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Crazy East Asian lady starts to hurl racist abuse and attack others.

There are a minority of Asian females in US that are maga tards and act white due to inferiority complex. I’ve yet to see Asian males behave this way, except for maybe gambit.

I thought he was an old white guy. Or at least he really acts like it.
Falun Gong then.
Or she's just mentally ill, US is a f*cked up place.
Disgusting b1tch.

There are white-loving bananas (yellow skin, white interior) who think they are westerners.

You saw many of those in Hong Kong waving the white man's flag.

China kicked many of those out of the HK.

Only self-hating white worshippers would raise the flags of colonial powers in Hong Kong like this.

I thought he was an old white guy. Or at least he really acts like it.

Lol. That's how a banana act -- like some old white guy.
View attachment 851355

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. - Mountain View police arrested a woman for allegedly attacking a customer and making racial epithets to the store manager at the local Starbucks store, authorities announced Friday.

They said her actions qualified as a hate crime.

Daixin Neill Quan, 33, entered the Starbucks shop on San Antonio Road on May 28 in the afternoon and yelled at one of the store managers, according to the Santa Clara District Attorney's office.

She told the manager to "go back to (his) country" and said that she would have him "deported back to Mexico," despite the fact that the manager was ethnically Indian, police said.

Quan then turned to a 32-year-old Hispanic customer, said the DA's office. When she heard that the customer spoke with an accent, she told the woman to go back to her country also.

Quan began recording the victim and told her that she would send the video to the Army and Border Patrol, according to the DA's office press release. When the woman tried to stop her, Quan attacked and hit her multiple times, police said.

The woman suffered minor facial injuries, police said.

Customers at the shop attempted to intervene and pulled Quan away from the woman, authorities said.

Quan was detained soon after the police arrived, officials said.

Police said Quan was arrested and charged with misdemeanor battery and for committing a hate crime.

Seen her type before, thinks she is whiter than white to the point of being extreme and hates other minorities. I remember during 9/11 when the Muslim community was getting stick her self hating types were at the forefront of it all.
She will meet karma hopefully a young hispanic or black girl's fist.
Maybe she has mental health problems..

Oh no ... that is only for whites
View attachment 851355

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. - Mountain View police arrested a woman for allegedly attacking a customer and making racial epithets to the store manager at the local Starbucks store, authorities announced Friday.

They said her actions qualified as a hate crime.

Daixin Neill Quan, 33, entered the Starbucks shop on San Antonio Road on May 28 in the afternoon and yelled at one of the store managers, according to the Santa Clara District Attorney's office.

She told the manager to "go back to (his) country" and said that she would have him "deported back to Mexico," despite the fact that the manager was ethnically Indian, police said.

Quan then turned to a 32-year-old Hispanic customer, said the DA's office. When she heard that the customer spoke with an accent, she told the woman to go back to her country also.

Quan began recording the victim and told her that she would send the video to the Army and Border Patrol, according to the DA's office press release. When the woman tried to stop her, Quan attacked and hit her multiple times, police said.

The woman suffered minor facial injuries, police said.

Customers at the shop attempted to intervene and pulled Quan away from the woman, authorities said.

Quan was detained soon after the police arrived, officials said.

Police said Quan was arrested and charged with misdemeanor battery and for committing a hate crime.

Seen her type before, thinks she is whiter than white to the point of being extreme and hates other minorities. I remember during 9/11 when the Muslim community was getting stick her self hating types were at the forefront of it all.
She will meet karma hopefully a young hispanic or black girl's fist.

Man these ethnics acting as white are so stupid... And btw , this is not just limited to ethnic chinese who have moved to US. I have seen this behavior among all immigrant non-white population that try to act whiter than the real white people. I mean , have you even looked at yourself in the mirror...... Seriously these coconuts and house niggers are some of dumbest people you can meet....

They do this to get white approval and somehow make them believe that they are different from the rest of the ethnics who look like them.
Man these ethnics acting as white are so stupid... And btw , this is not just limited to ethnic chinese who have moved to US. I have seen this behavior among all immigrant non-white population that try to act whiter than the real white people. I mean , have you even looked at yourself in the mirror...... Seriously these coconuts and house niggers are some of dumbest people you can meet....

They do this to get white approval and somehow make them believe that they are different from the rest of the ethnics who look like them.

Disgusting white-worshipping people don't have to move to the US to do this.

Unfortunately, there are many in Asia who do that especially in Hong Kong and in Taiwan. I saw how some of them are disparaging the Chinese space station and talking up the ISS but no Hong Konger or Taiwanese was ever allowed on the ISS by the white man whose arse they kiss so hard.
@mike2000 is back @Vergennes @Apollon @Foinikas @vostok

Look at all the "white this and white that" replies in this thread about some Asian lady being racist towards some people who looked Mexican to her.

Back to the old stock excuse of "Hey lets just blame the white man"....it's incredible.

Apparently they want to sell some story that only white people have prejudices and if a non-white shows any racism they must have been easily influenced by some all-powerful white person to make them think this way.

Well maybe this Asian lady somehow snuck into the global webcast all the white people on the planet have on the second Wednesday of each month where we discuss our angst of the non-white people and how to keep them all down.

Oh see you all Wednesday at the meeting...I may be late.
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@mike2000 is back @Vergennes @Apollon @Foinikas @vostok

Look at all the "white this and white that" replies in this thread about some Asian lady being racist towards some people who looked Mexican to her.

Back to the old stock excuse of "Hey lets just blame the white man"....it's incredible.

Apparently they want to sell some story that only white people have prejudices and if a non-white shows any of it they must have been easily influenced by some all-powerful white person to make them think this way.
It's always the white man's fault for some people.

That's why they immigrate to the West :P
It's always the white man's fault for some people.

That's why they immigrate to the West :P

See you Wednesday on the white webcast!

BTW I found a way to get this Asian lady in Zimbabwe to call the lady down the street from her a racial epithet. I'll need some backup to get my plan voted in. I'm quite sure it will be untraceable so it should be safe to enact. It's even better than my last plan of texting the secret subliminal phrase "ack ack lak ack woof" to this guy during a full moon that got him in trouble:

Ah another secret mind-control coup for the white man! They gave me a trophy for this. I have it on my mantle next to the one for causing the dinosaur extinction.
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See you Wednesday on the white webcast!

BTW I found a way to get this Asian lady in Zimbabwe to call the lady down the street from her a racial epithet. I'll need some backup to get my plan voted in. I'm quite sure it will be untraceable so it should be safe to enact. It's even better than my last plan of texting the secret subliminal phrase "ack ack lak ack woof" to this guy during a full moon that got him in trouble:

These people are geniuses beyond comprehension

Setup restaurant in Kenya but will not allow Kenyans/Africans in

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