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10 captives, Over 20 soldiers, including Commanding Officer killed at Galwan border clash with China

the same US intelligence whom belive WMD in iraq ?????????





THe lynching of Indian soldiers will have prolonged psychological implications of future Indian fighting force. I think their defense will completely crumble based on current circumstances.
An observation. Indians are not challenging China but rather showing their discontent on what has happened, partly blaming their government and partly their military leaders who have no idea how to manage this situation. After all, who sends their soldiers to liberate occupied territory bare hand?

I am afraid some frustrated Indians might start torching their national flags because they are made in China.

Abhi tak har cheez Pakistan ki copy karte rahay ho. Aj bhi indian army ne jawano ko saray means aur weapons use karne ki ijazat de di. Yeh bhi Pakistan se copy kia when post-Salala, GHQ ne Pakistani faujio ko USA par fire back karne ki ijazat de di thi.

Is mushkil se nikalne k liye bhi Pakistan se Track 2 diplomacy rastay help maang lo k kesay nikla jaye

Or 56" ego too arrogant to contact Pakistan for that?
Language is one issue. There are a lot of useless people in our propaganda department too...
Yes I agree. I think the Chinese policy of keeping low profile and concentrating on what matters, building economy up and at costs avoiding confrontation [at point of looking meek] worked wonders but now is time for China to up the ante. Which I think under Xi is happening.
i think India first see what is their faults such as equipment that are necessary for a soldier to defend itself in any ESCALATION & TRAINING to increase the ability of its soldiers PHYSICALLY & MENTALLY instead of competition in number game. with these condition India will not win a even 1 front war
A VIGOROUS TRAINING that the soldier have full confidence on its own that he can fight & kill the enemy instead of jumping from cliff or in river.
i think that every fight will fight PHYSICALLY but VICTORY come from PSYCHOLOGICALLY. I MIGHT BE WRONG.
Time to take stock...with studied detachment...

Since, it is not just about India vs. China but rather the Future of Asian Century.... that in a couple of decades Asia might become Sovereign and Free Again!!!

We all are going to die...one prays for peaceful, honourable death for one's self and others....
Life is harsh as it is... at least Death could be beautiful!!!!

The Context of Current Evolving Situation:

The Chinese have historic claims..with added facts... on Ladakh.. even during the BritishRaj they didn't agree to any of the settlements proposed by the British be it in Culcutta or else where... the Chinese didn't relenquish their claims... hence there was no 'border' between ImperialBritian and China...even in the last Dynasty time.

Despite being destroyed with Opium and Burning down of the SummerPalace
... the Chinese as people and State had a sense of themselves.... although forced to lease HongKong and Maccau... but with a timeline of return to The MiddleKingdom.

BritishIndia was not only CrownColony but a state fashioned in BritishImage...with railroads, roads, education, administration (Babucracy), judiciary, police and of course, armed forces.... a modern state architecture...functioning to the benefit of the BritishRuling...

China couldn't be colonised as BritishIndia hence
... the ChineseState remained a continuation of the MandrinSystem ... until the LongMarch ended the CivilWar and China became PRC.... even then a backward state compared to BritishIndia!

We must recall TheGreatGame between Czarist Imperial Russia and BritishEmpire .... playing out in CentralAsia... Kashmir was then also a very StrategicArea ....

With Communists in China and USSR in CentralAsia...the ImperialMinds were looking at a LongGame of the ensuing ColdWar... Sino-USSR as one block at that time..

The Rise of ModernTurkey after the dismantling of the Ottomons was a lesson for the Geostrategists of the West to not let another IndpendentActor emerge from the IslamicWorld that could pose a threat to the emerging Global Power Architecture of that time.

Had it not been for OurElders ...there wouldn't have been a Pakistan... because the Geostrategists wanted to create a SuperIndianState against the Soviets and the Chinese block...

We wanted the following:


But agreeing to it would create a Powerful Muslim State that could become not only a catalyst for other muslims states but could might shift the PowerBalance ... designed/intended by the Victors of the GreatWar!

The evidence of which was seen with German alliance/partnership with the OurTurkishState.... thoughts were of OilPipeline from Iraq to Balkans on to Berlin!!!

