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North Korea Mystery Army

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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A very important introductory overview of the nature and reality of Korea's comprehensive capabilities and its real military capabilities.

North Korea ...

This geographical country with difficult terrains, in the far East side of the planet, and to summarize this entire study, you can simply and clearly say that North Korea is, in the literal sense of the word what we can call a "fighting country" the fiercest ever on the planet..the most powerful country in the world. This will be seen in detail in in the following information..

North Korea is famous as the most mysterious country in the world and with its army being the most mysterious and secret army in the world undisputed. This is a very real fact, as the North Korean army has a set of unique titles related to the nature of the mystery and secrecy surrounding the North Korean army, such as the title of the most mysterious tank in the world, the most mysterious missiles in the world, as well as the fact that it bears a general title, which is the most mysterious army in the world.. a mystery legend on planet earth.

Estimates of the population number ranging from 26 to 27 million people, an area of about 125,000 km, its geography overlooking Russia and China from the west and south, South Korea and long sea coasts in the north and south, and it is without any doubt the most armed, equipped and militarized nation of the whole world compared to Its population, which revolves around 27 million people, according to the latest estimates.

Even its natural geographical terrain is severe and difficult to control, as it is mostly mountainous and forests that form a very wide nature network of mountains, caves, and rugged mountain paths.

This complex mountainous nature has been strengthened, expanded, equipped and armed militarily through the continuous efforts of hundreds of thousands of workers over long consecutive years over many decades, making it one of the most powerful, complex and largest natural, engineering and military supported mountain forts on the planet.

According to statistics reported by the French network France 24 from the Institute for Strategic Studies, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in addition to the American "Global Security" Institute, the North Korean army is estimated at 9 million and 279,000 soldiers, including reserve, main and special forces.

This is the link to the full source of the report from France 24


Various sources estimate the North Korean army operating at more than 1.2 million fighters. As for the number of reserve forces of all kinds, various global sources estimate it in the range of 8 million to 10 million personnel, who are actually trained in advance with varying levels of training and weapons equipment levels.

Elements of Korea's Main War Force:

Korean traditional artillery... a strategic weapon of terror.

North Korea possesses in a very deterrent and completely unique way, a very, very large, frightening, terrifying number of multiple conventional artillery and missile sources of fire, with a number not in any way less than 30,000 artillery pieces, and in this regard here is documentation from a respected, reliable and specialized military site. It is a desert fighter encyclopedia site and I will put all the different documentation links after each paragraph about it.

The encyclopedia of "The Encyclopedia of the Fighter" listed the number of self-propelled artillery pieces in North Korea at least 8,500 pieces starting from 122 mm caliber and larger.

Whoever knows the method of documenting this type of specialized military technical sites will know that this number represents only the minimum that can be documented in the latest update of the site.

Estimation is that the current number revolves around 12,000 pieces of self-propelled artillery, and this number alone is considered of a complete and independent conventional deterrence scale, without the slightest controversy.
This is in contrast to several thousand very large fixed and towed artillery and various and heavy mortars, which in any case will not be less than 15,000 various pieces. as a minimum.. In other words, the current conventional artillery in North Korea cannot be less than about 25,000 different conventional artillery pieces, in addition to the rocket artillery!!


As for missile artillery, the previous reference listed that N Korea has more than 5,000 multiple launcher platforms of 107 mm caliber and large.. Of course, this number has been around for a while on the encyclopedia site and has not kept pace with the latest updates in documenting multiple launcher platforms, as well as talking only about the confirmed number that can be documented as is the method of those technical sites, and in estimation, the real number of the current multiple launcher platforms is at minimum rotates between 7,000 to 9,000 rocket artillery platforms.


That is, we are talking here as a minimum, without any exaggeration, of about 30,000 to 40,000 pieces of artillery that produce a variety of artillery fire, between multiple rocket artillery and conventional artillery of various calibers and types.

It is difficult to explain the nature of those numbers to someone who is not a specialist or a very good follower of military affairs, but these numbers are perfectly fit for the formation of at least ten strong armies thet will be very strong in their artillery fire, for example what Korea has is far superior to all that France, Germany, England, Italy, Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Ireland, Austria, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Canada, Australia and Poland combined, and by a very large difference.

These NKorean artillery equipment and numbers alone are a truly terrifying and frightening force of deterrence to a very huge extent indeed.. We are talking in theory about the ability to fire about 1 million diverse artillery and missile shells during only the first minutes of operations?!!

At a very minimum, in theory, the North Korean artillery forces have a production capacity of about 10 million different artillery shells during only one hour of operations, and given the various logistical considerations and taking account of geographical and operational distribution and the like, we can quite easily talk about a real operational number of around 2 million variety of artillery shells during every hour, and in only one of the operations, the North Korean artillery can overwhelm the American forces in SKorea, along with the affiliated and pro-American forces.

