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Galwan valley: PLA Soldiers mourn martyred heros and swear not an inch of land can be ceded

The 4 PLA who went to negotiate were head Qi Fabao, battalion commander Chen Hongjun, guard Chen Xiangrong and cameraman Xiao Siyuan. Qi Fabao was seriously injured and the other three died. Obviously, the Indians attacked the negotiators first.
The PLA fought back under the leadership of another battalion commander and won. Soldier Wang zhuoran fell into the river and died while chasing the escaped Indian.
Do you have any other sources of information about the clash? or like any other chinese posters here.
Do you have any other sources of information about the clash? or like any other chinese posters here.

Clash occured, away from the eyes of media. So, there are only two narratives available. One of Chinese army, and other of Indian army. Make a choice.
India is digging its hole deeper. If it ever wanted to go into a direct conflict with China, it should have resolved its issues with other neighbors, especially Pakistan. The false sense of bravado will be their undoing. Quad will come to regret making India an anchor to their strategy. But then again they might be thinking of using India as a useful idiot, hoping to erode China and Pakistan. To them if India serves an end goal regardless of the damage to India, it is a positive move. For India less so, and she will begin to see this as things not only get hotter on her borders, but also internally within India as her own fractures are pushed wider, this time (and perhaps the first time in India's short history), by a well resourced and dedicated enemy.

Indian forces serve the same role as they did under the British Empire, making up the numbers (basically cannon fodder) while the other three nations make up the high tech edge. India forces are there like a trip wire, to take the blows.
Man,, the amount of cheerleading Pakistanis have for the Chinese,,, its my life goal to have a friend like them,,,what a support!!!

That apart, its obvious for the Chinese push forward a narrative that suits them and Pakistan to follow them... and obviously, India would be a having a polar opposite narrative.
Looks like the Indians still have nothing to offer besided dumb troll posts, denial and Indian state propaganda BS trying to cope with their defeat. Didn't they promise video footage for a year now? Yet to see anything that confirms just a shred of the BS Indians spew to rewrite history. Meanwhile we have multiple detailed videos from the Chinese side corresponding with Chinas official records.
All south Asia supports China against hindutva extremist communal shithole india
After seeing the video, Bipin Rawat has ordered several dozens of new pairs of undies. emphasis is on cushioned and padded undies , to stop the leak and soil his trousers.

Bipin says it is highly embarrassing when his juniors look at the wet patches.
General "Peepni" has ordered leak-proof metallic diapers. :lol:
Why diapers? The way they got humiliated they need whisper and always pads :lol:
We don't need any evidence. We are with China. Period.

It's always good to have evidence. Just remember that if you are on the side of righteousness and morality, you don't need to lie or obfuscate, you will always have evidence and truth on your side.

If India was truly so just and righteous why do they need to lie? Why do they need to obfuscate and make excuses?
Clash occured, away from the eyes of media. So, there are only two narratives available. One of Chinese army, and other of Indian army. Make a choice.

Not that difficult to discern the facts by looking at the numbers of captured.

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