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China Expands Military at India Border as Modi Accused of Surrendering Land.. Newsweek

Taimoor Khan

Jan 20, 2016
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United Kingdom

China Expands Military at India Border as Modi Accused of Surrendering Land
By David Brennan On 7/13/20 at 6:17 AM EDT

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is facing domestic criticism for allegedly surrendering land to Chinese forces along the disputed Himalayan border between the two nations, where dozens of soldiers are believed to have died in hand-to-hand fighting last month.

Modi, a populist right-wing leader who secured a second term in office last year, has tried to frame the violence and subsequent de-escalation as a story of Indian success.

The prime minister visited the border last week, telling troops: "History is witness that expansionist forces have either lost or were forced to turn back," referring to Chinese forces in the region.

But The New York Times reported this weekend that the Chinese have undertaken a major build-up of forces in the disputed area, setting up new tents and storage facilities supported by artillery pieces, boats and even tanks.

Citing satellite images of the valleys and mountains that form the Line of Actual Control⁠—a loose demarcation line established after the 1962 Sino-Indian War⁠—the Times and other observers have said that Chinese troops have maintained positions on the Indian side of the frontier despite Modi's claims of victory.

Undeterred by the brutal hand-to-hand fighting and international condemnation—including from the U.S.—Chinese forces appear to be there to stay. India said earlier this month it had also deployed more forces to the contested areas to match the Chinese build-up.

Pro-government Indian media coverage has praised Modi's response, claiming that the prime minister "called China's bluff."

The mouthpiece of the right-wing paramilitary Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh group—aligned with Modi's nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party and counting the prime minister as a former member—said Modi was "leading from the front" in contrast to Chinese President Xi Jinping, who it described as "ambitious" but "insecure."

But not everyone has fallen in line behind Modi, though politicians and media from across the Indian spectrum have condemned China and warned of consequences for any further provocations.

Rahul Gandhi, the former leader of the opposition Indian Congress Party and a member of the Nehru-Gandhi political dynasty, has repeatedly demanded more of the prime minister. On Sunday, he asked Modi on Twitter how China "took away the sacred land of Mother India."

The opposition has struggled to handle Modi's BJP government, which remains widely popular despite allegations that the prime minister is fanning communal tensions and failing to handle the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. For Congress and other Modi critics, his perceived weakness in the face of Chinese aggression could be useful.

Gareth Price, a senior research fellow at the Chatham House think tank, told Newsweek that Modi's brand of Hindu nationalism is "all about" projecting strength, but that India is facing a China that is clearly richer and more powerful.

"It is an opportunity to show Modi is not as tough as he thinks he is," Price explained, even though a relatively pliant media and weak opposition means the PM will likely not suffer too much.

Gandhi shared an interview with Business Standard journalist Colonel Ajai Shukla, who has repeatedly claimed that Chinese troops have not disengaged in key disputed areas and are refusing to withdraw from occupied Indian territory.

"The government is misleading the media," Shukla said, claiming that the Chinese incursions represent "the largest loss of territory to China since the 1962 war."

Former Indian National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon told The Hindu this weekend that both sides are currently in "the fog of peace," with not enough information or clarity on China's motivations.

India's relationship with the U.S., he said, could be part of the puzzle. Modi and President Donald Trump have lauded their personal friendship and committed to closer ties, underscored by large weapons deals. After the border clashes, U.S. lawmakers and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo sided with New Delhi against Beijing.

"What they're doing suggests that they've come to the conclusion that India has already crossed a certain point in its relationship with the U.S. and is effectively working with the U.S. on China," Menon told The Hindu. If they have come to that conclusion, they could be doing this to actually show the U.S. that, look, they can't count on India as an ally in dealing with China."

Tensions had been rising along the mountainous frontier since April when Chinese troops were accused of crossing the LoC and setting up military positions on the disputed territory. This followed years of Chinese activity along the border, with investment plowed into new roads, surveillance systems and military posts to better serve the remote frontier.

India has long lagged behind China along the border, though in recent years has accelerated plans for new roads and other supply infrastructure in response to Chinese activity.

Confrontations and clashes along the 2,520-mile-long border are not uncommon, but last month's violence was the first time that any troops had been killed by hostile action since the 1962 conflict.
What can I see from Indian side situation, is that they're not united. Those politicians, news media are pumping their rhetoric to attack their own head of Government, Modi. Boosting China aggressiveness to blame Modi. And make him looks incompetent. Thus force Modi to take more popular decision that may defeat India interest, and perhaps even put them into a very dangerous decision. Like declaring war to China.

This is normal to most democratic nations, as everything based on popularity. Not the decision to move forward the country. A crisis won't make the people united, instead of to blame each others. Politicians won't support their head of government, and bring the crisis down, but rather blaming him, denounce him, etc, to make the head of government look like a fool. Then, if that happen, then how can the leadership move forward to bring the country forward?

