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The woman MP of Benghazi who was kidnapped for criticizing Hafter last year, still missing


Mar 2, 2018
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The Libyan Parliament's Benghazi deputy, Seham Sergiwa, who had been kidnapped because of she opposing the coup attack of the Hafter, has been missing for 1 year.

After a year, Sergiwa is once again a debate of the Libyan people; a woman Deputy who had been kidnapped from her home in Benghazi on July 17 last year and still has missing..

One of the clearest examples of human rights violations in Libya occurred last year in the city of Benghazi, under Hafter's control. Deputy Siham Sergiwa (57) was abducted from his home in July 2019, who has critized to Hafter launch 14-months of Tripoli siege and his human rights violations .

Last year, in an interview by Sergiwa on the phone to the pro-Hafter al-Hades channel(owned by one of Haftar's sons) , she was talk against the Tripoli siege and she was said "All parties on both sides should be included in the unity government". And, she was kidnapped 2-3 hours after her statements.

The other female Deputies of the Libyan Parliament, Fatıma Suvey and Rabia Biras, made statements to the AA correspondent about Sergeva's political personality and kidnapping.

Suvey pointing out that Sergiwa is a colleague who always prioritizes human rights, she said, "She was an excellent representative of the Libyan woman. She would always deal with the laws and decisions regarding human rights, and their international relations in these matters were very good."

"When I heard that she was kidnapped, I immediately went to Benghazi and then to the town of Kubbe. I talked with the deputies there, İbrahim Buşnaf (Hafter's Minister of Internal Affairs) and (Head of the Tobruk House of Representatives) Akile Salih to investigate the incident and get information. All of them said that they had done the necessary follow-up to find Siham, but we could not get any information. Everything had been hidden from us. "

"Akile Salih had said that all police units were mobilized for Seham, but I know this was not true."

"We want human rights organizations to go over this issue. But I know that human rights organizations are very difficult to work in the Eastern region. In fact, there are many more human rights violations. There are constant violations in prisons, mass graves appear, young people are abducted and just Allah knows what happened to them, so human rights organizations need to address this issue seriously."


Libyan deputy Biras also said that after the elections held in the country in 2014, especially after the Libyan Political Agreement reached in Suheyrat, Morocco in 2015, they faced "great pressures and troubles" in Tobruk, during the National Accord Government's approval process. She said that Sergiwa took a bold attitude at that time.

"We were blockaded in Tobruk until the evening in parliament and we were asked to prevent the vote of confidence. Then I witnessed how brave Ms. Seham was and how she defended us. We had taken this situation and we would die if necessary, to get the vote of confidence. However, we finally managed to get it. Ms. Seham was an influential person in the parliament. He was active in political and economic matters, security and especially women's rights. However, as a society, we are not used to people like Siham Sergiwa who are brave and express their thoughts without fear.

"She opposed the war against Libya from the middle of Benghazi -the center of the Hafter forces- and was kidnapped just because she said 'no to war'. And we cannot hear anything from him for 1 year."

"This is a violation of rights against all women who want to play the same role. After this horrible crime against Ms. Seham, we frightened as Libyan women. Women in politics, civil society, activists were forcibly suppressed, their range of action restricted, they were exposed to terrorism. "

"The International Organizations and the Libyan Parliamentary Union wanted to meet with Akile Salih about the fate of Siham Sergeva and get information from him, but Salih left these calls unanswered."


On the other hand, the United Nations (UN) Libyan Support Mission (UNSMIL) said for the first year of Sergiwa's abduction: "We are very concerned about the life and security of the female Deputy." UNSMIL also announced that Hafter, who controlled Benghazi, where Sergiwa was kidnapped, was "legally responsible" for the incident.

Fayiz es-Serrac, the Prime Minister of the Libyan National Accord government, also raised this in his speech at the UN Human Rights Council at the UN Geneva Office, Switzerland in February to announce the war crimes of Hafter to the international public. Prime Minister Serrac, who asked the International Criminal Court (UCM) to send a team urgently to investigate the crimes committed by the militia affiliated with Hafter, brought up the abduction of Sergiwa in this context.

