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Dar slams 'uncustomary' IMF attitude, snubs demand for abandoning long-range missiles

Dar is grandstanding, he is such a retard, acting like IMF won't approve a loan because the PDM lanats won't give up long range missiles is the height of patwari stupidity

Did IMF ask for Pakistan’s long range missile to be curtailed or Dar, the mofo, is just talking out of his a$$ as usual?
May to appear as hero later, "oh look, I was under so much pressure from IMF but I didn't give up our nukes, see I am pro Pakistan!" Ya right, you think you can fool us, you corrupt donkey?
Very irresponsible of Dar to bring in Pakistan’s strategic assets into the mess he is in part responsible for. Besides, the world recognizes the professional capability of the SPD to safeguard these assets. Pakistan long ago (with the test of the Shaheen-III) limits its missile ranges to show they are of a defensive and India specific nature.

Confirmation from four Pakistani posters that Dar is lying.

@El Sidd
I do, and I am. :D

Still no IMF rescue. Pakistan has to realize sound financial management is its responsibility that can be avoided only for so long.

The IMF cannot be intimidated to abandon its sound financial principles. Never.
IMF has NEVER been intimidated . YET!!!
But which country in history has given indirect death threats to IMF? Show me one case

Confirmation from four Pakistani posters that Dar is lying.

@El Sidd
Dar was always lying!!
DAR is not an economist. It reminds of me RCB Women's IPL cricket team making SANIA MIRZA their coach. Sania Mirza plays TENNIS!!!
IMF has NEVER been intimidated . YET!!!
But which country in history has given indirect death threats to IMF? Show me one case

Let us wait and see what happens. The IMF is in no rush here. :D
Let us wait and see what happens. The IMF is in no rush here. :D
It's not a one time thing or related to one organisation, country or sector.

The very fact that Pakistan is using it's nuclear weapons as blackmail BEYOND a state level is a slippery slope. Nukes are a defensive weapon when conventional warfare is not possible.

But to use the threat of nukes being taken away in financial/diplomatic propaganda which would infuriate overseas citizens is unheard of. If even a single IMF official or family member dies an unnatural death it'll be blamed on Pakistan.

Pakistan is trying to become the next Bangladesh, but fast becoming next North Korea.

Pakistanis must really have a Fear of the Dar

But to use the threat of nukes being taken away in financial/diplomatic propaganda which would infuriate overseas citizens is unheard of.

Not really. That is a old trope, nothing new or effective in it at all.
Pardon my ignorance.
Now doubting you, but would appreciate a reference or explanation .

The fear that the evil hinjoos want to remove Pakistan's nuclear weapons because the world cannot tolerate the only Muslim nuclear power is an old and familiar refrain, and frankly I am surprised that you are not familiar with it. Please consult any one of your compatriots here, if any survive nowadays, perhaps @MilSpec .
Pardon my ignorance.
Now doubting you, but would appreciate a reference or explanation .
PTI media team has been spreading rumors that IMF/amreeka want to disarm Pakistan (dar in his infinite stupidity has decided to capitalize on that) and also that they want moron taliban khan to give his assent to the loan.

IMF and amreeka have both clarified that their refusal to help has nothing to do with Pakistani nukes/defense forces nor with agreement from moron e ahzam. but to do with their mismanagement of finances.
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The fear that the evil hinjoos want to remove Pakistan's nuclear weapons because the world cannot tolerate the only Muslim nuclear power is an old and familiar refrain, and frankly I am surprised that you are not familiar with it. Please consult any one of your compatriots here, if any survive nowadays, perhaps @MilSpec .
Nuclear Blackmail is a bit of a unicorn. If you objectively look at it, the Pakistani state other than the 2001 Parliament attacks has never used overt Nuclear threats from official communication channels,(Musharraf threat too was dropping a device if Indian Strike corp tries to bifurcate Pakistan). International diplomacy usually ignores political motormouths and military hasbeens masqreading as "Strategic analysts".
Nuclear Blackmail is a bit of a unicorn. If you objectively look at it, the Pakistani state other than the 2001 Parliament attacks has never used overt Nuclear threats from official communication channels,(Musharraf threat too was dropping a device if Indian Strike corp tries to bifurcate Pakistan). International diplomacy usually ignores political motormouths and military hasbeens masqreading as "Strategic analysts".

But it is very real for those who believe in unicorns, obviously. :D
This statement is almost a threat to IMF staff and their families that they might face attacks by overseas Pakistanis if Pakistan defaults. It is a very dangerous line of arguments to be pursued.
Very strong stuff youre on.
But it is very real for those who believe in unicorns, obviously. :D
A lesbian believes her lover's tongue/strap-on is 100% real SHAFTmaterial

Belief doesn't make things real.
Very strong stuff youre on.
In the west, specially the PRIVLIGED western society which IMF officials are part of, the slightest offense would be shocking!!! These people cannot even fathom the level of bakchodi that economists from South Asia are speaking out.
The fear that the evil hinjoos want to remove Pakistan's nuclear weapons because the world cannot tolerate the only Muslim nuclear power is an old and familiar refrain, and frankly I am surprised that you are not familiar with it. Please consult any one of your compatriots here, if any survive nowadays, perhaps @MilSpec .

Now the effer admits he was lying: :D

Finance Minister Ishaq Dar said on Monday that his comments in the Senate on Pakistan’s nuclear programme were being “quoted out of context”, adding that the delay in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) programme was due to “technical reasons”.

Last week, Dar told the upper house of Parliament that there would be “no compromise” on the country’s nuclear and missile programme.
The IMF has no place to mention missile ranges - it could be a member state that is holding back the IMF approval based on this backchannel but it seems like a far fetched aspect

Now the effer admits he was lying: :D

Finance Minister Ishaq Dar said on Monday that his comments in the Senate on Pakistan’s nuclear programme were being “quoted out of context”, adding that the delay in the International Monetary Fund (IMF) programme was due to “technical reasons”.

Last week, Dar told the upper house of Parliament that there would be “no compromise” on the country’s nuclear and missile programme.
They have no legal nor organizational directives/accommodation to even do so if they wanted. There could even be a ICJ compliant if they did so in terms of IMF out stepping their boundaries
The IMF has no place to mention missile ranges - it could be a member state that is holding back the IMF approval based on this backchannel but it seems like a far fetched aspect

Not an issue at all. IMF has, is, and will remain focused only on a sound financial plan to balance the books, that is all. It is up to Pakistan to show how it can do so.
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