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Yogi will kill all Muslims : Dara Hua Musalaman


Feb 28, 2023
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Islam khatre mein hai 😢😢😢
@-=virus=- @jamahir @TopGun786 @Maira La

Virat Hindu Chetna rally in Siddharthnagar, UP, in the year 2007-8 organised by Hindu Yuva Vahini had a collection of the most vitriolic speeches one would ever see in a single rally. The now Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath explained the need for his organisation which is called Hindu Yuva Vahini. In his speech, Adityanath claims that Hindu culture and Muslim culture can never co-exist and that a religious war is inevitable which is why Hindus need to get organised and face this challenge in the most aggressive fashion possible. He stated that Hindu Yuva Vahini is doing the work of uniting Hindus.

Yogi Adityanath’s co-speaker in the same rally asks for Muslim women to be taken out from graves and be raped.

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Islam khatre mein hai 😢😢😢
@-=virus=- @jamahir @TopGun786 @Maira La

Virat Hindu Chetna rally in Siddharthnagar, UP, in the year 2007-8 organised by Hindu Yuva Vahini had a collection of the most vitriolic speeches one would ever see in a single rally. The now Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath explained the need for his organisation which is called Hindu Yuva Vahini. In his speech, Adityanath claims that Hindu culture and Muslim culture can never co-exist and that a religious war is inevitable which is why Hindus need to get organised and face this challenge in the most aggressive fashion possible. He stated that Hindu Yuva Vahini is doing the work of uniting Hindus.

Yogi Adityanath’s co-speaker in the same rally asks for Muslim women to be taken out from graves and be raped.

Without even watching videos I must say that this is what we say when we talk about partition and Jinnah.

Jinnah has proved himself right on every occasion.

There are many hinduvata (especially pajeets) who also say the same that hindus are in danger.
And yes the average Muslim in Idia fears for himself and his family... India is a communal mess, and rightfully known as ''Rapistan''.
And it is not just the Muslims... basically every minority in India fears for their life and honor.... hindus of low castes even more.
It is an alarming situation but it will also help a lot. With time it will lead to communal riots and instability inside India and eventually India will break into many pieces.
Khalistan will be the first one and then many others will follow. It will also make way for Pakitan and Chinese invasion to put the final nail in the coffin. It is written and it is well prophesized. It is you who should be worried more about this.
And btw Muslims will not dig up your graves (if any) and will not rape your women. It is not our culture. Only mischievous pajeets will be beheaded. :enjoy:
Without even watching videos I must say that this is what we say when we talk about partition and Jinnah.

Jinnah has proved himself right on every occasion.

There are many hinduvata (especially pajeets) who also say the same that hindus are in danger.
And yes the average Muslim in Idia fears for himself and his family... India is a communal mess, and rightfully known as ''Rapistan''.
And it is not just the Muslims... basically every minority in India fears for their life and honor.... hindus of low castes even more.
It is an alarming situation but it will also help a lot. With time it will lead to communal riots and instability inside India and eventually India will break into many pieces.
Khalistan will be the first one and then many others will follow. It will also make way for Pakitan and Chinese invasion to put the final nail in the coffin. It is written and it is well prophesized. It is you who should be worried more about this.
And btw Muslims will not dig up your graves (if any) and will not rape your women. It is not our culture. Only mischievous pajeets will be beheaded. :enjoy:
Where and what are the prophecies?
Please send them to me on my message wall if you can.

(I am doing proper research on the prophecies and their backgrounds to properly analyse which are true and which are bs)
Islam khatre mein hai 😢😢😢
After losing comments war on every page now you are trying to troll like this but let me tell you that by creating this thread you have ruined the efforts of your fellow pajeets who took years and months here on PDF just to convince people that India is the safest country in the world where 'j'indus and other communities live in peace and harmony and there is absolutely no truth in propaganda against Endia and bla bla. You remind me of a suicide bomber. Congratulations :enjoy:
Without even watching videos I must say that this is what we say when we talk about partition and Jinnah.

