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Black money comes mainly from India: Assange



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Mar 20, 2011
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At a stage where governments around the world have tried to hide away from the embarrassment caused by WikiLeaks expose on black money, founder Julian Assange speaks exclusively to Times Now's editor-in-chief Arnab Goswami on the Swiss bank data and Indian names features in the same.

Julian Assange, made a stunning disclosure, that there could be Indian names in the data that WikiLeaks would publish. In the course of the interview, Assange appealed to Indians to absolutely not lose hope that the names of those with secret Swiss accounts will come out at one point in the future. Hinting that Wikileaks might work with specialized agencies before releasing the Swiss bank data he pulled up the Indian government for not being aggressive like Germany in going after the list of Indian account holders. In fact he said India should be more aggressive because India seems like it is losing per capita more tax money than Germany

This is the first time Assange has spoken about Indian accounts in these Swiss banks, and comes at a time when the national debate over Swiss Bank accounts has sharpened.

Arnab Goswami: You have strong views on it. And I completely appreciate that you can't talk about it in detail. But let me ask you more generically, that is your heart, you would like to reveal the details...in your heart. I am not asking you when and under what circumstances, but having known about it, you would like to reveal details of how the system operates, wouldn't you?
Julian Assange: Well, we have various types of information about different banking operations in the world. Over time, we have revealed those. In fact, most of the legal attacks on us have been from banks. Banks in Scotland...banks in Dubai...banks in Iceland. We all received legal attacks from these banks. And we will continue publishing data on these banks as soon as we are able to do so.

Arnab Goswami: Have you encountered any Indian names? I am not asking you to tell me where, which banks...
Julian Assange: Yes there are Indian names in the data we have already published or going to publish. I can't remember specifically whether there are Indian names in the upcoming publication. But I have read Indian names. Similarly, in these private Swiss banking concerns, where you need at least a million dollars...which is a significant amount of money...Not an average Indian.

Arnab Goswami: And it is difficult to identify those names. Anything else you can tell us?
Julian Assange: I can't tell you anything more at this stage. As we go through the process of releasing data, as always we have to do extra research. And once we understand which media organizations are best placed to help us with that research, then we operate with them. But we are not at that stage yet that I know all the research that is going on.

Arnab Goswami: To all our Indian viewers, just one point. Should they lose hope that the names will come out at one point.
Julian Assange: No

Arnab Goswami: What would you say to them?
Julian Assange: That you should absolutely not lose hope. It is quite interesting. There is a...There are different forces at play here. The German government in particular has been very strong. There needs to be transparency in banking operations. It has gone so far as to buy CDs off...in Liechtenstein and so on...To reveal this information. Very, very aggressive approach by the German government and the German government is the dominant power within Europe. So, those German attitudes are seeping into Europe as a whole. The US has also been applying pressure in relation to UBS and tax evaders. So the problem is, as Swiss bank accounts are opened up there are simply other ways to deal with the situation. So you go and register a trust, in say Charles and then the trust then goes and opens a Swiss account while you might (?) a Swiss bank account, but what is there is a trust in Charles..Then you have to break that trust in Charles. That is the problem throughout the offshore sector. That is quite hard to deal with. In case you get this through regulation, investigation...you kind of get this at a level that although people can hide their assets in this way, the amount of expense and effort and risk involved in the asset hiding doesn't make it worthwhile.

Arnab Goswami: Given the economic and political clout that India wields, any reason that India should not be as aggressive?
Julian Assange: No. There is no reason why India should not be aggressive. In fact maybe, it should be more aggressive because India seems like it is losing per capita much more tax money than Germany.

Black money comes mainly from India: Assange - The Times of India
GOI should form a secret alliance with the swish govt to first get the names of the culprits, assaninate them one by one (secretly) and then move to get the money back to its exchequer.
"Black money comes mainly from India: Assange "

I couldn't find this anywhere? Tabloid trash times strikes again?

You beat me to it. I was about to post this same news.

On topic, India has around 400 lacs crore rupees of black money deposited in various banks.
Out of this 400 lacs crores, 300 lacs crores is deposited in foreign banks and 100 lacs crores is deposited inside India.
The highest amount of blank money belong to Gandhis, followed by other political leaders and industrialists.

This money will be brought back to India within next 3 years.
Awesome News!!! F&^%$ this Congress!! Now i hope the names of Corrupt thugs will be revealed in front of public.....Awesome news!!!!

Lol why only congress , each political party has it's stake. Every political party is damn corrupt .
And not only politicians many industrialists and small businessmen even have it
Awesome News!!! F&^%$ this Congress!! Now i hope the names of Corrupt thugs will be revealed in front of public.....Awesome news!!!!

Its true that congress leaders have got maximum black money, but many other politicians from various political parties have their loot deposited there too.
Within next 3-4 years, all these dacoits would be thrown in jails, including Gandhis.
India with courruption = Medium power, never will be able to enter UNSC permenatly. Poverty, undeveloped north east India

India without coruption = World Power!
India with courruption = Medium power, never will be able to enter UNSC permenatly. Poverty, undeveloped north east India

India without coruption = World Power!

Let me share our vision with you.
Our goal is to make India world's strongest economic power by 2020.
And getting our looted wealth will be a part of it. When we will get our looted wealth wealth back, several European countries would go bankrupt, becoz there economy is being sustained only through our money.

All these institutions like UNSC, WHO, WTO, World Bank etc etc. will all be operated from India, and India alone will be stronger than the rest of world combined.
This is our vision, and this is what we are working for.
Lol why only congress , each political party has it's stake. Every political party is damn corrupt .
And not only politicians many industrialists and small businessmen even have it

Only Congress because In the History of our Nation and its independence period of 64 years It was congress who was in center for 59 years and Opposition(NDA) only for 5 years. So, one won't requires any rocket science in thinking who have looted this nation more and whose Black money would be there in these Swiss Banks.

I am damn sure that more then 98% of this Black money belongs to Congressi's.!!
As Julian has said repeatedly, Indian government will do ....nothing. Half of the black money comes from our politicians.
Our corruption is nothing compared to India's because of the sheer difference in the overall size of the economy. Simply put, India has more money that can be stolen.

Anyways, why is the Indian government allowing Indian money to boost European economies ? Just get it all back and let them have the pleasure of taking a tour of slums right in their own little countries... no need to get a visa from us poor people in S.E.Asia
Our goal is to make India world's strongest economic power by 2020.

How will this happen?

You can't just "add" the recovered black money into your GDP. Otherwise we could add our own currency reserves back into our economy as well.
Guys whether its Congress or BJP, they are people like you and me, with great power comes great greediness. Everyone will try to loot. Only solution is for all countries to Keep their financial system healthy and do not allow unaccounted money to flow through it!!!
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