2 million varied shells every hour as a very realistic number, i.e. about 50 million artillery shells during only the first 24 hours of the wa.. Frankly, it is not easy to find any appropriate scientific and objective comment on these figures, for which there are no rhetorical words that fulfill their right of horror, so how can we describe them with objective words if the rhetoric itself is unable, I leave it to the readers.

For example, among old information from about 10 years NKorean artillery allocates more than 3,000 heavy guns Koksan of 170 mm caliber, permanently assigned to the southern capital of Seoul, so let us imagine that the very reasonable average of this gun is about three shells Or more per minute, which means that we are talking about 10,000 shells per minute, i.e. 10,000 heavy artillery shells caliber 170 mm every one minute dedicated to the SJorean capital and its nearby suburbs.. That is, in every hour of operations, Seoul's share of the Koksan cannons will be about 600,000 heavy artillery shells, caliber 170 mm, and only from the Koksan cannons alone, in addition to the rest of the multiple rocket artillery.


Whoever understands in military terms, will understand the meaning of these numbers, as they are a legendary deterrent force in itself with a terrible and horrible destruction ability with much more than the meaning of the words?!!

Unfortunately, these terrible numbers and their equipment are not the end of bad news for potential enemies of the firepower of the NKorean artillery, because all these previous figures, numbers, statistics and comparisons did not include within them two other separate main sub-branches of the NKorean artillery?!

Yes, there are still two separate branches of artillery that have not yet entered into all previous calculations. The first branch is the artillery dedicated to the NKorean air defense, which is estimated at a minimum at about 12 thousand to 15.000 various artillery pieces specialized in air defense only, of different calibers and specifications.


There is another branch, which is coastal artillery, which is usually heavy, very heavy and long-range calibers. We can also note here that North Korea has many types and calibers of advanced conventional artillery shells equipped with missile boosters to increase the range to a large degree, and such type of coastal artillery is A very dangerous weapon that can be employed on the ground as well, and of course there is a terrible density in the ability to produce fire for this type of artillery in North Korea, uncharacteristic of various armies.


In order to take a simplified idea of the numbers of coastal artillery in North Korea, It has carried out a large and huge maneuver of coastal artillery during the past, which alone included the participation of 400 artillery in those maneuvers, which is a number completely uncharacteristic for this type of artillery..

Briefly, we are talking without the slightest doubt or controversy about the most powerful artillery weapon on the planet, which is not comparable in density and firepower even to the artillery in America, Russia, China or India. This is about the main artillery corps alone, as well as if we combine the air defense artillery and coastal artillery branches of the previous calculations, the result will be very deterrent and blatant. In short, it is difficult to find suitable words to describe the matter.

Apart from all of the above, the danger of the NKorean artillery is also not only in those previous huge numbers and equipment. One of the most important distinguishing and qualitative features in favor of NKorean artillery is that many of them are located inside mountain fortifications, natural or made, and dug inside the solid bellies of the mountains. The NKorean artillery has hundreds of fortified shelters such as caves, or impregnable mountainous natural fortifications, this adds more dimensions of influence, deterrence and a truly terrifying military ability.. It is said that much of Korea's very heavy artillery is contained within the fortified mountains with railroads to enter and exit in a boundless impregnable fortifications..


From this link, you can follow the statistics of the rest of the countries and their main artillery, as well as the previous numbers that were included in the previous comparisons and calculations.


Nkorean ground forces

It is worth noting that the NKorean army in its structure and organization makes the artillery corps a separate weapon from the army's ground forces.

As for the rest of the ground forces, the book “The Balance of Terror: Global Military Powers” published in 2013, on page 168, states that North Korea has about 5,500 main battle tanks, and in general, most of the world’s reputable sources estimate the number of NKorean tanks to be no less than 5,000 to 6,000 main battle tanks. Including a highly developed domestic industry.

Regardless of all those sources, it is known and documented that North Korea received 10,000 T-59, T-54, T-55 tanks from the former Soviet Union and China during the Cold War era, and about 3,000 of them were dismantled, the rest is being upgraded or stored as a NKorean reserve, and part of it is on active duty.. This means that the real number of North Korean tanks operating or in storage and capable of combat operation is very close to about 10,000 battle tanks without any exaggeration, and will not be less than 8000 main battle tanks.

NKorea has a very large working ground army, and large unknown numbers of armored vehicles and armored carriers, but in general we know that NKorea possesses heavy, dense and highly developed local industries in heavy mechanical industries.

