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Terrorists Attack Police HQ in Karachi

Extreme failure of Pakistani intelligence agencies, but what can one expect from them they are busy in making videos, blackmailing people, threatening people, doing surveillance on politicians and political engineering.
I will say this again if Pakistan has to protect itself it has to raise a new Army and Intelligence as the current ones are doing everything except what their purpose is which is to protect the country.
Pakistan forever will be held hostage to ethno facist terrorist. Lets not be politically correct. We know which 2 ethnic groups will be responsible for this at the end.

We need to make Rao Anwar police chief. He knew how to deal with these terrorist.
KARACHI: Unidentified armed men attacked police chief’s office in Karachi while explosions were also heard before the gunshots, ARY News reported on Friday.

Unidentified armed men have carried out an attack on the Karachi police chief’s office which is adjacent to the Saddar police station.

The attackers hurled hand grenades from the backyard of the police head office and later they attempted to enter the four-storey building.

Police said staffers are still present in the police chief’s office when the attackers carried out explosions and gunfire.

Heavy contingents of police forces reached the head office. The lights of the police chief’s office were turned off. Police officials said that they are investigating the number of attackers and their positions.

A besieged police official sent a message to fellow officers that there are more than 10 attackers divided into groups in the police chief’s office.

abay bhatta pa larai hogai hogi ...
No - it doesn't mean anything
There was a lapse within.
Everything that's been happening since the past 10 month have been courtesy of our own night watchmen
You didn't get it.
I mean they were quick to post this because it puts Pakistan in bad light.
Police is fighting and rangers is there as per the twitter videos. Hope they send them to hell soon.
PTM has big presence in Karachi. Thanks to large Afghani and Tribal pushtoon population, and hence plenty to terrorism sympathisers.
Now that Ali wazir is out and released by Peykhawor High Court, these attacks are expected.
This could be BLA but could also be your Afghan bradars

Tbh Pakistanis deserve terrorist attacks from Afghans, you simp for them and suck them off so it is entirely your own fault.

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