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Ghazwa-e-Hind...Myth or Truth ....??

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Secret Service

Feb 11, 2011
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Naimatullah Shah WaliThe Sufi Saint, Seer who lived in the Indian subcontinent (Kashmir Valley) around 900 years ago. He has made a lot of predictions about the Indian subcontinent and the world in general leading up to the final Armageddon in the form of Persian verses and, surprisingly, those predictions are coming true with the passage of time. The most surprising thing is that he has actually mentioned the names of personalities and places several times. I would list some of his predictions over here that I found online. Keep in mind that it does not reflect my personal beliefs or religion.

The first prediction is about Nadir Shah's attack of Delhi. He said: Nadir Shah would emerge from Iran and would snatch the Indian empire. He would callously use his sword to assassinate the people of Delhi.About the Mughals he said: You (who are reading my prophecies) will not find Mughals anywhere after 300 years.

About the arrival of East India Company in the Subcontinent, he said:Rajas and Maharajas would turn careless. For most of the time they would remain drunk and addicted to opium. At that time the British/Christians would land in India disguised as traders and businessmen. About the British rule in India he predicted:My dears! Understand it very clearly that they would rule India for 100 years at least.(Please note that the Britishers stay in India was for 200 years, however, they ruled only for 100 years. When Lord Curzon, the then Viceroy of India came to know about Hazrat Shah Naimat's prophecies, he put a ban on their publishing and making them public).

He predicts a war between Russian and Japan. Japan will prevail.

Two persons, both named "Ahmed" will do corrupted tasfeer of Quran, and deviate peole. [could be referring to Mirza Ghulam Ahmed Qadyani and Pervez Ahmed]

While talking about the First World War, Shah Naimat predicts:For four years a great war would be fought in the West in which E(England) would score an unfair victory over G(Germany).I would like to clarify that Shah Naimat used the Persian alphabets Alif for Inglistan (England) and Jeem for Germany. The interesting point to note is that this war was fought in the West (Europe) for four years (1914-1918).

While predicting more about First World War, he even gave the death figures. Shah Naimat said:It would be a great world war. There would be a great bloodshed and about 13.1 million people would be killed.

Earthquake in Japan, 1/4 of Japan destroyed. [Happened in 1923]

He prophesied about the Second World War also and said:The Second World War would start 21 years after the First World War and it would be more violent, lethal, destructive and ruinous then the first one. People who are interested in military history knows it very well that the Second World War (1939-1945) started exactly 21 years after the First World War.
One of the two alifs (America and England (Inglistan) I have mentioned earlier, would be totally destroyed. Russia would attack the western alif (maybe England). Russia would also kneel down to China's wrath, rage and fury and would be destroyed. Later on, one of the jeems (either Germany or Japan) would make an alliance with Russia against either of the alifs (America or England). Most lethal and explosive weapons would be used to an extent that the alif (America or England) would be totally wiped out from the world map and its name would remain merely in the history books. It all happened in WW1 and 2..

While mentioning the weapons he said:The scientists of that era would make very deadly and fatal weapons which could measure energy and power and would bring mass destruction to the fighting forces (atomic bomb).

Prediciton of T.V and Telephones.

Then Naimatullah says that British will leave the subcontinent and there will be a lot of bloodshed.

Naimatullah said,It would be evident to the whole world that India would be clearly divided into two parts.Sikhs will slaughter the Muslims. [happened during the partition]. Due to hypocrisy and cheating there would be a lot of tragedies, massacres and carnage, Shah Sahib while referring to undemocratic governments in this region said,India would be ruled by rulers who would not be legitimate to do so. They would change the official rules and set of laws just like that. Law and order would scarcely prevail.

The followers of Hazrat Muhammad (Peace be upon him) would indulge in disgraceful criminal acts and immoral and indecent conduct.His views about religious leaders are not very encouraging. He saidThe muftis of that era would behave irresponsibly. They would issue fatwas (religious decrees) without any reason. (doesn't it sound like Fatwas of Mulana Sufi Mohammed in Swat) but when it would come to speak the truth about the religion, they would start making despicable and lame excuses. He further said,The Islamic teachings would be like a blown out candle. No one would care about them. Scholars would be forcefully relegated to the lowest pedestals and the uneducated and amateurish would turn up as intellectuals and scholars.