And the danger of these Korean ground forces, despite the formidable regular forces that they have, lies in the fact that they do not fight according to fixed traditional military strategies, but rather fight according to a very modern hybrid strategy that is very dangerous. According to this doctrine, the NKorean forces have very dangerous tactics and different strategies, which we will discuss in detail..

NKorea has in various branches of its ground forces operating and reserve, tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of different anti-tank and anti-armor systems, ranging in modernity from old systems to other very modern and advanced systems..


On page 159 of the book "The Balance of Terror: Global Military Powers" and in the chapter devoted to North Korea, a table of about 20 types of anti-tank weapons was provided and various armors that NKorea has, and of course there are many more, although this book needs a huge and big update, but it remains a suitable reference for the types of Korean weapons, although the information is much older than the date of the book itself in 2013, it is included here as a way of introducing the reader to some military references about North Korea due to their severe lack of it.

Also, those ground forces of NKorea possess thousands of different tunnels, including hundreds of attack tunnels, whose complex networks extend for kilometers ranging within the borders of the southern part of the Korean Peninsula itself, which means that a huge number of North Korean forces will move in a completely stealthy way inside the tunnels and then appear in a surprising manner from underground at any point inside South Korea behind the fortified defensive lines of the southern part on the direct ceasefire line.

Whoever understands military matters can understand the extent and magnitude of the danger of mixing very large and powerful regular military special forces with highly developed and used hybrid asymmetric strategies with a complex network of offensive and defensive tunnels as well as networks of caves and mountain shelters that they use in a defensive and offensive hybrid pattern, taking advantages of geography..

NKorean special forces..the largest on the planet

The Special Forces in Korea is an independent branch in the Korean army, which is no less deterring, large, and powerful than the Korean artillery, if not more.

The US General Leon La Porte, the former commander of the US forces in South Korea, told reporters from Seoul: "The North Korean army, with its 2.1 million fighters, is a formidable conventional force. They have the largest submarine force, the largest special forces, and the largest artillery forces In the world " .

A CNN report mentions the link:

This report states that the North Korean special forces number 200,000 highly trained combatants and they are very dangerous according to the report.

Indeed, North Korea has the largest and most powerful special forces in any army on the planet. The danger of these special forces is not only in their large number or high-quality training, but the most important thing in their terrible danger is that they have a unilateral, coherent almost absolute loyalty to the supreme military political leadership of North Korea and that these forces are psychologically and morally mobilized over exceptionally long decades and in such a way that most, if not all of them have suicidal loyalty to the regime and its higher political and military leadership.
On page 157, the author of the book “Balance of Terror: Global Military Powers” says about the Korean special forces in the following text: "As for the actual strength of the North Korean army, it lies in the largest special force in the world, consisting of (200,000) subject to the highest and best degrees and types of training. In this special force there are 6 sniper units with a number of approximately (21,000) snipers."


Yes, a terrifying traditional force and more than terrifying, and not only its size, training and capabilities are terrifying, but much more is the nature of its terrifying combative ideological formation.

We all have heard about the Japanese kamikaze doctrine of World War II and how it aroused awe and fear in enemies and great respect among friends, very simply you can imagine that this terrible kamikaze doctrine is almost nothing compared to the doctrine of the NKorean military and its terrible and tight loyalty. You can imagine that the general NKorean military forces have a strict and cohesive loyalty. They are taught to fight to the death, for example, in September 1996, the North Korean submarine accident occurred in "Gangyeong", a city belonging to South Korea, and there were 11 members of its crew who fought to the death in a battle totally settled against them, with the exception of one soldier who was captured. In 1998, another submarine was captured, and its crew killed themselves.. From these incidents, we know the nature of the fighting spirit of the general soldiers in North Korea.


This issue is very important, it is the issue of military doctrine and the nature of its loyalty, because it is what determines the extent of the forces’ endurance and the extent of the period that they can withstand the various difficult conditions of wars and many other very important issues that have a decisive impact on the course of wars and conflicts.

Besides, the NKorean Special Forces possessing such a very large number, very high training, and terrible loyalty and combat doctrine.. You can imagine that all those forces and previous equipment do not move with a regular military logic as much as they embrace awesome flexibility in the tactics and strategies used and apply the latest arts and sciences of hybrid warfare which has been designed and will be designed specifically for the Korean general forces and especially for the Korean special forces.

It is worth mentioning here that these special forces have been modernized and developed a very special and very important section of them to specialize in the tasks of infiltration behind very distant enemy lines to carry out very qualitative tasks inside the distant mainland of the enemy to carry out suicidal missions of mass destruction behind enemy lines ... and this is an assertive method from North Korea to deliver some payloads of nuclear weapons of mass destruction and others to behind the enemy lines within its geopolitical and strategic depth, which is a very dangerous and close to impossible to confront it.

Forces of mission zero..