Jinnah has proved himself right on every occasion.

There are many hinduvata (especially pajeets) who also say the same that hindus are in danger.
And yes the average Muslim in Idia fears for himself and his family... India is a communal mess, and rightfully known as ''Rapistan''.
And it is not just the Muslims... basically every minority in India fears for their life and honor.... hindus of low castes even more.
It is an alarming situation but it will also help a lot. With time it will lead to communal riots and instability inside India and eventually India will break into many pieces.
Khalistan will be the first one and then many others will follow. It will also make way for Pakitan and Chinese invasion to put the final nail in the coffin. It is written and it is well prophesized. It is you who should be worried more about this.
And btw Muslims will not dig up your graves (if any) and will not rape your women. It is not our culture. Only mischievous pajeets will be beheaded. :enjoy:
What if the Hindus vs. Sikhs vs. Dalits civil war does not take place and there is only one side of Muslim genocide?

What will be your contingency plan?
Where and what are the prophecies?
Please send them to me on my message wall if you can.

(I am doing proper research on the prophecies and their backgrounds to properly analyse which are true and which are bs)
I had saved links especially those made by Shah Nematullah Wali. Let me check again

What if the Hindus vs. Sikhs vs. Dalits civil war does not take place and there is only one side of Muslim genocide?

What will be your contingency plan?
It is impossible. Do you know what is your problem? Your smaller brain does not let you think broadly. Do you think any other community also thinks like you?
You will do genocide and other minorities will watch this ''tamasha'. Sikhs are already suffering and minorities know what will happen to all of them. Once there is a slight fire in the ash it will all go bonkers.:azn:
Your actions and atrocities are against all minorities including a vast number of hindus themselves, how can one believe you will not go after them?

What if the Hindus vs. Sikhs vs. Dalits civil war does not take place and there is only one side of Muslim genocide?
keep yourself self-sabotaging. It is helping your fellow pajeets a lot. 🫢

Where and what are the prophecies?
Please send them to me on my message wall if you can.

(I am doing proper research on the prophecies and their backgrounds to properly analyse which are true and which are bs)
Check the above I am not sure if it is the same or not?
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I had saved links especially those made by Shah Nematullah Wali. Let me check again

It is impossible. Do you know what is your problem? Your smaller brain does not let you think broadly. Do you think any other community also thinks like you?
You will do genocide and other minorities will watch this ''tamasha'. Sikhs are already suffering and minorities know what will happen to all of them. Once there is a slight fire in the ash it will all go bonkers.:azn:
Your actions and atrocities are against all minorities including a vast number of hindus themselves, how can one believe you will not go after them?

keep yourself self-sabotaging. It is helping your fellow pajeets a lot. 🫢

Check the above I am not sure if it is the same or not?
Dalits & Sikh might hate upper caste Hindus but they hate Muslims even more.

In Hindu-Muslim riots, it's mostly the Dalits who attack Muslims.

And Sikh soldiers are putting Kashmiris in unmarked graves. Let's not forget how they cleansed Muslims in East Punjab and Jammu.

Lemme ask you again Mr PDF Zaid Hamid, what is your contingency plan?
Dalits & Sikh might hate upper caste Hindus but they hate Muslims even more.

In Hindu-Muslim riots, it's mostly the Dalits who attack Muslims.

And Sikh soldiers are putting Kashmiris in unmarked graves. Let's not forget how they cleansed Muslims in East Punjab and Jammu.

Lemme ask you again Mr PDF Zaid Hamid, what is your contingency plan?
A true suicide bomber 🤭
@Raj-Hindustani @VIRUS

Dalits & Sikh might hate upper caste Hindus but they hate Muslims even more.

In Hindu-Muslim riots, it's mostly the Dalits who attack Muslims.

And Sikh soldiers are putting Kashmiris in unmarked graves. Let's not forget how they cleansed Muslims in East Punjab and Jammu.

