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Bluffer's Guide: Pakistani Nuclear Forces

In China, yes although it's hardly a credible nuclear strike platform these days. There's no evidence to suggest Pakistan is building nuclear free-fall bombs small enough for the A-5 Fantan, and why would anyone chose that launch platform relative to ballistic missiles anyway, so I'd suggest not in PAF service.

whether the A5 has the capability is ambigeous, but the PAF has trained its pilots of A5s and F16s on the "toss-method" for free fall nukes when the strategic nuclear missiles were in infancy.
Fantastic images and great information. I tend to overlook strategic assets in favour of conventional forces but that was an excellent insight.
I hope you are the same planeman who posted the images on below sites on March 13th.

Bluffer's Guide: Pakistani Nuclear Forces - Military Photos
Bluffer's Guide: Pakistani Nuclear Forces, page 1

I also saw your images and article for other countries

Iranian Missiles
Bluffer's Guide: Fortress Tehran, page 1

South Korea
Bluffer's Guide: Fortress North Korea, page 1

You do a great job.

Great links Goodperson. Nice to see knowledge being spread across the web.
next we wait for indian fortress.can any body have info abut indian nukes ?
talking of both fighters and NDVs, is their anywork being done in the direction of ANDV (ACM) fighters?

its one thing to have nuclear deterreance when your enemy is threatning you with nukes -- its another to then neutralize that threat and offer yours. The ANDV revolution is south asia is going to be far more resonant than the nuclear revolution
whether the A5 has the capability is ambigeous, but the PAF has trained its pilots of A5s and F16s on the "toss-method" for free fall nukes when the strategic nuclear missiles were in infancy.

totally right sir, in fact even IAF pilots secretly practised toss bombing in pokharan in early and mid ninties.

my contrats to thread starter for a wonderfull thread.
Great to see a thread started by Planeman himself exists on this forum. Have been following him on another forum avidly. Bits and pieces of his work have been popping up here with (and sometimes without) acknowledgement and attribution to him.
Good to see the "real" McCoy!
ARE you the same Planeman from Military photos . net coz this thread was done in MAY 2007

and if you are the same planeman , i would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and say that your works are really awesome and real kool.
next we wait for indian fortress.can any body have info abut indian nukes ?
No i think next time it would be Iran's turn because first north Korea then Pakistan and next Iran. I don't no what point that person want to prove by uncovering our sensitive and strategic assets:angry:
The info was good though. But I also agree with Saud, why all this uncovering business? :(

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