We must not forget that these Korean special forces, like the rest of the Korean military, benefit to the highest degree imaginable from the harsh mountainous nature of North Korea and employ them to their benefit in a qualitative, dangerous and effective manner.

Nkorean air defense

North Korea has a very large, diverse, and complex air defense that is consistent with the nature of the Eastern doctrines of dense air defense.

The Fighter Encyclopedia website mentions the existence of at least 11,000 air defense cannons in Korea, ranging from 14.5 caliber to 100 mm caliber.

Documenting the number, quantity and types in some detail on this link from the encyclopedia from here:


On the same link, we will find that the encyclopedia website talks about air defense missile platforms with about 38 antique SAM-5 launchers .. And about 133 Goa 3 SAM launchers .. and about 180 SAM 2 launchers..
The website mentioned about 3,000 Russian shoulder-fired MANPADS, But it ignored the mention more than 15,000 launchers mentioned in the article published by Han Seok-ho, director of the Center for Korean Affairs, entitled "The Next American-Korean War."

here are even 130 mm calibers in Korean air defense artillery, such as the K-30 cannon mentioned in the book “The Balance of Terror: Global Military Powers”.. Also in the same book on page 160, a very important table was included for the types of Korean air defense missile systems. What is interesting to mention here is the presence of the following important and influential types:
- Sam 6 and its various updates
- The Buk 1
- The Buk2
- The SAM 13
Also several types of Sam-2 and Sam-3 with their different versions and their Russian and Chinese upgrades.

There are a number of other types, but here we are interested in clarifying to the readers that the most important of these types, the most modern and the most powerful, is the SAM 11 buk 1 and the SAM 17 Buk 2. They are undoubtedly advanced and modern types capable of keeping pace with a large number of modern and very modern air threats up to the enhanced fourth generation level of the various fighters in the West.

Even if some of these types are old, but most of them have undergone many successive updates, and also the density factor is very important to confront the complex US air threats, and with an appropriate inoculation of modern types of systems such as the Buk1 and Buk2 it will lead to an integrated system that can keep pace with the most contemporary air threats up to the enhanced fourth generation level ..


In addition, we will touch on modern and very modern types of air defense produced locally in Korea.

But it is worth pointing out here that this huge air defense, like the rest of the military and paramilitary forces in NKorea, employ the complex and harsh mountainous terrain to its advantage.

In addition to all of the above about air defense, when we know that North Korea has the ability to modify, develop and fully domestically produce complex modern air defense systems, such as the NKorean KN-06 air defense system, which some observers consider it as the NKorean version of the Russian S-300 and its Chinese counterpart HQ-9 ..

In the recent Korean military parade, new air defense platforms, previously unknown have appeared, and they are similar to the advanced upgrades of the Russian S-300 system on a tracked version and a wheeled one.

All of this huge variety in types and numbers is certainly not an air defense that can be underestimated, even if it is for air forces like the US, because basically this air defense is not designed to deal only with the air force of SKorea as much as it is based on the ability to confront, keep pace and repel the American air threat complex.

Most recent:

This air defense is certainly not of a quality that can be underestimated even in front of the US air force, which is considered the most powerful air threat that can be faced in the world..

The NKorean Navy.. the largest on the plane

The Korean Navy is a very big and huge mystery. Secrecy in NKorea is a way to achieve the greatest degree of surprise and shock for the enemy, and NKorea relies on complete secrecy to a very large extent, making the real information available about the Korean Navy in its entirety several years behind the actual reality of the Korean naval force.

We will deal with what is known in all the international specialized neutral references.

In general, the North Korean Navy possesses the largest submarine force on the entire planet, with a number estimated by various specialized global sites at about 100, but by studying the pattern of the North Korean military and intellectual school, we can easily and reliably know that the number of Korean submarines is greater than 100 submarines, Not to rule out that the real number is close to 150 submarines.

This is a link to an important report from Al Jazeera Network. The report mentions that the number of submarines is 100 in the Korean Navy:


The US US Library of Congress report also mentions ; The Central Intelligence Agency stated that North Korea had 97 submarines in 2008, according to the 2009 edition of the report. The same report mentioned that Korea has 492 various patrol boats and missile boats.

An impressive percentage of those Korean submarines are Midget_submarine, that is, traditional dwarf submarines, that is, they are small submarines, but the largest number of locally manufactured submarines in Korea are among the largest classes of dwarf submarines. Of the larger classes of midget and close to the medium class submarines, this class may be the most numerous among the Korean submarines, along with the traditional heavy submarines. There are also a number of types of submarines that are unknown..

Reliable international reports dating back ten years mention that NKorea has about 100 submarines, as well as acknowledging that there are unknown numbers of unknown types..It is undoubtedly a truly terrifying ability for the world's most powerful navies, even if the US Navy with its very large fleets.

