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Drone hits eastern Saudi port, missile targets Aramco facilities: Energy Ministry

I think the Houthis are doing fantastic job.. This will escalate matters and a new military incursions into Yemen is huge possibility which is something I wanted from the get go. This provides the pretext I always wanted to be fairly honest.

1. The houthis have demonstrated their is no political solution with them..

2. They want to target civilians inside Saudi Arabia..

3. They want to target Saudi energy sector

All these 3 reasons is why the Saudis will most likely raise the level of the war from previously just containing in insurgency to now fighting a hostile country. Which means destroying Yemen infrastructure and making massive incursions into the land.

This is the green light and there is zero political solution which means it completely failed and I was always against it and all the UN negotiated stuff was only a hindrance and UN is the reason the Houthis lasted this long. The Coalition needs to go beserk and make the fresh massive incursions into yemen.

They will cry humantarian crisis when they are about to get routed just like it happened in the port city this is where you exit all UN from the picture as they failed this is national security they have no issues there.
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Seriously is there any limit to iranian hypocrisy? Saudi didnt attack yemen for fun, it were houthis that attacked yemen capital. They removed the govt that came after arab spring and selected by the people, they allied with ex president saleh, who was even then killed by houthis. This whole mess is created by the shaitan mullahs, u think ppl are blind and sont see?
The government was meant to be in office from 2012 to 2014 and at best a transient government to hold presidential election ... Hadi was the vice president of the Hadi for 17 years the same government that people removed as you said in 2011 .... Hadi didn't hold the election, he extended his term in office and finally resigned by parliament ...
So at best it was a political turmoil within Yemen that was started in 2011 and internal issue ...
Then why Saudis invaded Yemen? it's against all int law and ..

Senior US intelligence official Michael Vickers said Jan. 21 (2015) that the United States is continuing attacks on al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) despite ongoing violence in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, and has an intelligence relationship with the Houthi insurgent group that has seized much of the capital since September.
While news reports have focused on Iranian support for the Houthis and suggested that they represent a threat to US operations against al-Qaeda’s most potent franchise, Vickers, in response to a question from Al-Monitor, stated, “The Houthis are anti al-Qaeda, and we’ve been able to continue some of our counterterrorism operations against al-Qaeda in the past months.” Asked after the public event whether that included lines of intelligence to the Houthis, Vickers said, “That’s a safe assumption.”
“From 2004 to 2010, the Houthis won wars against the Yemeni government without Iran,” Schmitz pointed out. “Iran’s role now is non-essential, and the Houthis won’t take orders from them.”
chmitz said that Iran has provided support in recent months but that the Houthis would have rebelled against the government with or without Tehran’s backing.
“They are not terrorists,” Schmitz said. He called the Houthis' backing of US attacks on AQAP “an alliance of convenience.” The tough part now, he said, is “talking sense to the Saudis” and getting them to agree to more influence for the Houthis in the Yemeni government. The Saudis may have little choice.
American intelligence officials said that Iran was actually trying to discourage the Houthis from seizing Sanaa and openly toppling Hadi. Iran preferred a less radical course, but the Houthi leadership was drunk with success.
More detail:
"...The tools it relied upon were oil money and Wahhabi Islam. During the 1980s, Saudi Arabia spent more than $75bn on the propagation of Wahhabi doctrine, funding schools, mosques, and charities across the Islamic world in an effort to bolster its influence.A large share of these resources was reserved for its back garden, Yemen. Thousands of schools were established, covering every city and village in Yemen.(exactly like Afghanistan with the help of american ended in creation of ALQ and Taliban) Saudi Arabia created in Yemen a strong Wahhabi current that was politically and ideologically loyal to the ruling al-Saud. Indeed, Yemen's president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, used imported Wahhabism to defeat his domestic opponents – first the communists, then the Houthis – despite being a Zaidi Shia.​
But now this policy has backfired, with the Houthis openly rebelling against Wahhabi encroachment on their religious ideology, while themselves encroaching on neighbouring Saudi territory as they fight the government.​
After four months of fighting, Saleh's domestic forces had failed to contain the revolt. So, unable to prosecute the war on his own, Saleh turned a domestic rebellion into a sectarian and security threat to the entire Arabian peninsula, thereby manoeuvring the Saudis – eager from the outset to help Saleh, whom they view as their proxy – into providing military backing..."​
The funny part is a couple days ago isis announced it is in war with Houthis ...
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[SoE="shanlung, post: 13000096, member: 192283"]
Do tell me logically how Murica going to whack down Mach 15 stuff coming down at their carriers and smash Mach 3s AShMs by the hundreds when the mighty Muricans cannot take down the IED equivalent from adhoc drones that the Murican supposed to be defending?

