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Blasphemy Law Possible Modifications!

Everybody should have right to insult/blaspheme any belief or lack of it, Especially using pen and paper.
Initially people may feel angry but slowly they will come to accept that criticism is here to stay, and wont feel agitated.
Now a days there seems to be a competition among religions as to who gets offended easily.
I am not specifically talking about the pakistani blasphemy law, am also talking about old british/Irish and the current Indian laws.
Everybody should have right to insult/blaspheme any belief or lack of it, Especially using pen and paper.
Initially people may feel angry but slowly they will come to accept that criticism is here to stay, and wont feel agitated.
Now a days there seems to be a competition among religions as to who gets offended easily.
I am not specifically talking about the pakistani blasphemy law, am also talking about old british/Irish and the current Indian laws.

which current indian law ?

regarding contempt of court ?
Paganism itself is blasphemy. Paganism should be fully banned in Pakistan. The pagan religions must be eradicated (this doesn't neccesarily mean you "eradicate" people) in Islamic land. I am reading people using Prophet Muhammad as example, the very first battles of the Muhammad Rasullah was against pagans, he destroyed their idols in Mecca for the sake of Allahs' cause.

Ban pagan religions in Pakistan, technically I'm thinking blasphemy law by it's own design has already banned pagan religions, the pagan religions are blasphemous. Christianity and Judeaism are not. These religions certainly must be tolerated.

Think of the below series of statements. What will happen if another country has blasphemy law wrt their own pagan religion. I am taking India as example.
"Islam itself is blasphemy. Islam should be fully banned in India. Islam must be eradicated (this doesn't neccesarily mean you "eradicate" people) in pagan land.

Ban Islam religion in India ...... Islam is blasphemous. Buddhism and Jainism are not. These religions certainly must be tolerated."

I am sure you will call anybody who holds above set of statement to be true a pagan fanatic, specifically hindu fanatic, in India, with very good reason.
What do you call yourself?
Religions, social rules, holy books were created for betterment of human. If they create problem between people than we are forgetting the basic rule. Note that religion is for people, not people for religion.
Absolutely, laws are made for people not people for laws -- and laws that are no damn good, like the blasphemy laws are detined for the dustbin of history, just like those who formulated such laws.

The Pakistani had suffered a humiliating defeat, it's very reason for existence had been, successfully, shown to be hollow -- The Pakistani state, as a successor to a colonial state (and in many ways just as colonial) never enjoyed the kind of legitimacy it always should have had and so with the defeat engineered by political elites in what was then West Pakistan, the Pakistan state sought a new narrative, a narrative that allowed it to b that cohesion in society and garner legitimacy -- The traitorous megalomaniac Z. A. Bhutto had calculated that with East Pakistan (the Majority of Pakistan) out of the way, he at the helm of his feudal based party could control what was left of Pakistan in the West -- The Islamist political parties had other plans.

The radical Jamaat e Islami had earned respect by the Pakistan army in particular, for the assistance it offered to the armed forces in their desperate struggle to contain the Mukti Bahini -- And the Islamists had a partner in the person of one General Zia ul Haq, fresh from the killing of thousands of Palestinians, some circles argue that the Pakistan army have killed more Palestinians than Israeli army ever did --

The Islamist political parties and Zia made short work of the Traitor, they then embarked on the project to make what was left of Pakistan in their radical image, the Soviets entrapped themselves and the "ally", US came calling - Islam-ism was grand, and Mujahideen all the rage (Bartenders in NY began serving a nasty, smelly martini called the "Muj") -- Iran went "Islamic" (read Shi'ah) - US money, and especially Saudi money, Egyptian and Israeli arms poured in Pakistan, an entire generation of Pakistanis learnt that it was better to be dead than prosperous and learned.

So while what passes for intellectual elites among Pakistan's so called establishment thought they will use Islam as a force or instrument of social cohesion and increase the legitimacy of the state and the reach of the state in the lives of ordinary Pakistanis, the Islam-icans had a project of their own, they were and are patient, they allowed the uniformed goons to imagine enemies where ever they choose, whether in Karachi, Kabul or in Kashmir -- all the while the Islamican project to Tribalize and then break what was left of Pakistan into fiefdoms in which and through which, radicalized armed "revolutionaries", new Muslims, if you will, would be unleashed on innocent Muslim societies first but then the entire world -- this strategy was in line with the two Jihad the Wahabi waged to secure control over all others on the Arabian Peninsula - this strategy is now close to bearing fruit, though some find such fruit , bitter.
Muse: Bravo! for the very concisely worded post that supports the evolution of Pakistan's present predicament logically.
Personally the Blasphemy laws are an archaic relic of a era that needs to be forgotten. Please remove this retarded law, thats right i called it retarded. And if anyone of you Taliabn A holes are reading this, you must be so proud killing an innocent person like Mr. Bhatti... Burn in hell you scum sucking vultures.
honeslty, do you blame them if they dont do anyting practical? the interent is the only safe place that they can have their voice heard, otherwise nobody will want to share the fate of Mr. Taseer and Bhatti.

i mean, they claim that there are millions of seculars/liberals in Pakistan. Just bring them out and silence the minority fundamentalists.
Abu Basit does have a point. His kind is ready to kill, burn tires and beat up our kind.

#1 The police is the same
#2 The government wants their votes so they are the same
#3 The law supports them

How do you overturn this culture while being a minority? The majority in this case being dumbasses that are wrong, but still majority = power.
I believe this Law is full of waste...I don think any human being can insult god...Same thing In Geeta God krishna said.
Abu Basit does have a point. His kind is ready to kill, burn tires and beat up our kind.

#1 The police is the same
#2 The government wants their votes so they are the same
#3 The law supports them

How do you overturn this culture while being a minority? The majority in this case being dumbasses that are wrong, but still majority = power.

your frustration and personal attack suggest that you have lost the war of arguments.

Prove u'r majority, shouting in forums will prove nothing!

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