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Ex President and Ex COAS General Pervez Musharraf Passes Away

At the end - the only being capable of saying “mein ne keh diya hai, hojaye ga” or “Kun faya kun” is Allah.

This man could have with the power he had cleaned up house but his seat and his cabal kept his attention.

May Allah judge him fairly
How imposing Martial law is good for country
What did we get from all martial laws?
All the problems Pakistan facing today is because of those dictators

Constitution is written to define a set of laws for a civilized society
Otherwise there's no difference between us and jangal.
If martial law is so good for country and write it down in constitution

I don't how anyone with sane mind can support such a act

All the problems we face today is because of fake democracy that we have in this country. The monarchy of two families from Punjab and Sindh that has been called democracy is the reason behind all the problems in this country

This all constitution supremacy is bullshit

Despite I support Imran Khan against crooks of PDM but my biggest disagreement with Imran is idealistic lectures that he gives in every of his speech

This country doesn't need these lectures on constitution. This country needs everything that is required to fix it irrespective if that is legal or not
So let me get this straight, army is bad for supporting Nawaz and army is bad for for removing him.

Our genius awam wants to give unfettered powers to ghadaars like Diesel, Zardari, Bilawal and Sharifs and then they cry about Nargis' beybasee. The fact that Jinnah's dream is about to be undone is just reward for a qaum that cannot differentiate ghadaars from patriots.

And the saviour of the moment, the great Khan, actually supported the takeover but then as his want, switched support to Diesel. This is why I have no problems that he had to take a golee in his legs and with his upcoming jail term. Don't complain about the consequences when the snakes you support bite back.

Mundaya of two thirds mandate would have been at the helm had Musharraf done the needful and stepped aside. And at that point Pak army would have been tuned into Punjab police which is what we have now. And this army cannot withstand marasala of Lu and yet they expect army circa 2001 to resist might of United Nations. As for great Khan, he could barely win his seat in 1997 elections and so he had no prospects of winning power back then. So it was either Musharraf or Sharifs. Awam wants Sharifs so why complain when awam has its wish

GWOT had legal sanction through UN resolution 1368. Best case scenario, if Pak had sided with Taliban, would have been that Pak would have been turned into Iraq but without the oil reserves. So in all likelihood, Pak would not exist in its present form had Musharraf done what awam demanded. And all for what? Allies would have utilsed Indian bases to attack Afghanistan and likely Pakistan. Indians did not receive condemnation when they attacked Pakistan in 2019 and yet our Einstein awam expects Indian restraint when India would have UN support. And Taliban are back in power now and supporting TTP and yet there is puzzle when flag of Pakhtunistan gets raised

In 1937 elections, awam of area currently known as Pakistan supported parties that did not want Pakistan. Looks like their descendants will see fulfillment of the wishes of our baap dada. People complain when things are bad . We are about to find out what happens when things become worse.
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All the problems Pakistan facing today is because of those dictators
There is a good talk that why a country progresses under dictatorship a little, but still a double edge sword e.g. Soviet, NK, UAE, SA, and African dictators. I think it is due to hierarchy but economic liberalisation ceases which is essential for development.
RIP Soldier ...

He had many flaws, but still he was one of the best leaders Pakistan has ever had .. Much better than the likes of Sharifs, Zardaris and even IK

May Allah grant him high rank in Jannah and forgive his sins
Thanks to President Musharaff, I was able to visit Lahore and feast for 3 consecutive nights at Gawalmandi Food Street. The one and only time I've been to Pakistan.
These idiots don't think about what could have happened if we had not joined the US in the GWOT.
The US would have bombed us to the stone age and then the nuclear sanctions would have never been lifted what he did was purely out of desperate thinking.

