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China Expands Military at India Border as Modi Accused of Surrendering Land.. Newsweek


China Expands Military at India Border as Modi Accused of Surrendering Land
By David Brennan On 7/13/20 at 6:17 AM EDT

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is facing domestic criticism for allegedly surrendering land to Chinese forces along the disputed Himalayan border between the two nations, where dozens of soldiers are believed to have died in hand-to-hand fighting last month.

Modi, a populist right-wing leader who secured a second term in office last year, has tried to frame the violence and subsequent de-escalation as a story of Indian success.

The prime minister visited the border last week, telling troops: "History is witness that expansionist forces have either lost or were forced to turn back," referring to Chinese forces in the region.

But The New York Times reported this weekend that the Chinese have undertaken a major build-up of forces in the disputed area, setting up new tents and storage facilities supported by artillery pieces, boats and even tanks.

Citing satellite images of the valleys and mountains that form the Line of Actual Control⁠—a loose demarcation line established after the 1962 Sino-Indian War⁠—the Times and other observers have said that Chinese troops have maintained positions on the Indian side of the frontier despite Modi's claims of victory.

Undeterred by the brutal hand-to-hand fighting and international condemnation—including from the U.S.—Chinese forces appear to be there to stay. India said earlier this month it had also deployed more forces to the contested areas to match the Chinese build-up.

Pro-government Indian media coverage has praised Modi's response, claiming that the prime minister "called China's bluff."

The mouthpiece of the right-wing paramilitary Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh group—aligned with Modi's nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party and counting the prime minister as a former member—said Modi was "leading from the front" in contrast to Chinese President Xi Jinping, who it described as "ambitious" but "insecure."

But not everyone has fallen in line behind Modi, though politicians and media from across the Indian spectrum have condemned China and warned of consequences for any further provocations.

Rahul Gandhi, the former leader of the opposition Indian Congress Party and a member of the Nehru-Gandhi political dynasty, has repeatedly demanded more of the prime minister. On Sunday, he asked Modi on Twitter how China "took away the sacred land of Mother India."

The opposition has struggled to handle Modi's BJP government, which remains widely popular despite allegations that the prime minister is fanning communal tensions and failing to handle the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. For Congress and other Modi critics, his perceived weakness in the face of Chinese aggression could be useful.

Gareth Price, a senior research fellow at the Chatham House think tank, told Newsweek that Modi's brand of Hindu nationalism is "all about" projecting strength, but that India is facing a China that is clearly richer and more powerful.

"It is an opportunity to show Modi is not as tough as he thinks he is," Price explained, even though a relatively pliant media and weak opposition means the PM will likely not suffer too much.

Gandhi shared an interview with Business Standard journalist Colonel Ajai Shukla, who has repeatedly claimed that Chinese troops have not disengaged in key disputed areas and are refusing to withdraw from occupied Indian territory.

"The government is misleading the media," Shukla said, claiming that the Chinese incursions represent "the largest loss of territory to China since the 1962 war."

Former Indian National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon told The Hindu this weekend that both sides are currently in "the fog of peace," with not enough information or clarity on China's motivations.

India's relationship with the U.S., he said, could be part of the puzzle. Modi and President Donald Trump have lauded their personal friendship and committed to closer ties, underscored by large weapons deals. After the border clashes, U.S. lawmakers and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo sided with New Delhi against Beijing.

"What they're doing suggests that they've come to the conclusion that India has already crossed a certain point in its relationship with the U.S. and is effectively working with the U.S. on China," Menon told The Hindu. If they have come to that conclusion, they could be doing this to actually show the U.S. that, look, they can't count on India as an ally in dealing with China."

Tensions had been rising along the mountainous frontier since April when Chinese troops were accused of crossing the LoC and setting up military positions on the disputed territory. This followed years of Chinese activity along the border, with investment plowed into new roads, surveillance systems and military posts to better serve the remote frontier.

India has long lagged behind China along the border, though in recent years has accelerated plans for new roads and other supply infrastructure in response to Chinese activity.

Confrontations and clashes along the 2,520-mile-long border are not uncommon, but last month's violence was the first time that any troops had been killed by hostile action since the 1962 conflict.

Now even Newsweek chimes in!

What can I see from Indian side situation, is that they're not united. Those politicians, news media are pumping their rhetoric to attack their own head of Government, Modi. Boosting China aggressiveness to blame Modi. And make him looks incompetent. Thus force Modi to take more popular decision that may defeat India interest, and perhaps even put them into a very dangerous decision. Like declaring war to China.

This is normal to most democratic nations, as everything based on popularity. Not the decision to move forward the country. A crisis won't make the people united, instead of to blame each others. Politicians won't support their head of government, and bring the crisis down, but rather blaming him, denounce him, etc, to make the head of government look like a fool. Then, if that happen, then how can the leadership move forward to bring the country forward?