Modi will have to focus on protecting himself, rather than solving the crisis on hand. And this reality is dangerous.
What can I see from Indian side situation, is that they're not united. Those politicians, news media are pumping their rhetoric to attack their own head of Government, Modi. Boosting China aggressiveness to blame Modi. And make him looks incompetent. Thus force Modi to take more popular decision that may defeat India interest, and perhaps even put them into a very dangerous decision. Like declaring war to China.

This is normal to most democratic nations, as everything based on popularity. Not the decision to move forward the country. A crisis won't make the people united, instead of to blame each others. Politicians won't support their head of government, and bring the crisis down, but rather blaming him, denounce him, etc, to make the head of government look like a fool. Then, if that happen, then how can the leadership move forward to bring the country forward? Modi will have to focus on protecting himself, rather than solving the crisis on hand.
It wasn't media or general populace that made the statement in parliament that they are getting back aksai chin and rest of kashmir and will fight till last drop of blood. They are failing to fight to protect even existing territory.
Why blame the media now, strongman came to power for teaching Pakistan a lesson and stare down china. Time is here and now, comeon lets go!
As the dust settles - Indian citizens smell the reality.....

Lost 20 soldiers in a ferocious hand to hand combat
Lost huge amount of land to the Chinese
Had prisoners taken and then released
Had their chief pretend to walk round in a makeshift hospital

And now realize they have suffered a most humiliating loss - wake up Indians and smell the reality....
What can I see from Indian side situation, is that they're not united. Those politicians, news media are pumping their rhetoric to attack their own head of Government, Modi. Boosting China aggressiveness to blame Modi. And make him looks incompetent. Thus force Modi to take more popular decision that may defeat India interest, and perhaps even put them into a very dangerous decision. Like declaring war to China.

This is normal to most democratic nations, as everything based on popularity. Not the decision to move forward the country. A crisis won't make the people united, instead of to blame each others. Politicians won't support their head of government, and bring the crisis down, but rather blaming him, denounce him, etc, to make the head of government look like a fool. Then, if that happen, then how can the leadership move forward to bring the country forward?

Modi will have to focus on protecting himself, rather than solving the crisis on hand. And this reality is dangerous.

India is anything but democratic. Democracy is not the name of who win on the election day but subsequent behaviour of open and accountable government. This whole situation is raising because Indian leadership is blatantly lieing to their nation about the actual situation on the border with China , worse claming victory in an abject defeat and surrender.
Everyone knows that last year Pakistan spanked india hard and everyone knows india lost territory to china this year, its only the brain dead stupid sanghis who dont know anything.
What can I see from Indian side situation, is that they're not united. Those politicians, news media are pumping their rhetoric to attack their own head of Government, Modi. Boosting China aggressiveness to blame Modi. And make him looks incompetent. Thus force Modi to take more popular decision that may defeat India interest, and perhaps even put them into a very dangerous decision. Like declaring war to China.

This is normal to most democratic nations, as everything based on popularity. Not the decision to move forward the country. A crisis won't make the people united, instead of to blame each others. Politicians won't support their head of government, and bring the crisis down, but rather blaming him, denounce him, etc, to make the head of government look like a fool. Then, if that happen, then how can the leadership move forward to bring the country forward?

Modi will have to focus on protecting himself, rather than solving the crisis on hand. And this reality is dangerous.
India is an artificial country, I mean it. So there is no way they can be united.

If they have come to that conclusion, they could be doing this to actually show the U.S. that, look, they can't count on India as an ally in dealing with China."

These comments by Pompeo are very interesting. Even the US may be reading this as a demonstration of what they should and shouldn't expect from India against China.

The are really in a tight spot now. The West and especially the United States expects India to help contain China. A lot of investment and help has been coming because if that expectation.

However, if the Indians fail to retaliate (even if they end up losing), the West may indeed conclude that India is not going to be of much to them against China. This may mean a negative shift in the west's attitude towards India. Which is much more dependent on the West than China.

However, if they do stand up to China and find themselves in either a shooting war or even a prolonged confrontation on the border they are likely to suffer a lot as well.

Between a rock and a hard place.

Let's see what the Indians choose.

China Expands Military at India Border as Modi Accused of Surrendering Land
By David Brennan On 7/13/20 at 6:17 AM EDT

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is facing domestic criticism for allegedly surrendering land to Chinese forces along the disputed Himalayan border between the two nations, where dozens of soldiers are believed to have died in hand-to-hand fighting last month.

Modi, a populist right-wing leader who secured a second term in office last year, has tried to frame the violence and subsequent de-escalation as a story of Indian success.

The prime minister visited the border last week, telling troops: "History is witness that expansionist forces have either lost or were forced to turn back," referring to Chinese forces in the region.

But The New York Times reported this weekend that the Chinese have undertaken a major build-up of forces in the disputed area, setting up new tents and storage facilities supported by artillery pieces, boats and even tanks.

Citing satellite images of the valleys and mountains that form the Line of Actual Control⁠—a loose demarcation line established after the 1962 Sino-Indian War⁠—the Times and other observers have said that Chinese troops have maintained positions on the Indian side of the frontier despite Modi's claims of victory.