Musharraf did a lot of mistakes. Particularly in the last few years of his tenure. Giving NRO was the biggest one of them

But one thing I can't understand is that what other options Pakistan had after 9/11 if it opted to not support USA? Even countries like Saudi Arabia and China would have supported it? This is something that even IK doesn't answer property when he is trying to justify terrorism of TTP
....and PHS Judge Waqar Ahmed Seth died of Corona virus on 12 November 2020 (aged 59)

🤔 💭 🤔 💭 🤔

A death sentence that came from heavens.
All the problems we face today is because of fake democracy that we have in this country. The monarchy of two families from Punjab and Sindh that has been called democracy is the reason behind all the problems in this country
And who exactly brought these families to power?
2 f**king dictators.
And who's been saving there asses till now
The generals

How hard it is to understand?

Imran Khan talks about rule of law and if you don't like it
It simply means you don't want to it happen and want powerful to be above law us always
Brother Musharraf was a humble and a polite man for our national taste . Of course he gonna protect his power flanks from any adversary like every king is supposed to do .

A king has no place. God doesn't accept kings, he accepts men of God.

Musharraf was my hero until I learnt how he allowed drone strikes over random places killing random people. Allowed CIA's paramilitary operatives to freely operate in Pakistan picking up people they suspected, who were innocent, ended up dead in torture, never to be seen again. Allowed US to operate bases and freely let ISI pick up random men and sell them to the CIA.

He also got his political opponents tortured, killed and disappeared forever. I believe one should act like the Prophet and his successor Ali. Who did not impose their decisions on their opponents, did not kill them. Take Ali, he was a rolemodel who did not force his caliphates on Abdullah ibn Omar, Zubair, Talha, Ayesha RA, Saad ibn Abi Waqas and many others. They let them go alive when Muslim Ummah was just a minute away from Civil War. He did not kill them himself even when they raised an Army against him and were badly defeated in Jamal. That's what Islam or Allah commands my friend. These Generals, Politicians, ACs, DCs are all firoun.
Would you say that after bajwa's farewell too?

Anyway, Mushi did good things and worst things too. He was commando but got feeble and weak that he lived a self-exiled life. IK is technically more 'commando' in nature.

His biggest failure was tearing society's fabric, whether it were drone attacks, Jamia Hafsa, or Bugti. It opened all sorts of religious and ethnic divisions.

It gets a little compensated by allowing a spree of electronic media licenses but NRO to Zaradri, NS, MQM etc equalised that.

The rest of his achievements/misconducts, like HEC, FDI, aid, AIM 120C etc are minuscule in comparison. Even nation losing 80k lives is pale in front of the above loss.

I don't feel an iota of sympathy for his demise, nor feel for some judges and politicians too.
Anyway, his son is doing some marvellous work which will have far-reaching consequences.
BAJWA phly mar ke dikhayy
BAJWA phly mar ke dikhayy
When bajwa will die

They will sing same songs for him
They will tell how bajwa saved country by toppling PTI government.

It the shit mentality of defending their horrible acts
This mentality have brought country to where we are now
And who exactly brought these families to power?
2 f**king dictators.
And who's been saving there asses till now
The generals

How hard it is to understand?

Imran Khan talks about rule of law and if you don't like it
It simply means you don't want to it happen and want powerful to be above law us always

And how to get rid of these two families??? Democracy? Vote??

Well then good luck to you and Imran Khan for that :lol:

One thing you PTI fanboys don't understand is that the biggest reason Imran Khan downfall is his bookish idealistic nonsense. The guy is out of power just because of this. He tried to play by the book and paid the price for it
Musharraf did a lot of mistakes. Particularly in the last few years of his tenure. Giving NRO was the biggest one of them

But one thing I can't understand is that what other options Pakistan had after 9/11 if it opted to not support USA? Even countries like Saudi Arabia and China would have supported it? This is something that even IK doesn't answer property when he is trying to justify terrorism of TTP
And about Bugti,he was not an angel he was a regressive-low iq idiot who kept the Baloch enslaved and uneducated so he could maintain the hegemony of these illiterate Sardars.
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