Modi will have to focus on protecting himself, rather than solving the crisis on hand. And this reality is dangerous.

It wasn't media or general populace that made the statement in parliament that they are getting back aksai chin and rest of kashmir and will fight till last drop of blood. They are failing to fight to protect even existing territory.
Why blame the media now, strongman came to power for teaching Pakistan a lesson and stare down china. Time is here and now, comeon lets go!

As the dust settles - Indian citizens smell the reality.....

Lost 20 soldiers in a ferocious hand to hand combat
Lost huge amount of land to the Chinese
Had prisoners taken and then released
Had their chief pretend to walk round in a makeshift hospital

And now realize they have suffered a most humiliating loss - wake up Indians and smell the reality....
Epic Fail.
Other than Congress party and their workers like Ajai Shukla and Sawhney NOT a single soul is saying that Modi has surrendered land to China.
Newsweek is the same tabloid rag that printed copies of Hillary Clinton as winning Presidential elections before results only to get their faces in the mud after Trump won.:lol:
Epic Fail.
Other than Congress party and their workers like Ajai Shukla and Sawhney NOT a single soul is saying that Modi has surrendered land to China.
Newsweek is the same tabloid rag that printed copies of Hillary Clinton as winning Presidential elections before results only to get their faces in the mud after Trump won.:lol:

Epic fail you said? Why don't you go and commit your satti infront of the newsweek office in protest since they have murdered your husband Modi image globally ? :D

The likes of Ajay Skula are getting more traction in global news giants then your pet dogs like Arnob goberswamy.
Newsweek, The Times, the New York Times....heavyweight publications causing bhartis to pause and reflect on the lies sold to them by "US News", "New York Post" and the "Sunday Guardian"....

Hopefully Indians who actually worry about their country are realising the patterns here.

@Surya 1 @Raj-Hindustani @Mighty Lion

Newsweek is the same tabloid rag
Hehe. You're right....US News is the place to go.
Hehe. You're right....US News is the place to go.
Don't think US news is 100% reliable but Newsweek is even less so as proven by their 2016 Hillary fiasco.

The likes of Ajay Skula are getting more traction in global news giants then your pet dogs like Arnob goberswamy.
Ajai Shukla exposed by Indian army general.

As for Newsweek their 2016 hillary fiasco is enough proof of low reliability.
Epic Fail.
Other than Congress party and their workers like Ajai Shukla and Sawhney NOT a single soul is saying that Modi has surrendered land to China.
Newsweek is the same tabloid rag that printed copies of Hillary Clinton as winning Presidential elections before results only to get their faces in the mud after Trump won.:lol:
Congress party as well as other parties are regularly saying that government should take aggressive action, every one is in favour of giving out a response. Every one will support. Action has to be taken by government.
Even if Chinese have not entered Indian land, they have advanced from their previous positions and eaten up previous buffer zone/ no man's land. That's is the reason why Government is asking them to restore status quo ante 1 april. Government acknowledge that previous status quo has been demolished by Chinese action.
Why is government asking china, why not take action and enforce the chinese to abide by rules as set for previous so many decades.
No one would be asking government to take aggressive posture if the government hadn't openly proclaimed that they will teach a lesson to aggressor before elections. Now when the time has arrived they are chickening out like a dead dodo.
So many retired Generals and senior commanders have openly bashed government, including Gen. Panag.
Some retied officers have said china has not stepped onto indian land , but no one has ever denied that status quo has been disturbed and indian patrol parties have been prevented from patroling to points where they patrolled for many decades. No one denies that Chinese are now at places which India claimed as India's own and those claims were part of previous no mans land. Not so any more. And Chinese have not taken App deletion too serious.
Ah. yes. The term coined by the indian opposition for perceived failure to act against chinese expansionism. now appropriated by our friends from pakistan.

What it got to do with us? The international giant media houses are also finding the "surrender" and "Modi synonymous.

The reaction by IAF was unsatisfactory, they could have kept more and better assets on stand by. That being said, There was no way knowing what 18+ PAF planes where going to do until they came within 10 km of LOC. Keep in mind all this happened in a few minutes which makes intercepts hard. Remember during the Balakot raid the IAF jets were not intercepted and they crossed the international border and returned unmolested. The only saving grace for the IAF is that they denied PAF access to indian air space. Keep in mind in case of an all out conflict there would be no assumed ambiguity of intentions. The Indian jets would assume the 18+ PAF planes were hostile and respond long before they reached 10 km from LOC. This is when all the assets and numbers you mentioned will start to make a difference. By the end PAF had actual proof of a downed mig 21 while IAF has nothing beyond circumstantial evidence for a downed f16. So its 1-0. Not only that, they returned the pilot so IAF cannot make it 1-1 without looking like the bad guy. (and trust me they REALLY wanted to retaliate, I had inside info). The jingoists in India had their egos smashed while those in pakistan rejoiced like there was no tomorrow.