Lemme ask you again Mr PDF Zaid Hamid, what is your contingency plan?
Zaid Hamid is nobody. Only Allah is a true planner. Allah says sometimes he uses evil to bring goodness. Just watch the Russia-Ukraine war (this war is against NATO, Israhell, and USA btw). It was prophesized many centuries ago and going exactly like that.
There are many other authentic prophecies and things are going according to them.
There is Mushroom Cloud, there is Ghazwa E Hind and there are others. The main point is being a superpower is not needed to trigger such incidents. Well if you are wise you can get enough understanding out of my points... but as I said before the smaller brain is a major obstacle for people like you. :what:
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A true suicide bomber 🤭
@Raj-Hindustani @VIRUS

Zaid Hamid is nobody. Only Allah is a true planner. Allah says sometimes he uses evil to bring goodness. Just watch the Russia-Ukraine war (this war is against NATO, Israhell, and USA btw). It was prophesized many centuries ago and going exactly like that.
There are many other authentic prophecies and things are going according to them.
There is Mushroom Cloud, there is Ghazwa E Hind and there are others. The main point is being a superpower is not needed to trigger such incidents. Well if you are wise you can get enough understanding out of my points... but as I said before the smaller brain is a major obstacle for people like you. :what:
So tell me about your ghazwa e hind prophecy. I am all ears. Let's see what the future holds for us.
Zaid Hamid is nobody. Only Allah is a true planner. Allah says sometimes he uses evil to bring goodness. Just watch the Russia-Ukraine war (this war is against NATO, Israhell, and USA btw). It was prophesized many centuries ago and going exactly like that.
You are so naive. Your beloved Yahoodis control both Russia and the west. Rothschilds funded both sides in the world wars.

But I am eager to hear your crazy religious prophecies. So humor me.
So tell me about your ghazwa e hind prophecy. I am all ears. Let's see what the future holds for us.
I have done my work and now I will not waste my time here. Now other fellow members will take care of it while your fellow bhaktoras will again start giving clarifications from the beginning. Thankyou for your efforts for us and showing true face of Endia :cheesy:
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Pasting down the English translation of the last prominent prophecies. Prophecies from 1-36 all got true.

37. A lot of Muslims will leave their homes due to the wrath of the Hindus. They will migrate. The dignity and honor of Muslims will be in ruins. Their women and girls will be kidnapped.
38. Muslims will be in peace in the area of their forefathers. After Punishment and problems, their destiny will appear.(21)

39 . The banner of Islam will be the prominent for 23 years. Then divine punishment will come upon them.
40. Their own land will become narrow for them. Destruction and anarchy will become their destiny.(22)
41. After their destruction. Allah will send blessings, victory and help from neighbors.(23)
42. An army of Mongols (24) will come from North to help. Iran and Turkey will help too.(25)

43. This help will appear after the Pilgrimage.(26) When Allah will send the divine help from unknown.(27)
44. Divine help will turn the defeat into a victory. I am seeing all this with deep understanding. That Muslims will be the victor and successful.
45. When these predictions were made, it was the year 570 Hijra. So the God wills and will appear in the same manner. (28)

46. When the cruelty and crime will be spread in his era, there will come a King of the west. He will be the real good administrator.(29)