The danger of the North Korean submarine weapon is not only in its large number, but next to the large number we will find that the industrial and technological style of the Korean submarines carries a lot of advanced technologies, and the danger of these technologies is not only in their development, but the most dangerous is the lack of knowledge to what extent these technologies have reached since they were developed in complete secrecy, in isolation from the ability of the enemies to know the extent of these technologies and their sophistication and modernity, and this is one of the most dangerous capabilities of the Korean Navy and submarines. Even if some of these submarines are relatively old, some are still very modern and advanced.

In general, the NKorean submarines are a terrifying offensive weapon and a very effective deterrent weapon as well, and their danger is never easy with this very large number and their complex and hybrid work strategies.

In the latest reports of the Global Fire Power website, it is mentioned that North Korea is the most powerful country in the world in terms of its naval military power, noting that the classification depends here on the total number of warships, including destroyers, submarines, frigates, and others.


On top of the NKorean submarines, Korea has, according to the estimates of the 2008 CIA report, a very, very large number of more than 500 missile boats and various patrol boats, It constitutes a powerful naval defense shield with a wide assortment of many different types of eastern anti-ship surface missiles.

NKorea also has a huge number of landing ships and amphibious landings of various sizes. In Han Seok Ho's article referred to earlier, the landing ships were estimated at about 600 ships, and this is undoubtedly a very large, striking and surprising number.

As for the large surface combatant ships, NKorea possesses about 50 ships of this class, The latest US satellite images speak of the Korean Navy to possess large, advanced and modern surface combat technologies on a number of these ships.

The NKorean Navy also has advanced coastal defense missile batteries and heavy artillery coastal defense batteries.

The NKorean Air Force, the most mysterious on the planet

According to the US Central Intelligence Agency's 2009 report on North Korean Air Force estimates for the year 2006, the report stated that Korea had about 1,778 various warplanes in 2006 and they are updated and maintained periodically.

In the report issued by the South Korean Ministry of Defense on December 25, 2014, the report states that in 2013 alone, North Korea added a very large force to its air force, represented by the purchase of 230 combat aircraft.

Link to the news from here:


Although the report did not mention the type of fighters purchased, but in general, whatever their type, 230 fighters at once is something that cannot be underestimated..

And if we put the CIA report on 2006 with the previous report of the South Korean Ministry of Defense, we will find that, at a very minimum, North Korea currently has no less than about 2,000 various warplanes, including about 1,000 combat aircraft, many of them are old types and some are very old. Although, among them about 40 MiG-29 fighters with modern technologies.

It is important to know that the Korean Air Force is one of the most secret branches within the NKorean Army. For example, there is no mention on any website, source or reference of the type of fighters of the 2013 deal, which alone amounted to 230 fighters, a number that is already influential in the balance of power on a global level, not even a regional one. However, we do not find any information on the matter except the brief report of the South Korean Ministry of Defense..

In general, despite the lack of conclusive knowledge about the presence of large numbers of modern fighters within the NKorean army or not, the danger of the NKorean Air Force remains terrible, since that danger is not only in great quantity despite the level of obsolete technology, but the danger is that it has a military doctrine that is more difficult and more dangerous than the famous Japanese kamikaze doctrine; the loyalty of the northern military forces to its army and its combat doctrine is of a single, highly cohesive channel, meaning that it is a highly mobilized psychological and moral force that is very loyal and does not shy away from any suicide or kamikaze missions of any kind..

According to the Encyclopedia of the Fighter, at this link:


North Korea has about 39 paved airports, 43 unpaved airports, and about 23 helipads.
According to the same CIA report mentioned earlier, NKorea has 77 airports suitable and prepared for military operations.

NKorean electronic and cyber warfare units

The Desert Fighter Encyclopedia website states that North Korea has maintained modern capabilities in the field of electronic warfare since 1970, and in the nineties of the last century, NKorea established a unit specialized in information warfare under the perspective of electronic intelligence wars.. Armed with the most complex equipment of interference systems and radars.

In 1998, NKorea established a new branch of electronic warfare under the name "Unit 121" of the General Staff Reconnaissance Office, which is specialized in cyber wars. The unit included 12,000 to 17,000 officers, with a budget of 65 million dollars.

Here is a link from the English Wikipedia about Korean Cyber Unit 121:


The NKorean cyber army is considered one of the most powerful electronic armies in the world, and some put it in the fourth place in the world in this advanced modern field of warfare.. Pyongyang had launched a cyber attack on the United States at the end of 2014, and thanks to these attacks it was able to discover military information in its favor.

In an important, famous and significant incident in March 2011, North Korea jammed an American plane working for the American forces in SKorea, the plane was originally specialized in electronic warfare of the type RC-7B, forcing it to make an emergency landing shortly after taking off.