All in all I enjoyed the show and hope to see more of the same so we can analyze :coffee:

There is a wrong perception that IAF crossed into Pakistani airspace as such. You see, we both have this gentlemen agreement that we will not shoot down each other jets within 10 mile buffer zone over our border airspace. This is respected by both parties because there are occasions where jets have overshot into each other airspace while turning back to their respective airspace. All IAF did was to take advantage of this agreement and released their SOWs while remaining within this "safe buffer zone" and not get shot down. They were definitely tracked by PAF CAP at that time. But ofcourse there was no way knowing that IAF jets will release their payload.

And what is the circumstantial evidence about dowing F16? All abhi Mig21 missiles are counted for attached with his ill fated jet. There are more circumstantial evidence of an SU30 being shotdown. its 2-0 .
Newsweek, The Times, the New York Times....heavyweight publications causing bhartis to pause and reflect on the lies sold to them by "US News", "New York Post" and the "Sunday Guardian"....

Hopefully Indians who actually worry about their country are realising the patterns here.

@Surya 1 @Raj-Hindustani @Mighty Lion

Hehe. You're right....US News is the place to go.

Very sadly to say that if the US news paper claim about chinese causalities then not accept and say, telling lie.

but if suits then telling correct only. I have nothing to say here
As for Newsweek their 2016 hillary fiasco is enough proof of low reliability.

You insignificant billion plus rats can burn all the copies of newsweek for all the world care, you and your narrative do not matter. You and I, may or may not agree with their content, they still are global media house and what they write reaches global audience. Your Modi and India image is smashed to smithereens.
What it got to do with us? The international giant media houses are also finding the "surrender" and "Modi synonymous.
As far as I know there is no "surrender". There are talks going on for chinese to vacate finger 4 while IA and PLA militarizes the area. Lets see what happens.

There is a wrong perception that IAF crossed into Pakistani airspace as such. You see, we both have this gentlemen agreement that we will not shoot down each other jets within 10 mile buffer zone over our border airspace. This is respected by both parties because there are occasions where jets have overshot into each other airspace while turning back to their respective airspace. All IAF did was to take advantage of this agreement and released their SOWs while remaining within this "safe buffer zone" and not get shot down. They were definitely tracked by PAF CAP at that time. But ofcourse there was no way knowing that IAF jets will release their payload.
The airstrike was the first time since the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971 that attacking warplanes had crossed the Line of Control.
I believe they were tracked, by ground radar, not the cap. There is no way mirages can drop bombs in balakot while staying in the buffer zone because it is 40km from loc, i think. just look at a map. If you have any sources for your claims, please show me. I want to know the location of the cap when the IAF jets had struck. We can deduce a few things from that.

Also, There are holes in your theory for eg: why were the IAF jets not shot down after they dropped their payload because by then their intentions were clear.

And what is the circumstantial evidence about dowing F16?
1.blip lost on indian radar screen
2.another parachute were spotted going down along with abhi, though some say it was the mig 21's drogue chute
3.DG ISPR immidetly said it shot down 2 IAF jets and has 2 IAF pilots in custody. Later changed to just 1 pilot in custody. what happened to the second pilot?
and a few more i will have to search.
All abhi Mig21 missiles are counted for attached with his ill fated jet.
One of the R 73 missiles has its belly missing (which has the warhead) which makes sense because most missile hits happen by proximity fuse, not direct hits. I dont think it was found attached to the plane.
There are more circumstantial evidence of an SU30 being shotdown. its 2-0 .
like the patriotism :pakistan:
what are the circumstantial evidence for su 30 shot down?
Epic Fail.
Other than Congress party and their workers like Ajai Shukla and Sawhney NOT a single soul is saying that Modi has surrendered land to China.
Newsweek is the same tabloid rag that printed copies of Hillary Clinton as winning Presidential elections before results only to get their faces in the mud after Trump won.:lol:

Yes everything is an epic fail for you. Unless it's pro-Sangh sources it can't ever be true, there's no winning here with you.
Newsweek, The Times, the New York Times....heavyweight publications causing bhartis to pause and reflect on the lies sold to them by "US News", "New York Post" and the "Sunday Guardian"....

LMAO "the Sunday Guardian" what will the Indians produce next? "The Monday New York Times" , "the Saturday Newsweek".
As far as I know there is no "surrender". There are talks going on for chinese to vacate finger 4 while IA and PLA militarizes the area. Lets see what happens.

That's what you think or what to believe in. Doesn't necessarily mean its the reality. When millions global readers come across this news item, can easily make up their minds.

I believe they were tracked, by ground radar, not the cap. There is no way mirages can drop bombs in balakot while staying in the buffer zone because it is 40km from loc, i think. just look at a map. If you have any sources for your claims, please show me. I want to know the location of the cap when the IAF jets had struck. We can deduce a few things from that.

