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WS15 without formal use

J20 haven't flight

Please don't compare T50 / F22 / J20 performance

No actual data excessive boast is not appropriate

Arrogance and inferiority are the two extremes
Respect and face the United States and Russia strength

Efforts to develop with facts prove our plane!

What is this plane? It is Russia's or China's plane?

i believe its not one that we have seen so far. Notice that it resembles the F-22 allot more than t-50 or j-20 i.e. the shape of the wings, the tail horizontal stabilizers, the cockpit and the nose (atleast to me), its thickness from that angle resembles more like the T-50 but it has only one vertical stabilizer and its block like main fuselage resembles none of the three...... but thats just how it looks to me.
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Seems to me like the YF-22 with a single tail .. made by some enthusiastic decorator..nothing else..
WS15 without formal use

J20 haven't flight

Please don't compare T50 / F22 / J20 performance

No actual data excessive boast is not appropriate

Arrogance and inferiority are the two extremes
Respect and face the United States and Russia strength

Efforts to develop with facts prove our plane!

Look at the title of this thread please.
The PAK FA would be the first fifth generation fighter with full 3-D thrust vectoring along all three aircraft axes: pitch, yaw and roll. Add to that the powerful AESA, makes it deadly.

That is the space for the IRST and that frame also exists in the F 35...Ever heard of radar wave dissipation by a spherical structure? and compensation factors in stealth? If you cant then no need to post those pics without any understanding of Ufimtsev's laws.

Fundamentals of the physical theory ... - Google Books

this might help you a lot.

And the remaining things you have pointed out are antennaes for telemetry and testing instruments....So you are just showing of that you know nothing.

Once again a fanboy with zero understanding of stealth goes around making big red circles. Let me explain this in the simplest and easiest way possible The IRST ball is a sphere, a sphere by it self presents a very small surface area, and the surface area itself is sloped. By itself a sphere is many times smaller than a flat plane measuring the same area, even if we assume a sphere as small as an IRST housing returns a signal the signal would be insignificant likely something in the magnitude of an insect or smaller considering RAM, either way no radar would be able to detect something that small at meaningful ranges or any ranges at all.

And an illustration of a sphere and its efficiency, at scattering signals.

Aircraft such as the B-2, F-22, and F-35 have done away with the sharp angled and incorporated sphere like curvature, at a closer glace even parts such as a wing, more specifically a leading edge incorporates phere like geometry from the front.

What is this?

It looks like a sphere :angel: but wait there's more! The canopy is not a one piece canopy :angel: it gets better, the YF-23 an aircraft said to have a smaller rcs than the YF-22 had a two piece canopy, some F-35 prototypes also had two piece canopies.

As for the antennas you circled ::disagree: as I stated before this is a prototype made for aerodynamics, the entire aircraft is fitted with antennas and even vein like cables in the wings for measuring load baring.

And again as stated for the 20th time radar blockers are as good as S-shaped intakes, this is evident in the Silent Eagle's frontal RCS.

Don't make me talk about the J-20's problems such as canards and lack of edge diffraction.
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That is the space for the IRST and that frame also exists in the F 35...Ever heard of radar wave dissipation by a spherical structure? and compensation factors in stealth? If you cant then no need to post those pics without any understanding of Ufimtsev's laws.

Fundamentals of the physical theory ... - Google Books

this might help you a lot.

And the remaining things you have pointed out are antennaes for telemetry and testing instruments....So you are just showing of that you know nothing.

Don't you understand the meaning of picture?
Link the more shows your ignorance and unconfident.

There isn't overall-cockpit-lid like F22,F35,J20 in T50.How to stealth?

IRST in F35 is fusion aperture system,It's a major surgery for T50 to improve even we can say it's impossible whithout consideration at begining design.This also means that Russia's avionics in sensor fusion aspects ability is limited.

Equipment storehouse openings of T50 haven't done stealth processing.Which means its RCS haven't delicate to need to consider these detail point.And equipment storehouse openings involves the body structure, also is not so good change in the later work.Any machine body seam or openings were related to structural strength of the change.

The tragedy for stealth of T50 is:Even we can see the blade of engine With eyes.which like two huge flashlight In radar.
Don't you understand the meaning of picture?
Link the more shows your ignorance and unconfident.