Do give me positive and logical and factual explanation and not gibberish loaded excuses like what you did.

I stand in the clear with my name here and recognisable with my Facebook and other postings and not hiding behind a makeup name like "White and Green with M/S"

Who are you that you must hide?

You trolling and dare not use your recognisable identity?

:enjoy: :enjoy: :enjoy:
So you're trolling nice to hear you're going to My ignore list👋
Do tell me logically how Murica going to whack down Mach 15 stuff coming down at their carriers and smash Mach 3s AShMs by the hundreds when the mighty Muricans cannot take down the IED equivalent from adhoc drones that the Murican supposed to be defending?

Do give me positive and logical and factual explanation and not gibberish loaded excuses like what you did.

I stand in the clear with my name here and recognisable with my Facebook and other postings and not hiding behind a makeup name like "White and Green with M/S"

Who are you that you must hide?

You trolling and dare not use your recognisable identity?

:enjoy: :enjoy: :enjoy:
And if you hit with mach 15 / 3 they Will not retaliate with nukes
I am Pakistani living in USA
You're nothing but a blind ultra national sh!t
Few Facts on the ground while you are shouting at each other:

1- Houthies now can hit ALL of Saudi Arabia at will.

2- US Air Defence systems set up for Saudis has been a total failure.

3- Province of Ma'arib and all the oil fields is about to fall to Hothie forces .

4- MBS threatened to bring war to Iran.....He is now watching the war from his window .

So no matter whose side you are these 4 facts do not change.
Few Facts on the ground while you are shouting at each other:

1- Houthies now can hit ALL of Saudi Arabia at will.

2- US Air Defence systems set up for Saudis has been a total failure.

3- Province of Ma'arib and all the oil fields is about to fall to Hothie forces .

4- MBS threatened to bring war to Iran.....He is now watching the war from his window .

So no matter whose side you are these 4 facts do not change.
Number 4 made Iran angry. And also comparing Khamenei to hitler was a factor too.
[SoE="shanlung, post: 13000096, member: 192283"]
Do tell me logically how Murica going to whack down Mach 15 stuff coming down at their carriers and smash Mach 3s AShMs by the hundreds when the mighty Muricans cannot take down the IED equivalent from adhoc drones that the Murican supposed to be defending?

Do give me positive and logical and factual explanation and not gibberish loaded excuses like what you did.

I stand in the clear with my name here and recognisable with my Facebook and other postings and not hiding behind a makeup name like "White and Green with M/S"

Who are you that you must hide?

You trolling and dare not use your recognisable identity?

:enjoy: :enjoy: :enjoy:
So you're trolling nice to hear you're going to My ignore list👋

And if you hit with mach 15 / 3 they Will not retaliate with nukes
I am Pakistani living in USA
You're nothing but a blind ultra national sh!t

:omghaha: :omghaha::omghaha:

Clearly an Indian !

A brown banana trying to make people think he is white and living in Murica when he likely
to be living in Bombay slum.

Murica dare to talk of nukes?
But then, Murica good only to talk and talk such as how great their Patriot and AEGIS systems are in defending anything that need to be defended. Murica can talk of nukes.


Oil barrel over 70 USD and counting.

How much will increase?
The government was meant to be in office from 2012 to 2014 and at best a transient government to hold presidential election ... Hadi was the vice president of the Hadi for 17 years the same government that people removed as you said in 2011 .... Hadi didn't hold the election, he extended his term in office and finally resigned by parliament ...
So at best it was a political turmoil within Yemen that was started in 2011 and internal issue ...
Then why Saudis invaded Yemen? it's against all int law and ..