The jamming was caused by obstructing the GPS systems operating on the plane. The South Korean Navy said that the interference affected its boats.

In general, North Korea possesses modern electronic warfare capabilities, advanced and large cyber army, and it is an expert in propaganda and intelligence wars over the Internet, as well as fierce Armageddon wars of minds.

Diverse strategic forces and deterrence missiles of NKorea

Despite the novelty of the North Korean missile program, which only began in the seventies or even the eighties of the last century, it has actually achieved something like a miracle.

NKorea possesses a very large family of ballistic and armor-piercing missiles of various ranges and capabilities.
In order not to dwell on this point, which needs a separate study of its own alone, but in short, NKorea currently possesses solid fuel technologies for missiles, and this technology contributes to the modernization of missile programs with a big leap for several reasons, the most important of which is that solid fuel does not make the missile need to fill its fuel tanks before launch, and the validity of some types of solid fuel inside the missile lasts for long years, sometimes exceeding ten years, and this provides countless advantages for the missile. Also, solid fuel perfectly facilitates the installation of missiles on mobile mobile platforms, which make it difficult to conduct preemptive strikes on the platforms, and gives them the appropriate opportunity to launch the so-called second nuclear strike, and many other strategic and operational advantages.

Likewise, the ranges of NKorean intercontinental ballistic missiles have reached or exceeded the 12,000-kilometre limit, as reported by CNN and others.

Also, NKorea's submarine-launched ballistic missile technologies arrived from the mid-1990s, and not as recently as many imagine.


Also, NKorea has smoothly reached the levels of missile technologies designed to penetrate anti-missile defense shields, which are the missiles called "penetrating missiles" to distinguish them from ordinary missiles with traditional ballistic trajectories..


NKorea has a very terrifying and frightening large quantity of no less than 2,000 to 4,000 ballistic and penetrating missile launchers platforms of various specifications and ranges.

In this regard, Jeffrey Lewis, director of the East Asia Nuclear Nonproliferation Program at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies in Monterey, California, tells The National Interest, "There are 2,000 SRBM launchers that include KN-02 and Scud and Nodong missile " ..

A link to Jeffrey Lewis' speech:


Through Jeffrey Lewis' words and a quick look at the famous NKorean military parade last April, we are talking about thousands of ballistic missile launchers, as well as quantities of missiles, of course, which will be significantly and impressively larger than the number of platforms themselves.

In a nutshell, this is the features of what the NKorean Strategic Missile Forces program has reached.


NKorea also possesses multiple nuclear weapons, estimated at 30 to 50 as a minimum, and some sources talk about the number of Korean nuclear weapons exceeding 60 warheads.. It also possesses Hydrogen bombs and has already announced a hydrogen test. It also possesses very advanced techniques in reducing the size of nuclear warheads to suit and load them on different missiles an different means of delivery..
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What a crackload of hyping up antiques.
other than the artillery there is nothing deadly about the north korean military and most of it is completely antiquated systems backed by a highly corrupt command structure.
This article must be added to definition of "Fear Mongering" phrase.

USA has the most dangerous nuclear warheads threatening human kind on a dailybasis but NK's merely defensive counter measures against American savages is called very dangerous.
This article must be added to definition of "Fear Mongering" phrase.

USA has the most dangerous nuclear warheads threatening human kind on a dailybasis but NK's merely defensive counter measures against American savages is called very dangerous.

Just like Israel, a genocidal country indulging in a brutal occupation of an entire people, has nukes and nobody bats an eye--- and if Iran wants them as a deterrent, all hell breaks loose.
How did North Korea get these weapons?









The former Soviets and China afterwards helped North Korea to develop its military capabilities in a terrible way and leaked to them all the secrets about ballistic weapons and how to manufacture armored vehicles, tanks and other weapons..

North Korea has tested a series of different missiles, including short-, medium-, intermediate-, and intercontinental- range, and submarine-launched ballistic missiles..

Graphic representations of nearly twenty North Korean ballistic missiles ranging from short-range to intercontinental.

The regime possesses the know-how to produce bombs with weapons-grade uranium or plutonium, the primary elements required for making fissile material..

The test carried out on September 3, 2017, was significantly larger, experts say, and could indicate that the country has developed much more powerful bomb-making technology. Estimates from seismic activity led observers to conclude that the explosion likely exceeded two hundred kilotons. An explosion of such a size gives credence to the North’s claims of having developed a hydrogen bomb..

North Korea’s guiding philosophical principles have been juche (self-reliance) and songun (military-first politics). The military plays a central role in political affairs and its position has been steadily elevated through the Kim dynasty. North Korean leadership believes that hostile external forces, including South Korea and the United States, could mount an attack. As a result, in Pyongyang’s eyes, the only way to guarantee national survival is to develop asymmetric military capabilities to thwart its perceived threats..