During the 2011 Libyan Civil War, Siham Sergiwa is known for her research on "using rape as a weapon in war". As a result of his meeting with thousands of people in refugee camps in the country, and even in Tunisia and Egypt, Sergiwa documented hundreds of rape crimes of the country's overthrown leader Muammer Gaddafi and his forces and presented the data to the UCM indicating the responsibility of the Gaddafi regime.


Tobruk based HoR member: MP Sergiwa was killed and we know the killers
July 13, 2020 - 21:56

Posted in:

Written By: SafaAlharathy

A leaked phone call broadcasted by February TV channel revealed the member of the Tobruk-based House of Representatives (HoR) Issa al-Uraibi confessing that MP Seham Sergiwa, who was kidnapped a year ago from her house in Benghazi has been killed.

Al-Uraibi accuses in the record, Gaddafi's followers and gangsters of killing Sergiwa, confirming that their names are known.

"Bnghazi is full of them, the former regime’s loyalists and outlaws, and the killing of Sergiwa has dragged us 20 years behind," Al-Uraibi said.

He pointed out that he had demanded the resigned PC member, Ali Al-Qatrani, to reach out to Aoun Al-Ferjani; a senior figure in Haftar's militias, to reveal the attack against Sergiwa.

The Interior Minister of the east-based interim government, Ibrahim Boushnaf, was aware of those who had carried out the attack, but instead he accused a terrorist group, which is totally baseless, according to Al-Uraibi.

He further pointed out that MP Ziyad Dighem accused him and TV presenter at the pro-Haftar "Libya Al-Hadath" TV channel, Ahmad Al-Qumati of abetting in the murder of MP Sergiwa, in an attempt to disavow any responsibility, and shift the blame of the crime on Al-Qumati, claiming that he incited violence against her.

MP Siham Sergiwa last appeared on the "Libya Al-Hadath" TV channel, owned by one of Haftar's sons, where she opposed in her statements Haftar's aggression against Tripoli and demanded an end to the war and fighting.

On July 17, an armed group stormed the house of Sergiwa in Benghazi, and shot her husband before taking her to an unknown destination.


Amnesty International et Human Rights Watch demandent une clarification concernant le sort de Seham Sergiwa en Libye

Courrier arabe

L’ « Amnesty international » a appelé, ce vendredi, la milice du général à la retraite Khalifa Haftar à « clarifier le sort du membre du parlement, Seham Sergiwa, qui a été enlevée le 17 juillet 2019 ».

L’organisation a souligné, dans un communiqué, que « les milices de Haftar ont enlevé Sergiwa, l’ont soumise à la torture et à la détention dans des conditions inhumaines, appelant à la fin de ces crimes odieux ».

« Human Rights Watch », de plus, a déclaré, dans un communiqué, ce vendredi, que « les autorités militaires et civiles de l’est de la Libye doivent assumer toute responsabilité devant les organes locaux ou internationaux qui visent l’interdiction des violations de droits de l’homme en Libye », notant que « Sergiwa a été kidnappée par la milice fidèle à Haftar et que personne ne sait à ce moment son sort ».

Rappelons que Sergiwa est un psychologue libyen, élu au Parlement libyen en 2014 . Elle a été enlevée par des membres masqués et en uniforme de la « brigade de l’armée nationale libyenne », une unité connue sous le nom d’Awlia Aldem , dirigé par Khaled, le fils de Khalifa Haftar, après avoir demandé fin à l’agression de ce dernier contre la capitale, Tripoli.

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Where are the champions of freedom and democracy when a woman is kidnapped by their puppet? Where are women rights? Is that not for Libyan people who do not obey their dictates?
Where are the champions of freedom and democracy when a woman is kidnapped by their puppet? Where are women rights? Is that not for Libyan people who do not obey their dictates?

Planning the next human rights abuses:-"Where are the champions of freedom and democracy when a woman is kidnapped by their puppet? Where are women rights? Is that not for Libyan people who do not obey their dictates?"
Planning the next human rights abuses:-"Where are the champions of freedom and democracy when a woman is kidnapped by their puppet? Where are women rights? Is that not for Libyan people who do not obey their dictates?"

But they will plaster this fake dramabaz ANP daughter all over bookstores in the West.


Hypocrites. Look what they themselves did to Aafia Siddiqui. Shameless.
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