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Israel's PM Netanyahu is set to visit the United Arab Emirates for the first time

Lots of Indians in UAE.

Hope he does not run into Indians who keep bombing Israeli embassy.
Why is Modi not in UAE? Modi government has been covering up that Israeli embassy attack for no apparent reason.

I am sure UAE has measures in place to keep Indians away from Israelis.
Gulf-Israel-India are planning to convert this region surrounding the three into an economic powerhouse, everything is about money. If you have money, world will work with you. UAE’s biggest trade Partner is India excluding Tourism coz if you include Indian tourists’ contribution in their GDP then we are much bigger trade partners as Indians are the beiggest tourist community in UAE.
Gulf-Israel-India are planning to convert this region surrounding the three into an economic powerhouse, everything is about money. If you have money, world will work with you. UAE’s biggest trade Partner is India excluding Tourism coz if you include Indian tourists’ contribution in their GDP then we are much bigger trade partners as Indians are the beiggest tourist community in UAE.

Yes you are correct. UAE and Gulf are in an envious position of influencing 2bn people through just a handful of corporations.

India is also in an envious position to have taken not only the south pacific but middle eastern wars in her wings.

This is why Afghanistan process should exclude India as it is already burdened.
arab celebration.gif
Earlier the common Israelis visiting UAE ended up shamelessly stealing from Hotels, these Arab Leaders need to be careful as they might end up losing their sovereignty as well.

Earlier the common Israelis visiting UAE ended up shamelessly stealing from Hotels, these Arab Leaders need to be careful as they might end up losing their sovereignty as well.

Just saying the common Israelis that visited Dubai was usually an Arab. Besides, that's a lie. The hotel owner claiming that was an anti Israeli Muslim brotherhood member, as we already know they would do whatever they need including lying in order to make Israel look bad.
Netanyahu negotiating a meeting with Saudi Prince in UAE tomorrow
Prime Minister to make first visit to UAE since peace agreement.
MARCH 10, 2021 20:22
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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu finds allies in his fight against Iran. In Abu Dhabi, Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan (right) and in Saudi Arabia, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. (photo credit: MARC ISRAEL SELLEM/THE JERUSALEM POST/REUTERS)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu finds allies in his fight against Iran. In Abu Dhabi, Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan (right) and in Saudi Arabia, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman may meet in Abu Dhabi on Thursday, a well-placed Emirati source said on Wednesday.

“MBS is ready to meet Bibi,” the source said, confirming that talks are ongoing in the three countries to arrange the meeting.

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Israel and Saudi Arabia do not have diplomatic relations, but ties between the countries have been warming, especially in cooperation against their shared adversary, Iran. Netanyahu and MBS, as the Saudi crown prince is known, met in November of last year in the Saudi town of Neom, though neither has officially confirmed it.

Asked about meeting with MBS on Tuesday, Netanyahu quipped: “What is it like to ask questions you know you won’t get an answer to?”

Netanyahu plans to fly to the United Arab Emirates on Thursday, for the first time since its normalization agreement with Israel last year.

The prime minister is expected to meet with Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, seven months after Israel and the UAE announced the Abraham Accords of peace and normalization.

The trip is set to take place less than two weeks before the March 23 election, despite reports that officials in the UAE were hesitant to host Netanyahu at a date that would be viewed as political.

The source in Abu Dhabi confirmed that the election was a consideration, but the UAE’s leadership decided to welcome Netanyahu regardless of the date.

The prime minister is expected to take a private plane to Abu Dhabi and conduct meetings at the airport.

The plan is for a quick jaunt to Abu Dhabi, the UAE capital, for several hours. Netanyahu would leave Thursday morning and arrive back in Jerusalem in time for a 6 p.m. meeting with the prime ministers of Hungary and the Czech Republic.

Three of Netanyahu’s planned visits to the UAE were canceled in the past, twice due to COVID-19lockdowns and restrictions, as well as political developments, and once because of scheduling issues in Abu Dhabi. He had originally planned a trip of several days, with stops in Dubai and Bahrain, as well.

Speaking of a planned visit to the UAE, Netanyahu said last month: “It has great security, national and international importance.”

Excellent. UAE, Israel and KSA are regional powerhouses and collaboration among them would lead to the betterment of a large part of humanity.

The Middle East seems to be changing fast and significantly for the better.
- KSA reducing anti-jewish references in its text books and hate speeches by clerics
- Removal of ban on women participating in public affairs
- Removal of male guardianship system, women can travel without permission from a man
- UAE allowing non-married couples to cohabit and reduced restrictions on alcohol consumption
- UAE removing honour killing exemptions in its laws

Hopefully, relations between KSA and Israel normalize soon.
With all the Arab - Israel turning full-on Habibi thing, we don't need to do careful balancing acts anymore :pop:

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