Reuters presents North Korea’s military advances and nuclear program in these graphics and visuals.

In a February 2019 report, the Asan Institute for Policy Studies evaluates North Korea’s cyber threat.
What a crackload of hyping up antiques.
other than the artillery there is nothing deadly about the north korean military and most of it is completely antiquated systems backed by a highly corrupt command structure.
You are right.. but the data is till accurate..

In an important, famous and significant incident in March 2011, North Korea jammed an American plane working for the American forces in SKorea, the plane was originally specialized in electronic warfare of the type RC-7B, forcing it to make an emergency landing shortly after taking off.

The jamming was caused by obstructing the GPS systems operating on the plane. The South Korean Navy said that the interference affected its boats.

Good ! :enjoy:
China DF-17 HGV

North Korea Hwasong-8 HGV
What a crackload of hyping up antiques.
other than the artillery there is nothing deadly about the north korean military and most of it is completely antiquated systems backed by a highly corrupt command structure.
Your perspective on North Korea is antique or outright false such as highly corrupt command structure... What a joke you are with that high degree of ignorance, uneducated fool.

Does anyone informed and sane consider AGS-30, RPO-A, 9K38 Igla, 9M133 Kornet, S-300PMU 1/2, Kh-35U, etc... as antiquated? No.
Your perspective on North Korea is antique or outright false such as highly corrupt command structure... What a joke you are with that high degree of ignorance, uneducated fool.

Does anyone informed and sane consider AGS-30, RPO-A, 9K38 Igla, 9M133 Kornet, S-300PMU 1/2, Kh-35U, etc... as antiquated? No.
Im guessing a North Korean or Chinese in disguise?
second - abuse me again and I will ban you in 5 seconds from this forum

Third - token equipment that equips 2% of a military doesn’t make it modern. Inadequate training for 90% of a military doesn’t make it effective.
AGS-30& RPO-A? ISIS insurgents to rag tag somali militia have it
Iglas are operated by everyone from Yemeni militias to the Russians themselves? Today’s Digital IRCM systems make it nearly useless at range.
Hamas and Hezbollah have Kornets as does India - doesn’t mean they all possess the same quantity or tactics
The token S-300 PMU2 doesn’t mean that South Korean aircraft cannot pound the entire NK military around the DMZ at will. Likely that S-300 site won’t be active beyond pyongyang and wont last a week into a targeted air campaign.
KH-35U on what? Mig-29s that have serviceability issues?
Im guessing a North Korean or Chinese in disguise?
second - abuse me again and I will ban you in 5 seconds from this forum

Third - token equipment that equips 2% of a military doesn’t make it modern. Inadequate training for 90% of a military doesn’t make it effective.
AGS-30& RPO-A? ISIS insurgents to rag tag somali militia have it
Iglas are operated by everyone from Yemeni militias to the Russians themselves? Today’s Digital IRCM systems make it nearly useless at range.
Hamas and Hezbollah have Kornets as does India - doesn’t mean they all possess the same quantity or tactics
The token S-300 PMU2 doesn’t mean that South Korean aircraft cannot pound the entire NK military around the DMZ at will. Likely that S-300 site won’t be active beyond pyongyang and wont last a week into a targeted air campaign.
KH-35U on what? Mig-29s that have serviceability issues?
First I am not Chinese nor North Korean, but you can assert and lie in order to make some excuse.

Second is ironic as isn't lying a form of abuse that you commit by making assertions about country that are untrue involving their military?

Or is that is fine because its North Korea? Also unsurprisingly coming from American. No bias there, right involving North Korea as is your accusation I am Chinese or North Korean.

Also proving my point by again making assertions that are not accurate along argument that doesn't make sense as those that you mention are not capable of producing such equipment which North Korea does produce clones and derivatives on basis of those with well known designations and names then using Bulsae-5 or Pon'gae-5.

It is incriminating about your credibility involving subject of North Korean military when you write [Kh-35U on what?] when they launch it from sea, land and air platforms.

Also, of course you have to mention South Korea as if its argument, as if their 9K720 Iskander and LACM Tomahawk equivalent don't exist or you're again just unaware of those?

So go on, ban me for correcting you and for you to continue with your abuse that you feel entitled to do so.









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First I am not Chinese nor North Korean, but you can assert and lie in order to make some excuse.

Second is ironic as isn't lying a form of abuse that you commit by making assertions about country that are untrue involving their military?

Or is that is fine because its North Korea? Also unsurprisingly coming from American. No bias there, right involving North Korea as is your accusation I am Chinese or North Korean.