His following few predictions about wars in the region are quite obvious. Naimat Shah said,Suddenly, the Muslims would face a quite jolting restlessness. They would fight a daring war with kafirs (non-Muslims) of the region. After a 17-day war the Almighty would bless the Muslims with a victory. They would earn this triumph after fighting a bloody war, daringly laying down their lives and rendering a lot of sacrifices. A Hindu leader would represent his country in another atheist country, where he would die while in his sleep.

(This refers to 1965 War. Lal Bahadur Shastri died of a heart attack in Tashkent, an atheist city of atheist Soviet Union.)

The people of the Muslim part of the Subcontinent would dethrone their ameer (President) and from then onwards they would earn a great humiliation. ( Khwaja Nazimuddin's removal). After that there would be a great rage, calamity and chastisement. The punisher (Allah) would sentence those who would deserve it. Allah would issue a mass killing command. The eastern part of the country would tragically fall due to the deceitfulness of pretenders. The people of the western part would mourn over it. A big city of the eastern part would become a place of butchery and bloodshed. A mass killing would take place there and people would be slaughtered freely without any fear. A Muslim leader, in fact, would be an abettor of the kafirs and would lend them full support through his treachery. (The accursed Mujiburahman who chose his place in Hell among the Kuffars).

The person whose name would start with Gaaf (Persian alphabet having G as an alternative in English) and would contain six letters (maybe Gandhi) would remain victorious in this war due to his impiety and wickedness (Indira Gandhi).

Shah Sahib said:The Muslims of the western portion (West Pakistan) would have the blessings of Allah. The most responsible leaders, skilled scientists and highly professional and dedicated military experts would be available to them. All the Muslim countries would be looking towards them. Muslims from Turkey, Arabia, Iran and the Middle East would turn up with remarkable Ummah spirit to support them and the area of Chitral, Nanga Parbat, Gilgit, China and Tibet would become the main battlefield.

Hazrat Naimat Shah further said:The people of Kabul would also come out to kill kafirs (non-Muslims) who would run around from pillar to post and would make petty and paltry excuses to save their lives. They would literally beg the Muslims for their lives. The frontier would quiver and quake with the foot-beats of ghazis and mujahids of the frontier who would suddenly emerge out of nowhere. This event would take place after Eid-ul-Azha and the next Eid ul Fitr.

Wali said:?River Attock (Kabul) would be filled thrice, with the blood of kafirs, during that period. The Muslims would capture the whole Punjab (including Lahore city), Kashmir, the land situated between River Ganges and Yamuna (Uttar Pradesh province) and the city of Bijnaur. This war would remain among the human beings for good about six months and ultimately, God willing, the Muslims would be victorious. All the enemies and the ill-wishers of Islam would be killed and the whole India would be clean of Hinduism and Hindu traditions. Shah Naimat said:Suddenly there would be a great roar. It would be a catastrophic earthquake like the doomsday. It would cause great devastation and disruption in Sindh and Hind (India).

Islam would dominate India for at least forty years until Dajjal would emerge from the city of Esfahan. There would be a lot of sedition, disturbance, violence and war in the region. Khorasan, Egypt, Syria and Iraq would not be an exception. The war would devastate and desolate these countries as well until the Best Year as described by the Holy Quran would come. Imam Mehdi would attain prominence. He would appear during the Hajj days and suddenly he would become famous the world over. In my opinion, Imam Mehdi would appear before Dajjal's appearance.

The Wali further predicts Dajjal's ( Antichrist) forces would be in Esfahan and his army would be consisted of Jews and Christians and I am clearly seeing it. I can also see a dust storm rising up from Kufa. Jesus Christ would also descend from the heavens. I can see thousands of riders accompanying the Christ and finally Jesus, the son of Mary, would kill Dajjal with his own sword. Look Naimat Shah! Stop and do not disclose the secrets of Allah. I am predicting these events in the Islamic year 548 Hijri.Allah knows best.