BritishIndia was GeoConstruct of an Empire as its GreatColony...a kinda consolidated landmass under the Rules Britania!

BrentwoodsAgreement needed a clearly defined WorldOrder... hence, the Geostrategist left behind a FunctioningModernState and named it India!

Its purpose:

To Keep China Out!

To Keep Pakistan Down!

In 1950s the Indian-British-US intelligence was at works to create troubles in Tibet to cut the size of China... it didn't workout as planned.

Annexation of Sikkim and SouthTibet were the earliest forms of ColourRevolutions... and it was done with the full backing of the Both ColdWarrior Blocks...since, by this time China had separated from USSR.

TibetanGovernmnent in Exile was the followup Project of the same enterprise... with India playing its intended role.

It is, also, imperative to understand that the so-called Non-AlignedMovement was designed to divide the GlobalSouth ...wean it away from the Soviet Ingress...hence, it was an Anglo-American Porject with frontman India/Nehru.

Without going into Pak-India conflict...and focusing only on the Sino-Indian equation... we can see the consistency of policies from both China and BritishIndia....

Nehru's Forward Policy needs to be seen as the Geostrategic Containment of China Project... though it ended equally bad as Tibet Project.

IndianState policy towards China, to this day, remains the continuation of the BritishIndia and later on Anglo-American policies.... hence, this new Concerts of Democracies, Quads or IndoPacificCommand ...shouldn't be seen as something new. Becuase, it is NOT!

In the last two decades the promotion of India as CounterWeight to China in the CombinedWestern media and helping it to join various fora which are part the existing WesternWorldOrder arhitectural pieces... all is the continuation of Keeping China Out!

However, KKH was the first Chinese piece on the GrandGame of Go ...which has evolved into CPEC ...and despite its War of Terror and Hybridwar on Pakistan... India has failed to Keep Pakistan Down!

With StrategicAgreements with the Quad... the ports and bases in India become available to the Quaderz... and India building Military Infrastructure nearest to XinJiang and Tibet... is the Continuation of ForwardPolicy of the ImerprialIndia.

The BroaderPicture:

With new, old ColdWar started by the US is to preserve the DollarSystem which has benefited the US led CombinedWest enormusly...also, giving the US freedom to print money without consequence.... China is the ONLY state which can defuse/reduce the PrintingPower ...and withit the Vitality of the DollarSystem.

India as GeoConstruct was always part of the WesternWorldOrder ...from which it benefited....both in Aid and Diplomatic support/cover ...shielding its WarCrimes against PakKashmiris despite the UN reports!!!

Since, the early 90s India has been overtly in the WesternCamp and the process has been accelearting with the NRIs pushing for greater Indo-Western Alliance against China and Pakistan.

The Decoupling from China is not a new Project but a continuation of a process started under Obama with AsiaPivot... making India as CentralPiece in this ChinaContainment Strategy as the Frontline State Against China... with continous bashing of Pakistan to keep Pakistan Down!

The Failure of BloodBorders Project and consequent exit from Kabulistan has left the Planners with lesser options against China's XinJiang... for now it is just passing Senate Bills and MediaRhetorics... same for Tibet or HongKong!

India's failure to put boots on the ground in Kabulistan was the first failure of the Built up Narrative of India as GreatPower... second failure was 27thFeb19.... exposing that the Emperor has NO Clothes!

SouthChinaSea would remain a PhotoOp for FNPs... with studied disengagement from both China and Quad to keep it a managable levels...

The refusal of the PacificNations to host the US BMs leaves the US with lesser options of pressure points.. herein, the Indo-US StrategicAgreement become of more CriticalValue for the US...

It is in this background that the Ladakh has become too strategic for both the US and China!!!

The Chinese leadership tried all to wean India away from the CombinedWest but the IndianState had/has Imperial Impulse it cann't resist...

The PLA moving in on Ladakh at the StrategicPoints and in consolidated manner is a PreventiveMove rather than an Agressive one...

The SCO/EurasianUnion and BRI are all complimentary to create Openings from the intended Containment of China ...