There isn't overall-cockpit-lid like F22,F35,J20 in T50.How to stealth?

IRST in F35 is fusion aperture system,It's a major surgery for T50 to improve even we can say it's impossible whithout consideration at begining design.This also means that Russia's avionics in sensor fusion aspects ability is limited.

Equipment storehouse openings of T50 haven't done stealth processing.Which means its RCS haven't delicate to need to consider these detail point.And equipment storehouse openings involves the body structure, also is not so good change in the later work.Any machine body seam or openings were related to structural strength of the change.

The tragedy for stealth of T50 is:Even we can see the blade of engine With eyes.which like two huge flashlight In radar.

You know nothing about sensor fussion, read up on the OLS-35 if you don't think Russian sensor fussion is good. And please you have demonstrated time and time again that you have no clue as to what you are saying, and this is evident by phrases such as 'Equipment storehouse openings' are you talking about weapons bays? If so give me a scientific explanation as to what is wrong with them.
Well no use arguing with people stuck up with J 20, F22 and F 35. They are Fifth generation aircrafts I dont deny it. But the T 50 even in it's first prototype model is also a fifth generation fighter with all the stealth parameters inculcated in the design. You people are far more intelligent and brilliant than the design team working in Sukhoi and TsAGI with experience from Su-37, SU-47 and MiG 1.44. They are just numbskulls you see.

Why dont you read the book I have given you and understand the concepts of how the electromagnetic radiation are dispersed by different shapes and how the RAM coating helps.
Yes, thats why raptor was made manuverable and all aspect stealth. While J-20 and T-50 may be stealth but as long as they are less stealthy as compared to Raptor, Raptor will always have the upper hand and first shot.Thats why i was debating the trade off of manuverbility. Russia and China have overwighed manuverbility while US has overweighed stealth. But manuverbility has a limit (both aircraft structure and human factor) so by the pace, weapons development is going on, this limit will eventually be overwhelmed. okey for example while an aircraft can use its SC to escape a turbojet based missile (or a ramjet, though i dont think so), he wont be able to do against a missile powered by scram jet. An aircrafft can aviod a 4th gen IR missile. But 5th Gen WVRAAMs have pushed the bar very high. So thats why US went with All aspect stealth ( they call it "unless you cant be seen, you cant be hit") differentiates itself from J-20 or T-50 doctrine

I disagree that the F22 will always have the first kill, first shot maybe but it is not the same thing.

The fact that the F22 'appears' to be stealthier in features than its two competitors (T50,j20) doesn't mean it is so. That is the first thing.

The second thing is that to shoot first is not as easy as you think.

The F22 has an enormous detection range based on its passive AN/ALR-94 system, 250+ miles. However for that system to be effective the enemy needs to ..emit ! If the J20/T50 are not emitting .. i.e. using their radars, or have 'advanced' LPI modes then the system may not be of any use. Hence that advantage is gone.

The T50 on the other hand has an IRST .. totally passive and pretty much only dependent on distance from target.

The third thing is that both the T50 and the J20 are stealthy targets. At the very least the distance of detection between the F22 and these two planes is reduced.

if we still assume that the F22 fires first, there is absolutely NO guarantee that the AiM120 will actually hit the target !! and remember currently the US only fields EM guided medium range missiles.

At least the T50 will be able to fire IR guided medium/long range missiles too.

Tragedy of stealth



Right. First, I don't think the T50 engine is that long that it comes all the way forward such as this pic suggests.
Second, I am beginning to suspect that what we see is not the compressor blades, but an EM RAM shield/deflector just like in the X-23.

as far as the cockpit canopy, the ITAE has claimed they have used a plasma layering technique between the layers of 'glass' that reduces the RCS of all canopies. Su35 included.
It remains to be seen . .

The F22 has an enormous detection range based on its passive AN/ALR-94 system, 250+ miles. However for that system to be effective the enemy needs to ..emit ! If the J20/T50 are not emitting .. i.e. using their radars, or have 'advanced' LPI modes then the system may not be of any use. Hence that advantage is gone.
Wrong...Every F-22 is strong with 'The Force'. We will find our targets easily enough.

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