Senior US intelligence official Michael Vickers said Jan. 21 (2015) that the United States is continuing attacks on al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) despite ongoing violence in the Yemeni capital, Sanaa, and has an intelligence relationship with the Houthi insurgent group that has seized much of the capital since September.
While news reports have focused on Iranian support for the Houthis and suggested that they represent a threat to US operations against al-Qaeda’s most potent franchise, Vickers, in response to a question from Al-Monitor, stated, “The Houthis are anti al-Qaeda, and we’ve been able to continue some of our counterterrorism operations against al-Qaeda in the past months.” Asked after the public event whether that included lines of intelligence to the Houthis, Vickers said, “That’s a safe assumption.”
“From 2004 to 2010, the Houthis won wars against the Yemeni government without Iran,” Schmitz pointed out. “Iran’s role now is non-essential, and the Houthis won’t take orders from them.”
chmitz said that Iran has provided support in recent months but that the Houthis would have rebelled against the government with or without Tehran’s backing.
“They are not terrorists,” Schmitz said. He called the Houthis' backing of US attacks on AQAP “an alliance of convenience.” The tough part now, he said, is “talking sense to the Saudis” and getting them to agree to more influence for the Houthis in the Yemeni government. The Saudis may have little choice.
American intelligence officials said that Iran was actually trying to discourage the Houthis from seizing Sanaa and openly toppling Hadi. Iran preferred a less radical course, but the Houthi leadership was drunk with success.
More detail:
"...The tools it relied upon were oil money and Wahhabi Islam. During the 1980s, Saudi Arabia spent more than $75bn on the propagation of Wahhabi doctrine, funding schools, mosques, and charities across the Islamic world in an effort to bolster its influence.A large share of these resources was reserved for its back garden, Yemen. Thousands of schools were established, covering every city and village in Yemen.(exactly like Afghanistan with the help of american ended in creation of ALQ and Taliban) Saudi Arabia created in Yemen a strong Wahhabi current that was politically and ideologically loyal to the ruling al-Saud. Indeed, Yemen's president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, used imported Wahhabism to defeat his domestic opponents – first the communists, then the Houthis – despite being a Zaidi Shia.​
But now this policy has backfired, with the Houthis openly rebelling against Wahhabi encroachment on their religious ideology, while themselves encroaching on neighbouring Saudi territory as they fight the government.​
After four months of fighting, Saleh's domestic forces had failed to contain the revolt. So, unable to prosecute the war on his own, Saleh turned a domestic rebellion into a sectarian and security threat to the entire Arabian peninsula, thereby manoeuvring the Saudis – eager from the outset to help Saleh, whom they view as their proxy – into providing military backing..."​
The funny part is a couple days ago isis announced it is in war with Houthis ...
So US and its word becomes good for u now? The same US also calls iran a terrorist regime that destabalizes the region, ud take that assertion as well?
How did houthis figgt without any support? How did they get enough weapons to beat the national army and over run the capital? U telling me that all those iranian weaoons with houthis came from the sky?
Does it become legal if an armed insurgent group takes over the capital? Saudi atleast had the excuse to help a UN recognized government, what excuse iran have? U think saudi will not interfere when iranian allied militia takes over a country with which it has a long land border? Any country in the workd will interfere to secure itself.
Those Who Destroyed Yemen Must Be Prosecuted For War Crimes

"We didn’t see the [Saudi] invasion [of Yemen] coming and we were shocked when it happened. But we were pretty blunt. We told them, ‘you can’t win and you’ll bankrupt your country. It’ll be a quagmire.’ And we were right.”


wunder american weapons failed the zionists in the early 90s....... from pathetic scuds of saddam that landed any random place.....

american wunder systems failed to protect their own house when Iranian missiles were raining down on their base.

now they are failing the Sauds unsurprisingly...

instead of coming to the logical conclusion here that american air defense systems are heavily overrated and hyped for marketing purposes. to sell to dumb countries like saudi arabia. with more money then brains.

instead we see more mental gymnastics and absolutly PATHETIC new excuses each and everytime for their failure. its becoming comical.....

"the systems were off"
"the operators were dumb"
"those earlier systems were not ready, but NOW!!! they are invincibile super american weapon."

people need to take their heads out of their asses. and Israel should stock up on adult diapers.. since they have bet their entire existence on such american systems....... to protect their glass house. good luck!

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