(21) History: Pakistan got independence on August 14, 1947. The genocide, rape and kidnapping of girls and women is not a secret. The migrants sacrificed their lives and their wealth in order to get independence.
(22) History: Yahya ruled from March 1969-December 1971. East Pakistan was lost due to a war in between India and Pakistan on November 22, 1971. The war with West Pakistan started on December 3, 1971, resulted into destruction and chaos in Pakistan. Yahya Khan’s incompetence and careless resulted into the loss of the Eastern Province and about 100,000 soldiers became POWs. About 1.5Million Bengali and non-Bengali were killed. Before that time, for 23 years, Islam and Muslims were safe and sound in this part of the world.
(23) Stanzas 41-42-43 describe the events of upcoming future war.– MC
(24) Maybe a reference to China — MC
(25) Possibly, Muslim warriors will join hands to repel the aggression and occupation of their lands. — MC
(26) 2008 pilgrimage was on December 9’s. 2009-2012 will be in the months of October-November -MC
(27) Probably, help will come from neighboring countries like Afghanistan, Iran, China and turkey. Saudi Arab, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and all other Middle Eastern Muslims will help Pakistan. People of knowledge categorize mankind into four classes. Aryans, Mongols, Ethiopians and Europeans. European people are white in complexion. Ethiopians are black. Aryans are people of Indo-pak and Middle East. Mongols are people from Indonesia and China. China is located in the north of Pakistan. China and Pakistan are considered friendly nations. For this reason, maybe Shah Naimatullah Wali is indicating Chinese nation as Mongols. Such help is to come after the 10 Zil-Hujj. We can assume that the equipment of war will arrive during Muharram. – Hafiz Nizami
(28) Based on this copy of qaseeda and on another different copy that I have, I assume that Naimat-ullah Shah wali always concluded a set of predictions by stating the date in the last stanza. -And Allah knows best- — MC
(29) Hafiz Nizami, The original compiler/translator commented that Since East Part of Pakistan got separated and became an independent country (Bangladesh), Naimat-ullah Shah continued with the future of the Western part of Pakistan. – MC

47. This Sword of the Lion of Ali (Sher-e-Ali or Sher-Ali) will wipe off the deniers. He will be the supporter of the religion of Muhammad S.A.W. He will be the protector of the country.(30)
48. There will be a great war in between him and the other. No doubt a large population will be killed.
49. The King of the western Part will be the victor on the basis of his weaponry. The defeat of the denier nation will be beyond anyone’s imagination.(31)
50. Islam will rule in India for 40 Years, then will come the anti-Christ [Dajjal] from the city of Asfahan.(32)
51. Listen Carefully, I explain to you that to destroy this anti-Christ [Dajjal] Isa (Yesu / Yeshua/ Jesus) will come and Imam [leader] of Last Era, Mahdi, will appear.

52. Naimat-ullah Shah is aware of the secrets of the unseen therefore Indeed what he’s saying will appear in this world, universe and in that era.(33)
hmm, it appears Hindu genuinely khtre m h

Islam khatre mein hai 😢😢😢
@-=virus=- @jamahir @TopGun786 @Maira La

Virat Hindu Chetna rally in Siddharthnagar, UP, in the year 2007-8 organised by Hindu Yuva Vahini had a collection of the most vitriolic speeches one would ever see in a single rally. The now Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath explained the need for his organisation which is called Hindu Yuva Vahini. In his speech, Adityanath claims that Hindu culture and Muslim culture can never co-exist and that a religious war is inevitable which is why Hindus need to get organised and face this challenge in the most aggressive fashion possible. He stated that Hindu Yuva Vahini is doing the work of uniting Hindus.

Yogi Adityanath’s co-speaker in the same rally asks for Muslim women to be taken out from graves and be raped.

Empty barrel makes the most noise

and cleans Arab gulf citizens toilets for a living 😁
Pasting down the English translation of the last prominent prophecies. Prophecies from 1-36 all got true.

37. A lot of Muslims will leave their homes due to the wrath of the Hindus. They will migrate. The dignity and honor of Muslims will be in ruins. Their women and girls will be kidnapped.
38. Muslims will be in peace in the area of their forefathers. After Punishment and problems, their destiny will appear.(21)

39 . The banner of Islam will be the prominent for 23 years. Then divine punishment will come upon them.
40. Their own land will become narrow for them. Destruction and anarchy will become their destiny.(22)
41. After their destruction. Allah will send blessings, victory and help from neighbors.(23)
42. An army of Mongols (24) will come from North to help. Iran and Turkey will help too.(25)