Also proving my point by again making assertions that are not accurate along argument that doesn't make sense as those that you mention are not capable of producing such equipment which North Korea does produce clones and derivatives on basis of those with well known designations and names then using Bulsae-5 or Pon'gae-5.

It is incriminating about your credibility involving subject of North Korean military when you write [Kh-35U on what?] when they launch it from sea, land and air platforms.

Also, of course you have to mention South Korea as if its argument, as if their 9K720 Iskander and LACM Tomahawk equivalent don't exist or you're again just unaware of those?
Making assertions about a country or a person isn’t lying - no croat cares that much about North Korea or comes via a know croatian proxy server.
producing equipment of a certain calibre is one thing but scaling it and deploying it is another. Trust me, I know more than your own bias against my flag shows - as a Pakistani I am well aware that the Ghauri system by Pakistan was a repainted Nodong-2 for the early part of its time and that NK engineers and scientists were consulted in Dubai for different applications as well.

But, that was the limit of sophistication coming from NK and rebuilding CKD or license manufacturing a “modern” ATGM doesn’t make the overall military an antiquated machine.

Most KPA armor is obsolete by current standards even the locally produced “xx”-Ho variety compared to what JUST the RoK fields. Its air defenses apart from the token S-300 you mentioned are reliant on mid-early 20th century radar systems with Pon’gae-5 still not in serial production AND still threatened by what the RoK possesses in EW and anti-radiation systems.

The only true threat is the KPA artillery forces which will cause a lot of devastation early on but for which eventually the RoK is going to have Counter Artillery systems such as the C-Ram and reportedly the Iron-dome active as well.

The KPAF is likely to be wiped out within 3-4 days so please - enlighten me what miracle weapons other than ballistic ones will save the DPRK from being thoroughly outclassed in every aspect of combat?
Making assertions about a country or a person isn’t lying - no croat cares that much about North Korea or comes via a know croatian proxy server.
producing equipment of a certain calibre is one thing but scaling it and deploying it is another. Trust me, I know more than your own bias against my flag shows - as a Pakistani I am well aware that the Ghauri system by Pakistan was a repainted Nodong-2 for the early part of its time and that NK engineers and scientists were consulted in Dubai for different applications as well.

But, that was the limit of sophistication coming from NK and rebuilding CKD or license manufacturing a “modern” ATGM doesn’t make the overall military an antiquated machine.

Most KPA armor is obsolete by current standards even the locally produced “xx”-Ho variety compared to what JUST the RoK fields. Its air defenses apart from the token S-300 you mentioned are reliant on mid-early 20th century radar systems with Pon’gae-5 still not in serial production AND still threatened by what the RoK possesses in EW and anti-radiation systems.

The only true threat is the KPA artillery forces which will cause a lot of devastation early on but for which eventually the RoK is going to have Counter Artillery systems such as the C-Ram and reportedly the Iron-dome active as well.

The KPAF is likely to be wiped out within 3-4 days so please - enlighten me what miracle weapons other than ballistic ones will save the DPRK from being thoroughly outclassed in every aspect of combat?

Hi I don't want to divert the topic but I too have heard a lot about NK deadly artillery fire power..... How would you compare it with Pakistan or India artillery (both of us very strong artillery forces as per my knowledge) if they are facing NK artillery with no air power or cruise missiles, drones involved......
Hi I don't want to divert the topic but I too have heard a lot about NK deadly artillery fire power..... How would you compare it with Pakistan or India artillery (both of us very strong artillery forces as per my knowledge) if they are facing NK artillery with no air power or cruise missiles, drones involved......
They have a lot of it but not too sure of their experience in the variety of terrain we have in the subcontinent. That being said it’s estimated at 20000 pieces which is 13000 more than both India and Pakistan combined!

Many of their pieces are locally produced even if older generation systems which are slowly on their way out from our armies. But the repeated mortar shelling our countries pull off claiming shock and awe on each other would sound like a mouse squeak if the current deployed assets on the DMZ fire towards the south.

However, I will reiterate that compare our varied and colorful terrain to what they have along most of the DMZ and it will be an easier game.
They have a lot of it but not too sure of their experience in the variety of terrain we have in the subcontinent. That being said it’s estimated at 20000 pieces which is 13000 more than both India and Pakistan combined!

Many of their pieces are locally produced even if older generation systems which are slowly on their way out from our armies. But the repeated mortar shelling our countries pull off claiming shock and awe on each other would sound like a mouse squeak if the current deployed assets on the DMZ fire towards the south.

However, I will reiterate that compare our varied and colorful terrain to what they have along most of the DMZ and it will be an easier game.

Thanks for such valued information bro ... But the part of your post which I have made BOLD is really scary..... They are beasts when it comes to military power.....

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