Also, There are holes in your theory for eg: why were the IAF jets not shot down after they dropped their payload because by then their intentions were clear.

First thing first, do you understand what SOWs are? The spice bomb IAF used?

No there was hot CAP on at the time from PAF side. We didn't shoot at IAF because the parameter in "peace time" were not meet. There was no war declared, neither any hostility from either side prior to that day. And there is no way of PAF knowing the intentions of IAF until they released their payload, while staying well within the safe buffer zone. Please speak to anyone in IAF and ask them about this agreement of "buffer zone" we both agree on.

1.blip lost on indian radar screen
2.another parachute were spotted going down along with abhi, though some say it was the mig 21's drogue chute
3.DG ISPR immidetly said it shot down 2 IAF jets and has 2 IAF pilots in custody. Later changed to just 1 pilot in custody. what happened to the second pilot?
and a few more i will have to search.

Shot the F16 with what? All Missiles attached with Mig21 are accounted for, unfired.

This is not circumstantial evidence but actual physical , all to see facts: Please do watch, its very important.

like the patriotism :pakistan:
what are the circumstantial evidence for su 30 shot down?

Ask your "insiders" where do they found this AMRAAM from ;) . That ill fated Mi17 also give tell tale signs.

That's what you think or what to believe in. Doesn't necessarily mean its the reality. When millions global readers come across this news item, can easily make up their minds.
What I said are facts. But I understand why you would not want to believe them. Let me ask you. Assume, china takes over ladhak, what will stop them from taking Kashmir next? Do you have any idea how they treat muslims? Do you have any idea how lucky you are to have india between you and china?

First thing first, do you understand what SOWs are? The spice bomb IAF used?

No there was hot CAP on at the time from PAF side. We didn't shoot at IAF because the parameter in "peace time" were not meet. There was no war declared, neither any hostility from either side prior to that day. And there is no way of PAF knowing the intentions of IAF until they released their payload, while staying well within the safe buffer zone. Please speak to anyone in IAF and ask them about this agreement of "buffer zone" we both agree on.
yes I know about spice bombs. I saw the four holes on that building. But you still have not answered my query:
I believe they were tracked, by ground radar, not the cap. There is no way mirages can drop bombs in balakot while staying in the buffer zone because it is 40km from loc, i think. just look at a map. If you have any sources for your claims, please show me. I want to know the location of the cap when the IAF jets had struck. We can deduce a few things from that.

Also, There are holes in your theory for eg: why were the IAF jets not shot down after they dropped their payload because by then their intentions were clear.

Shot the F16 with what? All Missiles attached with Mig21 are accounted for, unfired.
Also like I mentioned: One of the R 73 missiles has its belly missing (which has the warhead) which makes sense because most missile hits happen by proximity fuse, not direct hits.

This is not circumstantial evidence but actual physical , all to see facts: Please do watch, its very important.

Brother this is zaid hamid level propaganda video by DG ISPR. please be serious here and rebut the circumstantial evidence.
1.blip lost on indian radar screen
2.another parachute were spotted going down along with abhi, though some say it was the mig 21's drogue chute
3.DG ISPR imminently said it shot down 2 IAF jets and has 2 IAF pilots in custody. Later changed to just 1 pilot in custody. what happened to the second pilot?

Ask your "insiders" where do they found this AMRAAM from ;) . That ill fated Mi17 also give tell tale signs.

View attachment 651647
How is a part of a BVR fragment evidence for su 30 kill? It just bolsters IAF theory that it evaded the missiles. Because like I said earlier, if the missile hit, the belly would be missing.
What I said are facts. But I understand why you would not want to believe them. Let me ask you. Assume, china takes over ladhak, what will stop them from taking Kashmir next? Do you have any idea how they treat muslims? Do you have any idea how lucky you are to have india between you and china?

yes I know about spice bombs. I saw the four holes on that building. But you still have not answered my query:

Also like I mentioned: One of the R 73 missiles has its belly missing (which has the warhead) which makes sense because most missile hits happen by proximity fuse, not direct hits.

Brother this is zaid hamid level propaganda video by DG ISPR. please be serious here and rebut the circumstantial evidence.
1.blip lost on indian radar screen
2.another parachute were spotted going down along with abhi, though some say it was the mig 21's drogue chute
3.DG ISPR imminently said it shot down 2 IAF jets and has 2 IAF pilots in custody. Later changed to just 1 pilot in custody. what happened to the second pilot?

How is a part of a BVR fragment evidence for su 30 kill? It just bolsters IAF theory that it evaded the missiles. Because like I said earlier, if the missile hit, the belly would be missing.
Why is India trying to censor American Osint that provides evidence India did not shoot down F 16?
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