Prophecy number 1.
Holy Prophet (PBUH) Told Hazrat Abu Huraira (RA):
"From the a(Followers of Islam currently) there will be a rise of Battalions from Sindh (Indus) and Hind (Sub-continent). If I got opportunity to be part of such a movement and if I martyred then it is good, if I returned alive I will be like free Abu Huraira who is freed from Hell by Allah".

Prophecy number 2:
Holy Prophet (PBUH) Told Hazrat Suban (RA):
"Two groups in my Umma will be freed by Allah from hell fire, One which will conquer India and the other which will be with Hazrat Esa (AS)."

Prophecy number 3:
Holy Prophet (PBUH) Discussed India with Hazrat Abu Huraira (RA) and told that:
"One of your Battalion will fight in India, Allah will give success to them to the level that they (Mujahideen) will enchain their (Hindus) rulers with clutches, and Allah will forgive sins of these warriors and when they return they will find Hazrat Esa (AS) in Damascus."
Hazrat Abu Huraira (AS) said:
"If i had opportunity to participate in this war then i will sell all of my old and new belongings and will participate. When Allah will give us success and when we will return i will be an independent Abu Huraira who will come to Damascus and will find Hazrat Esa (AS). O my Holy Prophet (PBUH) i will have very strong desire at that time to got to him and tell him that i am your companion."

Prophecy number 4:
Hazrat Kaab (RA) said that Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that:
"One of the Kings of Bait-ul-Muqadas will launch Battalion to India. Muslims will conquer India, capture their treasures, then King will use these treasures to decorate Bait-ul-Muqadas. That Battalion will present the rulers of India enchained with clutches in front of King. His warriors with permission of King will conquer all the area between east and west and will stay in India will the arrival of Dajjal."

Prophecy number 5:
This prophecy narrated by Hazrat Safwan Bin Umru (RA) is Marfoh in the level . He said that some people told him that Holy Prophet (PBUH) said that
"Some people from My Umma will fight India. Allah will give them great success till they will enchain the rulers of India in clutches, Allah will forgive sins of these Mujahideen and when they will return Damascus they will find Hazrat Esa (AS) there".

The Above Hadiths are Present in sihah e sitta ( Six Books of Hadees )

i want to clear my doubts ......
Please don't make fun of this thread...specially Indian members
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There is Prophecy in every religion and cultures like the Mayans and even hindu holy book Bhavishya purana
PLEASE I request you to not post such vulgar posts and disturb the mindsets of the people here... i personally take it very in human when a particular religion portrays itself the best and other as sick and talk about destruction and only destruction ... i guess people in today's civil society will not accept such non sense and i guess you better understand this now that posting such stuff will only create hatred in some sense nothing else ....these are the reasons why people have so much mistrust and are disorientated from Islam and their followers ...

My humble request is that you should ask mod to close this or rather delete such no value and unauthenticated posts...

The best part was CHINA and Pakistan are the only 2 country which are prevailing rest are shown as Dajjal...
Its rather like reading the history..Somebody fooled you big time.
I still believe in it. Maybe after the arrival of Isa (AS) but it WILL be true.

No actually before arrival of Eesa (Jesus) (a.s).. since according to hadees, the armythat will conquer india will return & join Eesa in Shaam...
So this event will take place BEFORE or at the same time as Eesa returns in Shaam...
Wow, please read the "prophecy". No offence, but this sounds like propogation of "genocide". The content is pretty voilent and bigoted.
Anyways, we all know its a myth.
secretservice;1520086i want to clear my doubts ...... [SIZE="5" said:
Please don't make fun of this thread...specially Indian members[/SIZE]

Please have a look at this before you post @ Bhartis.
Please have a look at this before you post @ Bhartis.

This post is disturbing and violent in sense ... it make no sense whatever is in the post , it says only genocide of NON-MUSLIMS

off-course only china is left out ...rest whole world is either finished or taken over my mighty Muslim forces...
Ghazwa-e-Hind...is certainly a truth and it will achieve the dream of akhand bharat by conquering india.same is the dream of RSS hence its 100% true.
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