Gawadar in this context become something else altogether... that is the reason for the Rent-a-Terrorist violence in Balochistan... BLA being fully supported by India.. the last year's Attack on the Chinese Consulate in Karachi... or PC attack in Gawadar or the recent spike in terrorism against PakArmedForces and Civilians need to be seen the broader context!

In short, the PLA had to move in!

Disecting the Sino-Indian Stand-off:

The PLA came in with utmost clarity of purpose and with enough men and material to establish FACTS on the Ground!

It was/is a reaction to 5thAug19 of unilateral actions of India and in doing so nulifying all previous agreements with China regarding Ladakh!

Modi shot the first bullet!

Now either China could accept the new IndianStatusQuo or Create a new ChineseStatusQuo... China chose the later.

Since, the Chinese don't recognise any border with India in the IndianOccupiedKashmir..therefore, Ladakh... it doesn't matter where Indian troops relocate in Ladakh... the Chinese will keep extending the LAC in Ladakh.

The Strategic Aim of China now is clear: ChineseLadakh having Direct Borders with GB! Another road network from Tibet feeding into CPEC.

What appears from the news...is that the Indians troops tried to move in to expel the Chinese workers and gain territory to have a better position or increase negotiation power.

Looking at the numbers involved it doesn't appear to be some hot-tempers getting out of control
...but an Indian Operation gone rather belly up as @Signalian has outlined/analysed pages back!

If Mr. Pravin is calling it 'The Chinese Death Squad' ... massacring the Indian troops then we can safely say that something horriblly went wrong with the Indian Plans and the Chinese were prepared, ready and determined to Impose the new ChineseStatusQuo!

We have seen the engineering of the news about Indian losses.... how they appeared in a controlled, managed manner... also, doubling the Chinese losses to balance out the impact on the Indian public, already conditioned to believe in IndianSupremecy....

Though the IndianArmy statement was a little crest fallen... could be a tactic as well...so too premature to draw conclusions about it.

Modi has also said a few words and broken Omerta Oath...by saying : They (IndianTroops) died while killing them (the Chinese)!

Herein, the Indian media Manufacturing of Consent plays well for Indians... aided by the FaceSaving, understated statements from the PLA.... still Framing IndianAgression and giving the acceptance of the new ChineseStatusQuo by the Indians an exit strategy.... under the garb of 'De-escalation'!

For now we can only conclude that something Massive has happened and both sides are in evaluation mode for the next steps...

Possible Outcomes of the Death Toll:

1- China keeps the understatements going ..leaving the room open for the Indians to accept the new ChineseStatusQuo

India fights back to establish the Aug5th19 IndianStatusQuo

3- Both sides dig in and Eyeball-to-Eyeball situation ensues..with occasional clubbing of eachother

4- The US takes the lead and the CombinedWest raises the MediaRhetoric against the 'Chinese Agression' painting India as victim.... which would benefit the US but not India or Modi

5- Russia tries to come in... to mediate through SCO platform or Trilateral format... providing India as safe exist from the quick-sands it is now stuck in

6- The UN already has made a soundbite... which might help in the MediaSphere but will not extricate India

7- India will accelarte agression on CeaseFireLine ...not only to vent its frustration but also to discourage Pakistan from taking advantage of its predicament... as the IndianMedia has already started Framing the current Sino-Indian Stand-off as Sino-Pak Combined Enterprise!

Regardless, of the outcomes/scenarios one thing is now quite certain that in its new role as Frontline State Against China ... India has paid the first price and its Media Crafted Image of Great/Regional Power has come under very serious pressure..with long term strategic consequences in SouthAsia and SouthEastAsia!

The Difference between Rhetoric and Reality becomes nakedly clear when the Rubber Hits to Road...

A War between India and China will put the Region and Asia decades back in terms of climb towards Real Sovereignity and Actual Freedom... the Key Components of an Asian Century!!!

One can only hope that a Paradigm Shift happens in the Indian Imperial Mindset... and it can see with Clarity that the ThreeNulearPowers ...joined at the hip...cann't afford any conflict... let alone a military one.

Just a Thought: What Could be the Net Global Power Balance Effect if there is a TrilateralEconomicBlock between China, Pakistan and India?

For now we can only pray that Sanity pervails and no miscalculations happens... otherwise, The Biggest Can of Worms will be opened and looser will be Asians!


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