43. This help will appear after the Pilgrimage.(26) When Allah will send the divine help from unknown.(27)
44. Divine help will turn the defeat into a victory. I am seeing all this with deep understanding. That Muslims will be the victor and successful.
45. When these predictions were made, it was the year 570 Hijra. So the God wills and will appear in the same manner. (28)

46. When the cruelty and crime will be spread in his era, there will come a King of the west. He will be the real good administrator.(29)

(21) History: Pakistan got independence on August 14, 1947. The genocide, rape and kidnapping of girls and women is not a secret. The migrants sacrificed their lives and their wealth in order to get independence.
(22) History: Yahya ruled from March 1969-December 1971. East Pakistan was lost due to a war in between India and Pakistan on November 22, 1971. The war with West Pakistan started on December 3, 1971, resulted into destruction and chaos in Pakistan. Yahya Khan’s incompetence and careless resulted into the loss of the Eastern Province and about 100,000 soldiers became POWs. About 1.5Million Bengali and non-Bengali were killed. Before that time, for 23 years, Islam and Muslims were safe and sound in this part of the world.
(23) Stanzas 41-42-43 describe the events of upcoming future war.– MC
(24) Maybe a reference to China — MC
(25) Possibly, Muslim warriors will join hands to repel the aggression and occupation of their lands. — MC
(26) 2008 pilgrimage was on December 9’s. 2009-2012 will be in the months of October-November -MC
(27) Probably, help will come from neighboring countries like Afghanistan, Iran, China and turkey. Saudi Arab, Libya, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and all other Middle Eastern Muslims will help Pakistan. People of knowledge categorize mankind into four classes. Aryans, Mongols, Ethiopians and Europeans. European people are white in complexion. Ethiopians are black. Aryans are people of Indo-pak and Middle East. Mongols are people from Indonesia and China. China is located in the north of Pakistan. China and Pakistan are considered friendly nations. For this reason, maybe Shah Naimatullah Wali is indicating Chinese nation as Mongols. Such help is to come after the 10 Zil-Hujj. We can assume that the equipment of war will arrive during Muharram. – Hafiz Nizami
(28) Based on this copy of qaseeda and on another different copy that I have, I assume that Naimat-ullah Shah wali always concluded a set of predictions by stating the date in the last stanza. -And Allah knows best- — MC
(29) Hafiz Nizami, The original compiler/translator commented that Since East Part of Pakistan got separated and became an independent country (Bangladesh), Naimat-ullah Shah continued with the future of the Western part of Pakistan. – MC

47. This Sword of the Lion of Ali (Sher-e-Ali or Sher-Ali) will wipe off the deniers. He will be the supporter of the religion of Muhammad S.A.W. He will be the protector of the country.(30)
48. There will be a great war in between him and the other. No doubt a large population will be killed.
49. The King of the western Part will be the victor on the basis of his weaponry. The defeat of the denier nation will be beyond anyone’s imagination.(31)
50. Islam will rule in India for 40 Years, then will come the anti-Christ [Dajjal] from the city of Asfahan.(32)
51. Listen Carefully, I explain to you that to destroy this anti-Christ [Dajjal] Isa (Yesu / Yeshua/ Jesus) will come and Imam [leader] of Last Era, Mahdi, will appear.

52. Naimat-ullah Shah is aware of the secrets of the unseen therefore Indeed what he’s saying will appear in this world, universe and in that era.(33)


I was thinking you meant predictions in the Quran or Hadith.

Before I get banned for religious discussion, I just wanted to say that listening to Predictions of the future outside Quran and Sunnah is Shirk, as only Allah knows the unseen.
Do tawba please.

If I get banned, I just wanted to make this clear so other people don't fall into this.

I was thinking you meant predictions in the Quran or Hadith.

Before I get banned for religious discussion, I just wanted to say that listening to Predictions of the future outside Quran and Sunnah is Shirk, as only Allah knows the unseen.
Do tawba please.

If I get banned, I just wanted to make this clear so other people don't fall into this.
Then check this

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