Undeterred by the brutal hand-to-hand fighting and international condemnation—including from the U.S.—Chinese forces appear to be there to stay. India said earlier this month it had also deployed more forces to the contested areas to match the Chinese build-up.

Pro-government Indian media coverage has praised Modi's response, claiming that the prime minister "called China's bluff."

The mouthpiece of the right-wing paramilitary Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh group—aligned with Modi's nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party and counting the prime minister as a former member—said Modi was "leading from the front" in contrast to Chinese President Xi Jinping, who it described as "ambitious" but "insecure."

But not everyone has fallen in line behind Modi, though politicians and media from across the Indian spectrum have condemned China and warned of consequences for any further provocations.

Rahul Gandhi, the former leader of the opposition Indian Congress Party and a member of the Nehru-Gandhi political dynasty, has repeatedly demanded more of the prime minister. On Sunday, he asked Modi on Twitter how China "took away the sacred land of Mother India."

The opposition has struggled to handle Modi's BJP government, which remains widely popular despite allegations that the prime minister is fanning communal tensions and failing to handle the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. For Congress and other Modi critics, his perceived weakness in the face of Chinese aggression could be useful.

Gareth Price, a senior research fellow at the Chatham House think tank, told Newsweek that Modi's brand of Hindu nationalism is "all about" projecting strength, but that India is facing a China that is clearly richer and more powerful.

"It is an opportunity to show Modi is not as tough as he thinks he is," Price explained, even though a relatively pliant media and weak opposition means the PM will likely not suffer too much.

Gandhi shared an interview with Business Standard journalist Colonel Ajai Shukla, who has repeatedly claimed that Chinese troops have not disengaged in key disputed areas and are refusing to withdraw from occupied Indian territory.

"The government is misleading the media," Shukla said, claiming that the Chinese incursions represent "the largest loss of territory to China since the 1962 war."

Former Indian National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon told The Hindu this weekend that both sides are currently in "the fog of peace," with not enough information or clarity on China's motivations.

India's relationship with the U.S., he said, could be part of the puzzle. Modi and President Donald Trump have lauded their personal friendship and committed to closer ties, underscored by large weapons deals. After the border clashes, U.S. lawmakers and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo sided with New Delhi against Beijing.

"What they're doing suggests that they've come to the conclusion that India has already crossed a certain point in its relationship with the U.S. and is effectively working with the U.S. on China," Menon told The Hindu. If they have come to that conclusion, they could be doing this to actually show the U.S. that, look, they can't count on India as an ally in dealing with China."

Tensions had been rising along the mountainous frontier since April when Chinese troops were accused of crossing the LoC and setting up military positions on the disputed territory. This followed years of Chinese activity along the border, with investment plowed into new roads, surveillance systems and military posts to better serve the remote frontier.

India has long lagged behind China along the border, though in recent years has accelerated plans for new roads and other supply infrastructure in response to Chinese activity.

Confrontations and clashes along the 2,520-mile-long border are not uncommon, but last month's violence was the first time that any troops had been killed by hostile action since the 1962 conflict.

Where is Arnab and others of his like.. cant wait for them to unleash their funny tirade on news media.. their twist, "they are saying all this because India bought soviet machinery not the western"... rofl
India is an artificial country, I mean it. So there is no way they can be united.

According to this:

They are united.
why does chinese media only show a negative view of india? why does it not say that it has a free press that shines a light on all the issues you mentioned? why does it not mention that as a country, it is moving towards a liberal and progressive future? why does it not mention that it has a very diverse population but still manages to keep them united?
India is anything but democratic. Democracy is not the name of who win on the election day but subsequent behaviour of open and accountable government. This whole situation is raising because Indian leadership is blatantly lieing to their nation about the actual situation on the border with China , worse claming victory in an abject defeat and surrender.
Modi claim victory after Feb. 29th. LMAOROF.
What's more, this guy was awarded. For what? That's Indianness you can't beat. Such a shame.

Wing Commander Abhinandan to be awarded Vir Chakra
This article is full of errors like this one:
Confrontations and clashes along the 2,520-mile-long border are not uncommon, but last month's violence was the first time that any troops had been killed by hostile action since the 1962 conflict.
The last time troops died were during the india china conflict of 1967

People who actually did some research wrote this:
What does this data tell us? We assess that India has key under-appreciated conventional advantages that reduce its vulnerability to Chinese threats and attacks. India appears to have cause for greater confidence in its military position against China than is typically acknowledged in Indian debates, providing the country an opportunity for leadership in international efforts toward nuclear transparency and restraint.
Modi claim victory after Feb. 29th. LMAOROF.
What's more, this guy was awarded. For what? That's Indianness you can't beat. Such a shame.
View attachment 651585
Wing Commander Abhinandan to be awarded Vir Chakra
For going against multiple F16s with a Mig21, A david vs Goliath(s) match up
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