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An oil tanker explosion in Sierra Leone has killed at least 91 people

This is called keen observation and finding a pattern... not being a 007 (and you have the right to refute me, no issues)

But If you want I can compile a list of "similar accidents" mainly in Muslim Countries with same consequences i.e. loss of countless innocent lives....this is a form of "Takhreeb Kaari". Very few of them might be just accidents I agree; but when you start seeing the same accidents happening in so many different cities then you start to connecting the dots...

If you recall the huge "Beirut Explosion" was due to an unclaimed ship carrying 2,750 tonnes of ammonium nitrate; now similar unclaimed ships were found in other places...is that all just a coincidence...??? Till now the authorities were NOT able to trace the origins of these ships due to forged documents...the adversaries are very shrewd and mark my words their favorite MO is always meet their objectives with precision and methods which guarantees "plausible deniability" ... on such example is weaponizing sun rays ... poor folk who the target of this type of weapon thinks God this heat from sun is killing them; they are literally getting fired under the sun...but poor souls do not know that there are satellites between Sun and them converging sun rays to the geographical area they are living in...etc

Allama Iqbal (RA) says:

Hai jurm-e-zayefi ki saza marghe mafajaat

And yes who remain weak in the application of Science and Technology w.r.t. cutting age weaponry then yes you have to pay the price...

Note: Hi to all the guests on this thread…

If u expand ur keen observation, ull find such incidents used to happen in west too, long ago. If u have visited west, or worked with them, ull know they put alot of emphasis on health and safety. I habe seen Pakistanis make fun of them and call them sissies because they give importance to health and safety. Its the reason i dnt see many such incidents in west and alot in poor muslim countries. Blame urself and ur own stupidity for once.
If u expand ur keen observation, ull find such incidents used to happen in west too, long ago. If u have visited west, or worked with them, ull know they put alot of emphasis on health and safety. I habe seen Pakistanis make fun of them and call them sissies because they give importance to health and safety. Its the reason i dnt see many such incidents in west and alot in poor muslim countries. Blame urself and ur own stupidity for once.

I know the lack of due diligence in third world Countries, and I also agree that in west proper protocol is taken that is why these incidents seldom occur...my whole argument (personal opinion) was using this "lack of proper training in health & safety" etc to be used as an excuse to create planned incidents...

Hum jahil hein maana, or isi jahalat ki waja se accident hotey hein ye bhi maana, lakin kiya dushman isi jahalat ko istemaal nahi karsakta....? that was my point.
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For intentional sabotage...in a Country like Sierra Leone...very difficult (IF this is indeed a sabotage)...
So if you don’t have any evidence, why are you fanning this theory? Don’t you think it’s disrespectful to the victims?
IMHO - All these incidents are planned in the following manner:

1. A third world Country is selected which is very poor or relatively poor

2. Oil Tanker is used which met a certain type of accident in which (almost 99%) the Oil Tanker driver escapes from the accident scene and Oil Tanker is left with leaking Oil....

3. The location is selected such that there are poor towns, villages and or neighborhood present so that a large gathering of people is expected to collect the leaking Oil/Petrol.

4. Once a set or conceivably large about of people are gathered and busy collecting the leaking Oil/Petrol...leaking Oil is ignited remotely to create a disaster costing "maximum human lives"...

Oh bhai. "They" own the elites of these poor countries, including ours. "They" don't need to attract attention by pulling off these stunts. "They" can simply ask our own countrymen to rape this country.

This getting burnt while stealing oil from a broken oil tanker thing is a result of poor education and greed. Not some conspiracy.
So if you don’t have any evidence, why are you fanning this theory? Don’t you think it’s disrespectful to the victims?

It is my personal opinion; you do not like it do not take it. PERIOD.
Oh bhai. "They" own the elites of these poor countries, including ours. "They" don't need to attract attention by pulling off these stunts. "They" can simply ask our own countrymen to rape this country.

This getting burnt while stealing oil from a broken oil tanker thing is a result of poor education and greed. Not some conspiracy.

Sir, I really hope ke jo aap keh rahey hein wesa hi ho...
I also hope that all these events remain accidents and NOT subversive acts....BUT in reality accidents give a good cover to planned subversive acts...

BTW what time zone you are in US (IF you are in US that is)...

Again, I hope you are right...in ALL such accidents/incidents...I hope

In my opinion, the Japanese are masters at planning and execution of civil defense type precautions. They used to benchmark everyone (great habit) and they are now the best in almost all cases. The Fukushima disaster was a game-changer though.


Right now the biggest challenge in Japan is lack of people. I was surprised in my recent visits to places other than Tokyo how deserted their country looks. Old people are dying off by the thousands and there is no Japanese to take their place.

They are starting to slowly ease immigration for people from other Asian countries (Myanmarese, Thai folks, Taiwanese and Vietnamese get preference I think, but not sure). You can never become a Japanese other than ancestry though. Old attitudes die hard.

If there is another massive earthquake in Japan, then it will take a lot of time for them to recover due to lack of personnel in civil defense.
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This is so sad, incidents like these have happened in the past in Pakistan as well....and in other "third world countries"....

IMHO - All these incidents are planned in the following manner:

1. A third world Country is selected which is very poor or relatively poor

2. Oil Tanker is used which met a certain type of accident in which (almost 99%) the Oil Tanker driver escapes from the accident scene and Oil Tanker is left with leaking Oil....

3. The location is selected such that there are poor towns, villages and or neighborhood present so that a large gathering of people is expected to collect the leaking Oil/Petrol.

4. Once a set or conceivably large number of people are gathered and busy collecting the leaking Oil/Petrol...leaking Oil is ignited remotely to create a disaster costing "maximum human lives"...

May God RIP peace of the Souls who died in this horrific accident.
Ah yes the old conspiracy theory to deflect from one self to a hidden foreign hand.

Denial is so therapeautic.
Let me start by first saying that you are an as* *ole,...you in your post tried to pit Muslims Vs. Christian argument very conveniently to flame bait me and what the F*** your argument is ONLY valid for accidents...

For planned terrorist acts... FLASH POINT does not come into play...

So the west will calmly let muslim Countries to advance in Science & Technology... do you know how many Scientists and Professors were targeted in Iraq by the west in a War imposed on them by your very enlightened and civilized western mainstream media...so all that educational and scientific advancement did not teach the west empathy towards other human beings...

And from Old books if your are referring to Holy Quran and Holy Bible then seriously you disgust me...

Dude. ..... ignore this guy....he is just a false flagging hindutva prone to periodic hissy fits.

The only commonality in his post is the belittlement of muslims. Engage too long and he will call in his hindutva possy ruin the thread.

Logic unfortunately escapes him.... for your own sanity i would say keep your distance.

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