is inscribed on to stone. It is forever changing. I know India and Pakistan aren't exactly friendly with one another. But India can't do anything if Russia wants to cooperate with Pakistan in the future, in fact it is already happening.

As for the level of distrust between Russia and the U.S. I think the history and current political affair speaks for itself.

Ok for the first bolded part , i made it clear in my earlier post that Russia will not enter into an alliance with China against the West . Russia west relations are not the same as they used to be in the cold war era . They have improved vastly and they now actually have much in common vis-a-vis Afghanistan and Terrorism . You need to get out of that mindset plus the relations between China and Russia are still not that great for them to be a part of any alliance .

For the second bolded part , I have made it clear earlier as well India has no problems if Russia co-operates with Pakistan on any other area except defence and military and that for obvious reasons. Russia wont do it I am pretty sure no matter how much you and Pakistan may want that .

As for the third part my reply is the same as for the first part . cold war ended 20 years ago . Americans and Russians who were at the centre of it seem to be already over it but some Chinese clearly are not . Strange !
The thing I fear the most--What if besharam generals start to blackmail Amrika that if you do not fill my pocket, we will drift away from you. If this happens, Pakistan will be doomed and I will support Panetta to kill all the political and armed leadership of Pakistan. If Pakistan plays the cards, it can come out of this mess.
It did not take one day to setup this future block. And if generals ruin this game, their families will pay the consequences. I urge them to sit and think, think from their brain and stop filling pockets. The reason is very simple--Now, if the game plan changes because of generals and crappy politicians, they all will go where they cane from--.
Do not go beyond the Atlantic. They (US) are not friend.

Do flirting with USA and Russia and use them, but love only China.

Yes surely this you can ask and Russia too. it had been answered already you have to go back some posts. But looking at US designs for CARs, Russia is indeed in need of a joint effort to consolidate its position strategically in the region which Pakistan, Russia, Iran and Afghanistan can do.

Primary importance of Pak-Afgan corridor to US is to pump oil from the oil reserves in areas of Turkmenistan/ Uzbekistan/ Kazakhstan.
What importance does Pak-Afghan corridor give to Russia ? Russians already have good relations with Iran

Who is disputing this point? in my view India should not dictate anyone to sell or not to sell weapons to others. Russia can sell both or more than one client its not an issue.

With India centric policy it is but obvious for India to block pakistans military acquisition's, If pakistan had such political and economical clout, wouldn't it had done the same against india??

in international politics no policy is permanent with changing scenario it changes .

Well pakistani national policy is shaped by the military, till that changes , americans will have a very tight grip on your neck, so I dont see a change in scenario...

USSR was damaged in that first Afghan war and for that you need no expert to tell you that. again in international politics no foe or friend is permanent
Completely agree... but here I find a lot of members vowing to fight India for next 1000 years which is highly thanked by the learned members of PDF, funny ?

the question remains is what positive steps can pakistan take to actually make it self a brighter prospect for foriegn investment by countries like Russia and simultaneously overcome Indian objections to increased relations with its traditional allies. Remember we are talking about Russia and not sri lanka.- thanks
Russia & Pakistan pledge to join forces to fight terrorism & drug trafficking

Russian and Pakistani leaders have pledged to work together to fight terrorism and prevent drug-trafficking in Central and Southern Asia.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and his Pakistani counterpart Asif Ali Zardari were meeting in the Kremlin on Thursday.

The presidents signed a joint statement calling for broader economic and political ties. Russia also discussed Pakistan involvement in a pipeline from Turkmenistan to Afghanistan, Pakistan and India, and expressed interest in helping it modernize a steel plant in Karachi and explore for gas.

Zardari’s visit is his first major foreign trip since Osama bin Laden was killed in Pakistan earlier this month.

In the wake of bin Laden’s killing, his unpopular government faced criticism from the United States, where some politicians accused Pakistani authorities of helping the world’s most wanted terrorist.

Russia, Pakistan pledge to join forces to fight terrorism, drugs trafficking - The Washington Post
Good going

they should help us in exploring gas.i know we have too much gas reserves.we just need to explore them
Drug money raised by chechen rebels is funding talibans in our terriotry as well providing them arms..about time to end then with a brutal crush
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