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Indian people's reception for Pakistan in CWG opening cerimony

We Got more than we asked for:

We got more than we asked for: Pakistan: Rediff Sports

Rashid Mahmood, manager of the Pakistan weightlifting team, admitted that they were expecting boos and taunts but the generosity of the Indian fans shocked them.

"We are very happy and delighted with the way we have been received in India. Right from the opening ceremony, we have been given a royal welcome. Before coming here, we were told a lot of things but that has all proved wrong. The people here are lovely and they are delighted to meet us. They have given us the feeling that they are proud to host us, which has really touched us a lot," he told rediff.com.

"Our families and friends called us from Pakistan after the opening ceremony and they also praised the response from the Indian people. When we came here even they were worried as to what would happen to us or if we do okay but now they are thrilled to participate," Mahmood added.

And the bonding continued on day one of the Delhi Games when Pakistan weightlifter Ghafoor Abdullah got a huge cheer every time he came to take his turn.
There is something fishy about this cheering.

1.) it was either an electronically controlled cheer which came from the sepakers to emulate real cheering from the indian people

2.) the indian crowd was told before hand to cheer for Pakistan to make Pakistan look bad and make india look "peaceful and innocent"

That must be it. I mean how hard is it to whisper the instructions and explain the motivations of course, when every person was entering the stadium. And of course, all the Indians in the stadium conspired to make it happen and executed the instructions to the fullest.
There is something fishy about this cheering.

1.) it was either an electronically controlled cheer which came from the sepakers to emulate real cheering from the indian people

2.) the indian crowd was told before hand to cheer for Pakistan to make Pakistan look bad and make india look "peaceful and innocent"


hatred is filled inside u.ppl like u cant even hear good something abt ur country even.
What a joke:rofl:

There is something fishy about this cheering.

1.) it was either an electronically controlled cheer which came from the sepakers to emulate real cheering from the indian people

Ohh yeah, and the entire 60,000 strong crowd was told to "Lip sync" to the fake cheer. Cm'mon boy, this is not olympics.

2.) the indian crowd was told before hand to cheer for Pakistan to make Pakistan look bad and make india look "peaceful and innocent"

As if we Indians would listen to them. Guess they were told to boo Kalmadi too.

Another conspiracy theory in making here.
according to soccom,60000 ppl were told by RAW agents to cheer.
That must be it. I mean how hard is it to whisper the instructions and explain the motivations of course, when every person was entering the stadium. And of course, all the Indians in the stadium conspired to make it happen and executed the instructions to the fullest.

This takes conspiracy theory paradigm to the next level.

BTW, why the hell are we trying to convince some chronic haters that Pakistani sports team was cheered. The crowd did what it did. Everyone is free to take it as they want...
Electronic cheers!!...kahan kahan se late ho ye sab....!!

After a second thoughts...may be you guys are right....aakhir hamari hindu mentality hi aisi hai...
Electronic cheers worked perfectly when the Pakistan team arrived but it failed miserably when Kalmadi was giving his speech, the electronic cheers suddenly turned into electronic hooting. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
There is something fishy about this cheering.

1.) it was either an electronically controlled cheer which came from the sepakers to emulate real cheering from the indian people

2.) the indian crowd was told before hand to cheer for Pakistan to make Pakistan look bad and make india look "peaceful and innocent"

How does cheering for Pakistan make Pakistan look bad and India look peaceful & innocent ? .. and if it does almost all of India would cheer for Pakistan - always. BJP & Shiv Sena would charter flights to send Indians to venues where Pak plays the world over.
This takes conspiracy theory paradigm to the next level.

BTW, why the hell are we trying to convince some chronic haters that Pakistani sports team was cheered. The crowd did what it did. Everyone is free to take it as they want...

Yeah. I mean how deep is the mistrust that a spontaneous public reactions is seen as planned. Did any Indian question the applauding Pakistani spectators when our cricket team visited them? Anyways, as you said, it isnt worth the effort.
There is something fishy about this cheering.

1.) it was either an electronically controlled cheer which came from the sepakers to emulate real cheering from the indian people

2.) the indian crowd was told before hand to cheer for Pakistan to make Pakistan look bad and make india look "peaceful and innocent"

I think S_O_C_O_M is joking.

I seriously doubt someone could be THAT moronic.
I guess some people will get blinded by this.

No actually, most people got a chance to open their eyes and see the light. But some remain obstinately blind ;)

Thankfully, the people who matter won't.

People who matter to whom? Sure as hell don't matter to us, or to the CWG.

Deep inside, Indians hope for nothing but utter destruction of Pakistan.

No, surprisingly we have a lot of other hopes! I was hoping this morning to meet my girlfriend after work. Damn, now I have to drive out that thought and focus on the utter destruction of Pakistan. Uh...focus....

Only thing that bharti guys want from Pakistan is Pakistan women (and not surprisingly).

No thanks. We are happy with Indian women.

There is something fishy about this cheering.

1.) it was either an electronically controlled cheer which came from the sepakers to emulate real cheering from the indian people

2.) the indian crowd was told before hand to cheer for Pakistan to make Pakistan look bad and make india look "peaceful and innocent"

There is something fishy about this post.

1.) It was either an electronically controlled post which came from the internet to emulate real post from S_O_C_O_M

2.) S_O_C_O_M was told before hand to post rubbish to make Pakistan look bad and make himself look like an idiot.

There, thats better.
Please watch this heart touching video of Pakistan team being welcomed by India at the Commonwealth Games 2010 with commentary from Australia.

As I am new memeber I can not provide direct link but please search "pakistan welcome cwg" on youtube and the video is titled "India Gives Huge Welcome to Pakistan! Commonwealth Games 2010 Opening Ceremony " :cheers:
the crowd was possibly cheering because this happened:

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